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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I probably posted this before re Jung HaeDang~Took it out of an article re YTM first teaser:


 평소 보기 힘든 코믹한 모습은 물론 다소 거친 말투와 수위높은 농담도 리얼한 연기로 선보일 배우 구혜선의 과감한 연기도전에 대중들의 이목이 집중될 전망이다. Jung HD will be comical as well as tough in her speaking manner and even in jokes. (After seeing her in NWD, I thnk this could be the real Koo! keke)

Woah, tomorrow is 3rd epi of NWD!! keke

Have a good day Sunnies!!

DC-GHS is already thinking about what banners and pix to use for the Congratulatory Rice Wreath for the press conference. Evergree spoke with YG and they did not have a confirmed date for the press conf yet. Although Koo looks pretty, I voted against pix of her in wedding dress. I think we need pix of her in the banner that is not related to her marriage. Don't you think?

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Thank dear cheerkoo for the info:kiss_closed:.Aahh! I'm really expecting for Koo's transformation in the drama since she's going to be a singer & will impersonate the diva UJW kyaaah! I really want to see her stepping up from her zone now.:phew: Praying for it to happen..pls.. keke. And yes, I do agree dear cheerkoo..it would be nice if Koo's banner is not related to her marriage life coz it's her own drama project to begin w/.:) Ugghh I'm still nervous but yeah.. Fighting Jung Hae Dang!:thumbsup:

Stills of Koo for YATM.:star:



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Gu Hye-sun shows off her dance moves for You’re Too Much


It’s been a while since we last saw newlywed Gu Hye-sun (Blood) in dramaland, but she’s making her comeback this year. She shows us her funny side in the teaser for MBC’s weekend drama You’re Too Much, where she’ll play a rough-and-tough girl who dreams of becoming a celebrity. It’s definitely a departure from her past roles where she’s been the hardworking Candy or princessy heiress.


The drama is about Uhm Jung-hwa (Witch’s Romance), who plays a top singer whose career rises and falls like an evanescent shooting star. Gu Hye-sun plays a copycat singer who eventually engages her in a rivalry to gain it all. It’s described as a bittersweet battle filled with both jealousy and empathy for each other’s situations.

In the recently released teaser, Gu Hye-sun says in her voiceover, “I wanted to become the real thing. A real singer. A real song. A real life.” Meanwhile, she snacks on the couch watching TV where we see real clips of Uhm Jung-hwa back in her ’90s pop diva days. Gu Hye-sun’s face changes from amusement to longing, and she starts emulating the moves she sees onscreen.

But her dancing is definitely more comically cute than sexy like Uhm Jung-hwa’s. Exhausted, she plops back down, and the scene cuts to a shiny black heel stepping on a tabloid magazine of Uhm Jung-hwa. Then we see Gu Hye-sun smiling back in our direction.

Brought to you by PD Baek Ho-min who helped create weekend hits like My Daughter Geum Sa-wol and Jang Bo-ri Is Here, the upcoming MBC drama You’re Too Much will follow Blow Breeze and premiere on March 4.


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I will translate few parts from @khs7's post above withe Koo as Jung HaeDang, where she is visiting her late mother in AhnGol-dang memorial place. Thank @khs7.

극 중 해당의 어머니가 안치된 곳으로 자신의 음반때문에 빚에 허덕이다 돌아가신 어머니가 보고싶거나 힘들 때 찾아오는 사연 깊은 곳이다. Jung HaeDang visits her mother when she misses her and feels stressed. HaeDang's mother passed away while trying to pay off Haedang's debt from making albums. 

가족을 부양하기 위해 그녀의 또 다른 이름, '유쥐나'로 밤무대 모창가수 활동을 하고 있다. 진짜 유지나보다 더 진짜같은 유지나가 되기 위해 노력하는 모습은 자신만의 진짜 노래, 진짜 무대를 갖고 싶었던 해당의 애절함이 담겨 있다. To support her family, HaeDang impersonates a famous singer Yoo Gina as  Yoo ZZina in a night club. Her ultimate desire is to sing her own authentic songs on a real stage as herself.

The production team of YTM posted a story of a real impersonating singer not too long ago. @ZamZam found it while back. thanks @ZamZam. Korea has a real famous male singer called Nah HoonAh and supposedly he had an impersonating-singer who called himself Nuh hoonah. Nuh worked hard to sound and act just like the real singer to support his family. But when he died, his headstone had an engraving of a song that he tried to sing as himself, Kim Gapsoon. But he was never recognized for that in his life. Supposedly, he told a reporter in an interview that, he wanted his children to know that he had indeed lived an authentic life even if he had to give up on himself. 

All the best to Koo. Fighting!!!

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Thanks @gayu312.

It seems to be an ?OT as oppose to MT? for Suh-Gang University. I know MT stands for Membership Trainig but OT must be Orientation Meeting. SuhGang University is having some type of meeting for its new entrants into the Journalism school. IG owner is a graduate of that university and attended the meeting. 

구혜선 악동뮤지션 박남정 ㅋ 동문의 힘이란 ㅋㅋ GHS, AkDong Musician, Park NamJung, etc.
#서강대언론대학원 #구혜선 #악동뮤지션 #파주#지지향 #신입생오티 It also says Paju. Maybe that is the university's location? GHS used to live in Paju before marrying. But we know that Koo did not go to SuGang U. The pix of Koo on the screen seems to be from her Dark Yellow exhibition...maybe one of the students or graduates from SuhGang U interviewed her and wanted her to send congratulatory remark to the new entrants?

Thanks @dee_dina for the second YTM teaser. According to synopsis of the drama that I read earlier, Um is loved by the first son of CEO--actor Jung's role--sorry, forgot his name----maybe the actor JaeHee will play the other man in Um character's life for the 3-way love triangle? How Koo's character is involved with JaeHee charater is yet to be known. Very much looking forward to March 4th!! May YTM be DAEBOK for every single person invovled in it!!!!! :wub:

Teaser says (just took what Um says on teaser; the first quote is by a man's voice): "You are looking sexier as you get older"...You have taken as much as you can from me....What are you doing? Why is he not looking at me? Maybe he does not recognize me?..what do you want me to do with it? wash it? me?..what kind of!!!...There are times when living feels like a joke...It is colder than I thought (when sitting with Koo at the lake?)...(Um looking at JaeHee)I have a feeling I am done as a woman...Being alone is the scariest for me(when Um wakes up from nightmare?)...Useless to go back to sleep.." YTM!!!

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just to let you know that dc-ghs is working on deciding which pic to use for the rice wreath....so that you know what your donation is being used for.


They listed various pix of Koo to choose which one you may choose. If you want, you can post your preference by number. 

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More about YTM

재희는 극중 톱가수 유지나의 모창가수 유쥐나라는 예명으로 카바레 무대 위에 서는 정해당(구혜선 분)의 연인이자 매니저인 조성택 역을 맡는다. 해당과 10여년의 시간을 교제하며 가족부양이라는 큰 짐을 지고 사는 연인의 사정을 속속들이 아는, 그야말로 해당 마음의 안식처이자 또 다른 가족구성원과도 같은 인물이다. Actor Jae Hee makes a special appearance in YTM as GHS's character's love and manager of 10 years, Jo SungTak. He understands HaeDang's burden of supporting her family inside and out and he is her home-like supprot network. 

제작사 빅토리콘텐츠는 “재희는 이번 특별출연을 통해 극초반 인물간의 강한 갈등을 유발하는 중요한 역할을 맡아, 오랜 경력에서 나오는 베테랑 연기 내공으로 임팩트 있는 여운을 남길 것”이라고 내다봤다. Production companay Victoria Contents says: JaeHee's special appearance in the beginning part of the drama will bring out strong conflicts/emtions among the characters. His veteran acting background will have a great impact on the drama, 

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Thansk @kooswan

아주 오랜만에 드라마 촬영 중이예요. 극중 제가 맡은 역은 오랜시간 많은사랑을 받으며 최고의 스타 이지 가수인 유지나 라는 이름을가진 여자이구요. 꿈을 이루기 위해 스스로 버린게 많은 아픔을 가진 여자 예요. 구혜선씨가 맡은 정해당이란 이름을 가진 여자는 가수가 너무 되고 싶었지만 가장으로서 삶의 무게를 지탱하는 역으로 유지나 를 너무나 동경하는,, 모창가수의 삶을 살아가는 유쥐나라는 예명을 가진 맑고 순수한 영혼의 여자 예요. 이둘의 애환과 사랑이 엉키는 이야기 이고 정극드라마 예요. 정말 오랜만에 정극입니다. 재미있고 아픈 이야기가 섞여있어 연기하기에 다채로운 즐거움이 있어요. 기대해주세요~^^#주영훈#postino 의 신곡무대!! 저와 구혜선씨 각각의노래와 무대 역시 기다려주세요. I am in the middle of filming. It has been a while. My drama part is a well-loved famous singer and star named Yoo Jina. To achieve her dream, she willingly gave up a lot along the way and carry a lot of that pain. GHS-ssi's role is Jung HaeDang. Her character always wanted to be a singer, but, as the head of the family, her responsibility was too heavy. But her adoration of the singer Yoo Jina leads her to become a impersonating singer Yoo Zina and HaeDang is an honest and good woman. It is a positive stoyr of sorrows and love that link the two women together. It has been a while since I did a positive drama. I am enjoying playing the role because the story is a mixture of sadness and fun. And, please look forward to Joo YongHoon's new song! GHS and my individual songs and stage performances too.

I saw on dc-GHS. Press Conference for YTM is on 

017.02.28(화) 오후 3시----Feb 28, 2017 (Tuesday) at 3 PM

상암 MBC 1층 골든마우스홀 (서울시 마포구 성암로 267)--MBC's Goldenmouse Hall


Can't wait!! 

It is nice that two actors, Um and JaeHee are promoting YTM through their sns.

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15 hours ago, Fatma28 said:

<당신은 너무합니다> 엄정화-구혜선, 2종 포스터 속 '엇갈린 운명'? 이미지-1

<당신은 너무합니다> 엄정화-구혜선, 2종 포스터 속 '엇갈린 운명'? 이미지-2



 Very nice poster for YTM!! Make it DAEBOK, please!!!

But, I just noticed or my eyes deceive me..?? In the bottom poster, is GHS sitting on the chair with her feet dangling? It is dark that it is hard to make sure. But I wonder if the photo was taken that way on purpose? With a ribbon on her hair, I am reminded of a ventriloquist doll/dummy sitting on a chair....Anybody else get that feeling?

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1 hour ago, cheerkoo said:

 Very nice poster for YTM!! Make it DAEBOK, please!!!

But, I just noticed or my eyes deceive me..?? In the bottom poster, is GHS sitting on the chair with her feet dangling? It is dark that it is hard to make sure. But I wonder if the photo was taken that way on purpose? With a ribbon on her hair, I am reminded of a ventriloquist doll/dummy sitting on a chair....Anybody else get that feeling?


Now that you pointed it out, I agree with your observation Cheerkoo.  

Everyone knows that I am a great fan of GHS.  I've lost count on how many times I defended her with the anti-fans when I feel that their criticisms were not based on truth but out of malice because they dislike her.

Having said that, my first impression of the poster is that "something is wrong with this picture."  In the poster UJW's in this sexy, slinky black gown and GHS is wearing a dress.  Although it's black and pretty, it does not say to me that she's an impersonator.  When you're impersonating someone, you copy not only their mannerisms but the way they dress...much like the professional impersonators for popular singers like Katy Perry or Lady Gaga.  They not only wore clothes those artists wore, they also made themselves look like them with their hair and make-up.

GHS's characterization of Jung HaeDang will not work if she wore impersonation clothes that are not compatible with what UJW's Yoo Jina would wear when she's performing.  

For the poster, GHS should have worn a black gown that's similar to what UJW's wearing to make it more convincing.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that what I fear will not happen.  GHS should delve inside the skin of Yoo Gina when her character is impersonating her, otherwise it would not work if she's performing wearing ajumma costumes.

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The 2 posters above are just simply showing the progression of her age and growing up.
It may not be the typical korean drama poster but it has more meaning and depth.
It's showing a little girl (3rd grade) is trying to imitate her idol as best she could.
As a liittle girl still....
1) her feet are not touching the floor 
2) flower headband ( typical liittle girl accessory)
3) sitting with fixed smile & hands on her lap (are all typical elementary school yearbook photo

Another poster
Just showing her as a teenager walking pass her idol 

Notes: I'm sure more posters of her progession in character will be comming (but not too soon, just to keep some mystery in her transformation for later date. Then you will see all dress up and sexy JungHaeDang, I'm sure

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http://sports.donga.com/3/all/20170223/83021778/1    translated a little bit only.

당신은 너무합니다’ 엄정화X구혜선, 美친 조합 온다

입력 2017-02-23 07:31:00

YTM: Um and Koo's nice collaboration coming soon.



‘당신은 너무합니다’ 엄정화X구혜선, 美친 조합 온다
"YTM" Um and Koo's beautiful collaboration coming soon.
MBC 새 주말드라마 ‘당신은 너무합니다’(극본 하청옥, 연출 백호민)가 포스터 2종을 추가 공개했다.
‘당신은 너무합니다’는 불꽃같은 인생을 사는 스타가수 유지나(엄정화 분)와 그녀의 모창가수 정해당(구혜선 분)의 애증과 연민이 얽힌 인생사를 그린 작품. 

23일 추가로 공개된 포스터는 엄정화·구혜선의 앨범자켓 버전과 모든 주요 출연진이 등장하는 단체컷으로 이뤄졌다. 먼저 엄정화·구혜선의 다른 듯 닮은 케미로 극과 극 매력을 선보인 2인 포스터의 앨범 자켓 버전은 신선한 소재와 함께 실제 판매되고 있는 앨범이라고 착각할 정도로 정교한 모습. New poster looks like a CD and even lists 3 songs that will actually be played in the drama. One can almost make a mistake that it is an actual CD.

특히 수록된 트랙 중 1번부터 3번까지 목록이 공개돼 시청자들의 궁금증을 더욱 유발한다. 공개된 수록곡은 ‘Let me cry(렛 미 크라이), 에메랄드, 나는 누구’로 실제 극 중에 나올 예정이며 엄정화-구혜선의 각각 색다른 음색으로 어떤 음악이 탄생할 것인지 첫 방송을 더욱 기다리게 한다. Songs titles listed are: Let Me Cry; Emerald; Who Am I. There is an anticipation as to how the songs will be sung by Um and Koo. 


이어 공개된 단체 포스터는 개성 넘치는 등장인물 17명을 한 눈에 볼 수 있게 구성했다. 엄정화, 구혜선과 함께 강태오, 전광렬, 정겨운, 정혜선, 손태영, 조성현, 윤아정, 김보연, 강남길, 신다은, 김형범, 이재은, 김규선, 정해나, 아역 정현준까지 등장해 각자의 캐릭터에 맞게 포즈를 취하고 있어 과연 이들이 어떤 이야기를 그려 나갈지 기대를 모은다.
Yet another poster has pix of all the major actors who will be appearing in the drama--all 17 of them.

한편 ‘당신은 너무합니다’는 스타가수와 그녀의 모창가수가 얽히고설키며 펼쳐지는 이야기를 통해 인간에 대한 깊은 이해의 시간을 마련한 작품으로 3월 4일 저녁 8시 45분 첫 방송된다. First episode starts on March 4th at 8::45 PM.

Please DAEBOK for all concerned, esp KOO!!! Fighting!!!

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