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[Drama 2012] May Queen 메이퀸

Guest Eja

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@awsparkle No its completely possible. DH had two kids with his wife IM and IH. The wife died shortly after and IM hates GH because he thinks she caused it. It makes sense that HJ is between the age  of IM and IH because if they aad an affair it would be during the marriage. DH wanted HJ killed because maybe neither of them knew, GH was also married at the time she might have though it was her husbands, as we know she is quite thick headed. Just because GH said they didnt have an affair doesnt mean she didnt have an affair, she could be lying so people dont lose respect for her.

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Guest jaewon fan

@ totes and awsparkle , i think HJ is really Hak Soo daughter, not DH. Remember when GH burn HJ baby photo and clothes? She apologize to Hak Soo for losing Yoo Jin. And awsparkle is right. HJ age should be older than II Moon if she is DH daughter. Although GH said she fall in love on two men it doesn't mean she had an affair during the marriage. On the earlier news reviews they said HJ would have 3 fathers, maybe the 3rd one will be her father-in-law to be. Who knows if KS father is alive. ;-)

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totes said: @awsparkle No its completely possible. DH had two kids with his wife IM and IH. The wife died shortly after and IM hates GH because he thinks she caused it. It makes sense that HJ is between the age  of IM and IH because if they aad an affair it would be during the marriage. DH wanted HJ killed because maybe neither of them knew, GH was also married at the time she might have though it was her husbands, as we know she is quite thick headed. Just because GH said they didnt have an affair doesnt mean she didnt have an affair, she could be lying so people dont lose respect for her.

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I felt badly for CH as he came to terms with the fact that he was marrying someone other than HJ.  Before his wedding, during his wedding and his honeymoon, all he thought of was HJ.  He finally capitulates and just has sex with his wife.  He made his bed now he has to lie in it.  What a lousy deal for IH.  I'm pretty sure when CH made love to HJ he thought of her as his wife.  That was a done deal to him so he would definitely have a difficult time with it.  He's going to flip when he see's HJ falling in love with KS.
HJ's sister whining about what IM did to her was a turn off.  She wanted the money he offered.  HJ clearly told her what kind of guy he was and she thought she knew better.  Now she bemoans the fact that he used her.  That's the kind of guy he is.  
As much as I hate the fact that CH isn't going to get the girl (HJ), I still find it hard to swallow that a 15 year relationship was dismissed as if it were nothing.  I don't know what the writer was thinking.
I want the women to stop being to be so whiny and needy and start being strong and decisive.  

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Guest jaewon fan

@jdkk09 CH choose to throw that 15 years reletionship on his own accord not HJ. She only have to move on because it's a thing that is out of her control, and beside she deserve someone better than him, and KS is so much better. CH could choose to fight for the small chance they had if he really want to, but unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to put aside everything for the sake of love. His heart was over ruled by his mind. It's not HJ nor KS fault if he is going through such pain. He himself hurt all the people around him without even thinking if they deserve to be hurt. His way of thinking is too narrow that he couldn't even think what's best for himself how much more to others. KS had so much reason to behave the way CH does but he choose not to, because his heart still can balance the hate in his mind.

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@jaewon fan  You right,CH could have made the effort to salvage the relationship but I think he felt daunted by it when he realized the lengths his father went to in kowtowing down to HD.  And what his father did in order to have some money and status.  Just that I was a fan of that relationship.  

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Guest jaewon fan

@jaewon fan  You right' date='CH could have made the effort to salvage the relationship but I think he felt daunted by it when he realized the lengths his father went to in kowtowing down to HD.  And what his father did in order to have some money and status.  Just that I was a fan of that relationship.  [/quote']

Actually i'm a fan of Jaewon (KS) all the way, but i don't mind HJ to be with CH if he does made an extent effort to fight for his love for JH. But since he didn't. i think the best choice for HJ is KS. I just want CH to realize his mistake and live freely. He doesn't need to torture himself because of revenge.

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Guest orionofthewolf

You know, I am beginning to feel that May Queen is a lot like the Twilight quadrology. The further along you went in Stephanie Myers's series, the more and more you had unnecessary fluff that took up more than its fair share of space. I am a person who reads books cover to cover. In Breaking Dawn, I'd skip 50-100 pages at a time and realize I missed nothing. You can do the same with this drama. Sure, you might not know 100% what is going on, but at the same time...you haven't missed anything. Hae Joo is still a dense, selfish, unempathetic woman. Jang, Gi Cheol, and Chang Hee are as evil as ever. Geum Hee, Bong Hee, and In Hwa are as clueless as ever. Dal Soon goes back and forth between good mom and evil, money-grubbing mother. Kang San stays as cheery as possible while being kicked in the teeth multiple times. Yep. 21 episodes into the adult roles and really not too much progress at all. While we are moving a bit forward, we are spinning are wheels too much around the same exact problems just wrapped a little differently.

Anywho. I'm done griping, I promise (until you read the recap). Here is episode 30: www.asianaddictsanonymous.com/may-queen-episode-30-recap/

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Guest jaewon fan

@orionofthewolf … i know this one is out of topic.. just want to let you know that i read the whole book series of twilight without missing a single page from first book to breaking dawn. i did enjoy reading it but not much when i watch it on the movie. Anyway thanks for the recap , i surely not gonna miss it... ;-)

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I really started to like DS, but I'm done with her. Her daughter was just dumped and is heartbroken, because she really liked IM. Instead of comforting her, she hits her and tells her she should have gotten IM and why is she being dumb like this. What a thing to say to your child. As a big brother ST is no better. He thinks they should have gotten some compensation, since IM fooled around with his sister and the DS agreed. What a twisted, greedy messed up family.All the blame can't be put on DS for the way her childred are, because HJ played a part in making them worthless.


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Guest orionofthewolf

@jaewon fan ...heehee I started it :P I really wanted to be able to finish it cover to cover, but just couldn't do it. I blame college. The stuff that I normally enjoyed before studying literature, etc. I found myself being able to enjoy less and less. Critical study of literature...sigh...it's a pleasure killer. And movie adaptations of books hardly ever go really well. And somewhat on topic, the same goes for dramas adapted from manga (although there are some really good ones out there).

I am now very curious about episode 31 and where we will be taken in the next 8 episodes. Please, no 11th hour BS. Jaebol. There's enough time to wrap things up neatly, but I have this horrible feeling a horrible rushed ending with Jang ending up like the main baddie in Can You Hear My Heart. Health issue takes the place of true revenge and comeuppance. (The hand tremors, the sugar complaints--do I sense a stroke or heart attack coming on?)

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Guest jaewon fan

@orionofthewolf, i'm not gonna worry to much about JDH downfall, either sickness or jail or death, he deserve to be punish severly for his crime. But i'm more curious how the writer punish CH and GC for their wrongdoing? Are they just going to say sorry and all are forgiven???…

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Guest orionofthewolf

Ye gads I hope not. Gi Cheol & Chang Hee need some sort of divine punishment. There is no way an apology can justify their despicable actions. They made their beds & must live with the consequences. I hope it's not a alls forgiven ending as it just can't float at this point.

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jaewon fan said: @jdkk09 CH choose to throw that 15 years reletionship on his own accord not HJ. She only have to move on because it's a thing that is out of her control, and beside she deserve someone better than him, and KS is so much better. CH could choose to fight for the small chance they had if he really want to, but unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough to put aside everything for the sake of love. His heart was over ruled by his mind. It's not HJ nor KS fault if he is going through such pain. He himself hurt all the people around him without even thinking if they deserve to be hurt. His way of thinking is too narrow that he couldn't even think what's best for himself how much more to others. KS had so much reason to behave the way CH does but he choose not to, because his heart still can balance the hate in his mind.

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Guest jaewon fan

I can never bring myself to feel pity for Chang Hee.... many time I feel like shoving my flipflop into his mouth. IH is a beach but she didn't deserve to be treated that way. I hope in the end CH will lose both IH and HJ... he should end up alone and should spent his life time taking care that troll like father of his.


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@Bambiina, @jaewon, I don't feel sorry for CH either. He climbed out of the gutter his father had him live through, but ended up climbing right bad in and covered himself in dirt. When he falls there won't be anyone there to catch him, because he has used, and hurt everyone who cared about him. All the hurt, pain and destruction he as dealt out is going to come back to him 10 times more. I think the truth about his father is going to be a big blow that he'll never recover from. The guilt is going to rip him apart. It will destroy him worst then what he has done to others.  

I'm I the only one who thinks another person is going to die. I think it will be one of the following.





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Guest jaewon fan

@ awsparkle i'm afraid Uncle Jung Woo will die . I hope not. I don't want DH or GC to die so easy. I want them to get some terrible illness and live life in horrible way. They deserve to get heavy punishment. As for CH, i think living his intire life full with guilt and seeing the girl he love living happily with KS while he is with the girl he doesn't love at all is enough punishment for him. ;-) i think there no more much painful than that.

And did you notice that DS is going back on being selfish again。The way she persuade her children on how money is more important than anything else is really wrong. Money is neccesary but it's not everything. How can she push YJ to II Moon just because he was rich. She knows how bad was he and yet she still encourage YJ. And another thing . Why is she picking on KS, HJ biological family didn't even against KS being close to her. Knowing that Geum Hee is rich , i don't think HJ will suffer if she marry KS. He is poor now but he is well educated and young. He had a lot of time to get on his feet and become rich again。

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Guest nazalin

Ouch,  you guys are so mean to my CH oppa, lol :D I still pity him though. Yes, he will be punished at the end, but I bet the writer won't be too harsh on him. Through out the drama, I feel the connection between writer and CH character. I don't know why, I just strongly feel that. Also, even though CH did all those awful things to KS and HJ, these two are going to forgive him base on their personality. They will try to understand CH when the truth is revealed. Remember, HJ keeps talking about how sad CH's life is and she is the only one who understand CH, she hopes someone can protect CH. KS too, always tried to befriend with CH because he pities CH since they were young. So I don't think KS and HJ will turn their back on CH when CH realizes his mistake. Yes, I do believe that writer will allow CH to redeem himself at the end. I want to see a sweet CH at the end :)

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@awsparkle and @jaewon fan ..... I think of many way for the three of them to suffer and jaewon fan .. you are right the most cruelest punishment for CH is to see HJ and KS married, happily with kidsssssssssssssssssss ....... and HJ showed that she no longer care about CH ... not even as friend.. I guess this is one of the reason I faithfully watch MQ ....... no matter how much my heart bled........... (but I am gald for them that the rating is high - I am quite amazed by korean taste)
@nazalin :D Yeah I am cruel.... I am Bambiina and I am famous for being cruel..... so it's good that you are not cruel... it balance the vibe in this thread... me and my nonstop complaint and hating CH..... so it's good to have someone that like CH .. :D ...
@awsparkle .... IH still around to pull CH out of the ditch ... I hope that girl learn something and stop being a stupid and naive girl. 
Ohhh I am so cruel.... I want them to die without repent so they can end up in hell.. Wuhooo... negative vibe Bambiina.... not good.... not good...
Anyway, :sigh: ...... all villain in all drama.. I repeat ALL villain in ALL drama will always repent... and redeem themselves .... and I say YIKES!!!! .....can the writer for once be real and once in awhile let a villain stay a villain till the end?
Heeeee :D ... not good thinking Bambiina... bad bad thinking.. don't corrupt others....

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