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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I also like what mikisun1051 said above in her post. 혜선이 언니, 힘내세요~! (=HyeSun-unni, don't be discouraged/be strong.)

I am also thinking about tweeting to her: 당신의 유리타는 대박입니다. 너무 사랑스럽습니다! =Your Yoo Rita is DAEBOK. So lovable!

Thank you Sunnies! Let us support and giver her courage to be/stay who she is---a wonderful actress and artist.

I saw these also:
I love the V-hand ---like Suri_riri. WOW!!
DC also appreciate it: 

Also by Z at DC:

Ku Hye Sun 사랑해요 ❤

Fighting 블러드 !!

(....at DC...now an anti posted at DC putting down GHS fans! I hope they erase her/him)

wow! happy to see the vulcan salute in DC ..Its actually made from various country fans..Not sure if they are aware of it..

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what anti said just don't care as for me ghs acting is always best in the drama blood the more you watch the drama i really like it for i think they are jealous of her ever how good she they always against her everywhere in the world also the same as thing happen just ignore it as long as ghs is our best god bless her always happy and healthy let all the fans  always support her

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Guest elizabeth90

It wasnt the hate for koo that scared me or got me angry, it wasnt the ratings, or reviews, or criticism or sheer vileness from haters that scared me.

What scared me was koo, and how she would handle this or take this, is she gonna crumble, and go back doing unnecessary self reflecting, give up her passion for acting, is she gonna decide acting isnt for her anymore and she made a mistake of pursuing it again after her two year break and just let the people have the final say. This was my only concern.

But her tweet yesterday with a poster of her character put an end to my worries, koo could have used any other pic, but i think she choose that for a reason, maybe i am reading too much into a picture, god knows i have accused others of same thing but, not this time..

I am so proud of the woman koo hye sun has become, the strong confident and powerful woman, to think if this crazy had happened a couple years ago koo would probably have succumed to this people probably deleting her twitter again, but not this time. I remember reading an interview of her recently can't remember the words exactly, but she said something about having a zen feelings towards richard simmons now, it has never been more useful than right now...

Miss koo hye sun, no matter how blood ends good or bad, dont ever let anyone decide your path, since your love and passion for acting rose again please continue blessing our screen with your amazing talents. Just know we love you and support you. Always a fan!!.

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Hi Sunnies,

@elizabeth90 - just want to say how I really appreciate all your posts- very wise & timely words   ^:)^ ^:)^   =D> =D>

@cheerkoo - thanks for scoping out DC-GHS activities for us -- I think there's more positive vibes now, yes?   Sunnies, if u haven't done so-- you can click on the "like" (one with the star) box at the bottom of DC post to show support for the post- u don't have to register.  
@Zamzam- keep posting awesome pics - HS is soooooooo beautiful in that pic- not in a glamouros/sexy way but just cheerful & kind face --my definition of beautiful !!!

@cheerkoo got a Twitter acct \:D/ \:D/  So proud of u :)  Fun, right?   @AAGBan is AJH twetter acct- were u able to do the re-tweet?  If not, then PM me

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DC and KuOne --Korean fans for GHS are planning a support event for BLOOD. Are you interested in contributing? All we need to do is send money either through paypal or Western Union to Snowsummer who has a GHS-Fans Cooperation fund account. Even a little bit helps..I am sure. 

Snowsummer who has always managed the organization of meal carts for support events again has accepted the challenge. Most of the hands-on work will be done by fans in Korea. She will check in to see what is not possible for a support event since the BLOOD crew works out of a real hospital most of the time. She is willing to pass the torch to someone else...but usually nobody else accepts it. THANNKS Snowsummer!!
She asks:

A. 식사 + 커피차 =meal + coffee cart

B. 간식 + 커피차 = snack + coffee cart

C. 야식 + 커피차 = late night snack + coffee cart

D. 식사 or 간식 or 야식 = meal or snack or late night snack (no coffee cart?)

Currently she has 339,901Won left in the account. 

What do you think? 

Our support through tweeter campaign is amazing...I wish DC and KuOne do something like that too. 

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Guest S_sun





<------Thank you geumtrangdi for this. I just got a twitter acct just for GHS because of all the terrible things I heard in BLOOD thread. Made me so mad and sad at the same time. But as I am so ignorant about tweeter, can you enlighten me a bit? 

Please- everyone that has a twitter acct (maybe create a new one) - please participate in the Blood Appreciation Project -- some guidelines

1)  Fans should tweet from Sun - Tues as many times as possible and all will tweet in sync at 10 min. before the show on Mon & Tues (9:50pm Korean time).  Ofc, if fans can tweet more during the week- the more the better!!

2) Please include @Koohyesun119 @AAGBan @myloveKBS 

@IOKcompany #weluvkdramaBlood <-----does this mean our tweets are going to not only GHS, but also to the other three places? What is AAGBan? (this is a great information. I wonder if it is a good idea to also send to YG?)

3) Use the re-tweeting feature to easily & quickly send more tweets --> use Search in Twitter, type in #weluvkdramaBlood to see all tweets from Blood Fans -> select a tweet& do a retweet -> choose the next tweet. <---Wow, I have to try that. I saw in the GHS's tweeter only about 490 tweets for her latest tweet...maybe we can make it 1000 before BLOOD airs?

With all the craziness of antis, we really need to work together & to give it our all
to the project-

GHS Fighting!!!   Blood Fighting!!!   Sunnies Fighting!!!
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Guest S_sun

cheerkoo said: DC and KuOne --Korean fans for GHS are planning a support event for BLOOD. Are you interested in contributing? All we need to do is send money either through paypal or Western Union to Snowsummer who has a GHS-Fans Cooperation fund account. Even a little bit helps..I am sure. 

Snowsummer who has always managed the organization of meal carts for support events again has accepted the challenge. Most of the hands-on work will be done by fans in Korea. She will check in to see what is not possible for a support event since the BLOOD crew works out of a real hospital most of the time. She is willing to pass the torch to someone else...but usually nobody else accepts it. THANNKS Snowsummer!!
She asks:

A. 식사 + 커피차 =meal + coffee cart

B. 간식 + 커피차 = snack + coffee cart

C. 야식 + 커피차 = late night snack + coffee cart

D. 식사 or 간식 or 야식 = meal or snack or late night snack (no coffee cart?)

Currently she has 339,901Won left in the account. 

What do you think? 

Our support through tweeter campaign is amazing...I wish DC and KuOne do something like that too. 

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Guest Keisya_aline

Thank You to all Sunnies and Blood fans who are participating to show support!  You all are daebak! :)

At least we get our voices heard too! Not a time to be passive viewers. If you like Blood and how YRT is portrayed by GHS, let them know!
A BIG thank you to @gayu312, @geumtrangdi ,@hanbillions and others who suggested and organised it!  :)

Let's keep it up! Blood fighting! GHS fighting!

@cheerkoo, thanks for bringing us the tidbits from DC. Really appreciate it. :)
Also thanks so much for  the Korean versions of the phrases we can use! 
Welcome to all new Sunnies who have joined us here recently!

hi everyone sunnies, after reading your posts i really feel happy..so many support for our lovely GHS..such a movement is really awesome and suddenly my tears drop because i am exactly feel what GHS will feel ..but I know she is strong and always strong and no matter what i really love your acting GHS, your personality n talent



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Hello! My name is Jessica! I don't know if you've seen or heard of The Blood Appreciation Project but it is a project that I initiated in an effort to show the cast of Blood that their hard work is being appreciated! With help from friends and fans of the cast, this project was able to expand to many different countries! Today will be our first hashtag attack #weluvkdramaBlood on twitter @ 21:55 PM (Korean Time) Please, if you are free during that time, make sure to participate! Or if you're not, then you can save drafts on twitter ahead of time, then just send them out @ 21:55 PM KST. We need to show the haters that Blood is getting love! Let's overcome the negativity by trending this hashtag! Thank you so much~ I really hope that you guys can take part in this appreciation project.B-9U9QJU4AAqalD.png:large

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@hanbillions sis -- Hello & welcome- Yes, we definitely know of your project.  We have had posts to let our sunnies know how to participate (see my post prev. page 1589).  @gayu312, I & a few other sunnies are also trying to spread the words to get the hash tag to trend.  We had asked fans to continuously tweet, esp. Sun-Tues and of course, ALL together @21:55pm KST.  Actually, we are asking bloodmates to tweet at 21:50KST then we can use retweet to get lots of tweets easily & quickly!

Thank you so much for all your efforts @hanbillion sis.  I think you & sis @gayu312 had similar idea at about the same time & took action -- KUDOS to you both ^:)^ =D>    Looking forward to your compilations of Blood Fans' submissions :)

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I don't think the criticism is going to affect her feelings about her current work. Hyesun's smart and even during her BOF days, she endured comments about her acting. Then again, BOF was the Kdrama of the time and easily judged by many people because the story's so popular. I have my own criticisms about Blood, but it's merely constructive. It's inevitable to have the public's observations in mind being on TV, but she doesn't seem like the type that looks into it. I trust she knows what's best for her. I'm just surprised she took on this role. I always thought she'd do more independent films and maybe she will later on, which would also be interesting to see from her. Be yourself GHS! There will always be people supporting your efforts! Fighting!

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Sunnies -- whooaaa - so thrill that HS is tweeting out a lot today- isn't she working today? Haha!   Wonder if she know that she will get LOTS of Love later today ;)

Just a few last reminders/suggestions for the Blood Appreciation Project (BAP) Tweeting En Masse @21:50 KST  --  I'm going to bed soon so any qstn - ask/pm @gayu312, @shanzay01, @jadecloud

1) Prepare & test your tweet(s) early, ready to go & start to tweet at 19:45-19:50KST.

2) In preparing your tweet, break up the @'s.. and do multiple tweets.  Since there too many  @'s and that takes up lots of characters leaving less for personal message-- Doing it like below, we get 3 tweets 4 d same personal mssg. HT= #weluvkdramaBlood

@Koohyesun119 @AAGBan...  "personal message" HT
@KBS_drama @MyloveKBS    "personal message" HT
@ygent_official @IOKcompany  "personal message" HT

It's important to include all the @'s above so that GHS, AJH, KBS, YG Ent will see
all our tweets.    After all, that's the purpose of our project -- to SHOW them our love
of Blood & appreciation of their hard work!  I had seen many tweets with just the HT!!

3) Do as many re-tweets as possible!!   Can search HT #weluvkdramaBlood in Twitter or ck out your friends' tweets.   **Watch the time & don't forget about the start of the show!!

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@S_sun @geumtrangdi : Thanks for your encouragements :) Thanks for everyone who tweets regularly and strive our best for "Blood"

Just posting the "points to remember for tweeting" part from Blood thread here

Few points for reminder

- Use only one tag per tweet..More than one tag might be considered as spam and not considered into counts for trend

- Since we are from various countries, we need huge number of tweets to make a world wide trend, a minimum of 6k tweets..So do as many tweets as possible and as many retweets as possible

- Dont change the tags..Maintain the same spelling..


- Try to make your tweet look different. .Add different info/content in your tweets like pics or gif images or write your message with different sentence formats etc

The fb page admins/twitter admins kindly circulate this info..

Just one word,

world wide trending = world wide celebration!

To that extent it should be! As much as possible many countries have to take part..

Lets all join together and fight!

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Hello Sunnies  :)

@gayu312 @S_sun @geumtrangdi @hanabillions @cheerkoo  ~~ Thank you so much for all the efforts. We really appreciate it   :)  :)   :)

Yes! we will do it! DILIGENTLY !!! to show our support for Hye Sunnie and to the entire cast of Blood  :)

And thanks to all for the updates :)

Let's Bloody enjoy the drama tonight !!! :)

Fighting !!!


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Sunnies!!Thank you for all your posts!!This campaign is AMAZING!I will do my part----I hope I will do it correctly----me the technical klutz.
GHS's new tweets:GHS's father made that 2-story "ah-jit=?a personal space?" with heated floor--Korean style of "ondol" with salvaged/recycled materials. GHS's father is also an amazing artist!!
GHS showed her pix at 20 (compare that with herself at 30 in BLOOD poster!! Wow!!)GHS's cute humor----"cute daughter" with pix of herself and her sister. She did not use plural form of daughter---keke!!!WOW---where is this room that her father built?----it looks like it is out in the deep forest. Her family is very interesting!!
Is that "ahjit=personal space" like the 3-pyung room/house that GHS talked about??I would love it if Korean documentary film does a piece about GHS and her family!! I am so curious!!Maybe GHS can do it!! with her family's permission--!!

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Hi Sunnies,

Re Blood Appr Project (BAP) tweeting En Masse  - Just a suggestion

I am setting up my tweets with different @'s in multiple windows -  Have everything
set up & double check them to have HT.   At 21:55KST then I'll just have to click "Tweets" in each window!

@cheerkoo -- thanks for the translation- LOVE IT!  LOVE IT!  - the singular "sister" word - HS is referring to her sister as the one that's cute :x :x

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