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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Like most of you, I am worried about GHS safety. *quoted image* She seems to be going back and forth in Taiwan without a PA or a staff with her like what I've seen in this blog. Sorry if I could not post the pictures as I don't know how.

Here is the link:


Thank you for the updates and translations. Have a nice day everyone *quoted image*

Thanks summer11 for the link

I will bring over the part about HS


before departure, we were annoyed because of the early bird flight (7:45am on May 15)~ I was joking that we would meet Korean stars easily at this timeslot


When I was wandering with Ms. Ip, Someone shining in front of me...


I took a look carefully... isn't she Ku Hye Sun?


Talked to Ms. Ip: Mum.. that's a Korean star (of course I didn't expect Ms.Ip would know who she is.. haha)


Though she's not my idol, I have watched BOF (otherwise I must not have reckoned her)


She was shopping at Duty Free shop alone~ There was no staff or fans around~ Just her


The one with a grey backpack was Ku Hye Sun!



She has shopped for quite a while... looking here & there


At last she bought a lot of chocolate



I asked for her autograph after she shopped



She was a bit surprised... but willing to... when I asked if I could take a picture... She blinked her big eyes and said politely:  Cui Sung Ha Mi Da... (죄송합니다 / Sorry)


so... I was being too honest... that I didn't take the chance to sneak a pic from her front... but...please believe me!!! She really is Ku Hye Sun!!!


After she signed for me, it's about boarding time... Just like that, we at the front and KHS at the back, proceeded to the boarding gate of Korean Airline


Thus we played a trick... took a picture like this... the one between me & Ms. Ip was Ku Hye Sun!! (I haven't adjusted to the right mode...)



We separated after boarding on the plane~ different ways for Economy class & Business Class! Haha

A lucky one who met Hyesun at the airport :lol:seems HS flies very frequently and I wonder why her manager & cordi were not with her. She is too down to earth~

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Thank you summer11 for the link and meow13 for the translation.

So, you are saying that GHS was leaving Taiwan with tons of chocolate (keke) to Korea on May 15?

She was seen in Korea on May 8th (most likely for the Parents Day of Korea).

Then, she was seen a week later on May 15th (Saturday) en route to Korea.

She was seen leaving Korea on May 25th.

Plus, she is reportedly appearing for the Fahrenheit fan meeting on June 5th.

It seems that GHS has been coming back to Korea almost every week since she started filming AD in Taiwan!

I read the codi's tweeter once in a while and it appears that the codi does not seem to be leaving Taiwan as frequently as GHS or ever.  But I guess the codi will go to Korea when GHS does the fan meeting with Fahrenheit?

If GHS is buying up lots of chocolate, I would think that she is frequenting Korea in order to edit her movie Peach Tree. That is what I think. She likes sweets when working...as reported in BOF bts. Perhpas, as the article that Chio-Mexico posted may indicate, GHS is preparing to show her movie by this summer of September at the latest?? OMG...I pray and pray for great success for GHS--we know she is talented--but I really hope she make great money off of it as well:D...I really mean it----NO Jokes about it.

Whew!! She is amazing! I wonder if she knew that her friend Nam Sangmi has been dating. I remember GHS once said that she really enjoyed watching the drama Life is Beautiful not only because of her friend but also because she likes stories that make her feel good.

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

I know you guys hate voting---I hate it too---but it it can help GHS???

Besides the Yahoo Rival which seems to go on every month for the rest of the year...


There is another yahoo voting which will end July 1, 2011.

A PD Nah Young Suk of MBC's 1 Night 2 Days Variety Program which airs on Sundays is planning a special on actresses.

He is asking for peple to recommend and vote on actresses.

GHS is one of them.

Voting ends July 1 according to DC member. It seems like you can vote once and that it it. But I will try again later or tomorrow and see what happens.

1. click under her pix  2. click on the blue rectangular box which says 투표하기=vote. IT will lead you to the results. The grey box is if you just want to see the results. When you are at the results page, you can click on the blue rectangular box at the bottom which will take you back to the voting page. GHS can promote her movie, AD and more if she is chosen for that variety program!!!!


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I know you guys hate voting---I hate it too---but it it can help GHS???

Besides the Yahoo Rival which seems to go on every month for the rest of the year...


There is another yahoo voting which will end July 1, 2011.

A PD Nah Young Suk of MBC's 1 Night 2 Days Variety Program which airs on Sundays is planning a special on actresses.

He is asking for peple to recommend and vote on actresses.

GHS is one of them.

Voting ends July 1 according to DC member. It seems like you can vote once and that it it. But I will try again later or tomorrow and see what happens.

1. click under her pix  2. click on the blue rectangular box which says 투표하기=vote. IT will lead you to the results. The grey box is if you just want to see the results. When you are at the results page, you can click on the blue rectangular box at the bottom which will take you back to the voting page. GHS can promote her movie, AD and more if she is chosen for that variety program!!!!


Good morning to SUNNIES  :)

SUE ~~ Thanks for the updates/translation and for the voting procedure.. GHS is now on the 3rd rank w/c means  there is a big chance for her be on the 1st rank if all our SUNNIES friends will cast their votes.  If you don't mind, I will post this on Joondi Thread to be able for them to cast also their votes to help GHS.  :)

SUNNIES  ~~~ pls cast your VOTE for GHS.  Let us show our LOVE for Hye Sun.  wub.gif

Summer11, meow13 and smdrma ~~~ Thanks guys for the updates  :)

Have a nice day to all SUNNINES  

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hello sunnies :rolleyes:

sunnies you guys are amazing i remember while voting for ghs she was number 2 with 144,000 votes and now she's number 1 with 444,000 votes amazing im just so proud :D

thanks sunnies for all the updates, pictures, translation i really appreciate it :)

have a great day :)

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THE KBS has released a new poll on his official Facebook site on which you choose

your favorite pair of Boys Over Flowers

.... You can vote once ...

I vote and so they support your favorite couple ..

who knows and the KBS reattached in a new drama ...

The link is this:

KBS Poll

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

hello sunnies :rolleyes:

sunnies you guys are amazing i remember while voting for ghs she was number 2 with 144,000 votes and now she's number 1 with 444,000 votes amazing im just so proud :D

thanks sunnies for all the updates, pictures, translation i really appreciate it :)

have a great day :)

GHS fans here at soompi and everywhere are just amazing....I agree with you GHSforever!

I also saw the poll for the other yahoo to select an actress for the mbc variety program...GHS is leading by over 20%~~ Woah! Feel the power of GHS fans!!! I think we can maybe vote once a day or just once and the poll ends July 1. I will try again tomorrow.

Yonghwa, I cannot get into the KBS poll....I will try later. Thanks very much!!

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Yonghwa, I cannot get into the KBS poll....I will try later. Thanks very much!!

to vote in the poll from the KBS must be registered in Facebook .. sorry .. did not mention this .. with my previous post ...

sorry ... sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

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just for information,Yi jung & Ga eul couple still lead the KBS pool...

c'mon girls....need to work hard for our lovely couple..

By the way, why GHS don't want/ can not to take a photo with that taiwanese girl? i saw in joondi thread, a member in that thread once took a photo with her.... i will be sad if someday i meet her and i can't take a photo with her :sweatingbullets:

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies!

I hope that we get to see GHS tomorrow at the Fahrenheit's fan meeting. I hope it is true.


An interesting tidbit.

I told you that I check on JunDonghee's tweeter, She is the codi for GHS and followed GHS to Taiwan for AD. I would imagine that she came to Korea with GHS for the fan meeting?? A certain person named 4EyedJack tweeted her and I found out that he is actor Lee JoonHyuk. He is currently coming out in City HUnter with Lee MinHO! I just found out by looking up at his profile. He asked her how is Taiwan. She says that she really misses Korea. Now, as we know, Lee JH participated in Peach Tree out of friendship to GHS.

Have a good day!!!

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Hello Sunnies!

I hope that we get to see GHS tomorrow at the Fahrenheit's fan meeting. I hope it is true.


An interesting tidbit.

I told you that I check on JunDonghee's tweeter, She is the codi for GHS and followed GHS to Taiwan for AD. I would imagine that she came to Korea with GHS for the fan meeting?? A certain person named 4EyedJack tweeted her and I found out that he is actor Lee JoonHyuk. He is currently coming out in City HUnter with Lee MinHO! I just found out by looking up at his profile. He asked her how is Taiwan. She says that she really misses Korea. Now, as we know, Lee JH participated in Peach Tree out of friendship to GHS.

Have a good day!!!

Hello to all Sunnies sisters, good day everyone,

I'm sorry i seldom posted here but nevetherless I don't miss visiting everyday as a silent reader. :)

And thanks alot for sharing all the latest updates and pics of our dearest Hyesun-ssi. :D

@cheerkoo, I too hope that HS will attend the Fahrenheit's fan meeting. TQVM for your intresting tidbit, i can imagine how close their friendship is. may i have your permission to post at Joondi's, thanks in advance ;)

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Good Morning Sunnies! Any news yet of HS attending Fahrenheit's fan meeting? So far I've only seen pictures of Super Junior members on stage with them but none of our HS :( Hope to hear some news soon! On a different note, I've voted in the KBS poll for 1N2D actresses episode, and I think HS would be a natural for this show. They're assigned different missions and play games that result in winning prizes of meals and sleeping quarters (losers usually have to sleep outside). It's hilarious! We all know how smart and competitive HS is, (her love of food would make it even more fun), and she has worked with many of the members before: she acted with Lee Seung Gi in nonstop 5, was on X-Man and YSMM with Kang Ho Dong as host, AND interacted with Kim Jong Min in one of the funniest episodes of X-Man that I've ever seen, and has been on a couple entertainment programs with Lee Su Geon as host too. Right now it looks like she's in 1st place in the poll - I've got my fingers crossed that she'll be picked!! :D

Thank you all for your news, pictures, and translations!!!!

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HELLO SUNNIES GOOD MORNING/EVENING! I don't think our HS is with the fansigning event..i've read in one article that some members of supper junior will be hosting the event with them as they've been in TAIWAN most of the time..i think this fansigning event is being sponsored by TAIWAN TOURISM and i saw their new video our HS is not there anymore..

It will really be fun if they will picked HS for a special in 1N2D SPECIALLY she already had worked with most of the cast there..and it's even nicer if they get the 1st 4 on the poll because i have notice there were 4 actresses on their recent show..imagine GHS ,HJW ,KO ,KTH ..i wonder if they could put them together with their busy sched on one episode of 1N2D..JUST MY WISHFUL THINKING!

Anyway i've been voting everyday..i think we are allowed to vote once a day as with my experienced..correct me if im wrong..so far she tops the poll till now..




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Guest cheerkoo1430281614


Thanks so much for the updates and information.

That is too bad that GHS is not included in the Fahrenheit Fan Meeting.

I guess DC did not have the correct information.

At any rate, my guess is that since Fahrenheit is in Korea, could it be possible that GHS is also in Korea as well? Or is she in TAiwan filming scenes that do not include JIro Wang?? Her codi's trweeter did not indicate anything.dry.gif

Since I voted the first time for the 1N2D variety show, I cannot vote anymore. When I voted again, a pop up appears and says: 한이슈에한번만가능합니다=one vote for one issue only possible. Since over 11000 people have voted, I hope more and new people vote for her until the voting ends on July 1. That is still far away, so if you have not voted, please do so.


Vote under GHS's picure, go down to blue rectangular box that says: 투표하기=Vote and click on that box. It will take you to the results box. If you want to see the results, click on the grey box=결과보기 next to the blue vote box. Wow, thanks kgr141 for the information about iN2D variety show.  Sounds really fun and she will be with familiar people--I have not seen her interact with Lee SeungGi since NN5!

In the meantime, there is the voting on the yahoo rival where GHS is ranking 1 so far for July 2011.


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Guest junpyo.jandi

I hope unnie won't forget her health. she's working so hard she should have time to relax... Can't wait for AD!!

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Guest cheerkoo1430281614

Hello Sunnies!

DC members are saying that AD was featured at the Shanghai Drama Festival.


Source: yyang0115 @ weibo

I like what appears to be GHS's comical and adorable role...very much looking forward to it!!

Has anyone hear anything about it?

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Guest minjee

Hello Sunnies!

DC members are saying that AD was featured at the Shanghai Drama Festival.


Source: yyang0115 @ weibo

I like what appears to be GHS's comical and adorable role...very much looking forward to it!!

Has anyone hear anything about it?

thanks so much sue!!! could this be a preview from the trailer?!?! looks good!! I am also soooo EXCITED!!!!! I wish they show a sneak peak preview real soon!!! :D


On the left top side picture where Hyesun stares at Jiro/Night's face, I wonder if that's the scene where Riko kisses the robot on the lips in order to become alive?!?! hahaha! ;)


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Guest junpyo.jandi

OMG really they already release teasers? I'm really really excited! unnie is soo cute in those scenes.... can't wait to watch it! I hope they release more info.

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