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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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He's ok but I would have preferred someone a little bit younger like So Ji Sub,  Jo In Sung.or Lee Dong Gun.

hahaha... that's what also am wishing before... jo in sung or so ji sub., jo in sung is his mentor and they worked already in commercial ,and so ji sub is also to die for as all of her leading lady commented that he has a nice attitude and very good actor... well ji jin hee is not that bad, though in terms of numbers he is too old for our hye sun. but he ji jin hee has a nice charisma that attracts the viewer though hes already taken meaning: MARRIED

and i watched some of his drama like 1.He Who Can't Marry (KBS2, 2009) - as Cho Jae-hee and also in dong yi and JEWEL IN THE PALACE AND love letter and i can guarantee you guys that he is a good actor... he can also deliver the mushy type of those hallyu stars we have right now.

so lets hope that everything turn out fine for them and the drama

thanks guys

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies~

Happy Friday!

Happy THEMU day!   keke

I read in DC news clips that Ji Jin Hee is suppose to have love triangle with not only GHS but also the other main lady--Yoo Soo? (I don't know why I keep on forgetting her name,,,,) On top of that he is supposed to have daily run-ins with Lee Hani character.  Boy!  He will be surrounded by beautiful actresses...keke.

I wonder how it will play out....this time, GHS is NOT the object of attention by many male characters but she may be  among the pursuers....keke.

But I also hear that it is not mainly about the romance but mainly about the professional people committed to their work which involves the safety of the entire passengers.

I really like that. DC people also want that....they do not want a flimsy drama where the main focus is on romance and the work is the sideline.

The culture has really changed among women---just my guess...or is it just GHS fans?? or do I have backward thinking about Korea?? keke

Anyway, I also saw Ji JInHee in a drama called Spotlight with another famous actress (her name escapes me---she came out with Lee MinHo in Personal Taste). In that drama, there was hardly any romance but a hint of romance only. Also it was a very professional drama about the mentor (Ji JinHee) helping a very feisty reporter (the lady actress) become a even more courageous reporter who goes after her story even in the midst of danger. It was good and I really liked Ji Jin Hee in that drama but I kind of missed the lack of romance as well.

Well,,,I hope that Fly Again or Please Take Care of Me, Captain (PTCMC?) will have a good balance of romance and professional/personal development story line for the optimal viewer satisfaction.  keke   I also remember that GHS in Strongest Chilwoo hardly had but a hint of romance with the male main lead ERIC and it was kind of disappointing.....if you know what I mean??

Take care...

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He's ok but I would have preferred someone a little bit younger like So Ji Sub,  Jo In Sung.or Lee Dong Gun.

Shehe i agree with you , i prefer the lead male was Jo In SUng or Won Bin , coz they have something the Taste of the Captain,lol

but i hope Ji Jin He will have a good chemistry with our Hye Sun and the other cast. so Fly Again change the title to "Captain". hope the best for Hye SUn and all the cast. and get ready for THE MUSICAL ^^

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It's FRIDAY!!! Hope you all enjoy your weekends starting off with Ep. 8 of The Musical! :P I'm saving that to watch for later, but just wanted to add to some of your comments on Ji Jin Hee. Wow, it really ages me when I realize that I watched a drama he was in in 2001 - ha ha, but he's been acting for a long while!! The first drama I saw him in was Love Letter, a very complex and touching love story. Some of his other works that I've seen are Four Sisters, Dae Jang Geum, and The Man Who Can't Marry. While I haven't seen it myself, he won the Top Excellence Award last year for Dong Yi and I believe an award the year before for TMWCM. He is an accomplished actor, I've loved all the dramas I've seen him in, and personally I'm ecstatic that HS will get to work with an actor of his calibur. I think this role will definitely challenge her and will be very different from the roles she's recently had. Of course I know she's perfectly capable of pulling it off and we all know that she is very good at tackling challenges. ;) From his bio, it looks like Ji Jin Hee is 40 or close to 40, has been married since 2007, and has a young son. Her past few male partners have been younger than she is and while they were all great, (really <3 her with CD), it'll be nice to see her act with someone older. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's gorgeous to look at and that he has tons of charisma - if you've seen any of his work you know what I mean :rolleyes: Anyways, really looking forward to seeing this new project, I only wish they would give out more news about HS in this drama. Thanks to all of you who keep this thread moving with your updates, pics, and translations - really appreciate it! B) P.S. Marj, and Sheherizade - I understand....and agree.... I had my list of candidates too, but I think we won't be disappointed!!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I cannot seem to find the DC page where I read that Lee Chun Hee is also an actor most likely to appear in CAPTAIN.(This my shortened version of Please Take Care of Me Captain.) Whereas Ji Jin Hee's birth year is 1971, Lee's birth year is 1979. I hear he is married to someone 9 years his junior. That may be the trend among many actors.....accumulate wealth without being affiliated with any opposite-sex partners and then marry women very very junior to them....I hear about it a great deal.

I don't think this is official but someone in DC found out that Lee's Agency registered their name in the CAPTAIN official site. Ji Jin Hee's Agency also registered. So did many other Agencies affiliated with actors and actresses who will appear in CAPTAIN. DC complains that only one that did not register is YG. That makes many DC members angry, confused and disappointed.


Something cute:

When GHS posted her tweet about her codi's puppy, Tofu~she wrote in a very playful way.

She is using her aegyo--sort of--like talking to her Tofu----Where could our Tofu be? (I cannot explain it)

Anyway T-Max's Shin MinChul responded: (GHS and Shin follow each other in tweeter) "Over there...haha"


(sorry,,somehow I cannot copy the tweet message from Shin)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I was off today and saw THEMU~

But too much stoppings and bufferings and yuk yuk yuk~~~ke

But I just loved the story--GHS and GU Jak and the entire epi8 story made me laugh and cry so hard.

I cannot stand the next episode where Go EunBe seems to be allowing Bae GangHee to influence her. So, it seem that she is not going to do DoHa role but maybe becomd a stand-in for BAE in Count Monty. WHY Go EB!!!! You do become somewhat "babo"--foolish when it comes to musicals and Bae GangHee.I still hope that Yoo Jin will step in and help her out!!

It was easy to get the story line today,,,,,right?

Hong has a friend who grooms idols and also is into production.....I could see why Hong Jay may not have wanted to work with this friend.....Hong and Gu are not that enthused by the idol who will also star in ChungDangdong GuMiHo.  Part of the deal with Hong's friend investing into GuMiho is to include one of the idols. They are all saying that as soon as idols are included in musicals, tickets are sold out in minutes.

Morea and more emotions are brought out ----from Yoo Jin to RaGyung to Hong Jay. Yoo Jin invited Go to come to his office so that he can tell her why he made that decision and for her to understand him. But she did not understand him. He told her that he thought that a person who understands his background would truly understand why he may have made that switch and that it was hard for him. But RaGyung saw and heard the interaction between Jin and EB. She tells Jin how she feels....that she feels resentful that it is not only her that Yoo is worried about----She told Yoo that she is sending lunch to GuJak's office for all the staff and she is going there. Yoo told her that the atmosphere would not be very positive. Then she asked Yoo is he is only worried about her? Then she told Yoo that she saw Go and that he was worried about Go and that he wanted her understanding. In some way, he was also revealing his feelings for Go. Go did not get it. Go maybe academically smart buy not really about the people matters??? keke

RG also talks to Go at a cafe to have her be more understanding of Yoo Jin's choice. Then she said in the car, this would put and end to it. But you wonder what end???

There is a scene where Go fell asleep at Hong's. He moves her to his bed. Whe she wakes up. there is another scene where he tries to kiss her. But Go gives that uncomfortable look. Hong tells her that he will wait until she gives her heart fully to him. But I think Go took that in an uncomfortable way. That statement by Hong, at least to me, strangely reminded of BAe and her husband. He did everything for her and in a way she gave him a reward of herself to her husband she does not love. Perhpas Go felt very burdened by such a statement by Hong?? In some way, she may feel she has to be indebted to him??? That could be a yucky and very uncomfortable feeling to carry around. You know what I mean?

We also find out how smart Yoo is in his business. He tells Dir Han that he knew about Count Monty project for nearly two months already and decided to bring it up now. Yoo asks Dir Han how far he is willing to sacrifice to keep his  love? He finally gave in and said, "Everything". (Such possessive love.....whether RaGyung's love for Yoo Jin will turn out to become possessive,,,,remains to be seen.) Yoo told Dri Han whether he may even be willing to sacrifice his business relaitonship with the Amour Fund. That is when Dir Han said, Everythig....

There was a scene where Yoo is again listening to Go EB singing on the tape...What is revealing is that when Go sings the DoHa's song the part about "when I first saw you, I fell in love with you.,..." something like that. Go's face in the vid clip seems to turn a little bit towards where Yoo is sitting. We the audience all realize that somehow, that might be what Yoo Jin experienced when he first saw Go EB---in front of the bathroom trying to protect her heart area??  keke

(A least, that is what I saw today....)

Anyway, I am again so sad that we have to wait another whole week.

They already filmed it already---since the rating is so low, they shoudl just show the whole drama in a marathon manner!!!!


It is like reading a good book with great pix to go along with it---you cannot put it down but you have to.....

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I just rewatched THEMU~~

I must say I missed many parts when I watched it the first time this morning.

Hong and Go seem to be showing more and more of their feelings for each other. And, I really saw that they are so cute the way they act. Hong is lot more comfortable because he is after all older and had much more experience. Choi Dan is a good and natural actor!! I like his acting very much. On the other hand, Go most likely had none. Hong was so cute drinking in the scent left by Go on his pillow and then frolicking on the pillow as well. (I cracked up so much on that scene!! Did you??) The best that I can explain...but you all saw what happened. keke ) Also Go was so cute....she thought Hong meant that she smelled when he told her she can use one of his new toothbrushes. When Go said that she will wash his pillow and sheet. it was so funny when HOng asker why? do you have a contagious disease? In the bathroom. Go was going to use the new towel but she looks at the towel already hanging on the rack (the white one already used by Hong).  We know which one she used---right? keke. Then when HOng was going to kiss Go again, he saw how uncomfortable Go looked and said that he will wait until she is ready to give him what he wants.  I also realized that Go did not cover her mouth again like the first time, She did look uncomfortable--I guess because it is her first time. keke

I like the way their romance is going on screen....keke

Now---wow,,,,I also missed the part about how powerful and charismatic Yoo Jin is as a business man and as a person. He uses a Japanese translator even though he is suppose to speak Japanese fluently (as said by the translator when Yoo was talking with the Japan's Musical Production Team). Maybe he was trying to see if the translator is being honest with him? His cousin was there making noise on his phone when Yoo was conducting business meeting. His cousin was telling him that Yoo has no sense of loyalty and commitment just like his father as he was able to cancel Gumiho project just like that when something better came along. His cousin was yelling at him saying how much he dislikes him. Yoo yells at him back saying that he knows what he has been doing----messing with his fund investors and talking to his grandfather about his activities. etc. He said that he does not want to push anyone who is about to fall down (meaning his cousin??) but that sometimes he scares himself. (WOAH!! That was incredible acting!!!)

His grandfather was being interviewed. The reporter said that he heard that Chaimain is looking into some type of business in China in order to attract his second son back into the Group. He also laughed a great deal when he heard through the reporter that his grandson Yoo Jin is known as an incredible businessman by many people. The reporter wanted to know who will be the next in line to take over the Group from his descendants. The grandfather only laughed very happily and somewhat eerily.

GuJak is so funny because Hong is like a pocket book to him. AFter they got drunk at the Han River tented alcohol place, he calls over  HOng (who was leaving) and asks for money for the alcohol and then he calls Hong again to ask for taxi fare. Then, when Gu Jak was talking with Tarot reader,,,Gu Jak tells him to pay her. keke. Also when Hong came over to his house to take hm to the new producer and investor for GuMiHo, Gu was sleeping and snoring and refuses to wake up. But as soon as the alcohol was mentioned, Gu wakes up.....keke

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I'm just wondering too if GHS is still with YG? Is it official that she's part of Fly Again/ Captain...? :oor maybe GHS change her mind not to be in this drama? Oh NOO!!! .... :(:unsure: I also hope that they'll get one more lead actor who is a bit younger than JJH (no offense) & older than GHS. But we really don't know how the story will go. Probably not a romantic or loveteam drama. That would be interesting too.:rolleyes:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


I bow and bow and bow to you GHSforever!!

Love your mv and love Frank!!! Love that song!!

Classics just does no die!

Anyway--I am sure it is GHS's favorite too.

I love that scene where Hong Jae frolicks on the bed because Go EB slept there....keke

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I just rewatched THEMU~~

I must say I missed many parts when I watched it the first time this morning.

Hong and Go seem to be showing more and more of their feelings for each other. And, I really saw that they are so cute the way they act. Hong is lot more comfortable because he is after all older and had much more experience. Choi Dan is a good and natural actor!! I like his acting very much. On the other hand, Go most likely had none. Hong was so cute drinking in the scent left by Go on his pillow and then frolicking on the pillow as well. (I cracked up so much on that scene!! Did you??) The best that I can explain...but you all saw what happened. keke ) Also Go was so cute....she thought Hong meant that she smelled when he told her she can use one of his new toothbrushes. When Go said that she will wash his pillow and sheet. it was so funny when HOng asker why? do you have a contagious disease? In the bathroom. Go was going to use the new towel but she looks at the towel already hanging on the rack (the white one already used by Hong).  We know which one she used---right? keke. Then when HOng was going to kiss Go again, he saw how uncomfortable Go looked and said that he will wait until she is ready to give him what he wants.  I also realized that Go did not cover her mouth again like the first time, She did look uncomfortable--I guess because it is her first time. keke

I like the way their romance is going on screen....keke

Now---wow,,,,I also missed the part about how powerful and charismatic Yoo Jin is as a business man and as a person. He uses a Japanese translator even though he is suppose to speak Japanese fluently (as said by the translator when Yoo was talking with the Japan's Musical Production Team). Maybe he was trying to see if the translator is being honest with him? His cousin was there making noise on his phone when Yoo was conducting business meeting. His cousin was telling him that Yoo has no sense of loyalty and commitment just like his father as he was able to cancel Gumiho project just like that when something better came along. His cousin was yelling at him saying how much he dislikes him. Yoo yells at him back saying that he knows what he has been doing----messing with his fund investors and talking to his grandfather about his activities. etc. He said that he does not want to push anyone who is about to fall down (meaning his cousin??) but that sometimes he scares himself. (WOAH!! That was incredible acting!!!)

His grandfather was being interviewed. The reporter said that he heard that Chaimain is looking into some type of business in China in order to attract his second son back into the Group. He also laughed a great deal when he heard through the reporter that his grandson Yoo Jin is known as an incredible businessman by many people. The reporter wanted to know who will be the next in line to take over the Group from his descendants. The grandfather only laughed very happily and somewhat eerily.

GuJak is so funny because Hong is like a pocket book to him. AFter they got drunk at the Han River tented alcohol place, he calls over  HOng (who was leaving) and asks for money for the alcohol and then he calls Hong again to ask for taxi fare. Then, when Gu Jak was talking with Tarot reader,,,Gu Jak tells him to pay her. keke. Also when Hong came over to his house to take hm to the new producer and investor for GuMiHo, Gu was sleeping and snoring and refuses to wake up. But as soon as the alcohol was mentioned, Gu wakes up.....keke

i like that scene too, when Hong kiss the pillow that Eun Bi used and he was like a teenage boy who got his crush, OMG it makes me smile over and over again. Hong always met the mature woman as his partner after his relationship with KH was over but when he falls for Eun Bi he was just like a teenage boy huh,

yes, i know Eun Bi use the white towel that Hong used after his shower and it's kind a funny too.

yup the 2nd kiss, Eun Bi doesnt try to cover her mouth but she's only closed her eyes but i think she's ready too for given her heart for Hong but she's just not to confident. Gosh , i really like this episode. the romantic scene between Hong and Eun Bi were so cute. hope in the next chapter HongBi couple will get chance for a passionate kiss,lol

The Musical hwaiting ^^

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Guest eunhye05

Thank you soooooo much for the recaps and posts. This is the first time i couldnt get to watch the mu live as im on a beachtrip and the internet here is slow.i cnt wait to download the episode tomorow night when i get back. It sounds reeeeeeeeaaallllly good! Ive been greedily reading every update on that episode since yesterday.thank you all for your updates and reactions! :) EXCITEF TO WATCH THIS SOON.

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Guest hyesun4lyf

Hello Sunnies!

Got this (just click on "this") article from Dramabeans.  It's about the male lead for the GHS' upcoming drama that we already know of but still worth reading.  Just don't read the comments if you don't want to get upset.  Or better yet, read the comments and post your own comments in defense of our lovely GHS.


Now, I've got get back to work.

Happy Saturday night/ Sunday to all.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks All Sunnies for the posts.

GHS cannot have everyone like her~~so the posts at Dramabean does not bother me TOO much...ke

I was looking over Park Gi Woong DC gallery for a while to see what they are saying about THEMU.

Interestingly, hardly anybody is talking about Park GiWoong in THEMU!!

I was really surprised...

Rather, they are talking about his other or past projects much more.

Like the fact that he will may be the new lead in Full House 2.

He is also currently making a movie with Yoo Sun (GHS's co-actor in Captain) as his love interest along with the leads UmTaeWoong?

Why is that his fans are not enjoying THEMU?

I think Park is just great in there!

Actually I am more interested in Park-Yoo character in THEMU than Choi-Hong character.

Sorrry to the Hong Jae fans.--keke

I also read an interview of him--very deep, somewhat 4-D, quiet, loves being free, traveling, and being on his own, he also loves singing, plyaing the drum and majored in art and supposedly draws really well. He said he actually wants to play a musician in a drama if possible. He is also supposedly a speed runner, basketball player and wiz at ski and could teach anyone to ski...keke...There was the way he said things--seems very polite, humble, very considerate. He says he prefers boundary between work life and personal life. But he does not have a girfriend due to lack of time. Someitmes he has had 4 things goind on at the same time. They way he said things reminded me a bit of GHS. I wonder if they got along through THEMU?? keke He made debut 6 years ago (street casting) and has made over 20 movies, dramas, films and one act plays. But he has not seen the "light" that much. But supposedly he gained much popularity through Men's Story and Chuno. Maybe I will see those dramas.

Just thought it would be interesting to know more about him..

I will find that dc source for the interview.


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Hello Sunnies :)

@Sue Thanks for lovely comment I really appreciate it, and btw thanks for suggestion as well, it was perfect timing :)

I love that scene as well when CD was acting like a kid in his bedroom smelling GHS pillow that was to hilarious.

I love Park Ki Woong to but I kind a love Choi Daniel I dont know why? for right now anyway when Captain airs I might love Lee Joon and GHS :)

not really feeling Ji Jin Hee yet but wont give up on him :)

Have a great night/day Sunnies :)

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Hello Sunnies!

Got this (just click on "this") article from Dramabeans.  It's about the male lead for the GHS' upcoming drama that we already know of but still worth reading.  Just don't read the comments if you don't want to get upset.  Or better yet, read the comments and post your own comments in defense of our lovely GHS.


Now, I've got get back to work.

Happy Saturday night/ Sunday to all.

Thanks for the link & yes I read their comments too. I was not too happy about it so I gave tham a peice of me. LOL fury.gif Now, I feel better.phew.gif;):D

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Thanks for the link & yes I read their comments too. I was not too happy about it so I gave tham a peice of me. LOL fury.gif Now, I feel better.phew.gif;):D

Hello Maria just saw your post, dont pay attention to those people their just jealous but I'm glad you said something :)

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Hello Maria just saw your post, dont pay attention to those people their just jealous but I'm glad you said something :)

Thanks for your support GHSforever. I felt that I have to say something to people that are used to bashing celebrities that can't even defend themselves like my GHS. I felt better after posting it & don't have regrets whatsoever. Now, I can sleep soundly. I went back to dramabean & to my surprise I have a "not so love letter"..lol..from one of them. I don't want to respond anymore because I already said my piece (although it always feels good to have the last say)- WINK!:wub:;) Now, after that we have more defending words for our Hye Sun from GHS soldiers:ph34r:  in that site. LOL :w00t::lol:

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