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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Okay although I am not very much enthusiastic to this drama but you'll never know; may be it will turn out to be an amazing one, I am praying for that .

Nevertheless; seeing her acting throughout 50 episodes is certainly something I am eagerly looking forward to it .

On another note, why did she say in her recent interview that she wants to rest for a while now? What happened during the past couple of days that made her agree to participate in this drama ? Well, I am just wondering out loud .

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I heard that the current drama, which  You Are Too Much, will follow, will end on Feb 26th. This means You Are Too Much will start to air maybe by March 4rh?

I pray for all the best...for J2theWest3, Newly Wed Diary and You R Too Much. 2017 is starting well for Koo. May it continue always and for all of us here at the thread. Thanks Sunnies!!!!:)

Thanks SOOO much for more pix of Koo's art...I also really like her art even more than the last ones. I think she is getting better and better with age. I wish I could best translate what she said about her art...I have to figure it out...it is not hard,,it is simple yet so brilliant. At least to me. I will get it hopefully by next week when I have more time. 


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Thanks gayu312 for the beautiful "card-article". When Koo and Ahn came out with their relationship, there was also a card-article which was really nice...I wonder if it is the same reporter/writer....

I will just translate page by page top down...since it is not a long article...

[card news]  15 cards (sorry, but I wont be translating word for word..summary here and there...)

card 1---마음의 소리를 따라가는 구혜선 Koo HyeSun who follows the sound of her own heart..

card 2---starting from debut, she was famous for being ulzzang=best face.  She was loved as the tough and driven Keum Jandi.

card 3--8 years has passed and she has opened the new year with her own exhibition---actually this is her 9th exhibition.

card 4--She is passionate about her arts; not only is she an artist but she has made 7 big and small movies, released new age music and even held a concert.

card 5--however, some netizens react with: she is regrettably a multitalented no talent...because she did not succeed in anything that she pursued. 

card 6--however, Koo Hyesun does not lose her smile. She says, "I saw that too. I am not making any excuses. Current exhibition can fail big too and I am sure I will be criticized."

Card 7--she just calmly let is go. Koo: "It is OK if it does not work out. I have become tougher. All that I want to do is to express what I feel and realize through paintings."

card 8--actually, there have been times when it was very hard for her. With the continual failure, she has felt helpless and lost her confidence. She even wondered whether, "perhaps it is better for my life if I stop dreaming?"

card 9--but, when that happened, she would listen to herself. Koo: "Even though I knew that I will get hurt, I found myself continually challenging myself. Perhaps I am the type who cannot accept the reality. No matter what anyone says, I want to go the path that I want." 

Card 10--her motto is: "I expect nothing."  After the success of BOF, she became skeptic.

card 11--"All those who flocked to me with their attention suddenly disappeared as if it never happened. After that, I just only searched for what I wanted for myself."

card 12--she threw away the common/obsolete formalities. When people would tell her that she is not acting like an actress by riding subways by herself without a manager, she would simply say, "because it is there for use to ride on it."

card 13--when she married actor Ahn JaeHyun, it was the same thing. Rather than having a showy wedding ceremony. they donated all that money to child patients. 

card 14--I just started to wonder about the purpose and for whom a wedding ceremony is and why do we do it. We are not special and we feel bad if by chance, we may have abused the concept of giving through our giving. We would appreciate it if it can be just looked on as two young peple's small symbol of sincerity."

card 15--- More than the fear of failure, more than the scrutizing views of others, she is Koo HyeSun who follows the sound of her own heart. Because she does not give up her dreams, she is always beautiful. 


If you have a second to spare, please click on the article posted by gayu312. Love the article that is so artistically done too. Let us applaud it with our clicks. Thanks.


JoSun Daily, Intern Reporter Yoon Soo Yun.

few posts after this article are also positive and very supportive of Koo. that is really nice.

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I lost the lnk to this article...but found a copy of it in dc--one of many articles that flooded in. I will only translate parts..IN this article, I loved the part where she talks about her art and about her husband...the others parts? I can do without. Why reporter had to bring in topic of Seo? I guess because she is a reporter....<_<

[인터뷰]구혜선 "어느 쪽으로 가도 균형과 질서 생기는 게 인생" [interview] GHS: "no matter which way you turn, life will find the balance and order." 

제가 장난치는 걸 엄청 좋아해요. (남편) 약 올리고 놀리고, 초딩 같다고 해야 할까요?(웃음) 정신연령이 남편보다 제가 더 높다고 생각했는데 이번에 촬영하면서 사람들이 제가 더 낮대요. 혹은 둘 다 똑같다고 하시는 분들도 있었고요." Koo:"I really love to fool around. I tease and make fun of him (her husband). You could say I am like a cho-ding (elemetary school kid) (laughter) I thought that my mental age is older than that of my husband, but, while filming, many people tell me that I am the one that is younger in mental age. Some also think that we are of same age."

배우 겸 작가 구혜선의 결혼 후 첫 행보는 작가로서의 활동이다. 5일부터 29일까지 서울 예술의전당 한가람미술관에서 구혜선의 개인전 '다크 옐로우(dark YELLOW)'이 개최된다. 이후 tvN 예능 '신혼일기'로 남편 안재현과 함께 시청자들을 찾는다. This paragraph introduces her exhibition...

4일 전시회에서 만난 구혜선은 "24시간 카메라가 돌아간 예능이라 무방비 상태의 우리를 볼 수 있을 것"이라며 "우리는 재미있으려고 한 게 아니고 심각하기도 할텐데, 보기에 재미있을 것 같기도 하고 유치하기도 할 것 같다"고 웃었다.I met Koo HyeSunon Jan 4th at the exhibition. Koo: "It is a variety show with the cameras running 24 hours a day.So, you are seeing us in defenseless states." We did not do it to make it funny. At times, it could be serious..It could be interesting to watch and also childish too." And Koo laughed. 

아무래도 예능이 좀 더 대중의 관심을 사로잡을 것으로 보이지만 작가로서의 발자취도 흥미를 끈다. 순수와 공포, 그리고 자유를 주제로 하는 이번 전시회는 구혜선이 발매했던 뉴에이지 작곡 앨범('숨1-소품집'과 '숨2-십년이 백년이 지난 후에')의 피아노 악보 및 사운드가 융합됐다. 구혜선은 2009년 개인전 '탱고'를 시작으로 2010년 단체전 디자인 코리아 '한남' 프로젝트, 2012년 개인전 '잔상', 2012년 단체전 아시아 컨템포러리, 2013년 개인전 홍콩 컨템포러리 '두 도시 이야기', 2013년 개인전 '잔상' 상해 문화원, 기획전 청주 공예비엔날레 'BUTTER FLY EFFECT', 개인전 홍콩 GALLERY BY THE HARBOUR 등 작품을 꾸준히 발표해 왔다. As an artist, her works at the exhibition are also stirring up interest as well. The theme is PURITY, FEAR and FREEDOM. Her exhibiton is not only of her paintings, but of her music and her writings/lyrics of her songs. (I just love that concept!!) Descriptions of her previous exhibtions....

본인을 "초딩 같다"고 한 그이지만 '삼각형'을 중심으로 한 이번 그의 작품 세계는 심오한 듯 보인다. 구혜선은 "삼각형이 가장 적은 선으로 만들 수 있는 도형인데 어느 쪽으로 치우친다고 해도 결국 무게와 질서가 이뤄진다. 잘못 선을 그어도 어떤 균형이 생기는데 인생에 대해서도 결국 인생은 어느 쪽으로 가도 균형과 질서가 생길 것이라는 생각이 반영됐다"고 몰입했다. 진지한 듯했지만 이내 "깊이 있는 것처럼 보이지만 이런 일을 할 때는 단순한 마음, 순수한 마음으로 작업하는 게 많다"며 "아이 같은 마음으로 작업한 뒤 다 끝나고 나면 성숙한 것처럼 얘기하는 것"이라고 웃었다. She refers to herself as "like a cho-ding", yet, her art pieces that centered mostly on the shape of triangles appear abstract. GHS:"Triange is a shape that can be made with least number of lines. No matter which way you may lean or feel biased towards, ultimately, everything reaches an equilibrium of weight and order. Even if the line is drawn wrong, a shape still takes place, as in life, no matter which way we choose to go, I feel that a balance and order will be made." Then, rather than staying serious, Koo turned around and says: "It sounds deep, but when I do this type of work, I tend to start with simple and pure (pure/unadulterated) mind, like a child's mind. When the work is done, I talk like I am mature." Koo laughed.
(I really get the sense in her statement that the art was healing and energizing for her. Just loved her descriptions and realizations.)

"결혼했다고 해서 성격이 변하지는 않은 것 같다"는 그는 생각은 일정 부분 변했다고 인정했다. "창작물이 좋은 결과가 나오지 않았을 때 무기력감도 생기고, '다른 작업을 더는 하지 말아야겠다'는 생각도 했어요. 지금도 '이걸 해야 하나' 의문도 있긴 해요. 앞으로 어떤 방향으로 가야 할지 고민도 있고요. 그래도 지금은 유머가 는 것 같아요. '셀프디스'라고 할까요? 그게 속 편해요. 남들은 제가 안 되는 게 많으니 말하는 걸 조심스러워하는데 내가 나를 까니 편해지는 것 같아요.(웃음)"
최근 연기자로서 부진한 것에 대해서도 솔직히 털어놨다. 그는 "너무 나를 표현하는데 집중한 것 같다. 작품 속 다른 인물을 표현하기보다 구혜선을 표현하는 게 강해서 그런 게 아닐까 한다"고 짚었다. 오랫동안 주목받지 못했으나 최근 진가를 발휘하고 있는 배우 서현진 이야기를 꺼내자 반색했다. 구혜선과 서현진은 감독과 배우로 호흡을 맞췄고, 오랜 절친이기도 하다. 구혜선은 "서현진은 연기자로서 경쟁의 상대가 아니라 온전한 내 배우"라며 "사실 내가 먼저 발견한 배우라고 할 수 있다(웃음). 어제도 만나서 이야기를 나눴다. '언젠간 내가 부르면 해야 해'하는 배우다. 물론 약속 같은 건 안 한다. 그냥 통보할 뿐"이라고 너스레를 떨어 웃음을 줬다. "I don't think my personality changed because of marriage." But she did admit that an aspect of changed. "When my work does not produce the result that I am looking for, I do become helpless and tell myself I should not do it anymore. Even now, I tell myself, 'why do you have to do it?'. I also worry about which way to go for the future. Even so, I feel like I have some humor about it, like self-dissing? I feel relieved when I do it. Other people are careful how they say things in front of me because so many things that I do do not turn out well. But, when I put myself donw, I feel comfortable. (laughter)." So, the reporter talked about Koo's weak acting issue...Koo: "I think I focused too much on expressing myself. Rather than expressing that other character, I wonder if GHS got expressed more strongly? 

Reporter also asked about Seo HyunJin who is getting rave reviews lately. Description of relationsip bet Koo and Seo...Koo: "Seo HyunJin and I are not actors in competition. She is my actress. You could even say I discovered her first. (laughter) We even met yesterday too. I would joke with her that when I need you, you better come. Of course, there is no such promises made." 

불과 몇 년 전과 많이 달라진 것 같은 인상이다. 고민도 생기고 꿈도 생겼기 때문이란다. 그런데 그 꿈 때문에 공포스럽다. "꿈이 생겨 두렵다"는 이유를 궁금해하자 그는 진지해졌다.
"하고 싶은 일이 생기는 게 무섭죠. 환경이 달라지고 사람들이 나를 대하는 태도가 달라지는 것도 무섭고요. 경쟁이 되면 결과물이 중요하잖아요. 그런 부분에 대해 하고자 하는 게 생기는 게 두려워지는 순간이 생기는 것 같아요. 평가받아야 하고요. 물론 평가받고 경쟁 구도가 되지 않으면 보여줄 게 없는 게 아이러니라고 할 수 있을 것 같아요. 끊임없이 생각하게 되는 것 같아요." Koo: "It is scary to want to do something. The environment changes and the people treat me differently and that is scary too. When it becomes a competition, the result becomes important. To want to do something inthat circumstance can bring about a moment of fear. Then I have to be judged. Of course, without the competition and the judbment, there is nothing to show and that is the irony. I guess it just make me think more." 

결혼해서 달라진 것이기도 한가라는 물음에 그는 "달라져서 결혼을 하게 됐다"고 바로잡았다. 구혜선은 남편에 대해 "같이 살 사람, 놀 사람, 어른이 죽어도 안 될 것 같은 사람, 내가 온전히 아이가 될 수 있는 사람이라는 생각이 들었다"며 행복해했다. 그러면서 "지금은 과거 내가 한 일들이 하나라도 잘됐으면 큰일 날 뻔했다는 생각을 한다. 그 전에는 '잘됐으면 좋겠다. 돈 벌었으면 좋겠다'는 기대감이 있었는데 시간이 지나 돌아보니 그런 것들은 하나의 점일 뿐이더라. 지금은 비우는 과정에 있다"고 미소 지었다. The reporter asked if she changed that ways after marriage. But Koo corrected the phrase by saying, "I changed and that is why I married." Regarding her husband, Koo:" He is the person I will live with, to play with. He is a person who may never become an adult, someone I can become a child with."  reporter says she looked happy saying it. "sometimes I think that it would have been shocking if anything that I tried in the past did well. In the past, I used to want to succeed, to make money..but as time passes and I look back, they are all just one of ?dots. I am in the process of emptying them out" 

결혼 이후 연기 활동은 아직이다. 결혼이 연기자로서 활동에 영향을 미칠까. 그는 "아직은 활동하지 않아서 잘 모르겠다. 그 상황이 되어야 실감할 것 같다"며 "대중이 어떻게 생각할지도 잘 모르겠다"고 덧붙였다. Reporter asks about whether marriage would affect her acting. Koo: "since I have not done it yet, I don't know. I will know when it happens. I don't know what others may think either." 

KOO FIGHTING!! Always support you!! It is not only your succeses that make me your fan, but also how you think, feel, relate and how you heal yourself and stand up again to live so fully. Bravo your life!!!

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Oh goshh...while reading Koo's interview & articles w/ dear cheerkoo's translation, my eyes got wet... I'm tearing up...:dissapointed_relieved::bawling: I'm really feeling what she's revealing to us..I mean all her words made me...:cry:but :relaxed: at the same time. I dunno..they just gave me many feels in a positive way aghhh!! I love u even more Koo!!:kiss_wink::wub: Wish that ur solo exhibition really doing well. And  I'm really praying also that ur show Newlyweds Diary & ur comeback drama will be doing good..I mean.."just fine"...it'll be enough for me:blush:. Coz I always believe in u.. & w/ all ur hardwork.:heart: God is Good.:innocent: Fighting!!:thumbsup:

Thank u as always dear @cheerkoo :kiss_closed:

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Thanks a lot @cheerkoo sis for the translation..It's soo touching interview..She talks so deeply and the fact that I love is she never compromised what she wants to do..That is really not easy and Koo really has succeeded it..It gives us a great inspiration.. she has not taken an easy path ..She knows it and faces so many barriers,but still keeps going strong..Really love her for that ..Just love her so much :) can't wait to watch her variety show and drama :)

Let's not be worried about her drama.. Weekend slots dont have ratings pressure.I m sure she ll give her best..No doubts in tat.We just know the synopsis..Its not bad at all..I m just happy for she comes back to acting after facing so much bashing last year..That's wat matters to me and I m so happy we will see 50eps of her..There are a few cons for weekend drama but let's see positivity and enjoy & support her show :) I have a fear tat after this drama she ll surely take time to comeback..May be her personal life and baby plans might call her.I will surely be soo happy for those upcoming events in her personal life but at the sametime I ll miss her in dramaland and tat saddens me too.So for now, let's all enjoy and give our full support sunnies forgetting other stuffs :)

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I am really amazed by this painting. Coz at 1st glance from the distance..I thought it's just like a trianglle w/ a flowery thingy inside.

But when u take a closer look at it.. the details were realy clear & reefined. Are those flowers? The yellow part were petals? Were they petals drawn used by a paint or just crumpled  yellow papers attached to looked like petals?:w00t: Woah!! I can't get off my eyes over this painting!:wub: Our Koo is really a genius beauty bravo!:thumbsup:

And this paint below too... look! Mind blowing creation of our Koo!

Some more random posts from different people who visited our angels' art exhibit. So happy to see many posted her paintings & took photos of themselves too at the exhibition.:heart:

And this unforgettable creation of our angel...everytime I see this painting I always connect it to our KHS.I know she made tjhis for Gummy\s album cover before but it kinda like symbolizes KHS for me. It's like a unique wildflower from a fantasy world that\s full of mystery. I always love this painting of hers..very simple to look at first but the longer u stare at it the more u appreciate the beauty of it's details. Well...as I've said..just like our Koo haha!:blush:


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:) Angel spotted.:blush:

Translated from Korean by Bing

If you're up to today's life marveled at the school as a result of the original byeolroda in the mood to go Seoul, Park Hyo-Shin's watch is a musical and Heh, Myeong-dong is not overwritten with another volunteer to send 1 night (s) and now hang the fan submitted by fighting and even an autograph Gu Hye-Seon was given to the real Oh my life Oh ㅠㅠㅠ



Translated from Korean by Bing

@kbr_lms A friend took close-up shots of getting permission ... ㄷ ㄷ isn't the real Joe Koons Ishida



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Thanks for the posts...and the poster for the Newly Wed Diary...looks good!!

So happy looking.

I hope they really do create a lot of memories...their children can see it too one day. keke

And, I just realized that the drama, UR2Much, is an MBC drama! She has not worked with them since NN5 days!!

tvN and MBC!!

Please let blessings in!!!


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