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Hi Sunnies! Thank you @meow13 & @ochloe for providing the link & video. Sue thanks in advance for your translation.
I wish people watch the docu film first before making judgements. Maybe she didn't understand?..... pea brain! It is annoying. :D

Take care. Ciao! :X

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아침부터 퉁퉁 부은 구혜선-



is she for the second lead female of Angel Eyes?

쥬니→주안 개명 동시 ‘엔젤아이즈’ 캐스팅, 득남후 첫복귀

[뉴스엔 권수빈 기자]

쥬니가 활동명을 ‘주안’으로 개명하고 드라마를 통해 복귀한다.

쥬니는 지난 2012년 영화 ‘반창꼬’를 끝으로 결혼 후 잠시 휴식기를 가졌다. 3월4일 소속사 측에 따르면 쥬니는 ‘주안’으로 최근 활동명을 개명했으며 이와 함께 SBS 드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’에 캐스팅됐다.

개명 이유에 대해 소속사 측은 “쥬니가 다소 어려운 발음이기도 했다. 개명을 통해 다시 출발선에 선다는 마음으로 배우 인생의 터닝포인트를 만들 것”이라며 “주안의 뜻은 아름다운 옥구슬이다”고 답했다.

'엔젤 아이즈'에서는 털털하고 소년 같지만 항상 남을 도와주기 좋아해 자신의 적성에 맡는 형사가 된 차민수 역을 맡았다. 웃음 많고 눈물도 많지만 정의감도 많아 드라마의 실마리를 풀어주는 중요한 역할이다.

권수빈 ppbn@
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ZamZam said: @Koohyesun119
아침부터 퉁퉁 부은 구혜선-



is she for the second lead female of Angel Eyes?

쥬니→주안 개명 동시 ‘엔젤아이즈’ 캐스팅, 득남후 첫복귀

[뉴스엔 권수빈 기자]

쥬니가 활동명을 ‘주안’으로 개명하고 드라마를 통해 복귀한다.

쥬니는 지난 2012년 영화 ‘반창꼬’를 끝으로 결혼 후 잠시 휴식기를 가졌다. 3월4일 소속사 측에 따르면 쥬니는 ‘주안’으로 최근 활동명을 개명했으며 이와 함께 SBS 드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’에 캐스팅됐다.

개명 이유에 대해 소속사 측은 “쥬니가 다소 어려운 발음이기도 했다. 개명을 통해 다시 출발선에 선다는 마음으로 배우 인생의 터닝포인트를 만들 것”이라며 “주안의 뜻은 아름다운 옥구슬이다”고 답했다.

'엔젤 아이즈'에서는 털털하고 소년 같지만 항상 남을 도와주기 좋아해 자신의 적성에 맡는 형사가 된 차민수 역을 맡았다. 웃음 많고 눈물도 많지만 정의감도 많아 드라마의 실마리를 풀어주는 중요한 역할이다.

권수빈 ppbn@
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2014 개봉예정작 <다우더>  
촬영장에서 한컷.  
<심혜진.구혜선.현승민 주연/감독 구혜선>
@Koohyesun11911:34 AM
2014 Opening Soon "Daughter". Filming still cut. <Starring Shim Hye Jin, Ku Hye Sun, Hyun Seung Min / Directed by Ku Hye Sun>

add another one!
2014 개봉예정작<다우더> 연출부&주연배우와 한컷. <심혜진.구혜선.현승민 주연/감독 구혜선>
@Koohyesun11911:51 AM

HyeSun start promoting "Daughter"! Can't wait for it opening~

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Jooni whose name has changed to Joo Wan has been cast for a role of Cha MinSoo in Angel Eyes. She is full of laughter as well as full of tears but she is also full of sense of justice that she usually puts a finishing touch to the stories...The actress chaged her name because Jooni is hard to pronounce and she wants to have a fresh start after her marriage when her last appearance was in a movie called Bandaid.
thank you zamzam!!

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  After seeing this wonderful symphony, "MBC documentary Huh Nan Seol Huh " ,a cinematographic saga of an ancient poetess, which  Ku Hye Sun genuinely mixed with present history and a little part of her own ,interweaving images ,music, people ,facts , in few words a whole old story brought  in nowadays, made me waiting with trembled heart, out of excitement her film "Daughter " . THIS GIRL is a combination of realism, will, tenacity , devotion towards her noble aims , entwined with love ,poetry,music and respect . What a wonderful lesson of history of life ,literature, local customs ,music ,traditions ,so beautiful spoke , just good to listen ,to endear ,a great and pleasant way to inform people about, and to teach student in schools . Admirable work , her lovely voice following the thread of story , soothing, caressing like a mother her children, make me feel spoiled and almost not needing the translation , sounding like a complex symphony which can be understand by everyone no matter the culture, which origin they come .  My heart was singing when I saw the warm and love which she was received in Berlin, that should give her more trust and courage ,not that she doesn't ,but the more is better . And I wish from her to seriously think about translating her films,interviews,songs -everything - to help people better understand her and the Korean culture . Please ,open up to the world ,you'll be more loved by being well understood .Thank you !
 PS,please don't jump at me for "this girl " -that she is for me and it has a magic connotation - fairy - in my country's legends  the girl,the virgin, is mysterious  and waking up wishes,dreams, magic powers THANK YOU @meow13 !  THANK YOU  @cheerkoo ! THANK YOU @ZamZam ! THANK YOU  ALL SUNNIES for your loving work in bringing the news about our PRINCESS ! I wish to dedicate to you this yellow flower-buttons cut from sun, to warm and bring mirth and light on this page and in your souls :

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thank you meow13 for GHS's new tweet.
Mango is adorable.

왜 이리 상자만 보이면 들어갈까요? pic.twitter.com/JHyXiztQBA

How is that whenever (he=Mango) sees a box, (he) goes in?

The words in parenthesis tell us that Korean language really hardly use pronouns!!

Do you guys see the cute bear face inside the box?? I wonder if it is a gift from China?? keke I just see Chinese letters on the box.
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Actor Gong HyungJin is cast in Angel Eyes to play Ghi Woon Chan. (His character name actually means "full of strength/power"..keke). He has experience as both fireman and as paramedic and is an expert/master in his game. He is a divorced single father and is very proper in his relationship with opposite sex. He may say the most critical/bitter things to SuWan (GHS's character. Doesn't Suwan sound like Swan?? keke), but he sincerely worries about her a great deal and also acknowledges her abilities. He will also train hard to meet the expectation of his role.

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@Thank You @meow @ZamZAM @cheerkoo for all the updates
@cheerkoo maybe she received gifts from china and the box from the gift is where MANGO is..but i was cracking up when i saw the 2nd box..i was just imagining GHS telling MANGO "if he won't get out of that box he will look like that cat or bear hugger":D
i just finished watching the 2nd part of her documentary and i enjoyed watching it..when i was watching the 1st part i feel like i was watching a fusion drama things that happened from 400 yrs. ago being continued to the present time..i hope she would make more docudrama she is really good at it..i love watching documentaries and this is the first time i saw a docudrama i wonder whose idea was it ^:)^

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I never ever imagined myself watching a documentary show in a language that I don't understand a word of it and yet I found myself watching it for two consecutive times with a big smile on my face and feeling very comfortable and relaxed by listening to the tone of her voice. She is absolutely an amazing Lady, keep up the excellent work my sweet and beautiful Angel .
Thanks a lot my dear friends for recording the docdrama, I appreciate your remarkable efforts a lot .

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I have just finished watching the docudrama and I am amazed with what GHS has accomplished. This production is great.  I am not Korean but because of this docudrama, I am able to appreciate Korean music, arts, its people. GHS has done a great job presenting this to me and I believe to others if not the rest of the world. I can only admire  GHS for all the things that she does and thank her for SHARING her work with us. 
To GHS: You have a great talent and Korea is lucky to have you. I pray for your good health and I am always looking forward for your next project. More success to you and be happy. 

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Script Reading of Angel Eyes
look... our Goddess is so beautiful with long hair :x

‘엔젤아이즈’ 대본연습 현장, 승리 한마디에 빵 터진 사연
‘엔젤아이즈’ 대본연습 현장이 공개됐다.

SBS 새 주말드라마 ‘엔젤 아이즈’(극본 윤지련/연출 박신우) 대본연습도중 웃음이 터지며 화기애애한 분위기가 연출됐다.news_view.php?uid=2014030510090296100

주말특별기획 ‘세번 결혼하는 여자’후속으로 4월부터 방송되는 ‘엔젤 아이즈’는 가슴 설레는 첫사랑이 12년 만에 다시 만나 펼치는 아프지만 맑고 깨끗한 러브스토리이자 천사의 눈으로 보는 정통멜로 드라마이다.


지난 2월 말 ‘엔젤 아이즈’팀은 최문석 EP와 윤지련 작가, 박신우감독을 포함한 제작진과 이상윤과 구혜선, 김지석, 정진영, 공형진, 승리(이승현), 주안, 권해효와 김여진, 강하늘, 남지현 등 연기자들 모두 참석한 가운데 전체 대본리딩을 진행했다.

박신우 감독의 “분위기 좋게 잘 촬영하며 좋은 드라마를 만들자”는 인사말에 이어 진지한 대본연습이 진행됐다. 이상윤은 실제 외과의사로 처럼 또박또박 절도 있는 대사를, 그리고 구혜선 또한 119구조대 응급구조사로 몰입되어 대본을 읽어나갔다.

그러다 승리의 차례가 됐다. 그때 승리는 충청도 사투리를 구사하며 “대장님 누구왔어유?”라는 말과 함께 영어를 섞어 쓰자 긴장감 넘치던 대본연습실은 일순간 웃음바다로 변하기도 했다.

한 제작진은 “이상윤씨와 구혜선씨 등 배우분들 모두 프로답게 자신이 맡은 캐릭터에 따라 진지하고도 열정적으로 대본연습에 참여했다”며 “이번 대본 연습만으로도 ‘엔젤아이즈’팀의 팀워크를 충분히 확인할 수 있었는데, 앞으로 드라마에서 더욱 좋은 모습을 선보일 수 있을 것”이라고 자신했다.

한편 드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’는 ‘야왕’과 ‘유령’ 공동연출로 연출력을 인정받은 SBS의 박신우 감독과 인기드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’를 집필한 윤지련 작가가 대본을 집필해 기대감을 한껏 높이고 있다. 4월 5일 첫방송.(사진=SBS 제공)

[뉴스엔 이소담 기자]
이소담 sodamss@

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Thank you zamzam for the article!!
지난 2월 말 ‘엔젤 아이즈’팀은 최문석 EP와 윤지련 작가, 박신우감독을 포함한 제작진과 이상윤과 구혜선, 김지석, 정진영, 공형진, 승리(이승현), 주안, 권해효와 김여진, 강하늘, 남지현 등 연기자들 모두 참석한 가운데 전체 대본리딩을 진행했다. At the end of February, there was a first script reading for Angel Eyes. Attendees are: Production team that include Choi MoonSuk EP (What does EP stand for??), scriptwriter Yoon JiRyun, Director Park ShinWoo; actors include Lee SangYoon, GHS, Kim JiSuk, Jung JinYoung, Gong HyungJin, SeungRi (Lee SeungHyun), Joo Ahn, Gwan HaeYo, Kim YuJin, Kang HaNeul, Nam JiHyun, etc.

박신우 감독의 “분위기 좋게 잘 촬영하며 좋은 드라마를 만들자”는 인사말에 이어 진지한 대본연습이 진행됐다. 이상윤은 실제 외과의사로 처럼 또박또박 절도 있는 대사를, 그리고 구혜선 또한 119구조대 응급구조사로 몰입되어 대본을 읽어나갔다. Director Park Shinwoo greeted everyone with, "Let us work well together to make a good drama". Then, the script reading ensued. Yoon SH read his part like a real internist--clearly and with moderation and GHS read her part fully focused on her rescue worker role.

그러다 승리의 차례가 됐다. 그때 승리는 충청도 사투리를 구사하며 “대장님 누구왔어유?”라는 말과 함께 영어를 섞어 쓰자 긴장감 넘치던 대본연습실은 일순간 웃음바다로 변하기도 했다. Then, SeungRi's turn came. He mixed English with Chung-Chung province country accent to say his line and instantaneously turned the entire serious script reading room into a sea of laughter.

한 제작진은 “이상윤씨와 구혜선씨 등 배우분들 모두 프로답게 자신이 맡은 캐릭터에 따라 진지하고도 열정적으로 대본연습에 참여했다”며 “이번 대본 연습만으로도 ‘엔젤아이즈’팀의 팀워크를 충분히 확인할 수 있었는데, 앞으로 드라마에서 더욱 좋은 모습을 선보일 수 있을 것”이라고 자신했다. One producer states with confidence:"LSY and GHS as well as all the other actors carried out the reading like pros focused on their roles. That reading itself is enough of an indication that we will be able to make a wonderful drama."

한편 드라마 ‘엔젤아이즈’는 ‘야왕’과 ‘유령’ 공동연출로 연출력을 인정받은 SBS의 박신우 감독과 인기드라마 ‘꽃보다 남자’를 집필한 윤지련 작가가 대본을 집필해 기대감을 한껏 높이고 있다. 4월 5일 첫방송.(사진=SBS 제공)  Angel Eyes will be directed by Park SW and written by Yoon JR.
Reported by Lee SoDam of Newsen.
(sorry...forgot!!) First broadcasting date is April 5th.

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Kim Yujin (the American actress, right:-/) could be another link that spreads the talents, and genius, of our Goo Hye Sun to the American market.  :)] I reckon I'd be okay with that...  :-bd

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