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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest susAmerica

Thanks everyone for the great pix of GHS at the JungYup radio program. I hear JungYup is a singer. natali, those two articles pretty much say the same things so I will summarize.

1. GHS confessed that she truly respects Jo SeungWoo yet find it kind of uncomfortable in his presence. Although he addresses GHS as Director Goo, she finds it difficult to ask him to do things.

2. GHS said that she has taken lots of self-selca pix especially in the beginning of her career. She was trying to study how she appears with certain expressions and emotions. Through such excessive pix-taking, she says that she has found some good ways of taking pix.

3. She was asked what she would like to be doing in 10 years. GHS said that she would like be a mother by then with 5 kids and she hopes to have mostly boys. (WE all know that GHS has 5 puppies who are all male dogs as she felt her father felt alone in the household as the ony male.,,,keke,,,,she has a 6th puppy named Peanut but I am not sure if it is a he or she...most likely a he....I would love to see how her children look depends on who her husband will be??!!!!I would think they would be adorable and maybe she can create a mini--band with her kids....keke)

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병원가다가 버스정거장에서 구혜선 봄~~ 피부가 예술~~ 어떤 할머니 도와주는걸 보니 심성도 고운듯~~

병원가다가 버스정거장에서 구혜선 봄~~ 피부가 예술~~ 어떤 할머니 도와주는걸 보니 심성도 고운듯~~

— Jeong Eun Choi (@chouchouchoi)

March 18, 2011
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Guest susAmerica

병원가다가 버스정거장에서 구혜선 봄~~ 피부가 예술~~ 어떤 할머니 도와주는걸 보니 심성도 고운듯~~

On the way to the hospital, at the bus stop, I saw GHS~~her skin is an art~~she was helping a grandmother; she even has a good heart~~

(This same tweeter actually left a follow up post on DC to further explain her meeting GHS. Her nickname for dc is chouchou.)



여기 정말 빠르네요...디시는 항상 눈팅만 하는데...저 트윗 올린 사람입니다~ 제가 워낙 트윗을 안해서...구혜선씨 직접 봤구요 악수도 했습니다. 부암동에서 영화찍으시던데요... 쉬는 시간이셨는지 혼자 버스정거장에서 버스번호 안내판을 열심히 보고 계셔서 정말 구혜선씨랑 저 밖에 안서있었어요. 그래서 제가 구혜선씨 아니냐고 물었고 맞다고 하시길래 악수를 청했습니다. 머 하시나 봤더니 버스정거장 근처에서 매니저 분이신지 잘 모르겠던데.. 어떤 할머니가 버스를 잘못타셔서 물어보셨나봐요.. 그거 알려드리려고 버스 안내판 보고 계셨구요. 그 분에게 알려드리려고 모든 번호판을 다 둘러 보시더라고요~ 참 착해 보였어요... 정말 가까이서 보니 피부가 완전 도자기 피부더라고요~ 여러분께 알려드리고 싶어서요~|125.128.***.*** 2011.03.18 18:48 =This place is really fast...I usually just browse through DC...I am the one who posted the tweet above. I rarely ever tweet...I saw GHSssi face to face and even shook hands with her. She was making her movie in BooAhm-dong...She must have been on a break. She was at the bus stop, studying the different buses and theri schedules intently. There was no one else but me and GHS standing at the bus stop. So, I asked her if she is GHS and she said yes and I asked her if I could shake her hand. Near the bus stop was maybe her manger? with a grandmother....the grandmother took the wrong bus and must have asked for help..to help the grandmother, she must have been looking intently at the bus guide board. To give the grandmother the correct information, she was looking at each and every bus information~she really looks like a good-hearted person....I saw her skin up so close and it really looks like porcelain~ I wanted to let you all know~

Goddessku ㄴ 반갑습니다~ 오늘도 영화촬영을 했나보군요~ 자세한 후기까지 올려주시고, 넘 감사해요~이렇게라도 쿠 소식을 접할 수 있으니 정말 고맙습니다. 주말 잘 보내세요~쿠갤에도 종종 들려주시구요~ 2011.03.18 19:24 (goddessku responded) Welcome~ So, she must be making her movie today too~ Thank you so much for posting even more detail~I am so thankful that we can get even more news about Koo this way. Have a good weekend~ please come and visit Koo Gal when you can~

절대달령 ㄴ 와우~~~~ 이리 친히 나오셔서 후기까지^^ 너무 감사해요. 쿠는 늘 후기가 이리 착한 이야기 투성이네요!! 이뽀^^ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ|68.110.***.*** 2011.03.18 19:53 (nickanme AbsoluteDarling) Wow~~~to come out like this to give us more of your after-thoughts^^thank you so much. So many people write their posts about Koo who is so kind and good~~Just love her^^hahaha

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Guest pandaplue

anneyong ^^

i'm a nubie here

i never thought that unnie is a song writer, script writer, and a director too


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Guest susAmerica

A very sad article about THEMU!

I am more confused than ever about the status of THEMU now.

There were reports in DC that THEMU had maybe bad financial planning...perhaps the script was not good? Maybbe it was too similar to the script of GLORIA which I hear did not do well??

Very sad. :tears:

I wonder if Absolute Darling will really happen..

No wonder GHS was able to go into filming her movie, PEACH TREE in March..THEMU has stopped filming all together.... :tears:


2011-03-19 07:06 by Reporter Lee JungYun 이정연 기자 annjoy@donga.com

‘에릭, 구혜선, 대성, 유이는 언제쯤 안방극장에서 볼 수 있을까?’=Eric, GHS, DaeSung, YooYi,,When are we going to see them on TV?

‘포세이돈’, ‘더 뮤지컬’, ‘왓츠업’ ‘버디버디’. 모두 인기스타가 주연을 맡아 제작 전 큰 주목을 받았던 드라마들이다. 그런데 이 작품들은 또 하나의 공통점을 갖고 있다. 제작 초기 많은 화제를 모았지만 아직까지 tv에서 볼 수 없는 드라마들이다. Poseidon, THE MUSICAL, What's Up and Buddy Buddy--all these dramas star popular talents and even received much attention even before the dramas are made. But all these dramas have one thing in common. With all their pre-production attention, they are yet to receive an OK to appear on a TV set.

에릭(사진)·유노윤호 주연의 드라마 ‘포세이돈’(극본 조규원·연출 유철용)과 구혜선·최다니엘·옥주현 주연의 ‘더 뮤지컬’(극본 김희재·연출 김경용)의 경우 1∼2월까지 촬영을 진행했다. 그러나 드라마의 편성이 무기한 연기되면서 현재는 촬영까지 중단한 상태다. Eric and YuNoYoonHo star on POSEIDON. GHS, CHOI Daniel and OkJooHyun star together in THE MUSICAL. Both of these dramas were filming up until January and February. However, as the confirmation for the TV time spot becomes indefinitely postponed, they have stopped all filming.

빅뱅의 멤버 대성이 첫 정극 연기에 도전한 드라마 ‘왓츠업’(극본 송지나·연출 송지원)은 이미 촬영을 마치고 출연자들끼리 종영 파티까지 했다. Big Bang's DaeSung already finished filming his very first drama role challenge in WHAT's UP. The cast even had their farewell party.

그런데 ‘왓츠업’도 언제 시청자와 만날지 기약을 할 수 없는 상황이다. 당초 ‘왓츠업’을 밤 9시대 월화 드라마로 검토하던 sbs가 ‘파라다이스 목장’을 끝으로 이 시간대 월화드라마를 폐지하기로 결정했기 때문이다. But, WHAT's UP also cannot promise when it may actully show up on TV. SBS was thinking about making WHAT'sUP its M/T drama but changed their decision to PARADISE RANCH instead.

유이가 주연을 맡은 골프드라마 ‘버디버디’(극본 권인찬·연출 윤상호)의 상황도 마찬가지. 촬영은 이미 지난해 끝났고, 그동안 mbc ‘역전의 후속’으로 방송 날짜가 거론됐으나, 현재는 편성이 무기한 연기된 상황이다. BUDDY BUDDY starring YOOYi alrady finished filming last year and it is in the same boat. It was suppose to air after REVERSAL OF QUEEN. At this time, it is postponed indefinitely.

모두 늦어도 올 상반기에는 방송 예정이라던 작품들이지만 3월 중순 현재 방송3사의 편성 라인업에 이들 드라마의 제목은 없다. 이렇게 방송 시기가 불투명해지면서 이제는 ‘유령드라마’라는 달갑지 않은 꼬리표가 따라다니고 있다 All these dramas' producers have been saying that they will air this year at the latest. However, if you look at all the TV stations' drama line-up as of mid-March, these drama titles are nowhere to be seen. So, at this time, all these dramas, sharing the same fate of not being confirmed by any tv stations, are being referred to as the undesirable "ghost dramas".

sbs의 드라마국 한 관계자는 “화려한 캐스팅, 스타 연출자라고 해도 내용이나 구성, 기획이 공감을 얻지 못하면 소용없다”라며 “사전제작으로 완성도를 높였다고 해도, 요즘처럼 드라마 트렌드가 자주 바뀌는 상황에서는 미리 만드는 것이 꼭 좋은 것도 아니다”고 지적했다 An associate from the SBS drama dept states that: No matter how well cast the drama may be, if it does not have solid content/story, construction and planning in it, it becomes useless. No matter how much attention it may have received pre-productrion, these days the trend of dramas change very quickly. So, it does not really help to make the drama in advance.

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ouch!so sad news for The Musical team..they're already working hard for this drama.thanks sue for the translation :tears:

pandaplue welcome to Ku Hye Sun thread~enjoy here :D

구혜선누나감독님에게 츄파츕스 레몬맛 막대사탕을 까줬다, 까서줬다, 까서주게되었다. 어쩌다보니ㅋ.ㅋ 불량식품 낼름 받아먹는 구혜선누나감독님 짱

구혜선누나감독님에게 츄파츕스 레몬맛 막대사탕을 까줬다, 까서줬다, 까서주게되었다. 어쩌다보니ㅋ.ㅋ 불량식품 낼름 받아먹는 구혜선누나감독님 짱

— 이종경 (@Leejongkyeong)

March 18, 2011



-MBC 라디오 <푸른밤> 구혜선 출연, “조승우 선배 어렵지만, 존경스러워”

“조승우 선배는 어렵지만, 존경스러워”

“10년 후에는 아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다, 아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶어”

배우 구혜선이 선배 배우 조승우에 대한 심경을 고백했다.

3월 16일 수요일 자정, MBC FM4U <푸른 밤 정엽입니다> 기획특집 ‘여배우들’ (91.9Mhz, 연출 송명석)에 출연한 구혜선은, 자신이 연출하는 작품에서 주연배우로 출연하는 조승우에 대해 “어렵고, 존경스럽다”며 “조승우 선배는 나를 구 감독님이라고 부르지만, 내가 어떤 요구를 할 때 솔직히 좀 어려운 게 사실이다”라고 말했다.

조승 우의 제대 후 첫 스크린 복귀작이자, 자신이 두 번째로 연출한 장편영화 <복숭아 나무>를 준비 중인 구혜선은, 이날도 밤늦게까지 진행된 촬영 중 잠시 짬을 내어 <푸른 밤> 스튜디오를 방문했지만 시종일관 밝은 웃음으로 유쾌한 매력을 과시했다.

구혜 선은 또 ‘셀카종결자’로 일컬어질 만큼 스스로 찍은 사진으로 이목을 끌기도 했는데 거기에 대해선, “연기 시작할 때 내 얼굴을 알아보려고 내 모습을 많이 찍어봤다”며 “그러다 보니 점점 노하우가 생겼다.”고 말해 셀카에 얽힌 뒷이야기를 공개했다.

‘십 년 후엔 어떤 모습으로 남길 바라나’는 질문엔 “아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다”며 “아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶고, 되도록이면 남자아이가 많았으면 좋겠다”고 말하기도 했다.

<푸른 밤 정엽입니다> 기획특집 ‘여배우들’은 배우 김정은을 시작으로 이민정, 유인나, 이보영 등이 출연해 여배우들의 숨겨진 뒷얘기를 공개해서 화제가 되었다.

방송은 매주 수요일 밤 12시 MBC FM4U 91.9Mhz를 통해 들을 수 있고, 지난 방송은 홈페이지를 통해 다시 들어볼 수 있다.

- "완벽 셀카의 비결은 많이 찍어보는 것"

구혜선이 완벽한 셀카의 비법을 귀띔했다.

구혜 선은 16일 자정에 방송된 MBC FM '푸른 밤 정엽입니다'의 기획특집 '여배우들' 코너에 출연해 자신의 삶과 꿈에 대해 들려주는 시간을 가졌다. 이날 구혜선은 미니홈피와 트위터를 통해 공개한 완벽 셀카사진으로 '셀카 종결자'로 불리는 것에 대해 "연기 시작할 때 내 얼굴을 알아보려고 내 모습을 많이 찍어봤다. 그러다 보니 점점 노하우가 생겼다"며 쑥스러운 듯 뒷이야기를 공개했다.

또한 연기자 선배이지만 이번에 감독과 주연배우로 만나게 된 조승우에 대해 "어렵고 존경스러운 선배"라고 소감을 전하기도 했다. 조승우는 구혜선이 두 번째 장편영화로 준비 중인 '복숭아 나무'에 주연배우로 출연한다. 이는 조승우의 제대 후 스크린 복귀작이기도 하다. 구혜선은 "조승우 선배는 나를 구 감독님이라고 부르지만, 내가 어떤 요구를 할 때 솔직히 좀 어려운 게 사실이다"라며 촬영 현장 분위기를 전했다.

한편, 구혜선은 '십 년 후엔 어떤 모습으로 남길 바라나'는 질문에 "아이 키우는 엄마가 되고 싶다"며 "아이는 5명 정도 낳고 싶고, 되도록이면 남자아이가 많았으면 좋겠다"고 솔직한 마음을 털어놓아 관심을 모았다.

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Thanks sue, such a sad news indeed..There has been no official statement or any kind of assurance either from The MU producers and its kind of frustrating.I hope YGE would break their silence about the fate of MU. we've been very optimistic but then hearing news like such keep us all thinking if MU would even reach our TV set sooner or later. :tears: Its bothering me so much thinking about all the fuss the actors cast and crew undergone this few months just to film and at the end of the road they won't even see heir hard works paid-off :(

I just hope Hyesun would start AD soon, and a korean drama with a very GOOD plot that would click like BOF. I just miss seeing her in a drama blush.gif .well, theres still Peach tree to wait and look forward to, and lets all pray for its success.

all the best for my Love Hyesun. FIGHTING!!!!!!!

HELLO to all SUNNIES in the House! thanks nat!!;)

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Guest susAmerica

ouch!so sad news for The Musical team..they're already working hard for this drama.thanks sue for the translation :tears:

pandaplue welcome to Ku Hye Sun thread~enjoy here :D

구혜선누나감독님에게 츄파츕스 레몬맛 막대사탕을 까줬다, 까서줬다, 까서주게되었다. 어쩌다보니ㅋ.ㅋ 불량식품 낼름 받아먹는 구혜선누나감독님 짱

*quoted image*

-MBC 라디오 <푸른밤> 구혜선 출연, “조승우 선배 어렵지만, 존경스러워”

Hello Sunnies!

Thanks natali for the tweet and the articles. The articles are about GHS's attendance at the JungYup radio show and the three main things that GHS said in that show and which I translated already. Sorry that I erased the content of the articles.

The tweeter is someone who works with GHS at the PEACH TREE production.

"I happen to have unwrapped and put into Director GHS noona's mouth the lemon-flavored lollipop. It just happened. keke Our Director GHS noona who so easily takes and eats what is not good for her,,she is the best."

(This tweet makes me laugh because I could just imagine GHS, being so busy and with her both hands full, begging someone to give her a piece of candy. She said that sweets are part of her life at work sites...keke)

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long time no post here..silent lurker for quite sometime...but a true-loyal-sunny forever :wub: im dedicating my time here now since i've heard from our sisters nat, meow, sas, tracy and the other in twitter about the sad news on THEMU :(

first..THANKS SUE...its such a very SAD news...almost like a heartbreak...been missing HS in a drama..although happiness always for HS because she has been successful in other projects especially in directing and now she has Peach Tree on both hands...but i really hope there will still come a very good opportunity for her to act...im not losing hope on AD...i am still praying for it :)

BIG THANKS to all for updates...Sunnies...be well and good always :wub:

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Guest MH22HS09

annyong hasaeyo,i'm newbie here :)

i've been a silent reader and even 'stalker' in this thread for almost 2 years before i officially joined in Soompi a year ago (but still,i have no courage to reply any comment in Soompi until a few weeks ago :lol: )...so forgive me if my English is not so good,coz i'm still learning it :D

thank you so much for every news and pics of the beautiful princess,Goo Hye Sun (she's really adorable,pretty & cute...and her skin,WOW...she has a beautiful porcelain skin i ever see!!! :wub: )

to be honest,i don't really gave her too much attention when i first saw her in BOF (i'm a girl,so i must focus to F4,right??? :lol: )but,this girl finally has her own spot in my heart when i watched episode 2 (Jan Di was kidnapped by Jun Pyo)...she was so cute when she "play hide & seek" with Jun Pyo's bodyguards...and i was very surprised when i learn that she is F4's noona...she look so young!!!

well,that is a very long comment from a newbie named MH22HS09 (hope all Sunniez in here don't get headache when you read it :lol: )

Princess Goo Hye Sun...HWAITING!!! Sunniez...HWAITING!!! (do i write 'Sunniez' with the right letters??? mianhae,if i'm wrong :D )

ps : the news about Musical and AD is make me sad,coz i really miss her in new drama again...i wish she will get another drama project with a best script again,soon in this year :wub:

can't wait for her new directing project 'Peach Tree'...hope it will make a box office when it come to cinemas (and maybe,she will get an Oscar nomination for best foreign language film...don't worry,it's only my silly imagination :lol: ...but,i really really wish it can be happen,so the world could see that this girl not only has a beautiful face but she also has a genius brain,too :) )

thank you,Sunniez for this wonderful thread...thank you so much

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Cancelling or postposting a project containing a well-known and highly popular entertainer makes zero sense to me. :huh: It seems as if the inclusion of Goo Hye Sun alone nearly guarentees a successful run, and yet we are at an impasse. Those in the positions of the power-broking must be about as capable as the ones we see portrayed as the villains in so many dramas. They must have inherited their positions and enjoy the idea of keeping their "toys" and doing with them as they please. I guess this explains how the masterminds at all of those record companies passed on a little group called The Beatles many years ago... :crazy:

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hey guys thanks for sharing info...i rarely post but i just wanted to say that i really hope that anybody but kbs picks up all the dramas that they have decided not to air including MU and i hope that all of the dramas become extremely popular just so kbs regrets their decisions its so stupid i think that all of those dramas like birdie buddy whats up and MU will be really good dramas kbs is just being picky...sorry for ranting guys i just wanted put what i felt out here! anyways thanks for updates and hope we can here good news about MU soon!!

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Good day Sunnies ... :)

Thank you sunnies for all the updates:wub:  

@MH22HS09 ~ hi dongsaeng, welcome to GHS thread.Nice to see your post here.  B)

@pandaplue ~ hello, welcome to our  warmth GHS thread, visit us often :) 

Let us all  pray hard for our hye sun to overcome whatever problem she may encounter coz PRAYER is the best weapon.


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