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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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So happy that HS shared pic of nephew -  he's very cute!   I think in the second pic, HS said that his lips resemble hers - hahaha.  Would like to think that her recent tweets showing family pics might mean that she is feeling happy, relaxed and contented- enjoying herself  :x :x  Praying that it is indeed the case!!

Keep positive Sunnies - enjoy Blood & don't think/mind the haters.  Most importantly is Hye Sun-ssii is not affected by the antis; she had said in interviews she now understand of constructive criticisms vs malicious ones.   Can't wait for next week's epi. 

Sunnies Smiling!!!  - why do we always have to be in "fighting" mode???
GHS Fighting & Smiling!!!  :)  Blood Team Fighting!!!

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KU HYE SUN Shows Impressive Acting in New Drama Series “Blood”!
Acting as arrogant and perfect girl “Yoo Rita” who has good look, intelligence, and wealth, but rather comical
Actress KU HYE SUN is catching the eyes of drama fans, showing a dramatic and impressive acting in KBS 2TV’s new Monday-Tuesday drama series “Blood” (written by Park Jae-bum, directed by Ki Min-soo, Lee Jae-hoon).
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Sunnies, forget about antis, I am sure they are a minority making noise. I have been reading Korean entertainment news bring in Spanish by a Facebook page, and most of the time are about harsh comments of Korean netizens about X actor/actress and idols. They are sick people. For some reason our Angel is the only actress with more followers in Facebook! It is because she is great! I started watching Blood, and I can say that the two episodes are awesome!

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Guest chin7088

Thanks @gayu312‌ for the YG article! At last,they can feel now the sentiments of GHS fans. Hope they will continue that support. Keep positive and fighting!! By the way,her nephew was soooo adorable, how i wish i can hold him and pinched :smile:

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cheerkoo said: Thank ZamZam for GHS's tweet.She says she is having a conversation with her neice/nephew (looks like niece?) on her day off.
Here we go again Sunnies...I wish I could see her drama without worrying about the critics.Critics are killing her and the drama. Personally I think it is really good so far...riveting and fun.So hold fast.I am just going to enjoy. I already watched the 2nd epi 3 times and still enjoyed it.AJH is also being criticized, but not as badly as GHS as she is a senior actor.Phew....Critics ruined my enjoyment of BOF too. My question is...is GHS really that bad as people are saying? I don't get it.Sorry for going on.I pray the BLOOD production team stay positive and I hope GHS-ssi stay positive and focus.Take care Sunnies!!

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Hi Sunnies!

Well it's about time YG has to defend their artists! GHS' fans on tweeter has been asking YG about the articles -bashing her from her clothes to her acting. I emailed all the articles to YG also. I would like to think that fans' cohesive effort paid off. :) As fans not only we support her but we can defend her too if possible.

Thanks for all your post. :)

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said: Sunnies, forget about antis, I am sure they are a minority making noise. I have been reading Korean entertainment news bring in Spanish by a Facebook page, and most of the time are about harsh comments of Korean netizens about X actor/actress and idols. They are sick people. For some reason our Angel is the only actress with more followers in Facebook! It is because she is great! I started watching Blood, and I can say that the two episodes are awesome!

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Guest eunhye05

Hi Sunnies, I don't usually comment often (as I've gone back to lurking for a while) but I think we shouldn't get worked up too much and should just sit back and enjoy the Series. Let's not lurk in those forums or sites that don't appreciate our girl because that's precisely what the writers and bloggers like- more hits and a heated discussion and more comments.
I think even Hye Sun got the sense that there was too much negativity around and tweeted pictures of her and her nephew - Who we are seeing for the first time -  and thank you @zamzam for bringing that over. She's just trying to say "Look guys, Chill and enjoy some cuteness!" i can't believe no one paid much attention to her tweet either. He looks like her Unni. Soooo cuuuuute!!!! He's so lucky he has an auntie like GHS who will spoil him to bits. Can't wait for her to have her own baby too. (Not just right now though).
Let's just be thankful that we now have a drama to look forward to with GHS in it so we can now see her twice a week.  I do need more RiTa and JiSang moments together though. I think this is more of a Vampire Sci Fiction drama with some romance but not a spotlight on the romance. (That's why Angel Eyes will still be my favorite GHS drama) 

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Guest kstar1234

when i read all the negative comments about GHS, I can see that the writers are immature. They wanted to bring back BOF's Gjandi, Angle eye's Y Soo wan charaters in Blood. they can't let go off those dramas yet. they can't look at New drama, New character with New version yet. poor thing. 
And that's mean they have so much time to waist it and nothing to do for their lives. Same thing with me..today.. :).. office close because of snow, So, i have time to get on those blog and read the Neg. comments.
Haters are haters. They just want to point out KHS bad acting but they tried not to mention her hit dramas, like pure 19..haha, BOF and Angle eyes..... :)Anyway, those 3 dramas are very time my favorite dramas.  :)

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Guest kstar1234

There is a saying that "Tall trees catch much wind" that's why GHS always get double portions from Anti-fans.That's proved that she is not just a grass, if so, they won't be brother themselves criticized her. But to our GHS.. "the moon doesn't care for barking dogs", the Moon keeps shining forever.  :x <:-P

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myonenonly said: Hi Sunnies! Well it's about time YG has to defend their artists! GHS' fans on tweeter has been asking YG about the articles -bashing her from her clothes to her acting. I emailed all the articles to YG also. I would like to think that fans' cohesive effort paid off. :) As fans not only we support her but we can defend her too if possible. Thanks for all your post. :)

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What a shock?! GHS being criticised for her acting, lol?! This is not a new thing some people always criticised GHS for whatever she is wearing, saying, acting etc..... I totally agree with sis @Kstar1234, if GHS is not a hot topic those antis nor the reporters would have been interested to continuously following her up re her news and projects . 
I don't know why in this case the reporters did so many articles on those antis' attack against GHS, thus making this issue much bigger than it deserves. 
The important thing is that we as GHS fans not to allow us get affected by what crap they are saying about her. I knew her for several years now and I will never allow anybody to plant a doubt about her acting capability, she was the one person who introduced me to the Korean dramas and made me interested in the Korean people and I will not let few Koreans to change my opinion about them. Sunnies let's join our hands together and always try to spread love amongst all people, always talk positive about our dear Star and never return fire with fire. Let's show everybody how much we love and proud of our GHS . This will show everybody how classy and sophisticated GHS fans are .
I finally got to watch the two episodes with english sub and I enjoyed them a lot. I love GHS she has portrayed the character very well and in a lovely way .

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Thanks to all Sunnies for supporting and defending our girl in whatever way we deem fit. It is a constant battle whenever she does anything. Sometimes I feel like I am back in the middle ages when public lynching  was a sport.  
My heart hurts so badly for our girl. She has not done anyone any harm or said anything bad about anyone.Fine if they don't like her.  Why don't they just leave her alone! I can't help thinking how GHS-ssi must be feeling now. Yet she tweeted us a smiling pic with her cute niece/nephew.
She is so thoughtful because she knows we are concerned for her. I feel her message is like, "Chill. Don't worry. Enjoy the good things in life like with your loved ones" Thank you, GHS-ssi.Please spend a happy time with your loved ones this New Year period and have a good rest. Eat lots, GHS-ssi!
I am enjoying the drama. It is entertaining. YRT is a fun character to watch.I pray for strength for GHS-ssi and Blood  team to continue filming and give us a good drama.
Sunnies, let's us continue to support GHS all the way. :)
Happy Lunar New Year to those Sunnies and families celebrating it!  :)chinese-new-year-card_23-2147499045.jpg
credit as tagged

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Hello sunnies, past few days seemed to be mini battle for us! I have got over it now..May be its because finally YG posted some article. .Though its late but still its better to be late than nothing! Also read the comments from allkpop! I dint see that much bad comments too..People are loving Koo's new potrayal..People accept that Koo has changed her acting style and trying her best..If anyone here is down still, just go to allkpop comments and see..It may not be 100%positive comments but a way better than all the other site..The most comforting thing was Koo..It dint look like we comforting her but it actually was she comforting us with her smiling selca tweet with her nephew! she is the most strong woman for me on this earth and that's one of the most reasons i like her for..

.I was heart broken too but now after all these positives and after watching the eps with Eng sub, i feel even more confident and reassured hat "Blood" is doing well. . Ratings trend has changed these days.So its waste talking about it ..Lets start afresh once again like how we were in ep1 and enjoy blood and support uri princess! Happy lunar new year to all..

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that's the spirit! i have been a lurker in a few threads in soompi and i have seen bashing. it seems though that GHS gets the worst ones. it sure is bad for the health but as some of you said or implied, feeding the fire will only make it bigger. it is best to leave it alone and do positive things. i believe that noone can put down a good person and  the evil ones shall get their comeuppance.
im proud of GHS-ssi. she is an amazing person. she has travelled a long and difficult path but look at her now. she continues to do what she loves most and embraced everything that goes with it. we should learn to be like her - i mean her attitude. well, at least i should :D .. pretty amazing .. pretty and amazing
so, have u voted for today? 


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Guest elizabeth90

This quote below is from the cool patti smith thought it fits with whats going on now

What will remain 20, 30 years from now—all those people and their snarky comments and their projections will be forgotten—but if your work continues to grow and you do great work, that’s what will be remembered..:patti smith..

All this hating would indeed be forgotten but goo hye sun and how she made us feel would never be lost.. i am so proud of all you sunnies for having a positive attitude towards everything, about the drama ratings i do believe it will grow higher but if it doesn't i hope we dont dwell on it, but instead take from it all the good it brought us in terms of seeing koo again on our screen.

Also koo hye sun is so so beautiful in blood her skin is luminous and glowing loving her in this drama. I have always wanted koo to play such a lively character with spunk and attitude not gonna let looser ruin it for me., also i have blocked ygpress lol atleast until koo drama ends. Infact i blocked alot of them naysayers and had an extensive interaction with them. Anyway cant wait to see what nextweek brings. Lets hope its not as tiresome as this week.

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