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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Happy Saturday Sunniez! :)

I woke up at 5am to watch ep1 :D I love it! though it's just raw vid that I can't understand what they are saying, I love all the scenes that shows Eun Bi's determination to act in musical. Singing & dancing in public places , and even in Sailor moon costume :D Can't wait for the next ;)


here's the part EunBi in Sailor Moon costume, it's fun!


                                      세일러문 복장한 고은비(첫회)

Cre DramaSBS


I'm not sure if this vid was posted, it's on AD wrap-up party. The content is similar to the news I translated few days ago. will try to add sub later today ;)


110831 GTV 100% Ent. News – Ku Hye Sun @ Absolute Darling Wrap-Up Party

Engsub added, click cc to activate subtitle function

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First Impression of "The Musical".  Love It!  Love It!!  Love It!!  GHS has a beautiful voice.  This role was tailor made for her.  As an actress she was funny and cute and there were so many scenes that I watched over and over again such as the dancing audition, her scenes with DC and all scenes where she's singing.  Just hearing her sing was worth watching this drama.  But my favorite one was when she was dressed as sailor moon.  I thought that was hilarious and even if I did not understand, GHS's facial expression more than made up for it. 

Chemistry between the Leads.  Excellent.  GHS and DC make a great couple and they complement each other.

Love the rest of the cast.  One episode per week is not enough.  We need at least two.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hi Sunnies!

Here is the rating of the first episode---


닐슨 - 전국 7.1----------------Nielsen--whole country

          수도권 8.1---------------------------metropolitan area

TNS- 전국 8.3---------------TNS--national

         수도권 10.9--------------------metropolitan

I really do not know the difference between Nielsen and TNS. I was actually hoping for double digits. Was somewhat disappointed.

But DC members are saying that many did not even expect that much due to such lack of promotion and advertising of the drama. One member said that she was very upset that even the Entertainment programs did not even report on TheMU's press conference on TV! But I hear that there are lots of praises for GHS and Dan Choi and the music on the tweeter and other social network boards. Hopefully this will encourage more viewing for the next week.

Rating may not show the quality of the drama but it can make or break the star power of the actress---I think---don't you think? I feel good if what GHS does gets much recognition. Friday night is not the best time for a drama as many people probably would like to socialize on Friday nights after a long week---I hope they go home and watch THEMU and relax.....keke


I saw THEMU again twice!! I could not help it. I really liked it the second time after I allowed the buffering to fininsh and I could feel the transitions of the scenes more speedily. I did get a bit confused in the beginning about the time frame. I thought Hong Jae just returned to Korea when Go EnBi already spent one year auditioning.

Here are the facts--at least some of them:

1.Go EunBi is a 3rd year medical student who is crazy about all musicals. Even though she may live musicals in her imagination and dream and they seem to get in the way of her reality,  she is a brilliant medical student. When the Professor asked her what the eye area of the skull is called, she knew the answer. She works hard at 3 different jobs to support herself.

I felt bad that the first episode cut the part where Go dances and jumps up at the place that she works--a movie theatre or something?? Remember that scene in the preview??

2 She meets HOng Jae accidentally at the Han River when she is singing Bae Ganghee's musical part.. HOng tells her that she has no talent as musical actress. That makes her so upset that she calls her grandmother and tells her that she wants one year off from school to do what she wants to do because she will die if she does not.

3 Hong Jae's past was a bit confusing on the drama. He returns to Korea from NYC and is greeted by his friend called Goo Jak who loves musicals and yet is very poor. (THEMU shows the reality for those who are successful and those who are not in the field of musicals.) This poor friend loves making or writing for musicals and wants Jae to work with him. But Jae tells him that he vows that he will never do another musical again. He is successful composer for musicals and also for popular songs..that is why he is financially doing well. Hong usually buys drinks for his poor musical-loving friend.

4 HOng is a genius composer who graduated from Julliard School of Music in NY and also has composed songs for an off-Broadway play in NyC which is supposedly still running.

5 Hong loved Bae GangHee for 6 years. Goo Jak asks Hong if Hong decided never to compose for musicals again because he does not want to run into Bae. Instead Hong concentrates on writing just popular songs. But Hong gave no answer to his friend's question. We have yet to find out if he is really over Bae.

6 Now, one year passes.

7. Go EunBi has two weeks left before needing to go back to her school if she does not get a part in a musical. That was her promise to her grandmother and father. Being desperate, she decides to try for male chorus part in a Bae GangHee musical.

8 Because she is desperate for a part in a musical, Go EunBi gets easily influenced by the con-artist Park GyunLim character. Park works in the musical field and loves the field but has never gotten any parts except for the chorus parts. She gives impression to Go that she lived in NY long time and worked on Broadway when she actually went there for one week project only, Park who calls herself Christine sugarcoats for desperate Go that one year of trying to get into musical field is nothing and that with lessons she can maybe get into musical withing 6 months or even 3 months. Even though Go sounds terrible, Park tells her that she is good. Park is a user but she is also another passionate but very poor musical actress. She makes Go do the Sailor Moon---convincing Go that she has to practice and be comfortable perfoming anywhere and anytime. Most likely that was her job but she uses Go to do the work for her....

8 When Go EnBi is dreaming that she is a musical actress, did you notice that GHS's voice is good but when she comes back to reality, we hear her not singing so well.

9 Park GiWoon or Yoo Jin is extremely serious investor. I really liked his character. There is no sense of play or doing things our of whim for this guy,. He calculates profit and loss before making any type of investment. His grandfather placed him in that field to see how he does. I thoguht that he had conflict with his father but it is his older brother with whom he has conflict. When he was throwing toy figures against the window and they slowly come down,,,Park is saying that just because one goes down slowly does not mean that he may not crash and burn. (At this time we don't know what that means.....he is a jaebol who actually acts like the realistic professional jaebol--unlike all the other jaebols in Korean dramas. Also we still do not know what exactly is the conflict between him and his brother. He seems to come from a dysfuncional family. There is also coldness and more professional air between him and his fiance--did you noitce??)

10 Bae seems to be married to the Han guy who is always with her. She bluntly tells what she thinks and feels. But she does it in a sarcastic and comical way that you wonder if she is insulting you or making joke with you. But she is not very warm person. But Park trusts her and her husband for profitable musicals.

11 There is high reward for creative scenes or songs offered by Park GiWoong company along with Bae and her husband. But Park is not planning to use them to create a musical but he is using it as promotional tactic. He feels that there are so many musicals coming out of Broadway and Westend which would be more profitable. He does not really think that creating an authentic musical by his own Korean composers and writers would be that profitable and it would take too long to get it off the ground. He does not trsut the profitablitiy of creative process.

On the one hand is the pure-hearted and passionate Go EunBi as well as all the other passionate people who want a chance on stage  and then there is the cold and hard reality of the business side of the industry. I wonder if Go would stay naive through it all or how or if she would ever wake up to it..and if so what she would do....I am hooked on the story as well as to Go EunBi and  to Park Gi Woong character....I am not yet hooked on Hong Jae---..I pray that the script writer is really good!! I HOpe that the writer really gets into the heart of things and not just entertaining music. There has to be a reason why Go is a smart medical student in this story as well.....

I pray that rating goes up and up and I pray that editing is more and more smooth and even more polilshed......DAEBOK!!!! VICTORY!!!

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happy saturday sunnies! :D

i was so entertained last night watching The Musical online. i don't need a translation to understand what's happening in the 1st episode. i was laughing out loud at how funny GHS was as GoEunBi! she sang and danced so well but she was so good too in acting as a trying hard singer and dancer. that scene where she was wearing a sailor moon costume was hilarious haha! i cringed just thinking, what if i was at her place?...i'll be so ashamed! well, GHS was really good! the fact that she's a pretty actress doing those funny scenes gives her a better edge over the others! her facial expression in every scene so awesome! i so love it! i agree with you shehe 1 episode a week is not enough!

sunnies, let's vote for GHS in yahoo poll this month. she's starting at #7... :( her rank last month wasn't good...finishing at rank 5... :( c'mon let's put her back at #1 spot! the earlier to vote the better... :)


love and hugs everyone! God bless! :D


@cheerkoo am sad about the ratings...i was expecting a double digit too! :( never mind...let's hope and pray that the ratings will rise as the drama progresses...like start slow but end strong! :PThe Musical...fighting!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

GHS Tweet

  koohs  구혜선

소개가 늦었슴니다. 대만 아역배우인데요. 제 아역이예요. 엄청 귀여운 토끼같지요. 저는 이모같구요. 하하하. yfrog.com/o05vvwoj

....as bright as the sunshine...her creamy white skin blending so sweet in her yellow outfit...all smiles GHS  ^_^

*quoted image*


Thanks so much! Sorry for cutting your post.

KOO tweeted!! I love that she shows consideration to people--small or big.

@koohs--Introduction has been delayed. She is a child actor in Taiwan. She plays the child role for me. Doesn't she look like an extremely adorable rabbit? And, I look  like her aunt. Hahahah

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Hi Sunnies! You really are the best! I was able to watch the live streaming version of the Musical (it came on at about 3:00 am our time), so I was a little sleepy, but in just the first episode, I am enchanted by the wonderful characters in this drama. I didn't want it to end, I wanted more! I watched again at Drama Crazy today because I missed the beginning part, and noticed that when Eun Bi is in class and is watching a musical on her laptop, that she was seeing, if I'm not mistaken, Jo SeungWoo in his Jekyll/Hyde musical, and the class is singing Now is The Moment from that musical. I've read he'll also be making a cameo later on in the drama. I think it's awesome that a musical actor of his calibur is the lead in HS's movie Peach Tree. But getting back to the musical, what's there not to like? Of course I'm a little biased, but I loved Go EunBi from start! She's got brains as a top medical student, is spunky and very determined, but all the while she's somebody who is humble and adorable, the girl next door, someone very close to Hyesun herself. This character fits her like a glove! I also like the character of Chrsitine too, the con artist. This is only the second drama that I've seen PKL act in, and I think she does a brilliant job! The two of them together are hilarious! I've liked Daniel Choi from before the Musical, but really admire his acting skills in this drama - can't believe how the Hong Jay character is so different from the one he played in Baby Faced Beauty. As Hong Jay he's very manly and charismatic, and I love his smile! They couldn't have picked a more perfect partner for Go EunBi. This is the first time I'm seeing Park Kiwoong in a drama, so I didn't know what to expect, but he is great at being a cold businessman. As for Ock Juhyun, WOW, what a set of pipes! I think the ratings, while not the best, will do better as time goes on, because once they get a taste of the Musical, they'll want to see more of this very well made, very innovative and entertaining drama. Remember BOF? Their first ratings I believe were like 14% or so, and at the end of it they were pulling in 30+% ratings, so I have my fingers crossed that this will be the case here! Anyway, I'm so proud of our Hyesun and how once again, she's transformed herself into a character that I absolutely adore!! Yang Gukhwa, Yoon SoYoon, Geum Jandi, and now Go Eunbi. THE MUSICAL - FIGHTING!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you out there who provided all the info and the links, without which, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the first episode of Hyesun's comeback!! Have a great weekend!!! :D

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Guest shamarsha

I didn't have a chance to watch live, but i finally able to watch raw :) Thanks to people in Korean Drama Thread ;)

1st thing i remember is how silly Eun Bi was, she's constantly dreaming of as musical actor :lol: and that was so funny haha~~ her scene with other student who tried to report Eun Bi to her grandma was hilarious, esp when she said "sarang-hae..halmoni" :D

Eun Bi's voice is pretty, not as a powerfull as Gang Hee though but still good and i was impressed by that..i saw on Nate some people also praised Hyesun for that ability & she's even on the top ten searched...BRAVO Hyesun!

Other characters is also captivate but i must agree with you Sue, it was Yoo Jin who really stand out, not only his handsome face that moved on me but also his cold character that is still likeable, i'm curious how the love line between him-Eun Bi-Hong Jae would be...?

Looking forward to the OST too...like the one on the long preview, hope the good ones more come ;)

The Musical Hwaiting~~~!

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Just wondering in the scene of Eun Bi's lecture class...the one she was watching on her phone singing "This is the moment" korean version of the song...the guy looks like Jo Seung Woo...it's him right? It really looks like him :D



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glad that Allkpop posts more news about GHS especially about The Musical nowadays :)

‘The Musical’ airs its first episode!

by cduswnl on September 3, 2011 at 2:27 am

On September 2nd, SBS’s new drama ‘The Musical‘ aired its first episode!

The episode introduces the story of ‘Go Eun Bi’ (played by Goo Hye Sun), an honest and hardworking medical student who’s completely in love with musicals. She claims that adding medical terminology into musical numbers makes it easier to memorize them; she also respects top musical actress Bae Kang Hee more than the nobel prize winner Albert Schweitzer.


Eun Bi takes a leave of absence from medical school behind her father’s back, and applies for multiple musical auditions but gets rejected by each one. However, Eun Bi is a girl who does not know how to give up.

Meanwhile, famous composer/musical director Hong Jae Yi (played by Daniel Choi) is a talented and handsome guy, but doesn’t always make a great first impression on people. He is very care-free, has a high level of aesthetic sensitivity, and basically does whatever he wants.

During the episode, Eun Bi and Jae Yi bump into each other several times by coincidence. When Jae Yi happens to hear Eun Bi singing by the Han River one day, he criticizes her singing with the comment, “Hey little lady, you really can’t sing. You’re not supposed to sorrowfully wail that song like that“, and reveals to her that he was the original composer of the song she was singing.

At this, Eun Bi just gives a short laugh and replies, “If you’re Hong Jae Yi, then I’m Bae Kang Hee!”, but Jae Yi leaves her with the warning, “Don’t even dream of becoming a musical actress if you have no talent“.

Fast forward a year later, and we can see that Eun Bi still hasn’t given up on her dream to become a musical actress. When the two characters happen to meet once again, Jae Yi ends up playing the piano for Eun Bi while she sings to his accompaniment, but this time he forms a smile on his face instead of criticizing her, hinting that the two may form an interesting relationship in the future.

Viewers praised Goo Hye Sun’s hidden singing talents and Daniel Choi’s portrayal of a cheerful yet tough character with comments such as, “They really good together“, “I’m looking forward to the acting“, and “‘The Musical’ is really entertaining!


Source + Photo: Newsen via Nate

Link : Allkpop

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks Sunnies for all your posts...it is wonderful to have so much life here at the forum..

I love that subway scene where Go is studying medical book to the beat of the music,. When she realized what she is doing, she tells herself, "how embarrassing" when she gets off the train. keke

Hong Jae's character is right in the middle in terms of his views about people and work.....When he was having drinks with Goo Jak after he retrurned to Korea, he says that it is not only love and passion that moves people. He says it is also fame and fortune that people really crave and want. He does not like it when Goo Jak criticizes those who make fortunes from musicals. Then Goo Jak says--"like Bae GangHee and Director Han" (her husband must be musical director Han). Jae was "betrayed by love for Bae"...He is a negative realist most likely due to the experience of betrayal----Yoo Jin is passionate about making money but there is nothing unethical or mean about his method--it is strictly business (He is sort of an IDEAL REALIST--keke, if that makes sense--somehow this drama is reminding me of GHS's book TANGO--keke) Go is the positive and pure-hearted  IDEALIST running on passion that she cannot control-------------She does tell her family about her leave of absence for the  first year. But then, she takes another leave after she meets Christine and then she lies about it to her grandmother.

I saw in the preview that her father yells at her saying that she is not allowed to see the family if she does not return to school,.Then I heard Dan Choi telling Go whether she will make decision with her head or her heart.....now, that is something different coming from a guy who is a negative realist.....keke----getting interesting....


I feel bad visiting DC today---there is a feast of pages of posts by GHS anti's who are attacking the DC members. I did not open the pages but the titles/subjects of their posts are not pretty at all....it is a sad world sometimes.....

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It's totally a first for me. I watched the first episode in one go and enjoyed it immensely even though I didn't understand very much. But it was great and I have high hopes for this Drama.

@cheerkoo: thank you for all the informations! I don't understand fans sometimes or most of the times. why are they bashing on Hye Sun shii. I cannot accept this :crazy:

P.S.: the song at the end which GHS sings, it's very nice. Is this an actual song or just made for the Drama? :)

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WOW i was totally awed by GHS after watching THE MUSICAL..i can't help telling myself repeatedly WHAT A TALENTED WOMAN..a really hardworking woman..i was like watching stageplay at BROADWAY..did remind me of THE WICKED and MAMA MIA though because it was so much fun watching IT..I HOPE FRIDAY WOULD COME SOON..

I hope SBS would promote it more because it is really a good drama..just like when GHS was promoting before this it is probably best for her to go to entertainment programs again so rating would go up.i noticed she has a couple of advertisers and TOYOTA is one of them

SUE i went to DC although i don't understand korean i would google translate them and i noticed it the antis and haters are there..what is their problem..what are they mad at..they seem to be aggressive people.. i hope they leave the dc soon..if only i could speak korean hehehe


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Guest francia1980

Hello sunnies:)!!!

I enjoyed so much the live streaming yesterday...I felt all the emotions while watching the drama...i can't wait for next week...:)

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Guest phanlinh_111

HI all Sunnies!

Let's vote for The Musical to be sub by darksmurfsub.com in this poll:


Thanks so much! :wub:

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Thanks for all the links and extra thanks to sus for interpreting the drama for us!

I was smiling throughout the episode: ALL characters had their very distinct personalities that makes one want to see more, GHS's passion is so infectious, and DC's smile is so sweet. Like our fellow sunnie, kgrl43, said - this role fits her "like a glove"!! It reflects much of what she's doing right now - living her passions and making them reality. I think that's why the antis are very incensed and are in an uproar: they can't stand to see GHS do well and be happy. Oh well.....

I am eagerly awaiting the next episodes and hope that SBS in America will show it soon so my Fridays (or whatever day they decide) will be filled with anticipation!

Here's to THE MUSICAL!!! Fightinggggggggg!!!! XoXo

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HI all Sunnies!

Let's vote for The Musical to be sub by darksmurfsub.com in this poll:


Thanks so much! :wub:

@phanlinh_111 imreally sorry to cut your post.. could you please give us instructions on how to vote because i tried it but i can't find the way...thanks so much.. :wub:

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Guest phanlinh_111

@phanlinh_111 imreally sorry to cut your post.. could you please give us instructions on how to vote because i tried it but i can't find the way...thanks so much.. :wub:

My pleasure Prettywiz! ^^

U must register first by clicking "Register now" in the right up corner:


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Goo Hye Sun shares a bizarre selca

by kdramacrazy on September 3, 2011 at 11:39 am


Actress Goo Hye Sun showed off her bizarre side through a new selca.

On September 2nd, she tweeted “This night at 9:55 is the first broadcast of ‘The Musical‘. I’ve been working for this drama for a long time. I hope it goes well… Like this,” and attached the above photo.

In the picture, Goo Hye Sun is smiling brightly in front of the camera. However, her smile appears distorted in the picture.

Netizens responded with, “Goo Hye Sun can become broken like that“, “The best of bizarre photos“, and “Goo Hye Sun’s new image“.

Source: TV Daily via Nate

Link : Allkpop

I love read all comments there, most of all said she is funny and cool to post bizzare picture like that :D

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LOL, that is a very funny selca pic. I just finished watching The Musical and despite having no clue what they were saying, our girl's expression and body language transcend the language barrier. I laughed so much through this first episode, I need more! Why must it be only 1 episode a week? The torture! :crazy:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

GHS's funny selca just shows to me how down to earth, next door friendly type of person she is.

She wants us to have fun watching her drama as if we are in a playland where those funny mirrors are availalble--to laugh at ourselves, to let loose and relax.

And, not be afraid or worry what others may say or do or think,.,,,,

She is just really good person.

That is exactly what I did watching her drama three times....relaxed and laughed and just loved Eunbi....

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