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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Ok ladies I send another trial transaction through paypal, small amt. I provided both names of acct. and Hana bank acct. number. It went through for now. If it goes through I will send a bigger amt. I hope it won't fail. Haven't heard anything yet. It is dawn at Seoul right now . I will let you know.

@S_sun wire transfer was my next choice but it will take days, I think. I haven't tried the Korean supermarket near my place yet. They do money transfer. So let's see.

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Guest ginger4clover

Hi Sunnies,
You can count me in, lets support AE just post how and whom to send the funds. How about Western Union do they have it there. That's one way of sending money overseas. I use them when I send money overseas to family.Let me know ladies.....

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Guest S_sun

myonenonly said: Ok ladies I send another trial transaction through paypal, small amt. I provided both names of acct. and Hana bank acct. number. It went through for now. If it goes through I will send a bigger amt. I hope it won't fail. Haven't heard anything yet. It is dawn at Seoul right now . I will let you know. @S_sun wire transfer was my next choice but it will take days, I think. I haven't tried the Korean supermarket near my place yet. They do money transfer. So let's see.

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Hi Sunnies,

@myonenonly- thanks for taking action (your trial run)  to get the ball "actually" rolling with our participation!   Also, did u really ck out the hair color at TGT?  Are u really going to dye your
hair? wouldn't be great if a bunch of you guys (not me guy) dye your hair to copy YSW then           post pics :))    Yes, please let us know the steps once u have confirmation of your contribution.

A few other thoughts-

1) Really feeling "tickle pink" about HyeSun (YSW) getting to be “blissfully in love” in AE even if it’s through acting.  So wishful for her to have that kind of wonderful love in real life as well <3    In BOF, it was so heart-breaking to see her suffered so in 24 epi with just some fleeting moments of happiness :(Guess this is why us people love to re-watch epi 9 & 10-  to see HS happy.   Or reversely, I did not want to watch epi 5 &6 again because HS/YSW was in so much anguish & was crying so much.         I know, I know- it's only acting, but HS made it feels so real.... :-<

Can't wait for the next epi, but I worry that the happiness won't last long and suffering returns in AE??  After all there's 10 epi left and there has to be "drama", right?

2) @robo4 said,  "Whenever I see her with any of her kennel of pooches, new meaning is brought to me in the phrase, "Oh, you lucky dog!"  "   sorry still don't know how to include old post (will ask someone for help)
I ran across the following video so wd like to share-  should have post this ard time of "Superman" posts. 

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class="H" style="font-weight: 400; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; outline: 0px; font-size: 26px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 1.4em; color: rgb(30, 30, 31); text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px;"@myonenonly Wow!!Please let me know if you get any type of confirmation.thanks so much for doing it!!!!I have to see if snow summer of KuOne would post in DC that international fans are also sending in money.I think that if DC fans do come here, they only look and go. I have seen some post in DC referring to soompi.Problem as many of you know already is that person like me who has no national ID number for Korea cannot enter the DC. KUOne which is a private fan organization for GHS is also just as hard to get in. So, I have no way to contact them.I am still having problem with my computer in getting through the hana bank...We do have the account number, name of the acct for that acct number and the name of the bank. I am trying to see if I can talk with a bank personnel to make sure about it. But, I could not do it today. I am going to talk with them in English if I can. 

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OK now I got a message that my transaction failed. geez.... @S_sun I used the overseas number provided by Hana Bank. I did not provide the email address, I left it blank. But it went through, so I thought. So we need to go to plan B. ??????

 BTW @cheerkoo there's a branch in New York. It's the only one in the whole US. They have a branch in China, Japan, Singapore.. Sue the address of Hana Bank in New York; 650 5th Ave., 15th Floor, New York, NY 10019 their tel no. 212 245-4346 and banking hours 09 - 1600.

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Guest S_sun

Hi Sunnies,I know we all want to show our appreciation too to AE team as GHS fans, I think we need to establish contact first with the organizers of the event to see if they are accepting contributions from International fans  before sending them money.  I feel it is courtesy to ask them first if it is open to International fans as well. So let's wait until someone contact us here hopefully. :)

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Hi myonenonly , I'm also keen to participate and I understand that there is one in Singapore... so what is the procedure like and how shall I go about? Thanks

@S_sun is right. We have to ask the organizers first. We can ask YG to help us get in touch with DC GHS fans. Idk where to start.

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Guest S_sun

myonenonly said:

Hi myonenonly , I'm also keen to participate and I understand that there is one in Singapore... so what is the procedure like and how shall I go about? Thanks

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cheerkoo said: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=132197&page=1
http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=guhyesun&no=132208&page=1snow summer of KuOne posted on above pages at DCI am just going to summarize.She wants DC-GHS fans to come to DC forum to discuss the details of the Support AE meal cart plan. 오늘 저녁(5월 16일) 8시 쿠갤에 와주세요~ <--chatting time May 16 at 8PM (Korean time)SnowSummer contacted YG and got the manager's number but because the filming schedule is so tight that she has yet to actually connect with GHS's manager. So far, they have collected this amount: 1,457,000 won==>what is that in Dollars??계좌명 : 쿠연합(ㅅㅎㅈ)=Account name
은행명 : 하나은행=Ha Na Bank
계좌번호 : 892-910002-15605=Account number

입금기한 : 서포트 모금은 식사서포트 날짜가 정해지기 전까지 받겠습니다=they will collect the money until the final date for the meal cart is decided. 

I read in another page that there are many other support groups trying to get support events to materialize that the GHS's supporters may not be able to have the event until late May or so. 

Wow!!, if we can give money to that account,,,that would be wonderful...!!


I read them talking about Outback Steakhouse lunch box for the entirel staff--about 100 people and each lunch is about 20,000won/person. Woah!! they need more money. They also want to give gifts to exp director and to writer...

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‘엔젤아이즈’ 구혜선 셀카, 아름다운 모습에 ‘인형 같아’

'Angel Eyes' Ku Hyesun POV, beautiful appearance, the 'doll.' (translate google)

기사입력 2014-05-17 15:27


구혜선이 셀카를 공개했다.

SBS 주말드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’를 통화 활약 중인 배우 구혜선의 셀카가 공개되어 누리꾼들의 눈길을 끌고 있다.

구혜선은 최근 자신의 SNS인 트위터를 통해 “윤수완”이라는 멘트와 함께 한 장의 사진을 공개했다.

공개된 사진 속 구혜선은 웨이브 진 머리를 늘어트린 채 카메라를 응시하고 있다. 사진 속 구혜선은 아련한 눈빛을 하고 있으며, 도자기 같은 피부와 미모로 눈길을 끌었다.

또한 구혜선은 “꽁치”라는 멘트와 함께 애견과 함께 찍은 사진을 공개했다. 사진 속 구혜선은 긴 머리를 묶고 강아지를 안은 채 카메라를 응시하고 있으며, 마치 인형 같은 미모를 과시해 눈길을 끌었다.

‘엔 젤아이즈’ 구혜선 셀카에 누리꾼들은 ‘구혜선 셀카, 엔젤아이즈에서 구혜선 볼 때 마다 감탄 밖에 안 나와’, ‘구혜선 셀카, 구혜선 셀카 진짜 인형 같아’, ‘구혜선 셀카, 강아지 안고 있는 모습이 너무 귀여워’등의 반응을 보이고 있다.

한편, 구혜선을 비롯 이상윤, 김지석 등이 출연하는 SBS 주말드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’는 매주 토요일 일요일 오후 9시 55분부터 방송된다.

성고은 기자 idsoft3@reviewstar.net

[ⓒ 인터넷한국일보, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]

source : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&oid=011&aid=0002514219&sid1=001&lfrom=twitter
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Gals...as I know, even though hana bank has branches outside South Korea, their system are not connected each other. Basically, it's the same thing like you transfer money from your local bank to bank in South Korea. The fee is not cheaper.

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@myonenonly Thank You for doing this I hope we can participate, @s_sun just mentioned we need to wait for the organizers we dont want to intrude.

@sukreen thanks for the article, and @cheerkoo thanks in advance for the english translation :)

lets not forget our prayer rally   5 minutes before AE airs lets hope for a good ratings tonight.

Have a great Saturday Sunnies :)

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I just watched AE live streaming. AE is such a beautiful love story. My lady GHS is just awesome! Another excellent deliverance!

 Her facial expression is just priceless for me. Every scene is daebak! She's most beautiful in AE so far. GHS' & LSY's looks compliments each other.

 SW the woman in love, SW the rescuer, SW the good daughter, .... I can see it all! :X :X :X

Next episode will be crying time again. :(  More tears for SW?

As for the donation... I really want to contribute so I'm going to use twitter to ask for help. Hopefully one member in DC GHS/AE will come across my plea. Fingers crossed. :)

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Hi.....I have already written on DC about  all of your wish  to contribute to the project. Hope someone will answer it. The problem is, snowsummer doesn't know what is paypal. And before me, a kind soul already mentioned that soompi member want to participate...i just realized it after i posted my comment because I didn't read their conversation beforehand( I just opened the link from cherkoo and posting without reading kekekke). 

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Guest S_sun

illay said: Hi.....I have already written on DC about  all of your wish  to contribute to the project. Hope someone will answer it. The problem is, snowsummer doesn't know what is paypal. And before me, a kind soul already mentioned that soompi member want to participate...i just realized it after i posted my comment because I didn't read their conversation beforehand( I just opened the link from cherkoo and posting without reading kekekke). 

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One of soompier @misstear (hi misstear ^^ ) told me that everyone can post on DC without Korean ID. Anyway, Snowsummer replied that she already looked about paypal on Naver but it seems that she still confuse and think it's really difficult. She asked me 2 things but i only understand the last question. @Cherkoo please, help  =))


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all,  snowsummer already made an account in paypal but she said that she will learn about paypal rule kekkekeke....
papal account : fantasia_s@naver.com

You all can check DC link that i posted before to confirm this account. DO you think she can verify the account? kekekkeke. I told her before that she will need credit card number just to confirm the account.

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