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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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chang, it`s DCinside that was able to recognize Hye Sun`s PEX acct..you`re one of the most lovable sunnies out there keke..keep it up dear..no worry coz it`s vacation time :D

i am excited to know Hye Sun`s twitter account but since i knew how some fake celebrities` accounts surface like what hart encountered, how i really wish that this one is indeed her real account..thrilling, isn`t it?? but how could we be so 100% sure..yaaa wanna follow her too :D

but what excites me more is the news about her possible new drama later this year..very good news..thanks Hye Sun dear..please, please be well & happy all the time..thanks for bringing back the bright hopes in us :D

hello to hart, nat, thtlam, ais730, jandi_girl, cheng, billie & to all sunnies out there :D


cr : DC


sismha:) . . really ? it's my pride and honuor to re cognized there as one of most lovable supporter of

KOO HYE SUN unnie :P

yeah. . will surely double my time working their at Pex. . paRticipate here..more ,

support and love her even more.. wow! thanks for letting me knew that great news :lol:

pinkfairy:) wow! it's really great and very thougthful thing.that you have uploaded the complete

vid of talkshowrock at YT! will spend my time watching vid..from parti-part4 .

actually ..i have finished watching the part where hyesun unnie plays piano . . :lol:

am really concentrating viewing unnies . .gestures while playing piano..her eyes..

are too lonely . .maybe cause the piece itself sounds solemnly sad. .

but . . as i'm watching here and listen to her piano piece

i felt a high level of delight towards our unnie . . felt so proud to be her fan

she never fail us to loved..imprEssed!,loved ,amazed, loved..her more!

i'm so grateful to have the chances ..to know how she live her life!

she's really clever, marvelous, unpredictable and surprising. . one!

i truly admire our dearest unnie :)

sunniEs!..thanks for all the updates,screencaps of the show!

hugsandkisses to all of you:)


BTW.am following unnie at twitter now! she's constantly tweeting this days. . so happy. :lol:


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Guest junpyo.jandi

3 days had past the last time I opened this forum.... and I really miss HS and all sunnies here......

After going back from my trip to Korea, I need to fix many document I left......

I'm happy that unnie is still close with the F4.... can't wait for the Bof event... I hope that they will appear complete...,

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Guest susAmerica

Hello Sunnies....

Finally, we made it 50 mill and still counting..... :o

Hye Sun is leading by 15+ million....

Keep Voting sunnies..... :D

Thank you 'nasha_8872' and all the sunnies who are working hard to vote for GHS!!

I still cannot get into that site, IT is so funny because I was able to vote upto few days ago.

The daum poll counts very slowly--it only counts after you have gone the whole process. GHS is still the second.

Anyway, here is the trans for the part 1 of Talk Show Rock:

GHS in Talk Show Rock

Taped on Saturday, April 3, 2PM and aired on Tuesday, April 20, 2010


100420 Goo Hye Sun @ Talkshow Rock part.1


(about Goo Joon Pyo) He may be arrogant but, in front of her, a black knight.

(about Yoon Ji Hoo) Outstandingly handsome, Without her, a ManBooSuk=(a stone on which the faithful stood waiting for the lover until death.)

The lady who stirred the hearts of all Korean men, the actress Goo Hye Sun.

She has the look of a main character right out of a romantic cartoon story. Once she hoped to be a singer, but she changed the direction of her path. She started out as a magazine model and continued appearing on TV gaining much love of the public. She has also gained another name for herself, Geum Jandi. Through the newsworthy 2009 drama, BOF, she gained prosperity for the SECOND time. (GHS says in her speech while accepting the award, “I never thought I would get this. But thank you so much.”)

BOF created a raging gale of popularity not only in Korea but overseas as well. BOF became the New Hallyu. All of BOF stars became top stars representing Korea.

2010, she is about to face a new challenging battle. How will she surprise us this time? She is becoming quite busy.

On the screen is April 6, 2010 at Suh Cho Goo, Seoul: (we enter Manolin)

Narrator: Who is the owner of this place that looks so unusual even from the entrance?

(We see GHS with Bhap kissing her.)

It is GHS under the warm sun looking so peaceful.

GHS: This area is for the guests to have some tea while enjoying the life of culture/communication. A café.

Narrator: Not too long ago, she prepared a space of relaxation. Today with her family.

(GHS is trying to introduce her brother-in-law and her sister but they look uncomfortable and embarrassed.)

GHS: These are my pictures hanging over there. I like to draw with a ball pen. I continue drawing around any unintentional mistakes so that a new drawing emerges. This drawing (pointing to the “blooming flower” picture) is most well known to people. I am most attached to that one.

Narrator: She has enough talent to design the album jacket cover for Gummy.

And this place right here….(the top floor of Manolin. I always wondered about that space. I see GHS opening the office with a key.)

GHS: (on the screen are words that GHS is showing her work area just for the Talk Show Rock.) All of us got together here and started to work together. Ahh, it is totally messy. Laughter (I don’t think she has used the office space for a while because I see her trying to clean up the cobwebs. The walls are not painted either.) We would meet here to discuss and plan, etc (the screen says it was for Magic movie.)

GHS: (holding up a cute doll that we all saw displayed at Manolin) I got this as a gift from the person who helped me with the interior work. (on the screen: she uses many gifts from fans as nick-knacks for the café.) Some of these nick-knacks you see are made personally by me and some are gifts from the fans. So this café has become a place to safe-keep all those gifts. I also bought the BOF cartoon books so that guests can also read them when they come here to rest. Laughter.

Narrator: Charisma inside the ?ViewFinder? But in daily life, the hard to find comfort. (I think the narrator is saying that GHS is charismatic in public life but amazingly comfortable in real life..?) She is just so cool!

MC (Lee Ji Ae): If you just look at her on the surface, she is a very cute girl who looks like she just walked out of a cartoon story. But hidden inside of her is something amazing. We are here today with actress GHS. (clap an-young-ha-se-yo,,) Wow, as I look at you this close, your skin is amazing. The term, white gem or stone, fits here. How do you keep that skin? Do you receive special treatment?

GHS: That is too much compliment. Smile I don’t receive any special treatment, but I eat well and drink lots of water and just live a good disciplined routine.

MC: I also eat well and drink water, but it feels a bit unfair.,,,There are so many terms these days to describe you. There are: singer, of course actress, writer, illustrator, so many and pianist…and now also a director. This is already a second movie, right?

GHS : All those terms are just a little too much and too packaged a term in relation to me. I just try my best as a part in a section of life. Yes, I am able to make a debut as a director.

MC: You talk with such humbleness but last year you were so busy due to BOF. You even had accidents. (news articles about her auto accident and hurts) Do you have time to rest at all?

GHS: Actually I am very lazy. Laughter. I tend to oversleep a lot. But when I get into my work, I do become quite immersed in it. I tend to be somewhat of an workaholic. I have put out so much of my work out there for the view that I feel this tremendous responsibility.

On screen are the scenes from her Magic work location. On screen: "starting from her work on the scenario or script that took more than three months to complete, to personally casting for the actors". “Director Goo working passionately instructing the actors”; “The hidden, hard effort with many staff”; “Due to the luck of great working relationship, everything moved smoothly”; ”The burden of heavy responsibility for the first full-length film”; “The finalized prduct that overcame stress after stress”; “The lady who is not afraid of change, GHS”.

MC: You are quite young as a director and also a female. Do they really listen to you well?

GHS: When I was making the short film, I did worry whether the staff would have any preconceived ideas or prejusdices about me.

(End of part 1)

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Guest mirabar

I think I died out of happiness xD

Their are such a lot good news! Really good news *-*

Im really exited ^^

Cant wait to know which drama she will star in ^^

And KHJ call her, when she is worried... Im so happy love this two <3

Cant wait to see F4 & her together again in Japan !

And her joining twitter & being so active in posting make me happy aswell :)

Kekeke and donghae & KHS following each other can only means that they still keep contact =)

How else could he know about her twitter ;]

All this news made me happy now I can going to sleep peacefully =D

thx for all your translating <3

New posts from her ^^

네. 비가 내렸습니다. 어머니가 대충 찢어 부쳐주신 배추전을 생각하며...오겹살을 먹었는데요. 오늘은 어머니께 배추전을 해달라고 졸라보겠습니다. 집에 배추가 많거든요.

오늘 밥이와 산책을 하지 못했습니다. 직장동료를 만나 오겹살을 먹어서요. 맛있더군요. 그 바람에 이제서야 집에 들어왔습니다. 오전에 직장(?)회의가 있는데요. 오겹살 향기가 나는 옷부터 멀리 둬야겠습니다. 고개숙여 사죄해야겠지요.ㅜ

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Guest minjee

More twitter updates from today 22.04.10

koohs 어머니께 등 긁어달라고 졸랐는데요. 어머니께서 등 긁으면 말 안듣는다고 안해주신다네요.ㅎ 아부지 등은 긁어주시면서요. 저는 더 삐뚤어질겁니다.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 아직도 저는 어머니께 애처럼 조르는 버릇이 있는데요. 이상하게 어무니만 보면 조르게 됩니다. 가끔 제가 어머니를 부르는것이 어머니는 무섭다고 말씀하시는데요.ㅎ저는 평생 어머니께 조를겁니다. 평생 어머니를 귀찮게 할겁니다.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 어린시절부터 어머니앞에서는 바른생활이 잘 안되더군요. 이상한일입니다. 잘 신던 양말도 어머니만 나타나면 삐뚤게 벗어놉니다. 어머니가 그러시더군요. '너때문에 엄마가 못죽겠다.'고. 저는 삐뚤어질꺼예요.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 사랑합니다. 어머니!!!!!!

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 저는 어머니가 해주신 배추전을 먹고싶습니다. 제가 한건 어머니가 안드세요.잘.ㅎ 이십칠년을 함께 했는걸요.

about 2 hours ago via twtkr

she's so sweet, she's definitely a loving daughter!

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Guest susAmerica

I think I died out of happiness xD

Their are such a lot good news! Really good news *-*

Im really exited ^^

Cant wait to know which drama she will star in ^^

And KHJ call her, when she is worried... Im so happy love this two <3

Cant wait to see F4 & her together again in Japan !

And her joining twitter & being so active in posting make me happy aswell :)

Kekeke and donghae & KHS following each other can only means that they still keep contact =)

How else could he know about her twitter ;]

All this news made me happy now I can going to sleep peacefully =D

thx for all your translating <3

New posts from her ^^

네. 비가 내렸습니다. 어머니가 대충 찢어 부쳐주신 배추전을 생각하며...오겹살을 먹었는데요. 오늘은 어머니께 배추전을 해달라고 졸라보겠습니다. 집에 배추가 많거든요.

오늘 밥이와 산책을 하지 못했습니다. 직장동료를 만나 오겹살을 먹어서요. 맛있더군요. 그 바람에 이제서야 집에 들어왔습니다. 오전에 직장(?)회의가 있는데요. 오겹살 향기가 나는 옷부터 멀리 둬야겠습니다. 고개숙여 사죄해야겠지요.ㅜ

Thanks mirabar for her tweet post.

She says:

Yes, it rained. I ate Oh-Gyup-Sal (I think it is a type of meat) today while thinking about my mother's pancake made with ripped cabbage leaves. I think I am going to coax my mother today to make some cabbage pancakes. You see, we have so much cabbage at home.

Today, I did not get to take a walk with Bhap. Instead I met up with my coworkers and ate Oh-Gyup-Sal together. It was delicious. Because of that, I just came home. In the morning, there was a work(?) meeting. First, I must put my clothes that smell of Oh-Gyup-Sal very far away. I must bow my head and take my capital punishment. (hahaha I think GHS is seeking forgiveness from Bhap form whom she broke her promise.)


100420 Goo Hye Sun @ Talkshow Rock part.2


GHS: I did not know at the time. But as I was making the second film, I realized that, because I am an actress, it was easier for people to relate to me. So, they respected me and because we were able to talk about things, it was easier to respect each other. So I really enjoyed the process.

MC: If GHS talks to any staff person with her smile, I do not think there would be anyone who would not abide by her. (GHS laughs.) Don’t you agree? But were there anybody who would not?

GHS: Well, there are staff persons who would tell me that they feel sorry and awkward if they see me on TV with make-up on and with nice hairstyle.

MC: Why? Do they say you are too different in real life?

GHS: Yes.

MC: So there is something different like in before and after?

GHS: It’s not that. Of course I am a female but, while working, more of my masculine side comes out. The staff would tell me that it is awkward to see me talk so carefully on TV.

MC: You appear so fragile here. How do you really say commands like Ready, Cue, etc. Please show us. I would think that you have such a soft voice.

GHS: No, actually the one thing that I had the most confidence while directing was that I have a very loud voice.

MC: Really? Show to us.

GHS: I would just say normally, Action, but I tend to yell out CUT. (GHS raises her voice to say CUT and GHS looks warily at the audience to make sure they are OK. Hoho)

On screen: April 7, 2010 at the Magic’s Tech. Premier (So, GHS did have a premier of her movie on 4/7 but only for the internal staff, movie associates and I think there were her friends there.)

@1:47 Her friends and supporters are clapping for her at the tech. premier. I do not know if they already saw the film or they just came to give her a shot of confidence just before the premier. They are all talking to her in informal Korean. They must be her friends. GHS looked embarrassed with all the praises and said something that I cannot clarify. Sorry. A young woman tells her, “There is nothing that you cannot do”. A man, after hugging her, says, “You really worked very hard. I’ll call you soon.”

@2:09 On screen: Among all those attending the premier, GHS finally enters the premier theatre and looks a bit tense, slightly different than before.

Man with glasses: The pamphlet you were fixing yesterday,,,,does not look like the one that you imagined.

GHS: I don’t know,,,,,

@2:18 GHS: (about her feelings today at the tech. premier) I am nervous. Since the technical staff will be watching it….oh no there is no way to fix more, this is the end….what do I do…

I want to contribute even a tiny bit to the progress of Korean films/movies. That is what I want.

(GHS greets the audience at the premier:) You all worked very hard. I hope we can all work together again. (laughter) Thank you very much.

(we see a little bit of the movie….wow….)

Kim Jung Wook (the Magic actor was asked about GHS the director): She not only directed, acted and authored the script but also composed the music as well. She even had a hand did the art direction and just worked from all sides. She was not the cute GHS but a really cool director. That is how I saw her.

MC: If there are many people think positively about her variety of activities, I am sure there are people who would look skewed at her activities maybe out of jealousy.

GHS: For example, some have expressed that I am doing all these activities way too easily. (I wonder what they mean by that. Are they saying that GHS produces her projects and work without too much effort? Are they saying that GHS has help that she is hiding? Are they saying that because she is a celebrity, she has too many helpful resources that most ordinary people do not have??)

GHS: From their statements, actually, I get more the teaching and even a stronger sense of responsibility about what I do. (She really tries to extract the positive even from the negative. Another lesson to learn from goddess Goo!)

@3:53 GHS plays the “Scent” from her album, Breath.

(Such a warm and loud cheer from the fans in the audience. Love her fans!!)

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Guest susAmerica

More twitter updates from today 22.04.10

koohs 어머니께 등 긁어달라고 졸랐는데요. 어머니께서 등 긁으면 말 안듣는다고 안해주신다네요.ㅎ 아부지 등은 긁어주시면서요. 저는 더 삐뚤어질겁니다.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 아직도 저는 어머니께 애처럼 조르는 버릇이 있는데요. 이상하게 어무니만 보면 조르게 됩니다. 가끔 제가 어머니를 부르는것이 어머니는 무섭다고 말씀하시는데요.ㅎ저는 평생 어머니께 조를겁니다. 평생 어머니를 귀찮게 할겁니다.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 어린시절부터 어머니앞에서는 바른생활이 잘 안되더군요. 이상한일입니다. 잘 신던 양말도 어머니만 나타나면 삐뚤게 벗어놉니다. 어머니가 그러시더군요. '너때문에 엄마가 못죽겠다.'고. 저는 삐뚤어질꺼예요.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 사랑합니다. 어머니!!!!!!

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

koohs 저는 어머니가 해주신 배추전을 먹고싶습니다. 제가 한건 어머니가 안드세요.잘.ㅎ 이십칠년을 함께 했는걸요.

about 2 hours ago via twtkr

she's so sweet, she's definitely a loving daughter!

thank minjee:

I really feel like eating the cabbage pancake that my mother makes. My mother does not eat the ones that I make.. much. Hu We have been together for 27 years.

about 2 hours ago via twtkr

I love you, mother!!!!!

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

Since young, I just could not ever do the right thing in front of my mother. It is really a strange phenomenon. Even the socks that I normally wear well, I would take them off wrongly/faultily, if my mother appears before me. So, my mother tells me: “Because of you, I cannot die.” I am going to continue to act faultily/improperly/badly. (Now we see the uniqueness of the mother and the daughter, I just love her analysis. She just made me cry here,,,,)

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

I still have the habit of acting childishly in front of my mother. Strangely, whenever I see my mother, I cannot help but coax her and behave childishly. My mother tells me that she gets scared whenever I call her. Ho I am going to jo gul dah (I do not know what this means) to my mother for the rest of my life. (I think it must be another way of saying that she will continue to call/coax her.) For the rest of my life, I am going to bother her.

about 1 hour ago via twtkr

I kept on begging my mother (in a childishly coaxing way) to scratch my back. But my mother tells me that she will not scratch my back because I won’t listen to her. Ho Yet, she scratches my father’s back. I am going to be bad.

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thanks a million sue for the translation.....really funny...the last one...i was laughing real hard on how she likes to provoke her mom just to get attention hahahaha...funny family. i'm following her on twitter too.....i wrote to her last night and eventhough she didn't reply....i just hope she knows that many fans from all around the world love her so much.

i just need to clarify something....on 24 June? Is it only for the release date or together with opening premiere?

*wave to all sunnies*

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Guest minjee

@1:47 Her friends and supporters are clapping for her at the tech. premier. I do not know if they already saw the film or they just came to give her a shot of confidence just before the premier. They are all talking to her in informal Korean. They must be her friends. GHS looked embarrassed with all the praises and said something that I cannot clarify. Sorry. A young woman tells her, “There is nothing that you cannot do”. A man, after hugging her, says, “You really worked very hard. I’ll call you soon.”

wow fast translations thanks so much sue! :D Sorry to cut your post, I was rewatching the vid, I think the female friend of Hyesun shown in the vid was actress Heo Ji Yae who's also under YG :D I love reading her tweet updates, I am always fascinated with it especially when she talks about her family and her pets..... :) and yes, jelita Hyesun's movie is coming out on June 24th! :D It's been confirmed! UPDATE: Hyesun eoni hit 51.4 mil on the ipoll Let's keep on voting!!! hwaiting!!!! :D

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Guest susAmerica


100420 Goo Hye Sun @ Talkshow Rock part.3


MC: We just heard GHS’s sweet music. Please tell us about this music.

GHS: Ah, yes. I just played for you a composition called “scent” from my last year’s album called Breath.

MC: And you have an accompaniment for your music today.

GHS: yes, his name is Hwang Myung Hwa (also known as SadCello and I just noticed that he is following GHS tweeter.GHS more and more people in her tweeter following.) He also performs in our movie Magic and he is a cellist.

MC: you say he comes out in the movie and I get a sense of him as an actor.

GHS: Yes, he is a movie actor. (Laughter from everyone.)

MC: I heard that you did not have a piano growing up. So how did you practice?

GHS: During those times, I would use “melodion”, xylophone, and I would also draw the piano keyboards on a paper and practice on it.

MC: You know, I could just imagine the cute little GHS practicing her piano on the paper. I heard that you even composed back then as well.

GHS: Yes, I really liked creating and used to make up very childish songs.

MC: when exactly was that?

GHS: the very first time was when I was a 5th grader in elementary school.

MC: What kind of song?

GHS: It was called “Bah-Dah=Ocean”.

(Wow, Bah-Dah is so cute and melodious. Listen to it again to GHS’s 5th grade composition ---so she must have been only about 11 or so.)

GHS: IT was like that.

MC: You really get a sense of a 5th grader….


MC: Before you became an actress, I remember it as well. It was 2004. You were all over the paper as one of the 5 ulzzangs.

(On screen are her pictures as very young GHS, stating that she had doll-like features.)

GHS: I heard of the rumor but did not fully realize it until one day, I saw myself of the paper. That is how I found out. It was pure luck. A life’s biggest luck for me.

MC: Afterwards, you officially started your work in the entertainment field?

GHS: Even before that I was working through magazines and doing small activities. But, it is true that I got more work due to that event.

MC: You did advertisements, right?

GHS: The first CF was with Kim Nam Il. It was the ad for computer.

On screen: Kim Nam Il is the pro soccer player and GHS was the long-legged girl in shorts with braided hair. We saw that pix before!

GHS: I think I came out for about 1 second. (laughter) I did that and I also got to make Sung Si Gyung-ssi’s MV. So it was a great foundation that gave me more opportunities to work.

MC: Did the fact that you were known as ulzzang ever give you any burden?

GHS: To be honest, when I was younger, I may have felt some burden. As I grew older, I realized that it was a great luck and opportunity for me. So I never disliked the ulzzang title. But I have been always grateful for itl

MC: Do you personally think that you are an ulzzang?

GHS: I did not think of myself in that way. But since others have given me that title, I am just grateful.

On screen: GHS wants to be an actress with talent and charisma, not just a pretty actress.

MC: The thing that made GHS into a best actress has to be the last year’s drama, BOF.

(on screen: clips of BOF, with its new actors as F4 with viewership of over 30%,, a great big hit,,,)

MC: Did you actually see the cartoon?

GHS: Yes, it was so famous when I was young.

MC: After reading/seeing the cartoon and the script, I would imagine you must have some worries over playing the role.

GHS: I did not want to make a parody but a different Geum Jandi. I also wanted to play it more fitting the Korean culture and also play her very energetic and positive. There was also lots of glamour.

MC: It was really charming to look at GHs-ssi’s role and laugh with you but the F4’s popularity was incredible.

On screen are many clips from BOF showing the tons of fans crowding around to see F4.

GHS: At the time of filming, I really did not realize their popularity as I was focused on acting with them. When I fully realized their popularity, I think I was feeling very proud of them as if I was their mother. (laughter) It was really good. If it was not for them, the drama would have been affected and I also,,,

(MC said something but could not get it.)

GHS: ,,,I would have had a hard time but as their popularity increased, I was feeling very happy.

MC: What were the charms of each of the F4 members as seen by Geum Jandi?

GHS: Lee MinHo-ssi possesses a friendly and approachable nature. He is easy to relate.

MC: So it is a very different image from Goo Joon Pyo’s.

GHS: That is correct. He is very playful and mischievous like a naughty boy. He tends to initiate the conversations and makes you feel very comfortable. And for Hyun-Joong-ssi. He is very ung-ddoong=forward, pert, 4-D, unexpected, wild,,,. But he also has a very strong sense of duty and responsibility and loyalty. In my mind, I see him that way.

MC: Really! In what way does he show it?

GHS: He helped me a lot when working. He gives help without any hesitation. Occasionally he calls out of worry. That is why I think of him as a very loyal friend.

MC: Wow, he is very sentimental.

GHS: yes.

MC: Then there is Kim Bum and Kim Joon.

GHS: Kim Bum is very mature for his age. He has great manners and, while acting together, he was very considerate friend. (looking at the audience) uhh, I feel like I am bragging about myself. (laughter with everyone.) For Joon-ssi, sometimes I would call him to see how he is doing. He would always take my calls and, if he is busy, he would never fail to return my calls to ask how I am doing.

(end of Part 3)

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Guest xiaomaii

pink_fairy, so you mean it's a two part show? awesome! no worries, I guess the YT video will do fine. I'm just aiming for more quality video.. ;)

sue, thanks for the trans. I want to subbed the video, but I guess my current internet connection is very SLOW to upload it on YT. I'm on a different location right now, so my internet is limited. Huhu :(

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Guest susAmerica


100420 Goo Hye Sun @ Talkshow Rock part.4


GHS: He (Kim Joon) is meticulous and thorough. He and I are of same age, but I still cannot talk informally to him. I recently realized that Joon-ssi talked to me informally but I still have not done it yet.

MC: I would imagine there must have been many untoward episodes form filming BOF. Can you tell us?

GHS: We all did not get to have good sleep while filming. So when I would have scenes that involved sleeping, I would often actually fall asleep. Sometimes I remember falling asleep and not being able to get up.

MC: I used to think that your sleeping scenes really looked real. (laughter)

GHS: yes, I really fell asleep. There was a scene where I was riding a tour bus in Macau. But during the rest period, I fell asleep there too. But a staff person, thinking that I will get cold, took off his coat and covered me with it. I remember that the most. I felt just so grateful to them that the next day, I tried to do my work even better and harder.

On screen, clips of Japan fan meetings. She prepared by studying Japanese. She said in the interview that the similarity between her and GJD is that they both eat very well.

On screen are also clips of her Taiwan Tourism MV with the Fahrenheit members.

MC: Are there any foreign fans who remain in your memory?

GHS: Ah yes. When I was filming Magic, I publicly recruited extras for the movie. There was a fan who came all the way from Taiwan. I remember feeling so sorry to those fans. (I guess she wished she could have done more for their making the long trip to come and volunteeer for her movie.)

MC: I would think that the fan felt also very happy to be there. Didn’t the fan tell you that she will not accept any fees for appearing in the movie? (laughter)

On screen is GHS’s acting teacher (from Literature with Voice program), Kim Ji Soo.

Kim Ji Soo: When she is not acting, she may seem quiet and prim and proper. But when she is acting, she would change 180 degrees. Her pronunciation may not have been good, but she would try extremely hard to overcome the difficulty. (Instructor Kim Ji Soo is holding up GHS work notebook from her acting training days. Remember? Instructor Kim kept GHS’s old work book to teach her other trainees.) She really worked hard from the very basic and up. This is the proof of her hard work.

GHS: If I have any ambition for a role, I think I had been wanting to play lots of very positive characters. For example, when we think about the actor Cha Tae Hyun, we all immediately think about the positive and enjoyable images that he portrays. Like that, if somebody says GHS, I wanted an image of being positive, happy and fun.

MC: Then, do you think we can all expect to see the second Geum Jandi?

GHS: yes.(laughter)

MC: As I had this date with GHS-ssi today, I do have this positive image of her in my brain. I hope her much success as not only as a pretty actress but a fascinating director.I look forward to seeing more of her projects in the future. Thank you.

(ends with GHS singing a little of “That is what life is all about” I love that song that she picked to sing for the audience. A simple song filled with great meaning underneath—just like her!) ~The End~

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no problem sue....we really wanted Hye Sun to win....she really deserves it... ;)

btw, just great to have you here in HS thread...tks to you and others, at least we know what Hye Sun

has been doing so far...

without you, we are lost in translations.....hehe.... :D

really admire this wonderful Girl, Hye Sun.....

Good Day to all Sunnies...remember keep voting...Hwaiting!!!!!

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Guest minjee

Today Hyesun ranks no.5 on top nate search :D and also some articles from today~

국내배우 순위더보기

1.황정음 - Hwang Jung Eum

2.현석 - Hyun Suk

3. 한가인 - Han Ga In

4.서우 - Seo Woo

5.구혜선 - Goo Hye Sun

6.정수정 - Jung Seo Jung

7.류태준 - Ryu Tae Jun

8.박시후 - Park Si Hu

9.문근영 - Moon Geun Young

10.박진희 - Park Jin Hee


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hello all sunniez!

i just would like to thank SUE, for the translations... without you, i might have gone crazy already with the way google translated the interview...as well as hyesun's tweets.

and thank you too, for all the vids, caps, pics and all minsun goodies you guys posted! luv yah!

aja! aja! MINSUN! fighting!!!

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Guest smdrma

Hello everybody~~!!

2010.04.03 KBS2TV <Talkshow Rock> pics




















photo by 아라(uniss_)@ naver fan cafe KU♡NE

[source] http://cafe.naver.com/kuone84

JUNIOR 2010년 4월호 - U-KISS



이상형은? 연예인 중에서 꼽는다면?

키가 작고, 메롱하는게 귀여운 여자. 연예인으로는 구혜선씨.


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Guest susAmerica

Thank you smdrma for the pix and updates. Sorry for cutting your posts. Please refer to her pix above. I did not translate all the questions and answers by UKISS' Ki-Sub about his group members, except for the part that has GHS in it.

name='smdrma' date='Apr 22 2010, 05:27 AM' post='15801976']

Hello everybody~~!!

2010.04.03 KBS2TV <Talkshow Rock> pics

photo by 아라(uniss_)@ naver fan cafe KU♡NE

[source] http://cafe.naver.com/kuone84

JUNIOR 2010년 4월호 - U-KISS



이상형은? 연예인 중에서 꼽는다면?

키가 작고, 메롱하는게 귀여운 여자. 연예인으로는 구혜선씨.

His ideal? And if he were to pick a person among the entertainers?

Answer: Short in height, a girl who is cute when she sticks her tongue out. From entertainers, Goo Hye Sun-ssi.


This is the pix from the farewell party for the BOF stars and staff on April 1, 6PM at the Emperial Palace Hotel....(can't read it very well. sorry. I think it is just saying that everybody was there to say thanks to each other and to celebrate the ending of the filming of BOF. Again, they emphasized F4's good looks.

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