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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks yonghwa for all your posts above;

Thanks prettywiz for the information about the other GTV drama with ParKSH.

There is hardly any information or news about ghs in KOrean news portals and there is hardly any fan accounts as I do not see goddessku post in DC anymore and I am assuming there are none since smdrma also brings us fan accounts and news about GHS that we do not have access to.

Oh well..they say somtimes no news is good news...

Hope that fiming is going well...maybe there is no fan accounts because GHS is staying in Taiwan?? or she is really good at independent travels without being recognized!! keke

Here is to more fan accounts and news about AD promotional events...

Thanks a lot to all the Sunniez!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks meow13!

Is that man in yellow T-shirt Jiro Wang or a stuntman?

I cannot tell.


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Guest minjee

AD BTS pic!


cre http://weibo.com/2150766094

thanks so much meow !! Finally an update about AD!!! :D Jiro looks like superman in that shot :D sue, I think the guy in yellow shirt with Hyesun is also Jiro :) I do miss update news on her....I hope there's more to come~~~ :D :D



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Wow! new bts pics :) I'm watching PSH's Hayate The Combat Butler and I would say that the dubbing turned out pretty well. Good thing they were able to find a voice that suits PSH's character. I hope the dubber for Hye-Sun will be excellent as well.

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::방배동 서래마을에 위치 한 배우 구혜선씨 친언니가 운영하시는 카페, 마놀린::출사::분위기 좋은 곳::









Cre http://www.cyworld.com/coolk0104/6048668



아.. 구혜선이 사용한다는 바로 그 화장품...

다나한 에코퓨어 워터파워 화이트닝...

저는 몰랐네요.. 그냥 구혜선은 타고난대로.. 아니구나.. 관리하는거였어..

하.. 피부 좋기로 소문난 구혜선..

몇년째 소망화장품 모델로 활동하고 있죠~

구혜선은 특히나 다나한 에코퓨어 쓴다고 하던데... 천연 화장품인게냐 너?

하... 유기농 선인장 성분이 들어있다고 하던데.. 요거 자세히 살펴보고 저도 화장품 새로 살랍니다!

Cre http://blog.naver.com/dksrlgus66?Redirect=Log&logNo=60132993310

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Guest minjee

thanks meow for the mag scans! WOW!!! Jiro really looks so tank I remember watching him in ISWAK he was skinny now very fit and masculine~~ big image change which fits him more as Tenjo Night! :D Also thanks nat for the updated pics on Cafe Manolin!

@minjee : that hye sun gif ! she looks so pretty with long hair! *O* where it comes from? ><

hi~ it's from her 2009 Coffee CF for Doutor which was shot in Japan :D In my opinion, she looks best with long hair~~~ :D and I really really missed it~~ :D

here's the link if u want to see it ;)

Doutor CF ft. Goo Hye Sun


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AD BTS pic!

*quoted image*

cre http://weibo.com/2150766094


"Visit on AB set. Scene takes place at a school. We were on top of the bridge. The cast was under the bridge filming.

That day, Da Dong wore a very deep v-neck shirt; therefore, the line of sight was very revealing...EVERYONE WAS LOOKING!! *drools*

Maybe it was because too many pairs of eyes were focused on that area, because Jiro discovered us staring!

He raised his head to give us a glance and then turned his head back down to look at his chest.

Then he raised his head again and gave us a mouth-pouting expression!! (angry bird?!?). We laughed like crazy."

I posted this anecdote from a fan because it shows how a natural comedian JIRO is so for sure our long wait to see GHS on screen is worth it once AD IS SHOWN.. i hope it really will follow HAYATE as what was said before..HAYATE is ending in SEPT.

Thank You meow 13 for this update.

Thank You SUNNIES!

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Guest webby

i initially thought AD would be giving her more feminine clothes as seen in the initial filming pictures before they changed the male lead, but this recent pic reminds me of her wardrobe in The Musical. kinda dashed my hopes coz i am really hoping to see her in something feminine and cute. but anyway, i'll still be looking forward to her movie this year. hopefully it hits theaters in the fall.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thanks prettywiz for the BTS fan account about Jiro Wang.

Thanks all Sunniz for updates and more.

Still no updates about GHS in Korea at all.

She is so busy that I guess she has no time to tweet either. :mellow:

I think is July 1st in Korea now. That means that the poll for choosing an actress for 1N2D is over and GHS is the winner.


Yeah!! She got pretty much 2x the vote from the next highest actress selection=son yehjin.

I hope and hope that she agrees to do the variety show!! I don't think that she likes doing them..do you?

I bring you an irritating poll for the month of July. GHS is now second in ranking very closely followed by HwangJungEum. If you can spare few minutes a day, go and vote for her at least 10 times Thanks.

Here is the link for the Yahoo Rival for month of July 2011.


OMG! GHS dropped to 4th ranking while I was posting here!!!:o

Ecopure toner sounds good. It is a toner that also whitens. The fan in the blog said that she wants to try it, She thought that GHS naturally has white skin but maybe she gets some help too. It is water, organic essential oil and pine needle extract.  People have to shake it before using it to thoroughly mix oil and rest of ingredients. In the QA section, Ecopure supposedly keeps the skin moist and soft 19% better  than other leading brands after 8 hours of its use.  It also supposedly help with other skin problems such as freckles and other skin imperfections. Good for sensitive skin.  I want it!! keke

Cafe Manolin looks as adorable as ever and the blogger says that Manolin is a place that gives you good feeling.

Thanks a lot!!! :)

Park ShinHye must have a great manager. SHe has a drama airing in Taiwan and also in Korea at the same time.! What a timing. Although I never saw her dramas yet, I believe she starred with Jung Yonghwa before in another drama? Right? Wow! I wonder if it is possible for our GHS too? I was one of those who rooted for Jandi and Jihoo. It will be nice if they do something together one day!! keke No offense to soompies who liked GooJunPyo and Jandi..keke   It is an old story..right?? haha

Woah! Hello Webby! Long time long see!!!

My crazy idea about AD is that the robot really becomes the prince charming type of a fellow who helps dorky and unfeminine and socially backward female star to blossom into a strong feminine character....I don't know if THE MU will ever air. I also wonder when Peach TRee will come to theatres....I sincerely pray for drastically different result with Peach TRee for GHS and for all of us Sunniz who root for her.DAEBOK!!!!!

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cheerkoo, though i am a fan of GJD-GJP team up as well as in real life (MINSUN), I also like to see GHS and KHJ together in a drama.. and my hope went high when I learned about Heartstrings (starring PSH-JYH). At least their shippers got their chance, right?! It will be awesome to see GHS and KHJ sharing the screen, Two 4d personalities will sure be a blast :)

I also thought that GHS will wear more girly clothes in AD... since the japanese version female lead was quite girly. If i remember it correctly, she will attend a party with her robot boyfriend, so let's hope we see her in a gown soon.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hi ais730!

Thanks for your post.  I was one of those weird people who did not quite enjoy the Japanese version of AD or AB. So I am hoping that the Taiwan version would be different. Very different....Well, I hope so anyway....I liked the trailer of Taiwan version of AD...In the Japanese version, I saw no point for an ideal robot boyfriend and I really did not see much relationship between robot and the girl. I actually preferred the relationship bet the robot and the "bad" friend/coworker of the main character. I guess I did not like the story of the Japanese drama version. But when I read the Japanese manga of AD, the the robot was much different..he was much more the ideal that the main character wanted. In the drama, the robot was dorky and socially inappropriate. Of course, in the manga, the story of why that main girl never had luck getting a boyfriend was somehwat unreal and too contrived like the Japanese drama version. But, at least in the manga, the characters were all immature high school kids!  In the Japanese drama version, they were working, mature adults and  the reason why the girl never had luck getting a boyfriend was too immature and unbelievable esp when the main charactger in Japanese version was very pretty, smart and very nice,,,of couse she was too nice to the point of being somewhat stupid.  I personally have a hard time getting into that type of female leads.  But I can accept a naive and dorky adult female who may be good at what she does but just does not get it when it comes to male and female relationshiop issues--to me that seems more believable and acceptable. Then, the idea of a robot ideal makes much more sense.  But, I really hope to see more of a relationship bet robot and the girl in Taiwan version so that there is more drama inside the manga--the drama of a relationship that cannot materialize in the end. Sorry, I don't know why I am going on and on about AD or AB. I really like a drama with really, really good story line with characters that we can identify with or at least sympathize with very much.  We all have not seen GHS on small screen for so long that I really hope that she comes back with a great big super bang and DaeBok....that will make my day..keke.


Also, I just read these tweets from someone who seems to be reviewing new dramas! So exciting... 


Her name or nickname is michelle and she has to be involved in TV drama production. She seems to be talking with directors and writers. But her tweet about THEMU with GHS and Choi Danial is very interesting:


지금 하고 있는 구질구질한 일 중 한 가지 좋은 건 신작 드라마 방영 전에 미리 보고 리뷰하는 것. 입사 후 본 드라마 중(그나마)제일 괜찮다 더 뮤지컬. 구혜선은 더도 덜도 아닌 트렌디드라마스러운 연기를 적절히하고 최다니엘은 좋구나.

9 hours ago 트위터 gotoanalog | 원문보기 ==There is one thing good about all the nasty type of work that I am doing at this time. I like that I get to review new dramas before they are broadcast. After joining the firm, out of all the new dramas that I saw, I thought THE MUSICAL was really the best. GHS acted appropriately in this trendy type of drama and I liked Choi Daniel.

으악 아아아아악 구혜선 최다니엘 키스 신 장면 보고 야밤에 소리를 꺄아악 질렀다. 아이고 설레 부채질 중.

9 hours ago 트위터 gotoanalog | 원문보기 ==Ahhk AhhhhhAhk I saw the kiss scene between GHS and Choi Daniel and screamed in the middle of the night. Aigo..this beating heart. I am fanning myself right now.

Woah and Woah!!

This is first good news I heard about THE MUSICAL. She seems young and is new to this "firm". Are the TV producers and managers going to take her review seriously and have the drama shown before the year is up???? PLEASE, PLEASE!! I was not too thrilled with her saying that GHS's acting was just "appropriate"...that is somewhat disappointing...although not all together negative...right??

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Sorry everyone,,I think I went overboard with my previous post about AD/AB. I don't even know how the AD drama will be and I think I was writing its scenario.....hahaha...,,,,I hope I did not offend anyone..blush.gif ..:P

Anyway, I noticed that DC is also talking about that lady named Michelle who says that she is reviwing the new dramas before they may air. DC wonders if she is legitimate tweeter and what kind of firm she works out of......I sincerely hope she is legitimate!!

Have a good day!! :)

Good news: Overnight, GHS is now at 2nd level in Yahoo Rival; Please continue to vote for her and let's keep her active in the minds of all the TV and movie producers and decision-makers!! :D

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Hello Sunnies :)

@sue I love you for all your updates I really appreciate them all :)

GHS and choi daniel kissing scene wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh spazzing right now i cant wait to see that, I'm really hoping that they MU a chance we havent seen GHS in awhile missing her so much :(

@ais730 same here love MinSun pairing a lot but wouldnt mind seeing GHS and KHJ team up either :)

To all sunnies love you all have a great day/weekend ahead :)

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Interesting tidbit (since there is no news about GHS at the moment~~)

Nate news portal has a new section about stars or celebrities and their social network.


She has the F4 from BOF but only Kim Joon is her tweeter buddy. 

However, I was mainly interested in who were part of her il-chon or "close as family" friends through the cyworld and Nate portal only posted 3 in GHS circle (I know that there are more but ilchon members in the cyworld were not publicized unless the ilchons posted messages on GHS's cyworld.) Included in her ilchon membership are late Jung SeungHye (we are all familiar with her)  of the Morning Production company, musical actor Kim Bub Rae who starred with GHS in the 2004's Drama City's Everybody Cha Cha Cha and who appears in the musical, Jack The Ripper. 


Her il-chon also includes Shim JaeWon.


I always wondered who is her very close friend who choreographs for SNSD and Shim JaeWon is the Director of Choreography for SM Entertainment. GHS mentioned in the talk and variety show called WinWin or SeungSeung Jangoo program long ago that she got the number to Yoona of SNSD through her close friend who is a choreographer. Shim has an interesting work history. He was originally a singer who debut in 1998 with a group called Eagle Five. He is also a member of a DJ group called Beat Burger and he was also a member of a group called Black Beat. I remeber listening to the Black Beat and I thought they were really good. We also heard and read articles about the unfound scandal between GHS and Black Beat's lead singer. I believe the new of the unfound scandal came out when GHS was a MC for the Inkigayo Show. As we know GHS was also a trainee for SM Entertainment before she left and joind YG. :)

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