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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest elizabeth90

Like you said @cheerkoo , one or few, compared to the many koo usually have, this is nothing at all. Hate to say this but koo hye sun can't be universally loved by everyone, just as there will be good articles and positive response, there will be bad ones too. Its a 50-50 thing.. we jist have to deal with it. And i am sure koo isnt the only actress targeted by media, its because we are koo fans thats why we get to think everyone and all media hates her.. every fans of an actor or actress think this way too that everyone hates their idol and ppl are coming out to get them so yeah.

But somehow call me deluded but i think that article might be planned lol koo hye sun has been receiving alot of positive comments lately, so i find it weird that this out of nowhere article just propped up, but good to know its only one hahahah or a few..

Not to worry, as soon as episode 10 of blood airs we would get some articles re blood hopefully its positive and overshadows the negative. .

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I think,we can't please everyone ,it's a wast of time ...it's true,i m GHS's fan but doesn't prevent me from being objective....blood is beautiful and GHS Is sublime and did good job....that says an article or two or even ten don't weigh in front of millions of people and admirers waiting impatiently Monday and Tuesday to see blood and ghs of course....

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Hi Sunnies!
I'm just glad that KHS tweets every now & then, her response to her fans' encouraging words everywhere I hope. I don't let the negative write ups bring me down most of the time, 'though I had moments. One Korean social critic on tweeter responded- "..shame fan girl blah blah.." on my tweet about International fans supporting Blood. I was shocked! So I gave him a piece of my mind too.
I worry about KHS reading such negative comments but I guess that's how it is in Kentertainment? I pray she'll stay strong. :) 
I'm excited with the food/coffee cart for her. I hope it will happen this week.
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i hope someday Koo hye sun make a Romantic comedy movie or drama she is really good in that in Episode 9&10 is perfect for me the acting of Koo is awesome she make me laugh I dont care about the Knetizen as long iam enjoying the drama.............................................................................

Now I know why lots of actresses in Korea always in the suicidal because The journalist that make the article is the reason why some of their actresses die add of that the K Netizen blogger who make a harsh word to the artist. X(

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@Elizabeth90 wrote,

Like you said @cheerkoo , one or few, compared to the many koo usually have, this is nothing at all. Hate to say this but koo hye sun can't be universally loved by everyone, just as there will be good articles and positive response, there will be bad ones too. Its a 50-50 thing.. we jist have to deal with it. And i am sure koo isnt the only actress targeted by media, its because we are koo fans thats why we get to think everyone and all media hates her.. every fans of an actor or actress think this way too that everyone hates their idol and ppl are coming out to get them so yeah.

But somehow call me deluded but i think that article might be planned lol koo hye sun has been receiving alot of positive comments lately, so i find it weird that this out of nowhere article just propped up, but good to know its only one hahahah or a few..

Not to worry, as soon as episode 10 of blood airs we would get some articles re blood hopefully its positive and overshadows the negative.

Completely agree with the above that we shd remember that there will ALWAYS be some negative comments and we as Sunnies at times will take that to heart (when we should not- it's not good for our health - Hahaha!)    I have Faith that HS-ssii is feeling ok - she had been through worst - e.g at the beginning of Blood, etc.   Also we are doing pro-active things like tweeting & writing to lift her spirit, Snack Cart project.   Hope to hear from Snowsummer & co Soon :)

As for the antis & haters - they're the unfortunate ones with only harshness & hate in their hearts.  GHS & us - we are the blessed ones bc we see beauty, kindness & love and our hearts are filled with these positive things.  Our sign off when talking/writing to the antis & haters shd be "Hope that one day u will see beauty, kindness & love". 

Well, with that- for those Sunnies who are not able to keep up with the "crazy" speed that Blood thread is -- here is some positive responses (epi 9) frm Korean Blood Fans!!!!

Love #7 & #9

From sis Ariana's post on Blood thread - sorry don't know how to do a Quote across threads

SEN via Naver: 'Blood', Ahn Jae Hyun- Goo Hye Sun recall their childhood ties.. Progress in their romance

1. [+1310, -107] To be honest, my heart was beating so fast during that scene

2. [+986, -119] Seriously kkuljaem. Their chemistry today was jjang~~

3. [+865, -114] I really liked Goo Hye Sun's crying scene earlier

4. [+791, -104] Love them. Blood fighting

5. [+158, -9] This drama is really fun and it's getting more exciting but it doesn't have a lot of viewers

6. [+163, -15] This is really fun ㅠㅠ Has a good plot plus Ahn Jae Hyun

and Goo Hye Sun are improving ㅠㅠ But they're still getting criticisms

6. [+142, -9] That scene was jjang. I'm really enjoying it. Do well~

7. [+139, -12] I'm a 30-something ahjumma but I'm enjoying 'Blood'.

Been watching since the 1st episode. It's getting more fun that their

romance has progressed. Blood fighting!!

8. [+133, -12] Who said Goo Hye Sun can't act? Watch her crying scene and be impressed

9. [+130, -8] My heart flutteredㅠㅠ Their chemistry is daebak~~

10. [+73, -7] Ho... Seriously. They're so romantic

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Snowsummer updates:


She posts financial updates especially from the foreign fans.
Please go and check what may be your names.

As of her post at DC-GHS, she asks that all donations be stopped. 
She says she has enough to plan for both snack and coffee/beverage carts.
Plus they will set up banners and stickers.
She says that sticker design (#1) that received the most vote will be used.(designed by kukuku)
For the banner design, the one designed by kongGoon has been selected.
(sorry--I lost the DC page with the designs.---I remember they are really good.)
She is looking for few DC fans to do the legwork when the event take place---to place stckers and to place banners, and to help with food.

She was recently told by BLOOD people that she still has to wait. 
But she has been calling various businesses for both food carts...they all understand that drama schedule is very difficult.--but she already has them ready whenever she gets the time and the date for the support event.
She is  really well organized!! DAEBOK!!

Thanks SO much to all International Sunnies and BLOOD Fans!!
I did email Snowsummer about our name...but I did not get a response. She did say on DC page that she is amazingly busy at this time. So,,,it is possible she may just use GHS Fans Union. For those who are BLOOD fans, I am sorry about that. But remember that your donations will be giving snacks, cup of coffee/ juice and big cheer from all fans who love the drama!!
Thanks so much again!!

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Guest zhasky
i started watching blood this week.. goo hye sun is really good.  i like her acting here, i like her in angel eyes.. she can carry her role very much.. 
be brave dear! it is nice to watch you in your role as a doctor.   
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Hello @yyim - Glad u wrote & welcome to GHS thread :x   I'm sorry to have to bug
you for your help already :)  Hope u won't mind.   Have you heard of our Twitter
project to send our love & appreciation to Blood Team via Twitter?

Well, we recently changed the Hashtag and we're having a hard time communicating
that info to Thai fans because of the language barrier.  It would be great you can help
us  to translate a couple of phrases from English to Thai.  Please PM (private message function)  me if you can help!  Thx @yyim (sis?).  BTW- a lot of Thai fans are AJH's- glad u r GHS fan and had come to join us -pls share with us some general info about GHS Thai fans :) :x

Hey Sunnies-  it has been far too quiet on our thread  :-? :-?   I had been quite busy myself and then also couldn't keep myself off Blood thread- so no extra time to post about our angel's DAEBAK performance!!   SO Let's get some serious praising & gushing over our girl soon, araso?  I'll do my part hopefully soon  :x :x 

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I saw this in DC---they would lilke us to help vote:http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=kbs&no=15712&page=1
I think some of you are already aware:

우리배우 스텝 작가 감독님들에게 힘을 팍팍!!!=Let us pile up unshaking confidence in our actors, staff, writers and director!!




그리고 새 투표란이 생겼네. 나라별로 투표하는곳이 생겼어... 해외횽아들 화이팅!!!=They say this is a new voting poll separated by country...I guess one must find his/her country to go in and vote.



[[나라별 투표]], 남자 연예인, 여자 연예인, 드라마, 여자 졸업생 앨범... 등... ^^--For the voting poll by country also has separate polls for male actors, female actors, drama, etc.


Lastly, ---그리고 http://kpopdrama.info/kstar_en.html 

They really appreciate foreign fans's devotion to supporting BLOOD!!(Big applause to all of you--handbillion, gayu312, geumtrangdi who tried to mobilize all of us to do twitter campaign!! You guys are AWESOME!!!)http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=135226&page=1
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