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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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There is a new 2014 SBS drama which is temporarily named as:
SBS 새 수목드라마 '너희들은 포위됐다' 구혜선
"You are all surrounded" (Wed and Thurs night drama)
There is GHS's name next to it but  I don't think there is any certainty about GHS being castfor it.

너희들은 포위됐다 (가제)=You are all surrounded

드라마|2014image==2014 drama
편성==confirmed to air on SBS
제작진--no mention of who is the producer
연출 유인식|극본 이정선 ---director Yoo InSik and script by Lee JungSun
경찰서를 배경으로 한 20대 신입 경찰들의 이야기==It is a story about the 20-something new police officers'. 

@cheerkoo sorry to cut your post i just realized it i've read from Cha Seung Won thread the other day he is considering to act on this drama 
You're Surrounded together with Lee Seung Gi..hehehe im excited as i was hoping before to see GHS and LSG in a drama ..they had good chemistry in NN5 WHOAAHHH i hope she is really offered the role and she accept it hahaha anyway CSW is also in YG now.

THANK YOU AGAIN @cheerkoo and @ZamZam:x
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Guest dianaharumi

Happy Together: Finding Your Friends
Date and Year=maybe 2006 or 2007 while she is still filming Pure Heart of 19.
MC’s: yoo jae suk, lee hyori, and lee soo keun

Purpose of the show: GHS’ 5 friends from her 4th grade class are hidden among many strangers. She has to listen to some of these friends from inside a closed room, come out later and then pick all 5 out from the crowd.

GHS’s elementary school photo is on the screen with a short writing by her elementary school teacher. “ShinChon Elementary School: generally high-minded, elegant and pretty appearance, friends respect her.”
MCLee: How much can an elementary student be considered high-minded?
MCYoo: yeah, and how elegant can a 4th grader be”?
(Real GHS appears on the screen.)
MCYoo: now we see why her teacher said those things.
MCLee: GHS was also an ulzzang. She was very pretty from young age.
MCYoo: That’s right. How do you feel looking at your young picture?
GHS: (somewhat shy and humble) I feel strange saying about myself….
MCYoo: Oh, please say it...
GHS: she is very cute. (laughter from audience)
MCLee: your friends are here today. Please say hello to them.
GHS: everybody, hello (waves) I am not sure how good my memory will be today. Please believe me that I just remember that I had a very good time there until 4th grade. My memory is vague since I moved away for the 5th grade.
MCYoo: because you had such a pretty face, I think you must have been very popular with the boys. Wouldn’t you say?
GHS: well, no. When I was little, I used to hit boys a lot. So I don’t think so. ;D
MCYoo: you hit the boys?
MCLee: just like me!
MCYoo: Ah, both of you had same hobby.
GHS: I used to hit them with “melodie” ;D(a 12 inch, plastic portable light piano-like musical instrument for little kids)
MCYoo: and, you even used weapons to hit. (laughter from audience) ;D

GHS’s 5 friends in the audience have written messages to her.
GHS: (she peels off the top of the paper and reads the hand-written messages without names)
1. I was your desk mate for 4 years. boring, right?
2. I cried a lot when you moved away.
3. You are pretty as ever.
4. I could not sleep knowing that I will be seeing you today
5. Good old 4 people room—let’s get together again.

MCYoo: which one makes you most curious?
GHS: desk-mate for 4 years.
MCYoo: I am guessing that if you are curious, you cannot remember, right? (laughter)
(clip of GHS acting in Pure Heart of 19.)
MCYoo and MCLee praise her acting in the show and MCYoo asks her to say hello to her friends in Yanbin accent. She does it well of course.

In the game, the first sentence appears. GHS must decide if the statement applies to her.
Sentence 1: “My friend takes out fist first.”

GHS: that statement definitely applies to me.
MCLee: how is it possible that a pretty and sweet face like that take out fist first?
GHS: I felt that as a girl I have to be better and stronger than boys. Also, I could not stand boys that bothered girls.
MCYoo: So you used your fist. Were you like the “jjang’ of the school? (I think “jjang” is a term given to the best fighter in the school.)
Goo: not only fist. I knew that many boys would not eat scallions and onions. So I would eat in front of them and brag about it. By doing that I was trying to show them who is better.

All 5 of GHS’ friends indicated YES to that sentence.


Friend 1 (man): I was her desk mate for 4 years from 1st to 4th grade. (He wrote the number 1 comment above.) That was the start of my suffering. She would only allow me a small space on the desk. She would draw a line on the desk and anything that went over that border line became hers. She also hit me. I would get in trouble because my homework and other prep. materials would be missing and later I would find them with Hye Sun. I would feel too scared to go to school so I would ask my mother to transfer me to another school. But my mother would find out that I was beaten by a mere girl and then she would really scold me by hitting me.
GHS: I think I know who that is…..Wait ‘til I see you (murmurs under her breath threateningly while smiling) (Everybody including the Friend 1 is laughing.)~ngancam ;D~
MCLee: I hit boys too but I gave them at least half of the desk space. With the space you gave him he could not even put his book there. I think you may need to apologize to him.
GHS: well, (smiling) it happened so long ago as a young child that I don’t think I really need to apologize. It’s all in the past now. At that age, I don’t think a child’s real character is set yet. (GHS is really laughing now and so are everybody.)
Friend 2 (female): When HS was young; she really played rougher than even most boys. She also bothered some girls too. She would cut the rubber strings that these girls played with or pull their hair. HS also used to shake off the powder from the blackboard eraser on top of somebody’s head. She also gave boys wedges that most boys would try to run away or avoid her if they see her coming. The highlight is that she also loved to touch the boys’ butts. One boy who could not stand it any longer and decided to tell on HS thinking that HS would get into big trouble and stop. But because the teacher adored HS, she would just tell HS not to do it anymore. Now HS really took revenge on that boy by touching his butt a lot.
MCYoo: do you remember that boy that you targeted?
GHS: It is not that I liked touching their butt but it is more like “carding” their backside. (GHS demonstrates how she “carded” the butts with her hand.)
(MCLee cards MCYoo’s butt and says she remembers it from the old days. She and GHS seem to have had similar childhood behavior problems!)
GHS: (most likely rationalizing her behavior??) my way of showing affection was hitting, carding and bothering people.
MCLee: so, are you saying that you expressed your affection when you did those things?
GHS: yes, it wasn’t that I liked boys at that age, but that I liked friends so much that I enjoyed bothering them. If friends are near me, I just felt like doing those things to them—like pulling a little strand of their hair near the ear. (MCLee tries it on MCYoo again.)
MCSOO: I have investigated and interviewed 12 of these people from Shin Chon elementary school who received wedges or carding from GHS and 8 of them still experience hemorrhoids to this day. (laughter)
GHS: If my expression of affection also had bothered girls, I deeply apologize to all of them.
Friend 2 (female): OK I will accept.
MCYoo: so you came today to argue your point with GHS!

Sentence 2: My friend was popular.
GHS got 2 votes for the sentence out of 5 friends.

Friend 3 (male): Because HS was so pretty that, if she did nothing, she would have been very popular. However, she was wild and crafty. She loved catching bugs. She would catch a mosquito on her arm and brag about the blood to everybody. But, I still secretly liked her a lot. But because of her scary ways, I tried to stop liking her by calling her a name. Because her last name is Goo, I called her Goo Dae Gi (a maggot or a worm). Then one day she came after me with a baseball bat! She beat me up with that bat. After that I got so scared that I immediately stopped liking her.
MCYoo: Do you think you remember this guy? He seemed to have really liked you.
GHS: the baseball bat was made of plastic not wood. At that time I don’t think any boy really liked me.
MCLEE: you can’t remember the person you hit with the baseball bat?
GHS: there were so many that I can’t remember. Even if someone would come as close as one meter, I would swing my bat around.
MCYoo: when you see her face it looks like someone who would water the flowers not swing a bat around.
Friend 2 (female): In spite of her wild ways, there were actually tons of boys who liked HS. But those boys who liked her did not know the true nature of HS. Some boys would come to me and ask me to give notes of affection to HS. I would then ask those boys for money for doing their errands. Then I would treat HS to snack food before going home. I was always thankful that because HS was pretty I sort of profited from it. (laughter)
GHS: I remember there was a friend who used to buy me lots of food and we use to walk home together. Is it possible that her name starts with “UM”? “Um Hah Young” maybe?
(The Friend 2 quietly nods yes. This friend wrote the 2nd comment above.)
MCYoo: do you remember receiving lots of notes from boys?
GHS: No, I just cannot remember. I basically hit them whether I knew them or not if they got in my way. (laughter)

Now GHS and the other star come out of the closed room and has to recognize and pick out the 5 friends from the large audience of many strangers. MCLEE says that because GHS is still young, the Happy Together team tried to make up her 5 friends as bit older looking so that GHS could not easily pick out her friends.

GHS picks out the female Friend 2 first. GHS says she remembers spending lots of time with this friend. One time she fell asleep at this friend’s house after dinner and her mother walked a long distance to take her back home. GHS remembers going home while being hit a lot by her mother since she had no permission to stay over ;D:'( (I remember in the LIterary Voice Program, GHS mentioned that her mother was strict and scary!)
MCLee: did you recognize GHS when she came out on TV?
Friend: yes immediately. I thought it was so funny because she looked exactly the same but was pretending to be a kind person on TV. (laughter) I pray for her success and pray that she will become a great actress.

Then, GHS picks out the male Friend 1 who was her desk mate for 4 years.
MCSoo is amazed by GHS’ ability to pick out her friends somewhat easily because these are friends whom she has not seen since 4th grade! People can really change a lot from being 4th graders to being adults.
GHS, while bringing the desk-mate Friend 1 down, she hits him on his back. He laughs while massaging his back. He did not stand too close to HS but she would pull him close to her. (hehe) ;D
Friend 1: Even though we are same age, I was very scared of her. I sometimes thought she was like an alien. (GHS is hitting the poor guy on his arm again.) ;D
MCYOO: even my co-MC Hoyri is not that different! (Laughter)
GHS: he and I were class vice-presidents for 4 years! If a student did not listen or behave well, we would go to that kid and scare him. I would show my strength by holding my book bag with my pinky and he would support me. tending to be scared of her strength or saying Wow or Oh to whatever she was doing to intimidate. To scare the kids, we had to create strong reaction in them, otherwise it did not work! If they are not scared of you, you cannot be vice presidents of the class. 
MCYoo: after 4 years working together like that, didn’t you start to like HS even a little?
Friend 1: You don’t have to like a girl because you work with them for so long. You don’t care about all the female MC’s that you worked with, do you?
MCYoo: well, you could say I just have fear of beautiful women.
They both shake hands as if they understand each other on this point. Even the other star also shakes hands with MCYoo on that point. (Laughter)

Then GHS picks out the Friend 3, the man who wrote that she is as pretty as ever.
GHS brings him down and also slaps him on the back. MCYoo asks him to say directly to HS how pretty she is. But he feels so shy that the he jumbles up his words. He does say it and also nervously wishes for her big success. MCYoo comments that he seems to still like GHS.

GHS picks out her Friend 4 (a female) who seems to have softest and childlike accent when she speaks.
GHS: I remember really loving spending time at this friend’s house. She had a small puppy that whenever I held him, I would drop him somehow. I think that is why the puppy died? ;D
Friend 4: yes it did die. (lots of laughter) I wrote on the board that I could not sleep thinking that I will meet you today.

GHS could not pick out the Friend 5 on her own within the time limit that the Game gives to her. She says there are few similar looking females and she cannot decide on the right one.
MCLee: you are hesitating too much. I would have picked out just anybody given the time limit. (I do not think GHS is a kind of person who would pick out just anybody, especially when she is picking out a long lost friend, no matter how limited the time is or how much of a terror she had been to these friends. I would think she is more respectful to people in that way. Ha ha ha..it is so funny. So, she was mostly a very rough tomboy as a 6,7,8, 9 year-old girl.)

The game then mixed up 2 strangers with the Friend 5 to see if she would recognize her final 5th friend. GHS says that she was looking for a friend called Park Joo Hyun. When she asked the other 4 friends about her while she was waiting, they all tricked her by saying they could not get in touch with Park. GHS recognizes the middle person as her Friend 5, Park. She wrote “good old 4 people room—let’s get together again.” (I could not hear it clearly but it appears to be a made-up area in the school yard where GHS and 3 other friends got together often. GHS says that she really loved her friend Park Joo Hyun who was very quiet and so nice. If anybody bothered Park, she really punched them out. (much laughter.)...>Happy Together: Finding Your Friends
Date and Year=maybe 2006 or 2007 while she is still filming Pure Heart of 19.
MC’s: yoo jae suk, lee hyori, and lee soo keun

Purpose of the show: GHS’ 5 friends from her 4th grade class are hidden among many strangers. She has to listen to some of these friends from inside a closed room, come out later and then pick all 5 out from the crowd.

GHS’s elementary school photo is on the screen with a short writing by her elementary school teacher. “ShinChon Elementary School: generally high-minded, elegant and pretty appearance, friends respect her.”
MCLee: How much can an elementary student be considered high-minded?
MCYoo: yeah, and how elegant can a 4th grader be”?
(Real GHS appears on the screen.)
MCYoo: now we see why her teacher said those things.
MCLee: GHS was also an ulzzang. She was very pretty from young age.
MCYoo: That’s right. How do you feel looking at your young picture?
GHS: (somewhat shy and humble) I feel strange saying about myself….
MCYoo: Oh, please say it...
GHS: she is very cute. (laughter from audience)
MCLee: your friends are here today. Please say hello to them.
GHS: everybody, hello (waves) I am not sure how good my memory will be today. Please believe me that I just remember that I had a very good time there until 4th grade. My memory is vague since I moved away for the 5th grade.
MCYoo: because you had such a pretty face, I think you must have been very popular with the boys. Wouldn’t you say?
GHS: well, no. When I was little, I used to hit boys a lot. So I don’t think so. ;D
MCYoo: you hit the boys?
MCLee: just like me!
MCYoo: Ah, both of you had same hobby.
GHS: I used to hit them with “melodie” ;D(a 12 inch, plastic portable light piano-like musical instrument for little kids)
MCYoo: and, you even used weapons to hit. (laughter from audience) ;D

GHS’s 5 friends in the audience have written messages to her.
GHS: (she peels off the top of the paper and reads the hand-written messages without names)
1. I was your desk mate for 4 years. boring, right?
2. I cried a lot when you moved away.
3. You are pretty as ever.
4. I could not sleep knowing that I will be seeing you today
5. Good old 4 people room—let’s get together again.

MCYoo: which one makes you most curious?
GHS: desk-mate for 4 years.
MCYoo: I am guessing that if you are curious, you cannot remember, right? (laughter)
(clip of GHS acting in Pure Heart of 19.)
MCYoo and MCLee praise her acting in the show and MCYoo asks her to say hello to her friends in Yanbin accent. She does it well of course.

In the game, the first sentence appears. GHS must decide if the statement applies to her.
Sentence 1: “My friend takes out fist first.”

GHS: that statement definitely applies to me.
MCLee: how is it possible that a pretty and sweet face like that take out fist first?
GHS: I felt that as a girl I have to be better and stronger than boys. Also, I could not stand boys that bothered girls.
MCYoo: So you used your fist. Were you like the “jjang’ of the school? (I think “jjang” is a term given to the best fighter in the school.)
Goo: not only fist. I knew that many boys would not eat scallions and onions. So I would eat in front of them and brag about it. By doing that I was trying to show them who is better.

All 5 of GHS’ friends indicated YES to that sentence.


Friend 1 (man): I was her desk mate for 4 years from 1st to 4th grade. (He wrote the number 1 comment above.) That was the start of my suffering. She would only allow me a small space on the desk. She would draw a line on the desk and anything that went over that border line became hers. She also hit me. I would get in trouble because my homework and other prep. materials would be missing and later I would find them with Hye Sun. I would feel too scared to go to school so I would ask my mother to transfer me to another school. But my mother would find out that I was beaten by a mere girl and then she would really scold me by hitting me.
GHS: I think I know who that is…..Wait ‘til I see you (murmurs under her breath threateningly while smiling) (Everybody including the Friend 1 is laughing.)~ngancam ;D~
MCLee: I hit boys too but I gave them at least half of the desk space. With the space you gave him he could not even put his book there. I think you may need to apologize to him.
GHS: well, (smiling) it happened so long ago as a young child that I don’t think I really need to apologize. It’s all in the past now. At that age, I don’t think a child’s real character is set yet. (GHS is really laughing now and so are everybody.)
Friend 2 (female): When HS was young; she really played rougher than even most boys. She also bothered some girls too. She would cut the rubber strings that these girls played with or pull their hair. HS also used to shake off the powder from the blackboard eraser on top of somebody’s head. She also gave boys wedges that most boys would try to run away or avoid her if they see her coming. The highlight is that she also loved to touch the boys’ butts. One boy who could not stand it any longer and decided to tell on HS thinking that HS would get into big trouble and stop. But because the teacher adored HS, she would just tell HS not to do it anymore. Now HS really took revenge on that boy by touching his butt a lot.
MCYoo: do you remember that boy that you targeted?
GHS: It is not that I liked touching their butt but it is more like “carding” their backside. (GHS demonstrates how she “carded” the butts with her hand.)
(MCLee cards MCYoo’s butt and says she remembers it from the old days. She and GHS seem to have had similar childhood behavior problems!)
GHS: (most likely rationalizing her behavior??) my way of showing affection was hitting, carding and bothering people.
MCLee: so, are you saying that you expressed your affection when you did those things?
GHS: yes, it wasn’t that I liked boys at that age, but that I liked friends so much that I enjoyed bothering them. If friends are near me, I just felt like doing those things to them—like pulling a little strand of their hair near the ear. (MCLee tries it on MCYoo again.)
MCSOO: I have investigated and interviewed 12 of these people from Shin Chon elementary school who received wedges or carding from GHS and 8 of them still experience hemorrhoids to this day. (laughter)
GHS: If my expression of affection also had bothered girls, I deeply apologize to all of them.
Friend 2 (female): OK I will accept.
MCYoo: so you came today to argue your point with GHS!

Sentence 2: My friend was popular.
GHS got 2 votes for the sentence out of 5 friends.

Friend 3 (male): Because HS was so pretty that, if she did nothing, she would have been very popular. However, she was wild and crafty. She loved catching bugs. She would catch a mosquito on her arm and brag about the blood to everybody. But, I still secretly liked her a lot. But because of her scary ways, I tried to stop liking her by calling her a name. Because her last name is Goo, I called her Goo Dae Gi (a maggot or a worm). Then one day she came after me with a baseball bat! She beat me up with that bat. After that I got so scared that I immediately stopped liking her.
MCYoo: Do you think you remember this guy? He seemed to have really liked you.
GHS: the baseball bat was made of plastic not wood. At that time I don’t think any boy really liked me.
MCLEE: you can’t remember the person you hit with the baseball bat?
GHS: there were so many that I can’t remember. Even if someone would come as close as one meter, I would swing my bat around.
MCYoo: when you see her face it looks like someone who would water the flowers not swing a bat around.
Friend 2 (female): In spite of her wild ways, there were actually tons of boys who liked HS. But those boys who liked her did not know the true nature of HS. Some boys would come to me and ask me to give notes of affection to HS. I would then ask those boys for money for doing their errands. Then I would treat HS to snack food before going home. I was always thankful that because HS was pretty I sort of profited from it. (laughter)
GHS: I remember there was a friend who used to buy me lots of food and we use to walk home together. Is it possible that her name starts with “UM”? “Um Hah Young” maybe?
(The Friend 2 quietly nods yes. This friend wrote the 2nd comment above.)
MCYoo: do you remember receiving lots of notes from boys?
GHS: No, I just cannot remember. I basically hit them whether I knew them or not if they got in my way. (laughter)

Now GHS and the other star come out of the closed room and has to recognize and pick out the 5 friends from the large audience of many strangers. MCLEE says that because GHS is still young, the Happy Together team tried to make up her 5 friends as bit older looking so that GHS could not easily pick out her friends.

GHS picks out the female Friend 2 first. GHS says she remembers spending lots of time with this friend. One time she fell asleep at this friend’s house after dinner and her mother walked a long distance to take her back home. GHS remembers going home while being hit a lot by her mother since she had no permission to stay over ;D:'( (I remember in the LIterary Voice Program, GHS mentioned that her mother was strict and scary!)
MCLee: did you recognize GHS when she came out on TV?
Friend: yes immediately. I thought it was so funny because she looked exactly the same but was pretending to be a kind person on TV. (laughter) I pray for her success and pray that she will become a great actress.

Then, GHS picks out the male Friend 1 who was her desk mate for 4 years.
MCSoo is amazed by GHS’ ability to pick out her friends somewhat easily because these are friends whom she has not seen since 4th grade! People can really change a lot from being 4th graders to being adults.
GHS, while bringing the desk-mate Friend 1 down, she hits him on his back. He laughs while massaging his back. He did not stand too close to HS but she would pull him close to her. (hehe) ;D
Friend 1: Even though we are same age, I was very scared of her. I sometimes thought she was like an alien. (GHS is hitting the poor guy on his arm again.) ;D
MCYOO: even my co-MC Hoyri is not that different! (Laughter)
GHS: he and I were class vice-presidents for 4 years! If a student did not listen or behave well, we would go to that kid and scare him. I would show my strength by holding my book bag with my pinky and he would support me. tending to be scared of her strength or saying Wow or Oh to whatever she was doing to intimidate. To scare the kids, we had to create strong reaction in them, otherwise it did not work! If they are not scared of you, you cannot be vice presidents of the class. 
MCYoo: after 4 years working together like that, didn’t you start to like HS even a little?
Friend 1: You don’t have to like a girl because you work with them for so long. You don’t care about all the female MC’s that you worked with, do you?
MCYoo: well, you could say I just have fear of beautiful women.
They both shake hands as if they understand each other on this point. Even the other star also shakes hands with MCYoo on that point. (Laughter)

Then GHS picks out the Friend 3, the man who wrote that she is as pretty as ever.
GHS brings him down and also slaps him on the back. MCYoo asks him to say directly to HS how pretty she is. But he feels so shy that the he jumbles up his words. He does say it and also nervously wishes for her big success. MCYoo comments that he seems to still like GHS.

GHS picks out her Friend 4 (a female) who seems to have softest and childlike accent when she speaks.
GHS: I remember really loving spending time at this friend’s house. She had a small puppy that whenever I held him, I would drop him somehow. I think that is why the puppy died? ;D
Friend 4: yes it did die. (lots of laughter) I wrote on the board that I could not sleep thinking that I will meet you today.

GHS could not pick out the Friend 5 on her own within the time limit that the Game gives to her. She says there are few similar looking females and she cannot decide on the right one.
MCLee: you are hesitating too much. I would have picked out just anybody given the time limit. (I do not think GHS is a kind of person who would pick out just anybody, especially when she is picking out a long lost friend, no matter how limited the time is or how much of a terror she had been to these friends. I would think she is more respectful to people in that way. Ha ha ha..it is so funny. So, she was mostly a very rough tomboy as a 6,7,8, 9 year-old girl.)

The game then mixed up 2 strangers with the Friend 5 to see if she would recognize her final 5th friend. GHS says that she was looking for a friend called Park Joo Hyun. When she asked the other 4 friends about her while she was waiting, they all tricked her by saying they could not get in touch with Park. GHS recognizes the middle person as her Friend 5, Park. She wrote “good old 4 people room—let’s get together again.” (I could not hear it clearly but it appears to be a made-up area in the school yard where GHS and 3 other friends got together often. GHS says that she really loved her friend Park Joo Hyun who was very quiet and so nice. If anybody bothered Park, she really punched them out. (much laughter.)...READ THIS ARTIKEL MAKE ME MORE FALLIN IN LOVE WITH GHS....I WANT SHARE WITH YOU GUYS...I HOPE YOU SAME FELLING WITH ME...source:GHS CUTIE PIE GIRLS.

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thank you for the post about the photo exhibition in GangReung---
허난설헌 다큐멘터리 기록사진전이 강릉문화예술관 소전시실에서 최종순 사진작가의 사진 100여점으로 오는 26일까지 전시되는 가운데 최명희 강릉시장이 관계자의 안내로 사진을 관람하고 있다. 강릉/이재용
Huh Nan Sul Hun Documentary Photo Exhibition at Gang Reung Cultural Art Center's small showroom. Photographer Choi JongSoon's about 100 photographs are displayed until Jan 26th. In the middle of the picture is Gang Reung's Mayor Choi MyungHee who is being given a guided tour of the exhibition. (Reporter Lee jaeYong of GangReung)----I see that GHS comes out in few of the photos shown...keke

hello dianaharumi!!
Thanks for the GHS portion from Happy Together several years ago...I am sure meow13 has the actual video in her blog!! I am not sure..keke
It is hard to imagine that Lee HyoRi and GHS had something in common!! They both used to hit boys....keke
GHS must have really thought of boys as unnecessary at that age. But, we must also remember that GHS was class vice-president for 4 years along with her seat-mate who basically played a side-kick to GHS the class-policewoman!! hahahaha
Somehow the little GHS got into her head that she needs to protect the meek and helpless who are mostly girls...boys did not count at all...keke She had her own sense of justice even at that young age. I hope one day GHS writes a children's book or do a movie around that....it will be hilarious and I am sure GHS can manage to put something heartwarming in it too...I really hope so.
But something happened to make her change mind about boys....she mentioned in her old tweeter that she felt bad that her father is the only boy in the family and so she decided to fill that boy's role in her family by going fishing with her father and even learning to hook worms and she also learned carpentry...she can build a dog house!! She also built chairs with wood and make lamps and manipulate metals and she also likes to make silver-crafts. I really hope one day she will show us minature dogs that she made with silver. She mentioned a while back that she handcrafted some of the doll-size metal furnitures that are displayed in Cafe Manolin. Very pretty and delicate looking...She also only gets male pets so that her father does not feel outnumbered----keke.

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Thanks, Sue for the translations and @sukreen for bringing in the post. I guess our girl did not make it to the opening ceremony on Jan 21 as there were no pics/news of it.@dianaharumi, thanks for posting that interview . It was hilarious reading it again. GHS was fearless even at that young age ! She is still fearless!Even so young, she was very creative in terrorizing the boys! Catching mosquitoes and bragged about the blood, eating onions in front of the boys, holding up her packpack with her pinky, carding their butts! hahaha!Can u imagine little pretty GHS walking around with a baseball bat and all the boys running away from her?!  It's something you read in the comics! hahaha! When you meet her now, she is ever so gentle and softspoken, one would never imagine she was tough and rough as a child. lolGHS until now does not let herself be limited by her gender. Her courage is so inspiring and her care for others is so endearing!

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구혜선 ‘허난설헌’ 출연, 숏커트 버리고 쪽진머리=GHS to appear in "Huh Nan Sul Han=HNSH": She gives up her short hair cut and wears the jjok=the hair pin that holds Korean women's hair in the olden days.
  2014-01-24 10:22:57
구혜선이 '허난설헌'에 출연한다.

구혜선은 강릉MBC가 제작하고 오는 2월 방송되는 MBC 2부작 특집 다큐멘터리 드라마 '허난설헌'에 출연, 내레이션과 연출에도 함께 참여한다. news_view.php?uid=2014012410215112100In the upcoming February, GHS participates in GangRyeung MBC production of "HNSH" as an actress, narrator and director.

작품에서 구혜선은 주인공 ‘허난설헌’과 ‘현재의 구혜선’역으로 출연한다. 또 다큐멘터리를 이끌어가는 화자이자 내레이션을 맡는 것은 물론 드라마 부문 연출을 맡아 연출가로서의 역량도 발휘한다. GHS acts as both HNSH and as herself. She took charge of directing the drama portion of the docudrama.


‘허난설헌’은 다큐드라마로 이뤄진 1부와 메이킹과 다큐멘터리로 이뤄진2부로 구성됐고 구혜선은 1부의 드라마부문 연출을 맡았다. 제작진이 완벽한 고증을 위해 강릉 초당에 있는 허난설헌 생가는 물론 중국 북경, 남경(난징), 제남 등을 방문한 가운데, 구혜선 역시 독일 베를린, 브레멘을 직접 찾아 자료를 수집하는 열성을 기울이기도 했다. HNSH docudrama is divided into 2 parts--First part is the docudrama which GHS took charge; Second part is the making and the documentary portions.For the perfectly correct historical research, the production team not only visited GangReung ChoDang where HNSH was born but also traveled to Beijing, Nanjing (Nanjing), Jinan. GHS also traveled to Germany's Berlin and Bremen to collect her data and research materials.

배우, 감독, 화가, 가수 등 다재 다능함을 선보여온 구혜선은 그녀가 바라본 허난설헌의 내면의 세계를. 방송을 앞두고 공개된 스틸컷에서 구혜선은 단아한 한복을 입고 쪽진 머리를 한 채 청순한 매력을 뽐내 눈길을 끈다. GHS who made debut as actress, director, artist, singer, etc will illuminate HNSH's inner world as she saw. Soon to air, we are able to see some of GHS's still cuts wearing graceful hanbok and traditional hairstyle. Her innocent and charming look is eye-catching.

다큐드라마 ‘허난설헌’은 조선이 낳은 여류문인 허난설헌의 삶을 조명하고, 현재 허난설헌을 바라보는 다양한 목소리와 시각을 담는다. 각계 전문가들의 연구, 문인, 화가, 배우, 일반 시민 등의 다양한 시각을 통해 현 시대가 인식하는 허난설헌의 의미를 새롭게 조명한다. The documentary brings to light  the life of Chosun period's female writer HNSH. It also features how HNSH is viewed form various voices and ?time/visual aids?. Current generation will gain refreshing meaning and understanding of HNSH through the help of experts from various fields of research, writers, painters, actors, the general public and visual aids.

27세로 요절한 허난설헌은 시를 통해 여성에 대한 사회적 제약이 유독 강했던 조선시대에 당대의 규범을 뛰어넘어 자신의 신념과 이상을 노래했다. 구혜선은 허난설헌의 예리한 지성과 풍부한 감성을 강단있는 눈빛 등 그녀만의 방식으로 완벽 소화했다. HNSH left this world tragically at age 27. Through her poems, HNSH sang about her beliefs and more despite the toxic social constraints against women during the period of Chosun dynasty. GHS perfectly portrays HNSH's keen intellect and overflowing emotionality in her own way.

[뉴스엔 정지원 기자]=Newsen Reporter Jung Jiwon.

정지원 jeewonjeong@

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구혜선, MBC ‘허난설헌’ 출연…단아한 여류시인 변신


배우 구혜선이 MBC 2부작 특집 다큐멘터리 드라마 ‘허난설헌’에 출연한다.

구 혜선 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 “구혜선이 오는 2월 방송을 앞두고 있는 ‘허난설헌’(극본 김미지·연출 박태삼)에 주인공 허난설헌과 현재의 구혜선 역으로 출연한다”고 밝혔다. 이어 “특히 구혜선은 다큐멘터리를 이끌어가는 화자로서 내레이션을 맡는 것은 물론 1부 드라마 부문 연출을 맡아 연출가로서 역량을 발휘한다”고 말했다.

강릉MBC가 제작한 2부작 다큐드라마 ‘허난설헌’은 다큐드라마로 이뤄진 1부와 메이킹 및 다큐멘터리로 이뤄진 2부로 구성된다. 제작진은 완벽한 고증을 위해 강릉 초당에 있는 허난설헌 생가를 비롯, 중국 북경, 남경(난징), 제남 등을 방문했고, 구혜선은 독일 베를린, 브레멘을 직접 찾아 관련 자료를 수집했다.


조선이 낳은 여류문인 허난설헌의 삶을 조명하는 다큐드라마 ‘허난설헌’은 각계 전문가들의 연구, 문인, 화가, 배우, 일반 시민 등의 다양한 시각을 통해 현 시대가 인식하는 허난설헌을 새롭게 조명한다.

27 세로 요절한 허난설헌은 시를 통해 여성에 대한 사회적 제약이 유독 강했던 조선시대에 당대의 규범을 뛰어넘어 자신의 신념과 이상을 노래했다. 간아한 한복과 쪽진 머리를 한 채 허난설헌으로 분한 구혜선은 여시인의 예리한 지성과 풍부한 감성을 그녀만의 방식으로 소화했다는 후문이다.

한편 구혜선은 올 상반기, 연출, 극본, 주연의 3역을 소화한 영화 ‘다우더’의 개봉을 앞두고 있다.


박민경 기자 minkyung@segye.com


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Do you remember Star Interview at Cafe Manolin?
That was several years ago. There were many bloggers who went there to interview her and they wrote about it in their own blogs...I did not see this one back then...most of it is same but I don't remember if I translated this part.
(I cannot bring it over...sorry)
This blogger is a traveler and asked for GHS's recommendations for places to visit: Within Korea, she recommends Mirado, and island even further south of Jejudo. Internationally she recommends Anartic, dessert, She said she was planning a camping trip to Australia's dessert with a friend, especially because she wants to see "aurora". She also recommends Paris, which the blogger did not expect.She also wants to take a train trip headed for Busan and visit nooks and crannies all over Korea.

GHS added few more things about her ideal male type: A man who does not like to "lose/miss" work and who is not just one-sided. She says she is now a friend to a man she went out for 4 and half years. (That was few years ago...2010? I think.

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Ku Hye Sun Appears in MBC’s Special Program “Huh Nansulhun”! 2014.01.24


- Ku shows “perfect transformation’ into graceful & innocent poet Huh NansulhunActress Ku Hye Sun appears in MBC channel’s two-part documentary drama “Huh Nansulhun” (written by Kim Mi Ji, produced by Park Tae Sam) and takes part in the program’s narration and production, too.
 “Huh Nansulhun” is a special two-part drama created by Gangneung MBC, which will be broadcasted in February. In the drama, Ku Hye Sun acts the role of “Huh Nansulhun”, the heroine, and “Ku Hye Sun in present days”. Plus, she takes the role of the narrator to lead the documentary and partially produced the drama, exerting her capabilities as a producer. 
Part 1 of “Huh Nansulhun” is a documentary drama and part 2 consists of a making film and documentary. Ku produced the drama part in part 1 of the program. The production crew visited Huh Nansulhun’s house of birth located in Chodang, Gangneung, as well as Beijing, Nanjing, Jinan in China, for a perfect historical research. Ku also visited Berlin and Bremen, Germany to collect relevant documents on her own. 

Ku Hye Sun has displayed a variety of talents as an actress, filmmaker, painter, and singer, and she now spotlights the inner world of Huh Nansulhun from her perspective in “Huh Nansulhun”.

In a still cut that was disclosed before the broadcasting, Ku is releasing an innocent appeal in an elegant hanbok (Korean traditional clothe) and traditional bottom-bun hair style. 

Documentary drama “Huh Nansulhun” spotlights the life of Huh Nansulhun, the best woman poet of the Joseon Dynasty, and introduces different voices and perspectives from our contemporaries about her. The meaning of Huh Nansulhun is newly seen in the context of the present age, from perspectives of researchers, writers, painters, actors, and ordinary citizens. 
Huh Nansulhun sang her faith and ideals that went beyond the norms of the Joseon Dynasty, in which social restraints on women were especially strong, but died early at the age of 27. Ku Hye Sun perfectly acts as Huh Nansulhun in her own way, to express Hu’s keen intellect and rich emotions through her eyes. 
Meanwhile, Ku Hye Sun is expecting the release of her film “Daughther” (2014), for which she played triple roles as the producer, screenwriter, and main actress.

Koo Hye-seon in MBC "Heo Nan Sul Heon"


Actress Koo Hye-seon is starring in the two-part MBC drama "Heo Nan Sul Heon".

"Heo Nan Sul Heon" is a documentary drama. The first part is a revival and the second part is the process. Koo Hye-seon produces this drama and stars in it as Heo Nan Sul Heon and Koo Hye-seonherself. She even narrates it.

The whole crew traveled from the birthplace of Heo Nan Sul Heon to Shanghai and Nanjing in China and more for more historical evidence. Koo Hye-seon also traveled to Germany and Bremen for information for the drama.

"Heo Nan Sul Heon" highlights the life of the character and contains the various voices and opinions of those who see her. The meaning of "Heo Nan Sul Heon" is reborn through the perspectives of experts from all areas.

Koo Hye-seon is coming out with the movie "Dowder" which she wrote, produced and starred in herself.


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Guest kuroechon

Hello everyone, here's some simple edits for Hyesun's upcoming MBC drama special :)
Feel free to use them as avatars or banners, but please do not re-edit into any forms. Thank you.



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Wooow..i am excited about that drama news although it's not confirmed yet. Does Lee seung gi will be the second lead? Coz I find it strange if Cha Seung Won want to be the second lead. However, this time i wish that GHS will pick drama where the other male lead is popular within Korean fans because it means it will be easier to get good ratings. Cha Seung Won & Lee Seung Gi are almost guarantee for good rating.  :\">

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I read here and there that You Are Surrounded (temporarty title) may air after another drama called Three Days or something. I don't know when that will be. It does seem like both LSG and CSW agreed to act in the police drama. CSW will be the team teader and LSG will play one of the ill-mannered new cop (very different role for him since he is known to be the good and well mannered guy)  There is suppose to be 4 main characters in the drama.
I did not see any news about any female roles for that drama as of yet. Maybe GHS's name came up for that drama (although I did not see it anywhere---but then I am not a good internet searcher) because some fan suggested it. I think I saw Go AhRa's name for it as well...but nothing specific.
Also, GHS is working hard on her new movie---editing takes a long time...right??---and she wants to showcase her movie the first half of the year...if I remember correctly.
So, I am not sure.
I do remember GHS playing a fighter along with LSG in NN5 episode...keke..that was cute.
Anyway,,,,Fighitng to GHS and to Sunnies!!

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@cheerkoo i think You Are Surrounded is scheduled to air in APRIL after 3 days..Although i am excited for this drama but i have doubt if GHS can do it and besides if possible i don't want to see GHS again in uniform i want to see her wearing nice clothes in her drama BUT for now anything will do as long as i see her again in small screen LOL
@illay i just hope if ever she will do YAS and the rating will be good i just hope they give her credit too because they've been giving her credit for the low rating..
It's just me but there is a drama from the SBS line up since last year titled COULD WE LOVE i don't know why i really like it already i don't even know the storyline but if i am a bigwig of SBS or a producer i will offer this to GHS and HB ;):)) :x

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@prettywiz i want to see her as femme fatale  chaebol where every Korean girls will be envy hahahha. Yup i think to change the  negative sentiment, first ..GHS needs to pick the right project (can't she get awesome scenario like 'you who came from the star'???) and the second one, the male partner with died hard fans core kekekeke. Through the show, GHS can later prove whether she is good or not. 

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Guest JCW2015

hello every one!!!

Yeni and I were back reading all the pages of this forum...until we noticed Hana's gift to GHS displayed at cafe Manolin!!!

I appreciate her for showing love to her fans....

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