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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest JCW2015





Just wanna share with you guys this photo w/c I took yesterday in Macau.BOF is really helping the marketing strategy of the egg tart shop. In fairness the egg tart was delicious, me & my friend enjoyed it. ;):wub:




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I've just found it on DC. hope meow, snow, or webby could translate it



吳尊身上哪裡最健壯? 具惠善最知道!(2010/10/17 22:54)

Which part of Wu Zun's body is the fittest? Goo Hye Sun knows best!


Wu Zun who's playing the role of the perfect robot boyfriend in 'absolute darling' is wearing his costume for the drama, which is a white colored tight fitting suit, fulling showing his figure. Goo Hye Sun, the female lead of the drama loves Wu Zun's muscle-man image, forsook her 'previous love' Lee Min Ho, and shyly laughed while unable to respond when asked which part of Wu Zun is the fittest. Wu Zun immediately stepped in and said 'you don't need to answer this question,' effectively saving her.

拍戲現場,兩人各自拿著中文、韓文劇本對戲,具惠善講的都是韓文台詞,吳尊還說因此而學到不少韓語,馬上現學現賣,表示自己已經會說「阿拉搜(知道了)」以及「KEN恰乃(沒關係)」。(吳尊緊身衣造型:http://www.nownews.com/2010/10/17 /340-2655739.htm)但語言還是不通,吳尊怎麼知道對方講完台詞、要輪到自己講話呢?兩人異口同聲:「用身體語言啊!」看得出兩人默契已很好。

Both of them were holding the chinese and korean scripts respectively at the filming location of the drama. (Translator's note: Did they already start filming??? or perhaps it's a trailer as an advertisement??)Since GHS says her lines in korean, Wu Zun said he has picked up some korean that way. He immediately demonstrated that he knows 'arasoh (i know)' and 'kwenchana (it's ok)'. However communication is still a problem between them due to the language barrier, so how do they know whether the other person has finished speaking his/her lines? Both of them unanimously said 'through body language!'


However the language barrier still caused laughter at the filming location. For e.g. Wu Zun mentioned that there were a few scenes where both of them have finished speaking their lines but the director has not issued 'cut', no one knows that the scene has ended so they could only stare at each other until both were laughing. Wu Zun said it is probably becoz they are in the initial stages of filming, rapport would get better with time. GHS recalled that instance and laughingly said 'it was a bit confusing but it was very interesting.'


GHS who treats wine as her best friend received a certain brand of rice wine as a gift upon first meeting. She opened the bottle and upon sniffing immediately took a sip. When she was told that it was a type of cooking wine, she laughed and remarked 'no wonder it reminded me of Sesame Oil Chicken!'. However after sampling the wine, she worriedly asked 'will Taiwanese people have an impression that I only like drinking alcohol?' her cuteness causing the crowd to crack up in response.

source: http://www.nownews.com/2010/10/17/340-2655739.htm'>http://www.nownews.com/2010/10/17/340-2655739.htm

--- i like HS's multi-colored hoodie outfit. She looks so cute in it and it kinda hides the fact that she has really short hair. I'm assuming she'll be growing out her hair for this drama since the poster shows her with long hair. Also, she gets to be all girly and dress nicely for the drama. yay!!!

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Thanks webby, I just finished that and found you posted the translation already :)

I guess they might be filming some kind of preview video for promotional purpose?! Hong Kong TV stations always do that so that they can sell the drama to overseas market and advertisers, though I'm not sure if Taiwan do the same :P

101014 NextTV - News on Ku Hye Sun (SESIFF) & Lee Min Ho (LG CF)

@0:11 the multi-talented Ku Hye Sun became a director and her short film "Magic" (NB: the TV station mistook Magic as a short film <_<)  achieved quite a remarkable result after showing. she was also invited to the SESIFF which starts on the 12th.

@0:20 KHS: participated in producing short film, it is really longer than a CF, and there are lots of difference between long & short film. This time I can make a short film with simple yet meaningful message, I am really grateful.

@0:34 Ku Hye Sun is pursuing her career path in various ways and now her style looks very much alike a director, which is very different from her image during BOF

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Guest susAmerica

webby, thanks for the translation.

Do you or meow13 know if GHS returned to Taiwan for the promotional clip reported on the 17th or did the filming take place while she was in Taiwan 3 days from 4th~6th?

Thanks in advance.

I sincerely hope that despite the language barrier the drama comes out really well~~seems like WC and GHS will have much pressure to make a hit! I hope so.. :sweatingbullets:

sue thanks for your translation. so The Musical will be hosted by MBC? then I hope they will inform us the timeslot soon. GHS, LMH, and KHJ at MBC drama award in the end of this year? interesting keke.

Thanks siidudul and sorry that I erased your pix.

Some of GHS's postcard drawings and writing are new at Manolin. I cannot read some of the new ones as the writing is NOT clearly photographed. One of the new ones says: <I will forgive. Him. Her.>~~I said it before. A very clever idea to use postcard method of writing out feelings and messages. Perhaps GHS is letting go of past pain or pains through art. She did once say that she wanted her book and art to have some healing ability.

Regarding THE MUSICAL: When I go into Daum site, it has THE MUSICAL as airing this year and ABSOLUTE DARLING as airing next year. No confirmation from MBC itself.

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Guest sammi02

source: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=116723&page=1&bbs=

A new DC member named parttttttttty posted this.

She has often seen several cars near her neighborhood with MBC Miniseries logo on it.

She also saw them today, October 17, 2010 and decided to search the net about it. She found out that the cars were there for the drama THE MUSICAL and found out that it is a drama with GHS in it. She wished that she knew it earlier and now she is going to try to hover around if she sees the cars. The rest of DC members want the new DC member to share anything she can get hold of.

So. could it be possible that THE MUSICAL will be hosted by MBC? It is kind of funny that all the BOF cast memebers had their post-BOF drama through MBC----KB, LMH, KHJ and now GHS. Right??? Was it a coincidence??? keke

Thanks for the info., sus. I wonder why there was a KBS logo on one of the earlier pics that came out for the drama, maybe they switched it to MBC later on. I was actually hoping it would be on KBS because it seems they do a better job of promoting their dramas and a lot of their dramas this year have been very popular with high ratings. In addition, I think at the year-end awards at MBC, there is only one winner for each category versus KBS awards which they seems to have multiple winners for each category so the likelihood of GHS winning something for her drama is higher if it was a KBS drama. I don't think there is a lot of buzz for "The Musical" maybe because they don't have a well-known male actor or maybe the plot so I'm afraid this drama is not going to have good ratings and it seems like only popular shows win awards at those year-end awards. I hope I'm wrong though.

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webby, thanks for the translation.

Do you or meow13 know if GHS returned to Taiwan for the promotional clip reported on the 17th or did the filming take place while she was in Taiwan 3 days from 4th~6th?

Thanks in advance.

sue, it wasn't mentioned in the article though i think there's a high possibility that it took place when she was in taiwan for the press con and fanmeet earlier this month.



^The color scheme of the room sure reminds me of the mansion in BOF. I'm liking the aesthetic aspect of it.

具惠善受贈紅標米酒 淺嘗顧形象

Goo Hye Sun lightly samples the red tab rice wine that was presented to her as a gift


The above paragraph talks abt HS drinking the rice wine and mentioning that it tastes like sesame oil chicken (translated in an earlier article).


Goo Hye Sun mentioned before that she will bring korean rice wine with her when she's in taiwan filming. The staff presented some taiwanese rice wine for her to taste. She thinks it tastes similar to Korean Soju. As for korean rice wine, it's white in color with precipitates and is different from that in taiwan. (i suppose she's referring to makkoli?). However GHS is also worried that she will leave people with the only impression that she likes alcohol.


Wu Zun is handling the character of a robot in the drama. His costume for the drama is rather tight fitting. He laughingly said "it feels slightly stuffy, but the fabric quality is good so it feels comfortable." GHS, when asked which part of Wu Zun is the fittest, answered by embarassedly laughing, to which Wu Zun commented, "you don't need to answer this question."

source: http://showbiz.chinatimes.com/2009Cti/Channel/Showbiz/showbiz-news-cnt/0,5020,100105+112010101800021,00.html

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http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=116734&page=1&bbs= by Goddessku

박진희 "카리스마요? 제 모습에 손발 오그라 들어요"

스포츠서울| 기사입력 2010-10-18 11:12

최 근 박진희는 구혜선과 우연히 친구가 됐다. 트위터 삼매경에 빠진 그가 촬영이 없는 날 트위터로 ‘번개’를 하자 예상보다 더 많은 팔로어들이 모인 것. 그 바람에 약속장소를 옮겨야 했는데. 공교롭게도 그 곳이 배우 구혜선의 언니가 운영하는 카페였다. 마침 언니를 돕고 있던 구혜선과 반갑게 만났고 구혜선은 와플을 직접 구워오는 등 깍듯하면서도 살갑게 선배 대접을 했다.



http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116735 by Goddessku



구혜선 갤러리, 이탈리안 그레이 하운드@ manolin http://twitpic.com/2yjnkp http://twitpic.com/2yjowk

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http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116737 by Goddesku


【联合 报 ╱ 记者 褚 姵 君 / 台北 报导】 2010.10.18 03:57 am








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Guest susAmerica

http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhyesun&no=116734&page=1&bbs= by Goddessku

박진희 "카리스마요? 제 모습에 손발 오그라 들어요"

스포츠서울| 기사입력 2010-10-18 11:12

최 근 박진희는 구혜선과 우연히 친구가 됐다. 트위터 삼매경에 빠진 그가 촬영이 없는 날 트위터로 ‘번개’를 하자 예상보다 더 많은 팔로어들이 모인 것. 그 바람에 약속장소를 옮겨야 했는데. 공교롭게도 그 곳이 배우 구혜선의 언니가 운영하는 카페였다. 마침 언니를 돕고 있던 구혜선과 반갑게 만났고 구혜선은 와플을 직접 구워오는 등 깍듯하면서도 살갑게 선배 대접을 했다.



http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116735 by Goddessku



구혜선 갤러리, 이탈리안 그레이 하운드@ manolin http://twitpic.com/2yjnkp http://twitpic.com/2yjowk

Thanks webby for your edit. I agree with you that the brighter and more beautiful background makes me feel better about the Taiwan version of AD.~~For now~~ I sincerely hope the script writer thinks about GHS herself before making her character same as the Japanese version. Also, I really hope that the Taiwanese version does not make the robot say stupid and un-ideal-male type of thigs like constantly asking the female lead for sex and things...If you saw the Japanese version, you guys would know what I mean. WuChun just does not fit into that type of dorky and inappropriate robot who is suppose to be the perfect boyfriend type. right??!!

More pix on WuChon in these links:



The fact that WC seems to pack lots of food on his travels, I could now understand how WC was able to give gift of food to GHS when they took same flight to GHS. keke

Can you believe WC's family is known to be the third richest in Brunei, which is an oil country??!!

He really loves food and there is an article (I translated before) from January of 2010 when he came to Korea in the same plane as GHS. The interviewer asked him if he likes any Korean actress. He named GHS describing her as kind and very smart and that, after having worked with her on a MV, he told the reporter that he would like to act with her one day. His wish came true but was it a wish or was it already in the works?? If the negotiation for AD for two countries lasted 6 months, then the negotiation started around April or March. It is possible that, soon after BOF, one of the offers from abroad for GHS could have been AD??? Maybe the producers also endorsed GHS to do mv with Fahrenheit to see the on-screen chemistry between WC and GHS? I also thought that JiroWang whom GHS called most mischievous looked very comfortable and natural with GHS as well on screen. I wonder who will take the role of the other male star in AD? keke

I hardly saw WC's dramas---I hope he is a good actor as well. He made debut in 2006 as a singer and not actor. :rolleyes:

Now, thanks siidudul for the post.

Sorry it took so long to come to you.

Just a summary. I do not know who Park Jin Hee is--must be an actress who is older than GHS?

Supposedly GHS and Park Jin Hee accidentally became friends. They accidentally met at Manolin when Park was trying to avoid or accomodate a large crowd of fans who found out where she might go through tweeter and GHS happen to be at Manolin helping out her sister. GHS directly made the waffles for the sunbae and treated Park very courteously and generously.

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Thanks webby for your edit. I agree with you that the brighter and more beautiful background makes me feel better about the Taiwan version of AD.~~For now~~ I sincerely hope the script writer thinks about GHS herself before making her character same as the Japanese version. Also, I really hope that the Taiwanese version does not make the robot say stupid and un-ideal-male type of thigs like constantly asking the female lead for sex and things...If you saw the Japanese version, you guys would know what I mean. WuChun just does not fit into that type of dorky and inappropriate robot who is suppose to be the perfect boyfriend type. right??!!

More pix on WuChon in these links:



The fact that WC seems to pack lots of food on his travels, I could now understand how WC was able to give gift of food to GHS when they took same flight to GHS. keke

Can you believe WC's family is known to be the third richest in Brunei, which is an oil country??!!

He really loves food and there is an article (I translated before) from January of 2010 when he came to Korea in the same plane as GHS. The interviewer asked him if he likes any Korean actress. He named GHS describing her as kind and very smart and that, after having worked with her on a MV, he told the reporter that he would like to act with her one day. His wish came true but was it a wish or was it already in the works?? If the negotiation for AD for two countries lasted 6 months, then the negotiation started around April or March. It is possible that, soon after BOF, one of the offers from abroad for GHS could have been AD??? Maybe the producers also endorsed GHS to do mv with Fahrenheit to see the on-screen chemistry between WC and GHS? I also thought that JiroWang whom GHS called most mischievous looked very comfortable and natural with GHS as well on screen. I wonder who will take the role of the other male star in AD? keke

I hardly saw WC's dramas---I hope he is a good actor as well. He made debut in 2006 as a singer and not actor. :rolleyes:

Now, thanks siidudul for the post.

Sorry it took so long to come to you.

Just a summary. I do not know who Park Jin Hee is--must be an actress who is older than GHS?

Supposedly GHS and Park Jin Hee accidentally became friends. They accidentally met at Manolin when Park was trying to avoid or accomodate a large crowd of fans who found out where she might go through tweeter and GHS happen to be at Manolin helping out her sister. GHS directly made the waffles for the sunbae and treated Park very courteously and generously.

park jin hee is a actress who ever act with kim bum in drama women who still want to get married and her latest drama is Giant with lee bum soo.


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Thanks for all the update :D

share some newspaper scan on AD news, the content is just the same as webby translated in previous articles so I'm not repeating that again.

Sing Tao Daily


Ming Pao


I also think the filming was done during her stay in TW for the presscon & fanmeeting. from the pics, I can see the microphones labeled GTV & CETV so I'm expecting there would be interview video coming out soon :)

Wave to all Sunniez! Have a nice day~

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Hye Sun just tweet:


http://twitpic.com/2ypkxs 작년에 전시한 볼펜일러스트입니다. 전시회 오신분이 찍어놓으신 사진인가본데요.마음이 아련하네요. 이녀석들, 벌써 다섯살이거든요.!




Cre http://yeayea0515.pixnet.net/blog/post/32619171

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http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116750 by Goddesku


구혜선찍으려고했는데 ㅡㅡ..

2010.10.18 18:17

스태프가깝쳐서이거밖에못찍음 ㅠㅜㅠ



2010.10.18 18:08

으악 박기웅은 못찍음ㅜ

그대신 대화했음.


오늘 에버랜드가서 무슨촬영인진 모르는데 구혜선 ,최다니엘 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 아쉽게도 사진은....ㅜ




Cre http://yeayea0515.pixnet.net/blog/post/32619171

omo nat onnie hye sun is SO CUTE, I love her hoodie too ^^

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Guest susAmerica

http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116739 by 쿠가좋아

The Musical Filming


구혜선님..부딪힐뻔 해서 죄송합니다~ㅋ최다니엘은 정말 훈훈 하네요 http://yfrog.com/n03ftkj


Thanks siidudul. Must be a tweet from a person in THE MUSICAL team:

GHS-nim, I am sorry that you almost bumped into~. Keke Choi Daniel is really nice and comfortable to be around.

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This article brought over by nat a few posts above http://yeayea0515.pixnet.net/blog/post/32619171 mentions that the filming of AD took place right after its press con in Taiwan. GHS said that since it was the first day of filming, Wu Zun appeared shy, but he still took the initiative to chat with her to liven up the atmosphere.

Sue, i haven't seen Wu Zun act before. I think he's a great person personality wise, but from the feedback about his acting that i've seen around on other sites, they say he's a bit robotic in his acting (dunno how true that is). The up side of it, i guess it fits the role he's intending to play well in the drama. Taiwanese drama tends to adhere pretty closely to the original manga line, the japanese drama kinda drifted from the original manga. Since they are giving Wu Zun a robot suit, i'm assuming he prob won't go around topless most of the time like the japanese drama version. I'm still wondering whose house that beautiful mansion is supposed to be. I don't think it will belong to the character GHS will be playing, could it be the company she bought the robot from??

edit: i forgot to add that the article above said that the '100% Entertainment program' interviewed HS and Wu Zun. This is the same program that HS appeared for the recording during BOF promotion in Taiwan last year.

Also it seems like the intention that HS change her cordi has not subsided at HS's DC gall. I wonder whether those fans raised their opinions on YG's site.

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Guest susAmerica

Hye Sun just tweet:


http://twitpic.com/2ypkxs 작년에 전시한 볼펜일러스트입니다. 전시회 오신분이 찍어놓으신 사진인가본데요.마음이 아련하네요. 이녀석들, 벌써 다섯살이거든요.!




Cre http://yeayea0515.pixnet.net/blog/post/32619171

Thanks natali! (reds are my comments. blues are GHS's tweet.)

GHS: These illustrations are from last year's exhibit. I think a guest to that exhibit took these pix (referring to her illustrations; I have never seen the top ones. Reminds me of her father who loves gardening and her special relationship with him...GHS once saying in her tweeter that she felt her father missed having a son and that is why she took up interest in fishing, carpentry and other outdoor activities.) I feel misty. Those kids.. (again she is referring to her illustrations like they are her kids. She must have placed so much of herself and effort into them.) They are already 5 years old.!

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Guest susAmerica

Thanks siidudul!!And thanks webby for the trans. I am glad that you, snow, meow13 are here as there will be more and more articles in Chinese---I am sure. :D

name='siidudul' date='18 October 2010 - 08:20 AM' timestamp='1287408057' post='16567622']

http://gall.dcinside.com/guhyesun/116750 by Goddesku


구혜선찍으려고했는데 ㅡㅡ..==I was trying to take a pic of GHS--..

2010.10.18 18:17

스태프가깝쳐서이거밖에못찍음 ㅠㅜㅠ==but a staff person blurted in..


구혜선최다니엘박기웅--GHS, ChoiDaniel,ParkGiWoong

2010.10.18 18:08

으악 박기웅은 못찍음ㅜ

그대신 대화했음.==uhhh, but I could not get a pic of Park Gi Woong. But, I was able to talk with him.


오늘 에버랜드가서 무슨촬영인진 모르는데 구혜선 ,최다니엘 봤어요 ㅋㅋ 아쉽게도 사진은....ㅜ==I went to ?Everland? today. I don't know what kind of filming it is but I saw GHS and Choi Danial.keke Unfortunately, no pix...


omo nat onnie hye sun is SO CUTE, I love her hoodie too ^^

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Guest first_snow

I've watched WuChun acting in several Taiwanese drama before. I find that he really has this robotic acting skill, the way he speak out the lines is kinda woody. So I think he can handle the role in AD very well. I've watched three episodes of the J-Version as well, I don't think there's much of change needed on the face expression because he is a robot. webby, I don't think that the mansion would be the company that selling the robot, if they are selling the robot, WuChun would probably under construction and experimental process. Perhaps they are just practicing their lines? So that they feel comfortable in speaking their own language? Hope that GTV will released the videos soon.

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This article brought over by nat a few posts above http://yeayea0515.pixnet.net/blog/post/32619171 mentions that the filming of AD took place right after its press con in Taiwan. GHS said that since it was the first day of filming, Wu Zun appeared shy, but he still took the initiative to chat with her to liven up the atmosphere.

Sue, i haven't seen Wu Zun act before. I think he's a great person personality wise, but from the feedback about his acting that i've seen around on other sites, they say he's a bit robotic in his acting (dunno how true that is). The up side of it, i guess it fits the role he's intending to play well in the drama. Taiwanese drama tends to adhere pretty closely to the original manga line, the japanese drama kinda drifted from the original manga. Since they are giving Wu Zun a robot suit, i'm assuming he prob won't go around topless most of the time like the japanese drama version. I'm still wondering whose house that beautiful mansion is supposed to be. I don't think it will belong to the character GHS will be playing, could it be the company she bought the robot from??

Thank you all for bringing all the news from Taiwan - I was pleasantly surprised to see the recent pics from the filming that they did after the press con since I wasn't expecting that. They look great together, seem to fit the roles perfectly by the looks of it! As for Wu Zun's acting, I have watched 3 of his dramas, and my fave was Hana Kimi in which he played a high school track star and a girl (played by Ella of popular Taiwanese girl group S.H.E.) who falls in love with him and disguises herself as a boy in order to get into the same school. They ultimately end up as roommates. This drama also features Jiro Wang, a member of WuZun's group Farenheit. It was hilarious, and I feel WZ delivered a solid performance. He plays the soft spoken, handsome, romantic lead, and can do dramatic scenes quite well. Jiro plays a more comedic role and he was great too. I can't remember in detail his acting skills in Tokyo Juliet and Hot Shots, but after Hana Kimi I already liked him so maybe I'm a little biased in saying that his acting was good in these dramas too - kekeke! Judging from the pics of HS and WZ, they'll have great chemistry. WZ is so sweet - do you notice how close he sits to her, is very attentive, almost protective, and I can see that he has a lot of respect for HS. His demeanor reminds me of Eric, at the press con for Strongest Chilwoo. Anyways, as a fan of both HS and WZ, what can I say - I'm ecstatic!! Thanks again for all of you who are working so hard to keep us posted on what's going on. :D

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