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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Hello Sunnies!  The anticipation is really building up for Ep 5!    I've been reading all of your posts here and in the AE thread and am awed by all of your analysis and interpretation of the storyline!  I admit that this is a very well written and executed drama, one of the best if not the best I've seen in awhile. However, I'm simply enjoying AE and savoring every moment of it because of our GHS and being able to see her act again.  I think she's doing a wonderful job, and I have fallen in love with YSW, a character that she portrays very convincingly in just two short episodes.  SW is courageous, kind, mischievous, determined, funny,and warm, not to mention beautiful, and GHS really pulls it off.   I kind of feel the same way that I feel towards SW that I do for Yang Gukhwa, my favorite character portrayed by GHS thus far.  And it's funny that I feel the "perfection" of her partnership with LSY as I did for Suh Jisuk of Pure 19.  When these two are together, it's magical, and really makes me giddy! kekeke....  Anyways, really looking forward to the next couple of episodes and really, it wasn't too bad to have to wait another week - I rewatched ep 3-4 a zillion times and never got tired of it  Regarding her contract with YG Family, I'd be kind of sad if she were to leave.  She has a very good relationship with the YG President, and really, he did give her the freedom to pursue all of her interests and gave her a lot of support even if we may have not been aware of it.  She was able to film Yosool because of his financial backing, and I liked that he encouraged all the proceeds go towards charity.  Additionally now that they're showing more interest in their actors and have recently picked up some very talented reputable actors, I am curious to see what kind of opportunities would come her way, as an actress and/or as a director.  And I feel that YG has a lot of resources that could only help her in the future.  BTW, does GHS have a new manager?  In some of the BTS photos, I've seen a male "someone" who looks like he could be her manager.  And now that she has a much busier schedule, she must need help with transportation and things, right?  Just wondering....Thanks Sunnies for your great posts, pictures, videos, and all the information that you bring to the threads.  You're all great and I really appreciate it! Please be careful, stay well, and woo hoo, let's enjoy Ep 5 + 6!!!!!  <:-P     P.S.  I would LOVE for GHS to sing a song for this drama - possibly a duet with LSY?    :x

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Guest OliviaH

kgrl43 said: Hello Sunnies!  The anticipation is really building up for Ep 5!    I've been reading all of your posts here and in the AE thread and am awed by all of your analysis and interpretation of the storyline!  I admit that this is a very well written and executed drama, one of the best if not the best I've seen in awhile. However, I'm simply enjoying AE and savoring every moment of it because of our GHS and being able to see her act again.  I think she's doing a wonderful job, and I have fallen in love with YSW, a character that she portrays very convincingly in just two short episodes.  SW is courageous, kind, mischievous, determined, funny,and warm, not to mention beautiful, and GHS really pulls it off.   I kind of feel the same way that I feel towards SW that I do for Yang Gukhwa, my favorite character portrayed by GHS thus far.  And it's funny that I feel the "perfection" of her partnership with LSY as I did for Suh Jisuk of Pure 19.  When these two are together, it's magical, and really makes me giddy! kekeke....  Anyways, really looking forward to the next couple of episodes and really, it wasn't too bad to have to wait another week - I rewatched ep 3-4 a zillion times and never got tired of it  Regarding her contract with YG Family, I'd be kind of sad if she were to leave.  She has a very good relationship with the YG President, and really, he did give her the freedom to pursue all of her interests and gave her a lot of support even if we may have not been aware of it.  She was able to film Yosool because of his financial backing, and I liked that he encouraged all the proceeds go towards charity.  Additionally now that they're showing more interest in their actors and have recently picked up some very talented reputable actors, I am curious to see what kind of opportunities would come her way, as an actress and/or as a director.  And I feel that YG has a lot of resources that could only help her in the future.  BTW, does GHS have a new manager?  In some of the BTS photos, I've seen a male "someone" who looks like he could be her manager.  And now that she has a much busier schedule, she must need help with transportation and things, right?  Just wondering....Thanks Sunnies for your great posts, pictures, videos, and all the information that you bring to the threads.  You're all great and I really appreciate it! Please be careful, stay well, and woo hoo, let's enjoy Ep 5 + 6!!!!!  <:-P     P.S.  I would LOVE for GHS to sing a song for this drama - possibly a duet with LSY?    :x

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I am SOOOOO sorry Sunnies....This is WAYYYYY off the topic...I know.I will erase it if it is totally inappropriate.But he was going to be GHS's acting partner in Absolute Boyfriend--so I got so curious!!It is about Wuzon (somehow I forgot his English spelling for his name..keke)http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2014/04/25/2014042502597.html
He has a daughter!! She is adorable. It appears that he is starring in Chinese version of "Superman has returned" and it is ranked first on rating!!! Fantastic!!Perhaps many of you knew already??Click on the link and see his daughter...she is a little doll. Wuzon, due to his idol status, has been hiding the fact that he has a wife and a daughter....poor guy!! But, he has revealed the truth and is appearing in the reality program!! keke I actually have seen few of the Korean version of the Superman has returned---i hope I can see few of the Chinese version..kekeWhen did GHS go to Taiwan to film AB? 2011?His daughter looks about 1 or 2? Maybe he backed out of AB because of his father's health and because he wants to have a normal life??More! More!!This is so romantic!!http://tvdaily.asiae.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1397630135685619011
He married his first love!!He married last October and he left Fareheit in 2011.He met his wife at age 16 and they have been together for 18 years before tying the knot!!Wow!! and Wow!!

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Hello Sunnies ;)

@cheerkoo WOW Wunzu is married with a little daughter thats really interesting, I'm happy for glad that he's happy I really liked him with Farenheit :)

@meow13 Thanks for the episode 5 preview :)

@zamzam Thanks for all the pictures :)

In regards to KHS kiss, I know this girl can kiss, her only problem is she was very shy even now, but she said that she's a different person now we might be able to see a passionate and loving kiss from KHS :)

remember this :)


waahhhhhhh my DanSun heart :x :x :x

1 more day and AE episode 5 cant wait :)


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Another off-topic but since we have been affected by it also and it is very touching....
Supposedly two students' bodies were discovered inside the sunken ferryboat---what was so unique about it is that their yellow lifejackets were tied together. The diver had to cut the tie before being able to bring up their bodies...but one was male and the other female. They could be siblings or they could be kids tied to each other's first loves.....somehow...after Wuzon's article, this was very moving...sorry for being off topic....again.Actually they are not siblings...I read in the bottom portion of the article, the bodies were transferred to each student' family.

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@Cheerkoo, Wu Chun not only has a daughter, he has also a baby boy who was borned right after he made public that is he married and has a 2-years old daughter.  He marred on October 2011, and I suspect that that was the reason he dropped out from AB. This information was published in an Asian entertaiment news portal.

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I have to say that I loved GHS in AB!

So did I and her co-star in AB was hot!

I really really wish they had more skin on skin scenes. But I also enjoyed Daniel Choi as her co-star he was so tender towards her. She always has hot guys in all her dramas.


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Hi Again!  Sorry in advance if off topic:Sue:  in answer to your post, yes, I knew about WZ and his marriage, daughter who I believe is older and his baby son, but I never shared that info here.  It seems that his daughter was born around the time he was contemplating his role in AB so I wondered if that had anything to do with his declining the role. It was strange that they did promotions and everything and then he backed out of it.  Just speculating here.  But kudos to Jiro, his Farenheit co-member, who stepped in and did a wonderful job of playing Night.  I loved him for that, and I thought he and HS were cute together.    

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I m so happy that i will be going for a vacation from sunday but but..ep5 preview is making my heart go dugun dugun..hehe! cant wait to watch ep 5 but i cant watch ep5 with eng subs.. :( :( so i will be waiting for alot of pics and posts from all of u so that i can read them if i can access the net there..
happy viewing sunnies,yoonies,angels..aigoo will miss all the fun here..and i pray that more and more people keep showering their love for hyesun the way they did before..and praying for high ratings.. [-O<  [-O<
@quentin welcome to this thread chingu..do post often :)

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