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Goo Hye Sun 구혜선


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Guest vannessave

I'm really interested to find out where her career will head next. I am glad she is getting CF's but I am hopeful that she will also get another drama soon or do something with that nice voice she has

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Guest vannessave

Another question, has she been linked with anyone romantically? I really like these shots she did. If anyone has any information on who is in it and what it was for, please share. Thanks


Have a great weekend everyone

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Guest vannessave

Saw this under "news" today and was wondering if anyone could translate it.

구혜선 충격 고백 “소주 3병까지 마셔봤다! 김제동과 막걸리 먹고싶다”

“소주 3병까지 마셔봤어요”

얼짱 출신 탤런트 구혜선이 충격 고백을 했다.

24일 KBS 2TV ‘연예가 중계’에 출연한 구혜선은 “대학교 다닐 때 소주 3병까지 마셔봤다”고 말해 주위를 놀라게 했다.

리포터 유상무가 "주량이 한병 반 정도 되냐"고 묻자 구혜선은 수줍은 듯 웃으며 "3병까지 마신 적 있다"고 말했다.

구혜선은 지난해 KBS 1TV 일일드라마 ‘열아홉순정’에서 순박하고 당찬 연변처녀 역을 완벽히 해내며 연기자로서의 가능성을 인정받았다.

구혜선은 이날 술버릇을 묻자 “술을 마시면서 가만히 앉아서 생각을 한다”며 “‘내일은 무엇을 할 것인가, 오늘의 나는 무엇인가’라는 생각을 한다”고 말했다. 또 취미도 “가만히 앉아서 생각하기”라고 말해 ‘철학소녀’라는 새로운 별명을 얻기도 했다.

구혜선은 ‘연예가 중계’의 MC인 김제동과 함께 막걸리를 마시고 싶다고 말해 주위를 웃음바다로 만들었다.

구혜선은 2002년 CF로 데뷔해 MBC 청춘시트콤 ‘논스톱5’, SBS ‘서동요’, ‘열아홉 순정’등에 출연하며 인기를 쌓아왔다.

[뉴스엔 엔터테인먼트부]

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com


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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

i am loving the pictures you all posted there are some real nice shots of my favorite actress. my friends and i all love koo hye sun. i will try to add more pictures and information really really soon and i do hope others will too.

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vannessave , me too. i love hs' cf with 조인성(Jo In sung). They both look cute together. here is the cf clips update on Tour Les Jours

30 sec'

--> http://www.tlj.co.kr/event_new/070227/tlj_30_20070227cf.wmv

n cf ngs<--i love this more^^ :blush:

--> http://www.tlj.co.kr/event_new/070227/tlj_...0070227ngcf.zip


credit ghs cafe

about the news above you posted ,it's of kbs entertainment program , talking of her cf for soju(wine)..but she tells the reporter that ,wine,she can drink three bottles ..n she wants to drink with MC Kim^^ .in this cf..she has sexy?dance :rolleyes::rolleyes: that's what i saw in the program^^

and she also is doing her 4th CF about construction this year.

next are some pics i posted at the thread' Pure 19', in which she co-starred with 서지석(Seojisuk), my favor drama in 2006 ,also the one that makes her so popular with cf circle .she's pretty in wedding studio. just want to share them with you ^^




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Guest vannessave

Goo makes an absolutely beautiful bride. Here in Los Angeles we are at the point where Mrs. Park has done her Gukhwa makeover (those who watch Pure 19 know what I'm talking about, apologies to others) Anyway, I can't wait for the wedding episode. (just been to a wedding this weekend so I'm definitely in a wedding mood)

Anyway, I will check out your links after I finish doing some wedding picture uploading to send to family. (trying to work with this dial up connection)

kuhyesunfangroup, saw you on the California boards, glad you found your way here.

Well here is an article I came across with today's date, anyone wanna translate? I can tell it has to do with a CF, is it one that was already talked about here or does she have a new one?

source: news.joins.com

구혜선 건설광고 모델 발탁 ‘화장품-주류-제빵 이어 CF계 신데델라’

뉴스엔 김형우 기자]

탤런트 구혜선이 올해 CF계 최고의 신데렐라로 떠올랐다.

구혜선은 지난 25일 건설브랜드 모아건설의 ‘엘가’ 광고 촬영을 마쳤다. 23시간동안 진행된 이번 CF는 구혜선의 우아한 여성미를 부각시키며 품격높은 생활 공간과 매치시킨다는 내용이다.

이로써 구혜선은 두달여동안 4건의 CF를 연달아 찍으며 주가를 급상승시키고 있다. 구혜선은 지난해 말 소망화장품의 메인 모델로 발탁된데 이어 ‘처음처럼’두산BG소주, 제빵 브랜드 ‘뚜레주르’와 CF 계약을 맺었다. 화장품,주류,제빵,건설 등 톱스타들의 전유물로 여겨지는 CF들을 단숨에 촬영하며 올해 최고 블루칩으로 떠올랐다.

한 관계자는 “KBS 1TV 일일극 ‘열아홉 순정’에서 보여준 안정적인 연기력과 톡톡 튀는 신세대 매력, 그리고 ‘얼짱’ 미모가 CF 관계자들에게 어필하는 듯 하다”며 “한동안 구혜선의 위력이 안방 CF에서 기세를 떨칠 것”이라고 전했다.

한편 구혜선은 현재 여러편의 드라마와 영화들 중 차기작을 신중히 검토중이다.

김형우 cox109@newsen.com

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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

im luving all the pictures. i am uploading some and also looking over what you guys have so i will try my best not 2 post repeats. she is a really pretty girl. thanks 4 the info about the cfs. do u have n e idea or information on the construction 1. that sounds funny :rolleyes:

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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

okie dokie here r some of the pic's i've collected. hope u like them





thanks to: jns1350 tistory :rolleyes:

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Guest vannessave

Another news article w/ shots of GHS's soju commercial. :lol:

link to article: joins.com

구혜선, 소주광고서 댄스 실력 과시

구혜선, 소주광고서 댄스 실력 과시

구혜선이 CF속에서 뛰어난 가창력과 댄스실력을 과시해 눈길을 끈다.


구혜선은 오는 5일부터 공개되는 `처음처럼` 소주 CF에서 뮤지컬 형식의 광고를 선보이며 노래와 매혹적인 춤실력을 선보였다.

관 계자는 2일 오후 "구혜선이 고난이도의 뮤지컬 댄스를 촬영 하루전에 연습했음에도 불구하고 뛰어난 실력을 발휘, 촬영스태프들을 깜짝 놀라게 했다"고 밝혔다. 이어 "기존 청순한 이미지의 구혜선에게 찾아 볼 수 없는 새로운 모습을 선사할 것이다"고 덧붙였다.

더욱이 구혜선은 뮤지컬 형식으로 만들어진 `처음처럼 Song`을 부르며 음정과 박자에 변화가 심했지만 감미롭고도 발랄하게 소화해 제작진의 칭찬을 이끌어냈다.

구혜선이 모델로 나선 `처음처럼` 새 광고는 온라인과 극장, 지하철, 옥외 등 다양한 매체를 통해 공개된다.

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Guest C51236

well i guess after 'pure 19' she would want 2 take a break b4 she acts in a new drama/movie... does anybody have any actors that u would like to c act with her??? i'm thinkin' jo in sung... they looked soooo cute 2gether in the pics ^^^... it'll b an interesting pair...

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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

well i guess after 'pure 19' she would want 2 take a break b4 she acts in a new drama/movie... does anybody have any actors that u would like to c act with her??? i'm thinkin' jo in sung... they looked soooo cute 2gether in the pics ^^^... it'll b an interesting pair...

i like the guys from both bakery and makeup ad. i like the yunhu actor but i do not think they should work again for a while or else they may get stuck (unless it was pure sequel). also maybe the guy she hosted the inkigayo show with.

right now i am thinking comedy but wouldn't it be fun to see her as some type of seductress :crazy:

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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

thx 4 links everyone share. heading out soon but wanted 2 post pixs of the one and only




and got fromtistory.com:


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Guest vannessave

well i guess after 'pure 19' she would want 2 take a break b4 she acts in a new drama/movie... does anybody have any actors that u would like to c act with her??? i'm thinkin' jo in sung... they looked soooo cute 2gether in the pics ^^^... it'll b an interesting pair...

Great point C51236! I am sure a break would feel great right abou tnow. She does seem to have a lot of commercials. Now about your question, I will have to think about that some more. I really liked her with her Pure 19 worker. Actually she fit well with the Yunhu (Seo Ji Suk) and the Uggie (Lee Min Woo) characters BUT....I think it would be best if they work with someone else so they don't get stuck in people seeing them together. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing her paired with either down the row. Actually it would have been nice to see Yunhu/Gukhwa down the road with a couple of kids and her teaching kindergartener.

I have to agree with you too KUHYESUNFANGROUP, she does pair up well with both Hyun Bin (Beauty Credit CF) and Jo In Sung (Tous Les Jours) but I will have to get back with you on someone outside of who I've seen her with.

Being a seductress would be a bit funny but I like her image. I do think her Soju commercial shows a different side of her and that can help with casting her in less innocent roles.

So this is my partial answer and I'll give it some thought and post further thoughts down the road. May post some pictures later ^_^

Oh I do like her singing voice, I hope she can utilize that more

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Guest vannessave

Hey noticed that I did not post the other ones I meant to. These were all courtesy of tvzoneebbs6.media.daum.net



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Guest kuhyesunfangroup

really liked her new photos. she looks unlike gookhwa but still same, make sense? here r some PURE 19 related photos from KBS



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