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What's your tolerance level for spicy food?


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Guest super piggy

i have a pretty high tolerance for spicy foods.... someone can say its HELLA spicy to them & to me, it's like nothing

<333 spicy foods

oh, i hate the atomic @ wingstop cus that aint yummie spicy :(

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Guest muffinx3

I love spicy food too!

If anybody lives in the Silicone Valley, I can handle a 10 traditional death wings at Cluck U/University Chicken/whatever it's called now. :]

But I'm no beast.

I used to also put a lot of siracha sauce on my noodles/whatever it would taste good with. ESPECIALLY fried rice! Yumm.

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Guest SeeinGxStarS

I can usually handle a good amount of spiciness. Not as much anymore, since I stopped eating spicy foods, so my tolerance went down. But when I build it back up, I can usually eat jalapenos plain and eat them with any type of food.

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Guest yoroihiro

my tolerance is too good i think

but it's not good for my intestines

could handle any hot chilli / pepper

except peppercorn because i hate it

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Guest iPhets

i can eat some chillis

nandos extra hot is like normal food to me :)

its just...really uncomfortable when it passes through my intestines >_>

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Spicy food = <3

I have a high tolerance for spicy food (:

Like 'x baby 184' said, Some people call certain things spicy and when I eat it I'm like

"the heck .. this isn't even spicy .."

haha, got it from my mum, she loves spicy food as well [x

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Guest maydai3333

^^ I know...sometimes my friends are like holy shiz, this stuff is spicy, then i eat it, and it's not even spicy at all.

The spicier, the better.

But for some reason, i can't stand wasabi.

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I love spicy, spicy food!

Seriously, I'll eat the really spicy stuff even if it's too much for me to take xD

but I do have a pretty high tolerance for it.

But for some reason, i can't stand wasabi.

I'm the same.

I don't like the taste of wasabi (but I absolutely love sushi).

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Guest crackers&cheese

My tolerance level for spicy foods is pretty high. When I was younger, I couldn't stand anything spicy at all.

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Guest j_boog

the hottest thing i tried was the eggplant curry at an indian restaurant and it was the spiciest food on their menu

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Guest resa_massu

I think I have an okay tolerance for spicy food. I can eat my boss' Korean food okay...

And she makes her food really spicy sometimes ^^;;

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