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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest chin7088

Hello everyone! It was indeed a great pleasure to be a part of this soo inspiring fan base! KUDOS to all.....well ...., with the uplifting suggestions of our friends over here like @cheerkoo‌ @elizabeth90 @geumtrangdi‌ :wink:.. ,i think this is the time for all of us to express our opinion openly without fear and hesitation..in a positive respectful manner.Let us show them that we are ONE for our Angel..FIGHTING!! Goodnight and God bless!

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Guest chin7088

Sorry guys,might answer her and give my cents on the review by tomorrow or after 2 days (during my off )wherein i can really assess everything.Not so happy with all her answers to everyone out there.She looks so biased and having a personal dislike towards GHS! Even commenting about us as fans and our attitude? WOW! What a perfect critique she is, whatttttt smile: God bless her soul hehe..anyway,thanks to you all for defending our Angel!

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Hi sunnies, I am very proud of you ... civilized people and class that are expressed with tact ... GHS is popular and Important .....otherwise people will not waste their time talking about her.., Comment Positive or negative ... no matter ......the day or they will cease to do so at this moment we have to worry ... For this article I'm a little mixed ..I feel that (he or she ) attack GHS ...i dont like it!!! (Sorry my English is bad)

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gelisa said: Hi sunnies, I just want to share with you that yesterday a Spanish Facebook page was asking the opinion about Blood to Latinos K-drama fans, and I am pleased to let you know that the comments were all positives, even from people that are not fans of GHS. I started laughing when I read a couple of comments bashing korean netizens that were attacking GHS. They said that those korean antis do not know nothing about a good drama, that that is why they are criticizing Blood and all the casts, jajajaja. Yes, they were very passionate in their comments, and I was very happy, jejejeje. Other good news is that our angel is among the best actress (3rd position) per Dramafever site, yes! This is why I do not waste my time with antis comments; for me, they are just a few making noise.

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To post in DC, you just need to post your username at the bottom of the page where it says:

  • 닉네임--just create one..I use the same one as I here.
  • then below that it asks for your password.
  • 비밀번호--just create one.
    I still do not know how to start a page in DC...I just know how to respond to someone's page.
    I read a negative article in Korean news portal and its source was the KBS home page for BLOOD. Many people left negative remarks about GHS's acting and they are derogatory. I wonder if there were no positive ones posted? At least the reporter did not say anything positive. I left a message in one of DC page that was positive and asked him/her to post that message on the KBS home page too. Fans must take some ownership of the BLOOD homepage. Right?
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To post in DC, you just need to post your username at the bottom of the page where it says:
  • 닉네임--just create one..I use the same one as I here.

  • then below that it asks for your password.
  • 비밀번호--just create one.

I still do not know how to start a page in DC...I just know how to respond to someone's page.

I read a negative article in Korean news portal and its source was the KBS home page for BLOOD. Many people left negative remarks about GHS's acting and they are derogatory. I wonder if there were no positive ones posted? At least the reporter did not say anything positive. I left a message in one of DC page that was positive and asked him/her to post that message on the KBS home page too. Fans must take some ownership of the BLOOD homepage. Right?

Thanks sis..Is there anyway to post our mesaages directly to KBS Blood page??

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gayu312 said:

To post in DC, you just need to post your username at the bottom of the page where it says:


[*]닉네임--just create one..I use the same one as I here.
[*]then below that it asks for your password.[*]비밀번호--just create one.
I still do not know how to start a page in DC...I just know how to respond to someone's page.
I read a negative article in Korean news portal and its source was the KBS home page for BLOOD. Many people left negative remarks about GHS's acting and they are derogatory. I wonder if there were no positive ones posted? At least the reporter did not say anything positive. I left a message in one of DC page that was positive and asked him/her to post that message on the KBS home page too. Fans must take some ownership of the BLOOD homepage. Right?

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I think we must be careful in posting as we have language barriers.

To make a new post

1. Go to the link


2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page


Click on the button named "writing"

3. Now you will find the below screen..Just enter a username in first box and any password in your 2nd box, subject of your post in the third box and the actual content of your post in the 4th box..There is no separate form for registration..So if you are a first time poster, Just enter username and password and use the same all the time you post there..


once you enter everything, click on the registeration button on the top right down.The black colour one..You are done with your 1st post

To make a comment under other's post its as said by @‌cheerkoo sis

1. Go to the link


2. Click on the post under which you want to post, and the page witll load for that particilar post.Then scroll down and enter your username and password there

The funny thing is you need not register to comment under other's post but for creating a new post, you need to..I opened the page in in google chrome where my page get google translated automatically..Also i used my phone to post..So in system it might vary or might be the same..I m yet to check on it

For your post, the number next to star symbol indicates the number of likes and number next to cross symbol indicates dislikes.. (This is just my guess)

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gayu312 said: I think we must be careful in posting as we have language barriers. To make a new post 1. Go to the link http://m.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page f0ovbi58p Click on the button named "writing" 3. Now you will find the below screen..Just enter a username in first box and any password in your 2nd box, subject of your post in the third box and the actual content of your post in the 4th box..There is no separate form for registration..So if you are a first time poster, Just enter username and password and use the same all the time you post there.. p5aYxvbEp once you enter everything, click on the registeration button on the top right down.The black colour one..You are done with your 1st post To make a comment under other's post its as said by @‌cheerkoo sis 1. Go to the link http://m.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun 2. Click on the post under which you want to post, and the page witll load for that particilar post.Then scroll down and enter your username and password there The funny thing is you need not register to comment under other's post but for creating a new post, you need to..I opened the page in in google chrome where my page get google translated automatically..Also i used my phone to post..So in system it might vary or might be the same..I m yet to check on it

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Guest ginger4clover

I am trying hard not to read any post regarding GHS acting in Blood, it may be positive or negative. Knowing that there are exponential negative remarks. People make derogatory remarks because of anonymity almost no consequences. I don't even know if my positive post in some sites help balance the negativity. Heck....even my colleague is bashing me for posting here and there... LOL At least they do it face to face...:)
According to what I had read so far some perception of her acting is awkward and over acting. I have not seen that so far in ep 2. GHS did a good jobin acting spoiled, bold and arrogant YOO Rita. The way she talk slowly with enunciation of each words, her facial expression that looks like condescending and tone of her voice during the team conference when she was challenge professionally and during the argument with PJS office, she has this smirk look on her face (like go ahead write me up see what will happen) are very appropriate with those scenes. ( some rich arrogant people talk that way, overly emphasize the words to let you know they have the power). Read the Nut Rage story. Daughter of the chairman of the Korean airline ( chaebol) over reacting over macademia nuts. That's how some rich people act real/reel. GHS smoothly transition to a different role in Blood.

Some of the funny scenes: Where she accidentally squeeze the damage sun glasses her facial expression priceless ( finger hurt badly but due to nurses passing by she tries to keep up her image) LOL. PJS sun glasses lense  drop. Lobby of the hospital when Yoo Rita giving PJS new sun glasses. How she talk and laugh sarcastically. During PJS and Yoo Rita made round to the  patient that was just operated and argued and left. In the next cubicle was a nurse and a doctor the conversation goes: Nurse said to the doctor; I have to perform an enema can you give us the room. Doctor response; oh sure yes, it should not be blocked. I guess some people miss the subtlety of the joke. Medical people should not miss that.

AJH as a newbie is doing a great job in characterization of PJS so far. The supporting and seasoned actor/actresses are doing great acting. Too many good looking vampires...So far LJW only drink plasma not whole blood. Very interesting........

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@cheerkoo @gayu HELP.  I posted in dc but I think I did a bobo.  I was trying to place a photo and my comment but what happened was the comment got separated from the image and the image is not showing.  How do I delete my post.  I click on the x beside my post, it prompted me for my password.  I typed in my password and click on the x but the post won't delete.
Gayu, how did you insert the image?

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Good Morning Sunnies!  Hope you're all well.   First of all, I want to say thank you all for all the updates on Blood - you don't know how much I appreciate all of your imput and comments, and points of view, especially regarding HS's acting skills.  And I just want to put in my two cents. You all know how long I've been a fan of hers, from way back when, back when she was less well known, and as far as I can remember, I never heard any negativity about her acting.  People loved her in NN5 and Pure in Heart, and it wasn't until I believe The King and I that she started to receive some criticism.  Now, Pure in Heart was huge as far as ratings, and towards the end they were garnering 42+ % ratings.  And she became really famous.  Then she did Strongest Chilwoo, not too much there, and then BAM, BOF came, her popularity soared again, and with it came more a lot of negativity.   You know, I sometimes think the more popular you are, you're a target for criticism and not only that, she did gain  a lot of anti-fans from the male actors in her cast.  From what I've seen, anti-fans can be very obsessive and scary.  But at any rate, I don't really care, and I'm not letting them deprive me of enjoying this drama.  If you really think about it, if you didn't like an actor and his/her acting skills bothered you that much, would you really continue watching the drama?  I know I wouldn't.  Even if I liked the supporting cast, I have stopped watching dramas if I don't like something about it.  I think the antis just dislike her period and are going to be there every episode to diss her.   I watched the first two episodes.  I thought the acting was superb, everyone, from the child actors to AJH, I loved the actors who played his parents, and JJH (wow, he's already giving me the chills) and of course, uri GHS, who I thought portrayed YR perfectly.  And there really wasn't much to criticise in Ep 2.   What I plan to do is to just enjoy.  I believe she's having fun filming this drama.  There's an extended cast of experienced actors some of whom she's worked with before like Park Joon Myeon who I believe is the head nurse who acted with her in Everybody Cha Cha Cha ( she has a beautiful voice), and JJH, and boy, I can't wait to see the story evolve between JS and YR.  If that scene where he cries while watching the movie of his mother was anything to go by, they're going to be great together and I bet that's when we'll start to hear the OST sung by SNSD's Tiffany, who has sung some very beautiful OST songs in the past.   Today is Sunday for me - can't wait for Ep.3.  I plan to savor and enjoy, pray for more viewers and for the ratings to go up, and if the antis come out, who really cares - that's their problem, and only shows me that she's still "up there on the top" and is worthy of them trying to bring her down.  Let them come. We'll be here to push her back up.  Sunnies, please be healthy and stay well.  And thanks again for all your efforts!      :-*

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@cheerkoo @gayu HELP.  I posted in dc but I think I did a bobo.  I was trying to place a photo and my comment but what happened was the comment got separated from the image and the image is not showing.  How do I delete my post.  I click on the x beside my post, it prompted me for my password.  I typed in my password and click on the x but the post won't delete.

Gayu, how did you insert the image?

In the screen I just clicked the below camera like button to select a pic from my phone


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Thanks Gayu.  I'm using my computer so I don't have your screen.  My only reservation about posting in DC is that we're posting in English and it may offend those who can't read in English.  If it's just Blood Fighting or I love Blood, phrases that every Korean probably would understand, I think that would be fine.  But how any Blood Fighting can we post until it becomes too boring?

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