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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Thanx for the translations @cheerkoo..without you were are so lost..
ok so her new single will be out on 22nd!!i hope it will have a sweet romantic video like 'laughter and tears' where she looked so pretty and angelic..i can't forget that pink dress she wore..it was so pretty.it would be nice if she takes a cute guy in the mv..hehe..so two more days to go for 'that is you'..great that yg is taking responsibility finally.. :)
@MOCCHism thanx for the pic..she seems to be in an exhibition..must be an art exhibition..
Hyesun Goodluck for your new single :)
Lets wish her luck in twitter too.. :)

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Thanks @MOCCHism for the info.
tried to search about The Asian Way Berlin, it seems to be a festival that is to appreciate Asian culture. there are events like dance, music, films, arts, etc. It's a good opportunity for cutural exchange. Wonder if HyeSun is a guest of the event.

Thanks @cheerkoo for the translation. Can't wait for her new single! :D

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Hi Sunnies!
Yushinkoo of DC found this old article about Song NamHee-teacher dated in August 21, 2007.
I will just summarize paragraphs. But Song NamHee-teacher is an artist.

[송남희] 이히 리베 디히, 송남희체
한겨레21| 기사입력 2007-08-21 08:09


[한겨레] ▣ 베를린=김재희 서울예대 교양학부 겸임교수

독일에서 가장 훌륭한 의료 및 요양 시설을 갖춘 곳으로 유명한 산골마을 바드베를레부르크. 하지만 그곳은 귀곡산장을 찾아가는 험한 산길이라 지도로 보는 것보다 2배의 시간을 더 들여야 도착한다. 한국에서 22년을 살다 독일로 건너가 그 작은 마을에서 40년 세월을 살며 어릴 적 집안 어른들에게 배운 붓글씨며 동양화를 기초로 동서양 퓨전 작품을 해온 송남희(62)씨. Song Nam Hee (she now must be about 68) went to Germany at age 22 and has been living there for about 40 years now. She makes 'fusion art' using caligraphy and oriental art as the basis. She lived in a very remote and small village called ??바드베를레부르크.=Bahdbettlebrook?? (I am spelling it as it is sounded out in Korean).

독일인을 대상으로 먹을 갈아 붓 다루는 법을 통한 명상 수업을 하다, 몇 자씩 한글을 가르치기 시작한 인연으로, 아예 외국인을 위한 한글 서예 교본까지 출간했다. 이름하여 ‘송남희체’가 탄생했다. 이 작업을 하는 동안 다 잊어버렸던 한국말이 유창해지는 게 마냥 신기했다고. 지난가을 베를린 예술가협회의 제안을 받고 망설임 끝에 촌구석을 벗어나 올봄 베를린으로 이사했다. She has been teaching sort of a meditative class where she blends inks to use brush. She would teach few Korean letters to Germans and later published Korean calligraphy for foreigners. It seems like Song has series of her works published. Song stated that she was really surprised that she was able to speak the forgotten mother-tongue,Korean,  so much better due to her works. Last fall, she moved out of her small village residence into ?Beitlin? after receiving a proposal from an Artists Associates.

‘마을의 예술가’를 떠나보낸 산골 마을 주민들은 이별을 아쉬워하며 그녀를 위한 전시회를 연다. 8월16일부터 한 달 동안 유서 깊은 고성에서 열리는 송남희 고별 전시회. 40년 세월 동안 “내가 전생에 무슨 업을 졌기에 이 산골에 갇혀 사나, 고향에도 못 가고”라고 한탄한 일이 없지는 않았지만, 이곳이었기에 남편을 일찍 여읜 외국인 과부가 남매를 키우며 넘치는 사랑을 받았으리라 여긴다. 그녀의 집을 사람들은 ‘예술가의 집’이라 부르며 대접해줬고, 실제 덴마크 공주의 옆집인지라 공주의 성에 딸린 마당을 함게 쓰는 호사를 누리기도 했다. 송씨의 딸은 파일럿으로 한국을 자주 오가는 남편과 마을에 남아 남매를 키운다. The village where she lived for 40 years was so sad to see her leave that they put on an exhibition in her honor on August 16th for a month. She lost her husband early and raised her two children alone in that remote village. The villagers refer to her home as 'an artist's home'. She actually shared a yard with Denmark's princess next door. Song's daughter is a pilot who frequents Korea and will continue to live in that village with her husband and their two children.

제2의 고향을 뒤로한 채 이순 넘어 새로 정착한 낯선 도시 생활이 엄두가 나지 않았지만, 번화한 거리를 구경하는 것으로도 가슴이 설렌다. 베를린에서도 송남희체 교습은 계속된다. 정육각체를 응용해 한글 한 음절씩을 쓰고, 이들이 이어질 때 어떤 느낌이 들고 어떤 뜻이 담기는지, 아이들처럼 즐겁게 따라 하는 수강생들과 이어가는 송남희체가 제3의 고향이 될 베를린에서 서예의 새 장르가 될 날을 꿈꾼다. She may feel sad about leaving her second home of 40 years but she feels excited at the same time about touring the busy streets of Beitlin. She will continue her classes in Beitlin. It seems that she really enjoyed teaching.

ⓒ 한겨레(http://www.hani.co.kr), 무단전재 및 재배포 금지


'송남희체'로 독일에 한글 알리는 미술가 송남희씨

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Guest MOCCHism

I am working at the Korean Culture Centre in Berlin. We didnt know she was coming actually. Its an exhibiton of german-korean artists and she was being filmed while looking at the exhibits. I dont know anything else about her schedule though.

The exhibiton was called Vernissage Ost-West-Nord-Süd 동서남북


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Guest S_sun

@MOCCHism Thanks for the news and pic..that was a lovely pic. Do u know korean or did you talk to her in English? I guess you didn't find out how long she is staying in Berlin?

Anyway what good luck to meet her in this way! :)

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@MOCCHism thank you. Hello Sunnies! HyeSun in Berlin. Wow! She really knows how to educate herself & never stop learning. "Knowledge is power!" I wish I have her drive & self discipline. I have so much respect for this woman!!!... :) Have a fun weekend! Thank you all.

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Guest MOCCHism

@S_sun she understood my english but answered in Korean. She wasnt shy around the korean speakers but around those who only understood English

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Hello sunnies,are you all ready for hyesun's new song its just a few hours away now!!i m so so curious as to how her song is going to be like..is it going to have a mv or not?aigoo.. am so curious really.. :)
Goo hye sun Fighting!!

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A Korean foreign student studying in Germany posted in DC asking for help about GHS's travel plans while she is in Germany. But the Korean foreign student is not the one interested in GHS--it is her German friend!! DC fans think that BOF might have been also seen by some Germans. Unfortunately, nobody knows of GHS's travel itinerary at DC.
GHS tends to travel around under the radar. GHS seems to know many "older and experienced" artists--Song NamHee in Germany, Lee JangHoon in Ullengdo whose old popular song inspired GHS to write her new single due out tomorrow at Noon Korean time, Lee OiSoo the prolific writer, and Isao Sasaki, the musical master from Japan. I am sure she knows lot more. Even if she does not know them, we all know that GHS has no qualms about reaching out to people who inspire her.
I wonder if she would return to Korea before her new single is released??

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[뉴스토마토 함상범기자] 배우 구혜선이 네 번째 디지털 싱글 '그건 너'를 발표한다.   구혜선 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 22일 "구혜선이 작사 및 작곡, 노래한 '그건 너'를 이날 정오 각종 음악사이트를 통해 뮤직비디오와 함께 공개한다"고 밝혔다.   '그건 너'는 달콤한 분위기의 사랑 노래로 첫 눈에 반한 남자에 대한 여자의 감성을 담은 곡으로, 가수 이장희의 대표곡 '그건 너' 가사를 모티브로 했다.   피아니스트 최인영이 편곡했고, 기타리스트 함춘호가 연주에 참여했다.   앞서 구혜선은 '갈색머리', 'Marry Me'(매리 미), '기억상실증' 등의 곡을 발표한 바 있다.  
This article says the same thing as YG's announcement. But, it also says that GHS's new song as well as its MV are both coming out on NOON on July 22nd!!

I found this on YT: Mr. Lee JangHee's own song, "That is You" which is the motive for GHS's new digital.

Another YT: guitarist Ham Choon Ho who will accompany GHS in her new song tomorrow. He is the guy just playing the guitar and wearing black suit, accompanying another famous Korean folk singer Song ChanShik.

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class="content-title" Actress Goo Hye Sun to Release Original Song, “It’s You” kimdebbie July 21, 2013 0 Comments


Actress, songwriter, movie director, composer – is there anything Goo Hye Sun can’t do? Most famous internationally for her role as Jandi in drama, “Boys Over Flowers” – Goo Hye Sun makes a splash in the summer music scene with the release of a sweet, original track she composed herself titled, “It’s You” – which will be released on July 22 on various music portals and download sites. 

The song is about a woman who falls in love with a man at first sight and watches him from afar. The motifs of the track are also based on singer Lee Jang Hee‘s own track, “It’s You.” The song was also arranged with the help of pianist Choi In Young, who previously collaborated with Goo Hye Sun on her first directed film, “Magic.” 

Other digital singles Goo Hye Sun has released in the past include: “Marry Me“, “Amnesia” and “Brown Hair.”

souece: http://www.soompi.com/2013/07/21/actress-goo-hye-sun-to-release-original-song-its-you/
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I lifted the words to "That is You" by Lee JangHee from another YT version of his album.

그건 너 by 이장희 (Lee Jang-Hee)=That is You by Lee JangHee

모두들 잠들은 고요한 이밤에   This quiet night when everyone is asleep
어이해 나홀로 잠못 이루나  How is that I alone cannot fall asleep
넘기는 책 속에 수많은 글들이  so many words in the pages of book I am turning
어이해 한자도 보이질 않나  How is that I cannot see a single word

그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야 That is you. That is you. It is because of you.
그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야  That is you/ that is you. It is because of you.

전화를 걸려고 동전 바꿨네  I got some coins to make a call to you.
종일토록 번호판과 씨름했었네  All day long, I wrestled with the telephone number pads.
그러다가 당신이 받으면 끊었네  Then, I hung up if you answered.
(아!) 웬일인지 바보처럼 울고 말았네  Ahhh! Somehow I just cried like a fool.

그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야  That is you. That is you. It is because of you.
그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야  That is you. That is you. It is because of you.

어제는 비가오는 종로거리를  Yesterday, I walked the JongRo Street in the rain.
우산도 안받고 혼자 걸었네  I walked alone even without an umbrella.
우연히 마주친 동창생 녀석이 Friend from school ran into me by accident.
너 미쳤니 하면서 껄껄 웃더군  He had a good laugh calling me crazy.

그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야   That is you. That is you. It is because of you.
그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야   That is you. That is you. It is because of you.

그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 때문이야  That is you. That is you. It is because of you.
그건 너 그건 너 바로 너 ~ (너 때문이야)   That is you. That is you. It is because of you.
( 출처 : 가사집 http://gasazip.com/4450 )==source of lyrics~

I wonder how similar or different GHS's version would be??
I wonder if GHS made this song because it will be a part of  her new romantic movie?? 
If she is actually making a movie and starting the crank-in in September...how is she getting the fund for it??  Is she using up all her savings again??
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Pouring news today 22.07.2013

구혜선(Koo Hye Sun), 22日 4번째 디지털싱글 발표 ‘그건 너’

source: http://www.topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=36158&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#.UeyUg6yYRhY


구혜선, 네 번째 싱글 '그건 너' 발표 "달달 러브송"
기사입력시간 2013.07.22  10:08:41

source: http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=727285


구혜선, 자작곡 '그건 너' 발표
입력 : 2013-07-22 오전 10:05:08

source : http://www.newstomato.com/ReadNews.aspx?no=384041


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