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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Hello Sunnies :)

Hey guys just want to update you :) episode 2 is also ready Please support our Team Captain @Viki give them some encouragement and appreciation their really working hard for us who doesnt understand korean language :)


Have a nice evening/day :)

Thanks D. I watched it in VIKI. Now, I have a clear grasp of what's going on in

PCAP. Sue's translations helped me a lot too. So, thank you to both of you. The

3rd & 4th episodes will be here soon. I hope the ratings will climb high. To

all Sunnies thanks for a good teamwork.     :wub:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Vanessa! thanks for the BTS pix from PCAP!

There is a cute promotional ad for PCAP from your pix.

Every Wednesday is a "Found It Day!.

Listen to the question and if you are the first one to answer correctly, you will get plenty of prizes!

Every Wed, from 10am to 4PM, there will be 7 hints given out every hour.

Then, you look for the answer from the program..

and post your anwer on @SBSNOW.

Starts Jan 11 with <PCAP>.

Now, what I am not sure is if those 7 hints only pertain to PCAP or to other SBS programs on Wednesdays.

It definitely seems to include PCAP for sure.

I am glad that SBS is doing something to promote and to increase rating....

I hope they do more!!!


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

From reading few pages in DC, I am assuming that there must be some (maybe a lot) anti-articles written about GHS in PCAP.

I did not look at news portal.

I decided not to...negativity affects me as well.

It did when I first saw BOF....

As a GHS fan, It is disheartenig.

As one of the DC members wrote, it must be very hard for Goo HyeSun herself to read or come across negativity...she needs all the energy to carry on the drama!!

I remember when BOF came out, it was the same thing.

I hear when King and I cam out, it was the same as well....

But GHS just focused on her work and did her best as always...

In case it gets hard, GHS-nim, 구혜선님, Goo Hye Sun, Gu HyeSun, Ku HyeSun,,,

You are also just a human being,,,

Please cheer-up!

Empty all that is negative...

We love you here in Sunnies Soompi from all aound the world!!

Just do what you do and focus on your art,,which is the drama for now.

We love PCAP=부탁해요,Captain!!

Thank you very much, GHS-nim!!

As you said in your book TANGO and tweeter, Above All, Love Yourself and, whatever the stress, it will always pass....

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more stills fron PCAP





and another making video, it shows that Hye Sun has carried DaYeon (sorry I can only remember the name of  the kid's character instead of her real one) for plenty of times for the scene. Both HyeSun and kid must be tried after filming. But it's really funny when the staff showed Hyesun how to carry DaYeon =)


Please Captain making film #2





120109 Good Morning - Please Captain Interview @ press conference


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cheerkoo, I also feel bad when i read negative stuff from those antis.. i don't mind constructive criticism with people I adore but it's really hurtful and unnecessary sometimes.. I feel the pain on their behalf. I don't really get the mentality of these antis! Good thing with GHS, I know she is a strong woman and have enough confidence and belief in herself so she will not be easily disheartened by all those things.

Kudos to SBS for doing promotions for PCAP. I hope for higher ratings this week. The story is getting more exciting!

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For me, those who still give their hearts out for GHS, it means they still like GHS. Despite of their negative comments, they still care...Hahahaa..... Come on, if you don't like some one so much, I don't know why you should watch their shows and even give their opinion about it. Me: I don't have the time for that... If you don't like it, simply don't watch it, and don't care anything about it. Don't even comment, because it's just waste of my time...Then what ever they said about GHS, I think GHS smiled for that, because she knows, there are 'haters' who care so much to comment...LOL...ph34r.gif. Only if those haters can accomplish as much as what GHS has, then we should take their comments into account. If not, just ignore them....rolleyes.gif...

Thanks all for the goodies and news about GHS.

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Guest bubblysunnie

This is only what I can say:

Let antis be antis. As for me and the rest of the SUNNIES ALL OVER THE WORLD, WE LOVE GOO HYE SUN...and no amount of hateful words could bring a GREAT WOMAN down. SUNNIES ARE HERE TO DEFEND OUR GIRL!!

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Guest vanessa123

Goo Hye Sun has the same acting face over 10 years now: “Did she Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V her face?”


Actress Ku Hye Sun made netizens laugh by keeping a constant acting face.

Recently, a picture titled “Ku Hye Sun has the same acting face over 10 years now” on an online community gallery.

The posting is composed of two pictures of Ku: one is from MBC’s Nonstop 5 which aired 10 years ago and the other is from recent SBS’s drama series Take Care of Us, Captain.

The pictures show her baby face which hasn’t changed a bit over 10 years, but netizens also point out that her acting skills hasn’t changed a bit.

The netizen who posted the pictures comment “She has been keeping the same acting face for 10 years inNonstop, The King And I, Boys Over Flowers, and Take Care Of Us, Captain. It feels as if watching the character Keum Jan Di in all of her works,” indirectly showing his hope in seeing Ku’s new and improved side in acting.



GOO HYE SUN FIGHTING!! :wub::w00t:

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Hello Sunnies!

I have read some bad comments from various sites about PCAP & esp. GHS. Sometimes I don't get how people could be so mean that they would go far by going into personal attacks. All this antis comes out in flocks whenever GHS has drama, films or anything. Some actors don't get much attention compared to GHS. Is it just down dirty discontent & ill will over anothers' advantage? Why? I noticed these are same people that makes bad comments over & over again. I guess they feel good & get satisfaction of tramping down people's feelings. Hey get a life!

I hope for PCAP's continued success in the coming episodes. GHS keep fighting & we're all behind you. You have a lot of wonderful Sunnies that will always defend you.

Thanks Sunnies for undying support & love for our dear GHS!:wub: More power!    :wub: :wub: :wub:

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It is really sad and frustrating to see all the bad comments of the antis that comes out everytime GHS has a new drama..stating that they've watched all of GHS dramas and will just throw out bad comments that are just products of their imagination..i am 100% sure that they haven't even watched her dramas..ANTIS WILL ALWAYS BE ANTIS no matter how good GHS project is..as what the saying goes..it is the prize of being popular..we are just thamkful that GHS became a stronger woman because of this so called antis they became the driving force Of GHS getting better and better in everything she does :wub:

From my observation she is like the KTH SHK of her generation where antis kept saying that they can't act..their facial expression doesn't changed but the truth is they know they could act well but because of the antis enviousness of their natural beauty they don't see anymore their talents in acting..well what can we do GHS will always be a natural beauty her face won't changed no matter what not like other celebrities whose face nose eyes can be changed with each dramas they appear into..

PCAP is a great drama and i advised the antis to watch it first and be objective before they make comments and be an embarassment to themselves :wub:

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Good Morning! A great big thank you for all the updates and news, especially about PCAP - really appreciate all the translations, pics, bts footage, etc. I'm here just to say how proud I am of GHS and that I am already in love with Han Da Jin, a character that HS has brought to life. She's spunky, a fighter, very smart, a warm and loving sister, and definitely a risk taker and one that is very goal oriented. I feel although some of the characteristics of HDJ are similar to EB in The Musical, her acting, I feel, was not the same. EB had a lot of determination but I felt she was less worldly, didn't have the responsibilites of raising a child by herself, and still had family support to help her. I guess you could say HDJ is a lot more confident as a person. In BOF, Geum Jandi was a high school/college student, a translation of the manga, and so her acting was a little different, more exagerated and a little more overt in delivery, which is how it was supposed to be. So Yoon of Strongest Chilwoo was very subdued and quiet. This is the character that I felt HS looked the most beautiful as - simplicity at its best, and although it was a very strong character, she delivered it in a different way, no laughter or giggling, very soft spoken and was pretty serious for the most part. Queen Jeheon (?) of The King and I was a sageuk also and in it HS's character was very dignified, of course, as a queen, so she was very stoic and had to pull off speaking in that formal language, which I don't think was an easy task, yet in my opinion she did it quite successfully. She did receive a lot of criticism for her acting in this drama, but I was not one who shared that opinion. If you've ever watched the drama, the relationship that she had with the Oh Man Seuk character was very poignant and heart wrenching and the two actors did a beautiful job of portraying it. In Pure 19 (my absolute favorite thus far), HS portrayed a very innocent, pure hearted girl who goes through numerous hardships in her life as an orphan and how she falls in love with someone who is the complete opposite and out of her reach. In my opinion no one could have possibly played this role with so much conviction as GHS. She was Yang Gukwha, with the Yanbian accent and everything, was adorable, courageous, and had a heart of gold, and for me, this is the role that made me a lifelong fan of GHS and is the one that proved what a great actress she is. In Nonstop 5, she was very young, as most of the cast was, the acting was comedic and slapstick a lot of times, but it had a good mix of storylines and interaction among the cast and if you think about how quiet she is basically in real life, she really put a lot out to play this character and made it believable. I apologize, I didn't mean to ramble, but I just had to say I've watched all of HS's dramas, and none of the characters were the same to me. And really, it's pretty subjective since we all have our own opinions and interpret things differently. So to all of those who think she needs to improve on her acting, that's fine, I think for any actor there's always room for improvement. But I for one have enjoyed her acting for close to 10 years, have loved every project she's done, and thinks she is a brilliant actress among all her other talents. GHS FIGHTING!!!!! :D See you all on Wed/Thurs nights! :rolleyes:

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Guest eunhye05

Guys, I know how you feel. Actually we shouldn't feel bad because seriously, netizens and hallyu antifans are rampant everywhere these days. Remember the whole Tablo fiasco. What I'm more concerned about is how violent these antifans can be. If they limit their attacks in fansites and forums I don't mind that but I hope they don't go out of hand and actually cause any harm. I've read this article on how scary things can get... http://www.soompi.com/news/anti-fans-and-their-power-in-the-music-industry/page/4

I think these anti-fans are just immature low lives who have nothing better to do or who also have a favorite idol and since he/she isn't getting as much love as GHS does they go all out and try to bring down the competition. Myoneandonly is right, it's the same people who comment. tsk! It's like everytime some good happens to GHS someone let's these dogs out and they go all crazy. Tsk!

Prettywiz - Agree indeed! She has become a whole lot stronger since her earlier days. I'm glad she has an outlet to channel these negative energies like her writing, art, music, directing. You are right, I remember KTH getting bashed by fans as well.

kgrl43 You nailed it! I was already impressed with GHS from BOF so I watched Pure19 and the rest is history. I agree..it's her greatest role to date! No one could have pulled of Gukhwa the way she did. Have you also seen all her MVs especially the one where she gets into an accident with her lover and he dies. Amazing acting there! (I think she does drama and difficult scenes like that really well!) When I read about GHS more by visiting sites and this particular thread I grew to love her even more for not only her multitude of talents but her humble nature. The fact that she gets these projects is not because YG is her agency, these directors and producers personally go to her and WANT her to do their projects. It just shows how much love and respect she gets amongst her peers.

As Chynne22 and bubblysunnie mentioned just ignore them and lets not waste time on them. If we do go all out and defend her in sites lets also not hit below the belt. Let's show them that sunnies are as classy as her. Causing a big fan war won't resolve anything. Infact, it might just cause the forum moderators or posters to stop posting anything about GHS altogether. It also makes GHS look bad and we don't want that. :)

Thank you all for sharing all your love for GHS in this thread. Seriously it's a wonderful place to go to after reading crazy comments and it sets everything right again! GHS fighting! More power to her! More power to all sunnies! :D

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Good Morning! A great big thank you for all the updates and news, especially about PCAP - really appreciate all the translations, pics, bts footage, etc. I'm here just to say how proud I am of GHS and that I am already in love with Han Da Jin, a character that HS has brought to life. She's spunky, a fighter, very smart, a warm and loving sister, and definitely a risk taker and one that is very goal oriented. I feel although some of the characteristics of HDJ are similar to EB in The Musical, her acting, I feel, was not the same. EB had a lot of determination but I felt she was less worldly, didn't have the responsibilites of raising a child by herself, and still had family support to help her. I guess you could say HDJ is a lot more confident as a person. In BOF, Geum Jandi was a high school/college student, a translation of the manga, and so her acting was a little different, more exagerated and a little more overt in delivery, which is how it was supposed to be. So Yoon of Strongest Chilwoo was very subdued and quiet. This is the character that I felt HS looked the most beautiful as - simplicity at its best, and although it was a very strong character, she delivered it in a different way, no laughter or giggling, very soft spoken and was pretty serious for the most part. Queen Jeheon (?) of The King and I was a sageuk also and in it HS's character was very dignified, of course, as a queen, so she was very stoic and had to pull off speaking in that formal language, which I don't think was an easy task, yet in my opinion she did it quite successfully. She did receive a lot of criticism for her acting in this drama, but I was not one who shared that opinion. If you've ever watched the drama, the relationship that she had with the Oh Man Seuk character was very poignant and heart wrenching and the two actors did a beautiful job of portraying it. In Pure 19 (my absolute favorite thus far), HS portrayed a very innocent, pure hearted girl who goes through numerous hardships in her life as an orphan and how she falls in love with someone who is the complete opposite and out of her reach. In my opinion no one could have possibly played this role with so much conviction as GHS. She was Yang Gukwha, with the Yanbian accent and everything, was adorable, courageous, and had a heart of gold, and for me, this is the role that made me a lifelong fan of GHS and is the one that proved what a great actress she is. In Nonstop 5, she was very young, as most of the cast was, the acting was comedic and slapstick a lot of times, but it had a good mix of storylines and interaction among the cast and if you think about how quiet she is basically in real life, she really put a lot out to play this character and made it believable. I apologize, I didn't mean to ramble, but I just had to say I've watched all of HS's dramas, and none of the characters were the same to me. And really, it's pretty subjective since we all have our own opinions and interpret things differently. So to all of those who think she needs to improve on her acting, that's fine, I think for any actor there's always room for improvement. But I for one have enjoyed her acting for close to 10 years, have loved every project she's done, and thinks she is a brilliant actress among all her other talents. GHS FIGHTING!!!!! :D See you all on Wed/Thurs nights! :rolleyes:

Nicely put! I've written nearly these same sentiments in my head many many times when confronted by the thoughts of those who insist there there is any sameness in GHS's characters other than the actress who is portraying them. crazy.gif As you've noted, a great many of these negative "talking points" seem to parrot one another with a repetitive thought-process and writing style that in many cases appears to be the work of those who have several aliases. One of the single best features of Soompi is the fact that there is almost none of that sort of nonsense to be found here. phew.gif

Like you, the character of 'Yang Gukwha' remains, for me, the defining character in Goo Hye Sun's short, but oh so illustrious career. For me, it is this character that represents all of the personal qualities and aspirations that the actual Hye Sun, and nearly all of her succeeding characters have emodied, which include (among other admirable traits): Cheerfulness, generosity, dignity, loyalty, and an undying thirst to succeed while only employing the most noble and respectable means. Each of her characters has been embued with a deep sense of purpose and unwavering commitment to make all things around her better than they were when she got there. Like her characters, Hye Sun stands as a glaring example of what can become accomplished by taking life by the horns and perservering day in and day out in your aim to make good things explode all around you. This is what both Hye Sun and her characters mean for me. The endless possibilites that might be realised by having both a positive attitude and belief in yourself and others that you may encounter in life. Goo Hye Sun and all of her extensions are there for all of us. Those of us who would spend their time playing the "evil" second lead, pining for what she has and dismissing her due to our own insecurities, need not fear. As happens in the drama world and in our own, this character will eventually wear you down and you too will become another one of her ever growing army of converts. It's only a matter of time... :P

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Hello Sunnies ;)

WOW so much love for our dear GHS, @eunhye same here I first saw here BOF and fell in love with her, did looked for Pure 19 and were really impressed by her performance. I love all of her drama and I love her :) I really dont pay any attention to her anti or netizens or any type of negative comments I just let it go because I know GHS does.

Thanks everybody for all the updates, and all the love for GHS :)

Have a nice evenig/day

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