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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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I can not believe you could not see today's episode ..... tears.giftears.gif

and worse yet you say it was very good ..... tears.giftears.gif


thank you dewimoar for the OST ..i like the song !!!!

cheerkoo thanks for the translations ...

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Hello Sunnies :0

Just FYI, if GHS does confirm the drama Fly Again, Viki team is subbing this drama with my experience with them they're really fast please follow them :) and also absolute Darling

GHS please confirm this drama seems really interesting, as for now we love in #The Musical#



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Guest eunhye05

Natali just posted a TwitVid of EunBi's Audition on Stage - http://www.twitvid.com/BXAXN Thanks Natali.

Initial thoughts - Our girls is getting better and better. This was her best singing in the drama yet! I can hardly believe it! Im so impressed. :D :D :D And her acting was just so heartfelt and even if I didnt understand what was being said I felt it! I cant wait to rewatch it again through the better copies. Oh its getting good. Its a crime if the ratings haven't picked up!

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good digress forgiveness for is being discussed now .. but Baidu is that I found a topic that I'm not sure but apparently talks about the drama Fly Again, I'm not sure if it is understood why I ask your help ... understanding what is confirmed is that Goo Hye Sun as the leading lady??

here the article in question ...


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Guest eunhye05

I think this is the article you were refering to Yonghwa? I used google translate and from what I can make out of it she is now confirmed and there's a description of the plot? Can u guys translate again for accuracy. :D I was actually just wondering what was the progress with this drama. hehehe

[단독] 유선, SBS ‘플라이 어게인’ 캐스팅, 구혜선과 호흡

[TV리포트 박진영 기자] 배우 유선이 SBS TV 드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’에 캐스팅됐다.

16일 복수의 관계자에 따르면 유선은 오는 12월 방송예정인 국내 최초 항공 대작 SBS TV 수목드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’에 출연을 확정지었다.

이와 관련 유선의 소속사 측은 TV리포트에 “유선이 ‘플라이 어게인’에서 승무원 사무장인 최지원 역을 맡게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

‘플라이 어게인’은 열정과 패기로 똘똘 뭉친 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 내용을 담았으며, 올 하반기 최고의 기대작으로 꼽히고 있다.

유선이 맡은 최지원은 7년 전 파리행 비행기 안에서 자신의 실수로 죽게 된 산모와 신생아 패혈증에 걸린 아이에 대한 죄책감을 마음 속에 품은 인물이다.

이 산모의 딸이자 항공사 여자 부조종사 한다진에게는 미안한 마음을 가지고 있지만 천천히 그녀에게 다가가게 된다. 한다진 역에는 구혜선이 캐스팅됐다.

한편 ‘플라이 어게인’은 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’ 후속으로 12월 첫 방송된다.

사진=TV리포트 DB

박진영 기자 neat24@tvreport.co.kr"]neat24@tvreport.co.kr


'플라이 어게인' 유선 "2년 만의 드라마 복귀 설렌다"

[TV리포트 박진영 기자] SBS TV 새 수목드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’으로 컴백하는 유선이 드라마 출연에 대한 기대감을 드러냈다.

유선은 16일 TV리포트와의 인터뷰에서 “2년 만에 드라마로 복귀를 하게 됐다. 하지만 부담감 보다는 반갑고 설레는 마음이 크다”고 말했다.

이어 그녀는 “올해만 영화를 세 편 찍었다. 항상 영화를 개봉한 후 관객들과 만나, 그 기다림이 길었는데 드라마는 대중들의 반응을 곧바로 느낄 수 있어서 좋다”며 “최근 시청자의 입장에서 드라마를 보면서 ‘나도 드라마를 하고 싶다’는 생각을 하곤 했다. 그래서 2년만에 복귀작 '플라이 어게인'에 대한 기대감이 크다”고 설명했다.

유선은 ‘플라이 어게인’에서 승무원 사무장인 최지원 역을 맡았다. 최지원이 승무원 3년차 시절 당시 파리행 비행기에서 그녀의 실수로 한 산모가 죽고, 설상가상 산모의 아기는 신생아 패혈증에 걸린다는 내용을 담고 있다.

죄책감과 미안함으로 살아가던 최지원은 승무원 사무장으로 돌아와 산모의 딸이자 부조종사인 한다진을 만나게 되고, 그녀를 파일럿이 되게 도와주는 조력자 역할을 하게 된다.

유선은 “최지원은 다진이와 당당하게 맞서면서도 그녀를 강하고 담력 있는 파일럿이 되게 도와준다. 표면적으로는 날카로워 보이지만 내면은 깊은 키다리 아저씨 같은 역이다”며 “이런 모습이 풍성하고 매력적이게 느껴져 이 작품을 선택하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

여주인공 한다진 역으로는 구혜선이 낙점됐으며, 두 사람과 멜로라인을 형성할 남자주인공은 아직 확정되지 않았다.

한편, ‘플라이 어게인’은 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’ 후속으로 12월 첫 방송된다.

사진=TV리포트 DB

박진영 기자



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Happy Weekend Sunnies! I am anxiously waiting for a translation regarding Fly Again. I had my fingers crossed that HS would be confirmed for this drama - but when I went to the article posted, there was another actress whose picture went with this article. I can't read Korean, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I wonder if the actress pictured with the article is in fact the one who's confirmed for the role? Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm wrong!!!!! Looking forward to Ep.3 of the musical - have been saving it to watch later on today. I was able to see the clip where she sings in the audition and what can I say... just listening to this song brought tears to my eyes. Thanks to all for making this thread so much fun and for keeping us abreast of all the news!!! B)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies!!

I just finished watching THEMU3 and Wow!!! DAEBOK!!

I also visited DC and they are all so impressed by the drama!!

And,,,OMG, GHS was so good, amazingly good...I was laughing and crying and laughing and crying...Her audition was so moving and her voice and the words to the song--it is HongJae's confession to Go EunBi--written just for her...And Park GiWoong--his expression as he heard Go EunBi sing--that was priceless....!! I cannot promise but I will try to trans or sumarize. ep3--is there no tranlation team for THEMU??

I also saw goddessku post that THEMUwas ranked number one on the portal site today!!--but that such ranking changes a lot--right?? But I was so happy to see that it was most searched drama today!!!

Never Fear----as far as I can tell,,,,,GHS is still cast and seems to be playing for the new drama to come, Fly Again...Yeah!!

thanks eunhye05 for the articles...(sorry for cutting some of your post.)--I will only translate essential parts of the articles.

='eunhye05' date='16 September 2011 - 09:23 AM' timestamp='1316193781' post='17389115']

[단독] 유선, SBS ‘플라이 어게인’ 캐스팅, 구혜선과 호흡==[Exclusive] Yoo Sun has been cast to work with GHS in SBS's FLY AGAIN

[TV리포트 박진영 기자] 배우 유선이 SBS TV 드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’에 캐스팅됐다.

16일 복수의 관계자에 따르면 유선은 오는 12월 방송예정인 국내 최초 항공 대작 SBS TV 수목드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’에 출연을 확정지었다.

이와 관련 유선의 소속사 측은 TV리포트에 “유선이 ‘플라이 어게인’에서 승무원 사무장인 최지원 역을 맡게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

Yoo Sun's Agency states that, she is cast in the role of Choi JiWon who is in charge of the crew members.(I think that is what underlined Korean means.)

‘플라이 어게인’은 열정과 패기로 똘똘 뭉친 부조종사가 파일럿으로 성장하는 내용을 담았으며, 올 하반기 최고의 기대작으로 꼽히고 있다.

FLY AGAIN is the most anticipated drama of the latter half of this year and it is a passionate and ambitions story of an assistant pilot becoming a full pilot

유선이 맡은 최지원은 7년 전 파리행 비행기 안에서 자신의 실수로 죽게 된 산모와 신생아 패혈증에 걸린 아이에 대한 죄책감을 마음 속에 품은 인물이다.

Yoo Sun's role Choi JiWon is a woman who has been carrying much guilt in her life. Seven years ago inside a plane en route Paris, a mother who just delilvered a newborn is killed. (The article is not clear whether the new born is also killed. But it also says that a child caught blood poisoning.????)

이 산모의 딸이자 항공사 여자 부조종사 한다진에게는 미안한 마음을 가지고 있지만 천천히 그녀에게 다가가게 된다. 한다진 역에는 구혜선이 캐스팅됐다.

The daughter of that woman who died after delivering a baby on the plane is Han DaJin who is an assistant-pilot. Yoo Sung, although carrying the guilt, helps Han to become a full pilot.

한편 ‘플라이 어게인’은 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’ 후속으로 12월 첫 방송된다.

FLY AGAIN is to start airing in December after the ending of Tree with Deep Roots.

사진=TV리포트 DB

박진영 기자 neat24@tvreport.co.kr"]neat24@tvreport.co.kr


'플라이 어게인' 유선 "2년 만의 드라마 복귀 설렌다"==It appears that Yoo Sun is a movie actress and has already filmed 3 movies this year. But it has been two years since she is returning to small screen by being cast as Choi JiWon in Fly AGAIN.

[TV리포트 박진영 기자] SBS TV 새 수목드라마 ‘플라이 어게인’으로 컴백하는 유선이 드라마 출연에 대한 기대감을 드러냈다.

유선은 16일 TV리포트와의 인터뷰에서 “2년 만에 드라마로 복귀를 하게 됐다. 하지만 부담감 보다는 반갑고 설레는 마음이 크다”고 말했다.

이어 그녀는 “올해만 영화를 세 편 찍었다. 항상 영화를 개봉한 후 관객들과 만나, 그 기다림이 길었는데 드라마는 대중들의 반응을 곧바로 느낄 수 있어서 좋다”며 “최근 시청자의 입장에서 드라마를 보면서 ‘나도 드라마를 하고 싶다’는 생각을 하곤 했다. 그래서 2년만에 복귀작 '플라이 어게인'에 대한 기대감이 크다”고 설명했다.

유선은 ‘플라이 어게인’에서 승무원 사무장인 최지원 역을 맡았다. 최지원이 승무원 3년차 시절 당시 파리행 비행기에서 그녀의 실수로 한 산모가 죽고, 설상가상 산모의 아기는 신생아 패혈증에 걸린다는 내용을 담고 있다. This part describes the plot: When Choi JiWon had been at her post as the manager of the crew for three years, a tragedy occurs on the plane en route to Paris.A woman who just delivered a baby dies and on top of that the dead woman's baby is infected by blood poisoning.  

죄책감과 미안함으로 살아가던 최지원은 승무원 사무장으로 돌아와 산모의 딸이자 부조종사인 한다진을 만나게 되고, 그녀를 파일럿이 되게 도와주는 조력자 역할을 하게 된다. Choi JiWon lives in guilt until she returns to her duty as the manager of the crew. Then she meets the daughter of the dead woman. Her name is Han DaJin and she is an assistant pilot. (But if that baby who became infected with blood poisoning lived, GHS should only be 7 years old....so, that dead woman must have had another daughter??)

유선은 “최지원은 다진이와 당당하게 맞서면서도 그녀를 강하고 담력 있는 파일럿이 되게 도와준다. 표면적으로는 날카로워 보이지만 내면은 깊은 키다리 아저씨 같은 역이다”며 “이런 모습이 풍성하고 매력적이게 느껴져 이 작품을 선택하게 됐다”고 밝혔다.

Choi JiWon meets DaJin in an imposing and authoritative ways and helps Da Jin become a tough and courageous pilot. Choi JiWon may be cold and sharp on the outside but she is actually like "daddy long legs". Such a role made Yoo Sun take the part in Fly Again.

여주인공 한다진 역으로는 구혜선이 낙점됐으며, 두 사람과 멜로라인을 형성할 남자주인공은 아직 확정되지 않았다.

For the role of Han DaJin, GHS has been chosen. As of yet, male star has not been cast.

한편, ‘플라이 어게인’은 ‘뿌리깊은 나무’ 후속으로 12월 첫 방송된다.

사진=TV리포트 DB

박진영 기자--Reporter Park Jin Yong.of TVReport



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Guest j-j-forever

Thanks Cheerkoo for letting us know that GHS is still in Fly Again! Very much appreciated... I was anxious that she did not accept the drama and was replaced....IM HAPPY NOW


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

i really enjoyed epi3 of the MU better than the first 2 epis. Hope it will garner more viewership soon.

AGB Nielsen ratings: epi 1 (7.1%), epi 2 (5.1%), epi3 (3.9%) according to article



Say it is not so!!!

It gradually went down??!!

THEMU is competing against the Grand Birth (search for the next singer type of show) which scored over 15% rating and VJ Doc program which scored 10%--I think both are reality-based shows.

Please please,,,is there a way to increase the rating??????

Why is it that THEMU was most searched on the search engine and yet the rating is so poor??

I am so sad!!

Thanks webby

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Say it is not so!!!

It gradually went down??!!

THEMU is competing against the Grand Birth (search for the next singer type of show) which scored over 15% rating and VJ Doc program which scored 10%--I think both are reality-based shows.

Please please,,,is there a way to increase the rating??????

Why is it that THEMU was most searched on the search engine and yet the rating is so poor??

I am so sad!!

Thanks webby


I agree!! I was at nate search and it was top rank on their search engines yet the ratings dropped again :( aish....I thought episode 3 was heartfelt, I felt how Go Eun Bi's strive and how she felt after the audition and Bae Kang Hee's harsh words...but I wish the ratings would increase~~~ it's really a great drama (not being biased) but yes the episodes just keeps getting better and better! I can't wait for more :D anyway I'm happy Hyesun is casted on another SBS drama "Fly Again" I anticipating who will be the male lead! :D (Jo In Sung?!?! hahaa kidding!) :P


The Musical HWAITING!~~~

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I am so upset about the nielsen rating of THEMU--

DC is trying to find a way to increase the promotion of the drama --some talked about bringing over more pix and vid clips and posting over the internet.

I know nothing about computer.

Is there a way that we can help THEMU??

I did not see the drama but heard about Mischievous Kiss with Kim Hyun Joong---the rating was poor in Korea but it did fantastic in foreign market--somehow it was marketed through YOUTUBE. Did you guys hear about that?? I heard the drama hit more than several million viewers??

I wonder if THEMU started airing in Japan and whether it is doing well over there.

Does anyone know??

Thanks.. :tears:

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Thanks Cheerkoo for letting us know that GHS is still in Fly Again! Very much appreciated... I was anxious that she did not accept the drama and was replaced....IM HAPPY NOW

*quoted image*

:lol: Yipee!!! Yes, thanks Sue for translating that article regarding Fly Again. I'm so relieved and ecstatic that Hyesun accepted this role and is acting alongside Yoo Sun, who is a very well known and respected actress who does tend to play hard and cold characters and is very good at it. The fact that it's a much anticipated drama also makes me happy and hopefully there'll be no obstacles before it airs in December. It'll be fun to guess who will be playing opposite Hyesun as the main male lead!! Thanks so much to Yonghwa and Eunhye05 who also brought us news about this drama! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

자매채널 SBS E!TV 소식]꿈을 위해 희망을 노래하는 청춘들의 이야기-구혜선 최다니엘 박기웅이 의기투합한 청춘예찬뮤지컬드라마<더 뮤지컬> 매주 토요일 밤 11시에 연예오락채널 SBS E!TV에서 만나세요.



*quoted image*

이번에 서비스되는 단막극 중 ‘간직한 것은 잊혀지지 않는다’는 지금은 대한민국 최고의 배우가 된 소지섭과 전도연의 풋풋한 모습을 엿볼 수 있으며, 스릴러물인 ‘아나그램’에서는 대한민국 최고의 연기파 배우로 거듭난 안내상과 김윤석의 열연을 감상할 수 있다. 또한, 이제는 어엿한 주연 배우로 눈부시게 성장한 구혜선이 조연으로 활약하는 모습도 볼 수 있다.  


Thanks natali--just noticed your post...

It appears that THEMU is also being repeated in SBS' sister channel SBS E!TV but it is aired on Saturday nights at 11PM.

Also, I just saw that THE MU is being translated on mysoju.com


Only epi 1 is translated so far but the trans is very good...I could not have translated all that medical terms that Go Eunbi was singing about in the subway.... Also, I realized some of my own mistakes in translating through it.

Just a bit of infor that your may have not understood from Epi3--

re Yoo Jin: He tells his fiance in the car about why his uncle and cousin are so unkind and ungrateful to him. Yoo JIn says it is because of the years of living under the pressure of the shining star that was his father. Yoo Jin briefly tells his fiance that  he is the son of the second son of a wealthy person who is his grandfather. His grandfather has two sons and his grandfather believed in his second son as the heir and the  talented financier over his first son. The first son is Yoo Jin's uncle and the man who visited YooJIn's office in the first episode is his male older cousin. There has been history of by the older son against the younger son. But one day, the younger son gave up everything and disappeared--to paint. Somehow Yoo Jin is left to carry the burden left by his father. It is not certain if YooJin and his father are in speaking terms...The uncle and his son are sarcastic and derogatory towards Yoo Jin. The mess that was left by Yooin's cousin who use dto manage the MUsical Investment Fund also became Yoo Jin's responsibility. HIs uncle, the cousin and his silent grandfather seem to be indicating that it Yoo Jin must make the Fund a success and to even fix any problems as well. But Yoo Jin does carry out a successful negotiaton with the investors who complained about losing lots of money due to the past investments. And, YOO jin's mother defintely has some type of memory loss--she believes that her son is still very little. Also, Yoo Jin's fiance supposedly comes from even more wealthy family and his cousin berates him by saying that Yoo Jin was so lucky to have RaGyung--RaGyoung stands by her man and shows much love for Yoo Jin...but the relationship still looks very empty.

The next episode 4 preview says that Go EunBi has a cantenkerous meetings with Yoo JIn. There is many reason that Yoo Jin would see his own father in Go. His father was a brilliant finacier as Go is a brilliant med student, but both give up everything so that they can paint and act respectively--they both abandoned their family in the process.....perhaps that is what happened to YOo JIn too.

Go refuses to rehearse with Hong at his apartment anymore after a run in with Bae GangHee there. Jay is telling Go how he feels about her. But Go tells him that she really cannot think about anything else right now as she has made a big decision in her life to pursure musical acing. But Jay takes that as to mean that Go has some feeling for him and he is happy about that. The song that Go sings in audition is about a girl who gave up on love for a long time and having been lonely for what feels like thousand years....(some DC people are saying that Yoo Jin must also identify with that song because he must have been very lonely for a long time given his circumstance.)

Go EunBi has lots of part itme jobs--delivering milk (I wonder whose house is the one she delivesr milk to and bows to??), tutoring and now has a new job--she has an illegal job of cleaning the dead bodies or cutting them up for analysis....Hong Jay is scared for her doing an illegal part time job for money. Go asks him if he is even thinkging about lending her the money instead. He says yes. But Go, while doing situps in his Lexus, says that she cannot do that--she does not like to live life owing to others and that it is her grandmother who taught her that. Even though Go EunBi told HOng that she really needs to concentrate on her career at this time, he still comes around to her every job to comfort, talk and spend time with Go--even to the anatomy room. He cannot bear looking at her job but he still comes to see Go EunBi....

I think those were the main points.

Oh Bae Ganhee makes Go sing at a pitch and a half higher than what she auditioned. And she told Go that she hates people who apologizes for their lack of talent.  Also Yoo JIn keeps on hearing Go;s audition tape and then fianlly decides to invest 40-uk won into a brand new creative musical written by Hong Jae--he finds out that the songs were written by Hong Jay later. So after hearing Go sing, something stirred Yoo Jin to invest money into something that he had been fighting against all this time.--------

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Guest Fanderay

I think the subs on mysoju are probably the Haru2Subs ones.  They're one of the slowest subbing teams out there, but their quality is some of the best.  Haru2subs doesn't sub very many shows, so we're really lucky!  

Thanks for all the articles and extra info everyone :)

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Good day Sunnies, :D

I saw the TMU last, worth waiting. Thanks cheerkoo for the translation. I love Hyesun's voice singing so lovely. I'm emotional when GEB has her stage auditon and when she was asked to sing again. GEB looks really worried and terrified, but just like Hyesun or Jandi, GEB took the challange. I like the part when she's crying on the stairs, all of a sudden i'm feeling sad too. :tears:

To me, Epi3 is much much better the atmosphere is so natural like our daily real life situation but why i dont understand the rating.... to be lower?? :(

Wow, thnks again Sunnies for the latest update for Fly Again, the story line looks very interesting, complicated and challanging. I hope they will get all the best actor and actress in this drama. I'm very happy that our Hyesun accepted the offer together with Yoo Seon only i already felt that Fly Again will be a big hit for next year drama. I'm curious who could be the lead male actor? ;)

GHS Fighting!!!! .

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Guest YooRiLuvSunniez

i really enjoyed epi3 of the MU better than the first 2 epis. Hope it will garner more viewership soon.

AGB Nielsen ratings: epi 1 (7.1%), epi 2 (5.1%), epi3 (3.9%) according to article


the rating were not so good, but this drama was most searching drama in net but the rating-_-, maybe in korea they all anticipated this drama and so curious but with the airing on Friday kind a of not good place it coz on friday all people mostly hang out ,hope SBS will change their time for THEMU and hopefully the rating will increase soon coz THEMU were so worthy to watch.

just hope the best for THEMU and Goo Hye Seon;)

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Guest Earthprincess

i agree, we need to help the show get better ratings by increasing publicity for it. would it be too much to ask of you Sunnies if we all be active on The Musical Soompi thread? That could help too. Since, if that thread is moving fast with our analyses, hopes, etc. it stirs interest for the drama.

cheerkoo -- is it okay if we repost your transcap on The Musical thread? and also your overview of anything The Musical related?

Thanks so much Sunnies for supporting uri Hye Sun. so far, even with low ratings, I think she's having a good year... :)

BTW, do you know if Hye Sun will be singing an OST track? I think she has a track record of singing only in the episode but not recording for the OST, is that a YG-restriction? I really want her to sing the song she sang in Epi 3 on the OST.

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