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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest tnalvminsun

Dear Sunnies,

Thanks a lot @meow13 for bringing Hyesun pic today, she's awesomely beautiful, gorgeous, simple but charming indeed
love her outfit and love what she did with her hair, very cutie, she always brings the best of her, love you more Hyesun-ssi
Can't wait for the results for her Peach Tree movie in NYAFF 2013, please share if there is any news from her movie
@prettywiz, yes wish you have a great time in NY
and to all Sunnies have a great Tuesday/Wednesday :x >:D< God Bless Hyesun and Sunnies

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[TD영상]'명왕성'VIP시사회,김영광-구혜선 등 ★들의 패션포인트는 블랙!

티브이데일리 원문 기사전송 2013-07-09 22:28


[티브이데일리 이미희 기자] 영화 '명왕성'의 VIP시사회가 9일 저녁 서울 자양동 건대입구 롯데시네마에서 열렸다.

이날 VIP시사회에는 김영광, 소이, 구혜선, 구은애, 김꽃비 등이 참석하여 자리를 빛냈다.

영화 '명왕성'은 한 사립 명문고에서 벌어진 살인 사건과 인질극을 통해 무한 경쟁을 강요하는 입시 위주의 대한민국 교육 문제를 다룬 학원스릴러물로, 오는 11일 개봉된다.

[티브이데일리 이미희 기자/사진 방지영 기자 news@tvdaily.co.kr]

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20130709n40871
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@meow ~~ thank you very much for the updates. GHS as usual very pretty. I know she consider also our request in our love letter to be more girly when attending special events, keke.. @GHS thank you because you treasure your fans :-* :-)

Have a nice day to all :-* :-* :-*

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Hello Sunnies!
I went to see Peach Tree at the Walter Reade theatre in NYC
It was a last minute decision. But was it worth it! I was antsy all morning and could not stand it! I thought I would burst if I don't go!!! kekeke
I thought the theatre would be empty but it was nearly half or more full and it was a pretty big and real nice theatre. I really love the movie. To see it on big screen was so amazing. I gave it an AWESOME rating at the end....that is how the Audience Award is tallied!  What was amazing is that all the viewers sat through until the entire movie was over including the credits...Jo SeungWoo and the little SangHyun's Peach Tree singing during the credit were SO good. GHS is something else!!!!
I only wished that everybody clapped at the end....I did it softly out of embarrassment...I should have clapped loudly!!! keke.
Anyway,,,now I have no regret!! hahaha
THANK you Director GHS-ssi!!!! I want to see more of your books and movies!!!

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Guest gentlesoul1

Hye Sun looks so sweet and pretty at the Premiere.  
I haven't posted in a long while but have been reading all your updates. Thanks to all of you for making this thread always worth coming back to..
Our princess always make us so proud of her with whatever she does. Thank you @Cheerko for watching Peach Tree in NYC and  sharing your experience with us. You are an awesome Sunnie. This thread will never be the same without your translations. Thanks  too to @Meow, @sukreen, @s_sun, @ghsforever and everyone else who always find time to post on this forum.
I'm glad that AB is doing well in the Philippines, I hope we could see a new drama or movie from Hye Sun.
Good day/night to you all..

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Good Morning Sunnies :)

@cheerkoo Thank You so much for your FA in regards to PT in NY I'm so glad that you liked the movie :)

@prettywiz waiting patiently for your FA i really hope you had a great time with your friend :)

@ricca thanks again for AB ratings :)

@sukreen, @meow13 thanks for GHS movie premiere pictures and video I really appreicate it :)

Have  a great Day Sunnies :)


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Guest S_sun

OMG Sue , you made it to the theater!  I am so glad to hear you enjoyed watching it on the Big screen and there were many viewers. Like you, I thought she is not known much as a director in that part of the world. I really envy you. The biggest screen I ever watch her movie is Magic on my 42 ins TV.
It must be awesome esp. with the beautiful cinematography!
Thanks for your account. Yes let's hope for more books and movies from Director Goo!

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@cheerkoo so glad that you made it to NYAFF, supporting Ku's Te Peac Tree. Watcing the movie on a big screen should be a great experience. I hope Peach tree willl be shown in film festival here too~ Thanks for sharing the experience

Found this in a blog. Seems like a premium of YG?! (may be it's just a sample?) The chocolate just looks lovely, I want a box of that!

YG의 배우분들 이미지로 별도 제작한 "와이지 액터스 초콜릿"입니다. 본 제품은 소량으로 제작하셔서 판매용이 아닌 소장용으로 제작하신듯 합니다.  
개인적으로 팬인 "구혜선"님도 계시네요~정말 재능 많은 배우죠. 이쁘고 상큼하고!


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Hello Sunnies! @GHSforever..Yes I'm having a great time with my 2 friends..our other friend also came.. OMG I was quite nervous they might not like the movie and I was thinking there might be just 10-20 people watching and I'll be so embarrassed but GHS as usual did not fail me.. GHS ALWAYS MAKE US A PROUD FAN! Yes like what @cheerkoo said the movie house was not filled up but there were quite a lot of people who watched The Peachtree than what I expected and my 2 friends who were not fans of GHS were really impressed they said the movie was really good they said they didn't expect it to be that great in fact they put it in their FB..We are still in NY.. I don't know what we were thinking we thought the movie Very Odd Couple was screening at 3:45 but it will be at 5:45 we are going to watch it too.. My one friend would like to watch it .. @S_sun..yes it is so different watching on big screen.. but The Peachtree is awesome that if you will watch it on your 42 in TV I'm sure you won't even care.. I got the NYAFF mag I'll read it when I get home I think the company that subbed this Asian movies is one of the sponsors maybe we can e mail them it is base in Texas Hmmm isn't myonenonly from Texas hehehe maybe we can email this company and request them to make The Peachtree DVD with sub and order from them.. @cheerkoo ..I should have follow my instinct and pm'ed you.. I wanted to pm you and asked if you were watching the movie then I can at least meet you .. Where were you seated .. Yah me too I was wondering why nobody was standing up yet when the movie ended.. haha I asked my friends they were teasing me they said the movie was so good that like in a concert they were waiting for an encore LOL..Did you cry.. Hahaha we did.. Did you noticed the viewers? My friend was the one who told they look like intellectuals they said they might be movie critics.. Okay Sunnies I'll be back for more later!

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Guest S_sun

prettywiz said: Hello Sunnies! @GHSforever..Yes I'm having a great time with my 2 friends..our other friend also came.. OMG I was quite nervous they might not like the movie and I was thinking there might be just 10-20 people watching and I'll be so embarrassed but GHS as usual did not fail me.. GHS ALWAYS MAKE US A PROUD FAN! Yes like what @cheerkoo said the movie house was not filled up but there were quite a lot of people who watched The Peachtree than what I expected and my 2 friends who were not fans of GHS were really impressed they said the movie was really good they said they didn't expect it to be that great in fact they put it in their FB..We are still in NY.. I don't know what we were thinking we thought the movie Very Odd Couple was screening at 3:45 but it will be at 5:45 we are going to watch it too.. My one friend would like to watch it .. @S_sun..yes it is so different watching on big screen.. but The Peachtree is awesome that if you will watch it on your 42 in TV I'm sure you won't even care.. I got the NYAFF mag I'll read it when I get home I think the company that subbed this Asian movies is one of the sponsors maybe we can e mail them it is base in Texas Hmmm isn't myonenonly from Texas hehehe maybe we can email this company and request them to make The Peachtree DVD with sub and order from them.. @cheerkoo ..I should have follow my instinct and pm'ed you.. I wanted to pm you and asked if you were watching the movie then I can at least meet you .. Where were you seated .. Yah me too I was wondering why nobody was standing up yet when the movie ended.. haha I asked my friends they were teasing me they said the movie was so good that like in a concert they were waiting for an encore LOL..Did you cry.. Hahaha we did.. Did you noticed the viewers? My friend was the one who told they look like intellectuals they said they might be movie critics.. Okay Sunnies I'll be back for more later!

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Omg! I want to watch PT too but flight going back via New York was full instead we took via Chicago! Glad to hear that we have P & Sue to post some news on director Go's movie. :) oh I want those chocolates too! Miss everyone here, finally back. Thanks Sunnies for keeping this thread worthwhile! Awesome!!! Seems like our lady director is getting super awesome as she matures! She has socially intellectual people that appreciates her kind of work. Not to mention political analyst/intellectuals are eyeing on her too. Whoa!

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