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【2008/5/6 自由電子報】 張赫情 Elva笑彎腰 4眼互電 NG...NG...又NG

Very brief ones....JH has gone to Taiwan for MV shooting, sung by Elva.

Omo...now appearing in a Taiwan MV - I like Elva. Woo-hoot. So here's appeared in Japan, Singapore,now Taiwan, can wait to see where next. By the way, Elva looked like Fann in the pics. Thanks Amaryllis - if anybody could translate the pic captions. :blush:

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Guest wils

I found the following post from a Elva fansite.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Elva Latest Music Video with Jang Hyuk



Korean actor, Jang Hyuk 張赫 (last seen opposite Fann Wong in the movie, Dance of the Dragon), recently arrived in Taiwan to film a music video with Elva. Titled "Impulsive" (冲动), this is another high-budget shoot after Jolin's cross-country collaboration with Kim Jae-Won (金載沅) in 2007.


According to sources, Jang Hyuk was chosen by the director, Chen Zheng Dao (陳正道), as he had seen Jang's work and believe that he was the best choice for the role. Chen, who had experience in directing dramtic music video, wrote a script that was suited for Elva.


Elva wore a baby blue dress worth US$4m and a bangle that was bought from an American antique shop.


Initially, Elva failed to deliver her script because she could not control her laughter when she was face-to-face with Jang Hyuk to stop him from leaving her. In the end, Jang Hyuk became the one who wanted to stop Elva from leaving, turning a melodrama into a comedy.

---------- Elva Singapore Fansite ----------

source: http://elvasingapore.blogspot.com/2008/05/...-jang-hyuk.html

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As for the way to make the pics appear on the forum, you put the image's url address between -img- and -/img-.

(I used "- -" for "[ ]" because the forum code does not allow the use of [ ] with the word "img" inside. I guess this may confuse you...I guess someone can better explain it. Sorry...)

Thanks! will definitely try soon. :) Had been trying for ages and failing miserably. Looking forward to more updates on uri Jang Hyuk. As much I love watching him grow in his career, I do feel sorry that his career is taking him away from junior.

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Guest o-cha

One thing I forgot to say. I am against the idea of choosing Gianni (I don't think he actually does it though ;) )because that is too similar to Jianna which is Jun JiHyeon's english name. Nothing's wrong with the close spelling, but i know people (particularly ppl in Korea) will joke about it for ever. :blink::w00t:

Please stay as Hyuk! We love your name!!!

You are so right wils...Gianna Jun and Gianni Jang!....:lol:

Amaryllis : thanks for posting the article and the old magazine scan... it always saddens me whenever I see an old pic of Jung Da Bin....

Oh wow so Hyuk is in Taiwan now...he's really getting to the golden age of his career right now...MVs,films,TV...what next....reviving his singing career? :lol: I hope not :sweatingbullets: ...as much as I love Hyuk I'd rather he stay an actor..hehehe.

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hi, everybody

maybe some one remember that i'm from Hyukbest, Hyuk's Chinese Fan Club

Hyukbest have just opened English zone:


welcome to this place, viewing and posting there, no registration and sign in as guest wl do at the moment

Hope you have an enjoyable time here.

We hope it is a cosy place here for you to give your support to Jang Hyuk.

there are not so much stuff for the moment, we'll post more and more stuff as soon as possible.

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I went to Kansai International Airport today.

I met him twice.

The first time (3:00 PM) He appeared to check in with staff.

But he didn't get out of the car.

Then he noticed fans. And waved his hand from a car.

After a while he has gone by car with the staff.

As it turned out, it seemed he went to Outlet Market near the airport.

When he appeared at the second(4:30 PM), he had a "GAP BABY's" shopping bag.

He got off a car and went into the departure gate at a quick pace.

Meanwhile,he shook hands with some fans.

And he waved a hand many times and bowed.

It was all I could do to say that "I want to see you again, thank you".

After completed travel procedures,he turned up again at the position that fans could see.

He waved a hand many times while walking and disappeared from fan's sight.

Today's Hyuk1

Today's Hyuk2

This is a present which I gave him.

I bought matching aroma candles and candy.



The candy which I gave to him is a brand-new.


A Singaporean friend sent this autograph for me last year.

And he signed it for me once again today.


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Guest cholo

air you are so lucky youve had a close encounter with him.. envy you..

:w00t: "GAP BABY" shopping bag for his baby.. what a sweet daddy.. ;)

and thanks for sharing your stories here..

hohomania glad that he has already an English site.can i register? thanks

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Guest o-cha

air : thanks for sharing your story. And thank you for taking care of Hyuk in Japan :lol:

hohomania : ooohhh thanks! That would be very helpful for us non Chinese or Korean speakers.

Here guys translation to Hyuk's Japan fan meeting article

Please correct my translation if it's wrong....


(creit:hankyung news)

장혁, 한류의 중심에 우뚝 서다

Jang Hyuk, At The Center of Hallyu



장혁이 3천여명의 일본팬과 대규모 팬미팅을 성황리에 마쳤다.

Jang Hyuk had a successful fan meeting with 3,000 female Japanese fans in Daekyumo.

일본 ‘CJ Media Japan’ 에서 5월 말부터 새롭게 방송되는 드라마 <불한당>을 위해 지난 5월 8일 일본을 찾은 장혁이 현지 언론의 뜨거운 취재열기 속에 2박 3일의 프로모션을 성공적으로 마친 후 12일과 13일 이틀에 걸쳐 도쿄, 오사카에서 일본 팬들과 즐거운 만남의 시간을 가진 것.

Jang Hyuk visited Japan last May 8th for the premiere broadcast of ‘Bulhandang (Robbers)’ at Japanese TV ‘CJ Media Japan’. After the 3 days 2 nights successful promotion which gathered a lot of interest from the press, Jang Hyuk held fan meetings in Tokyo and Osaka on the 12th and 13th.

이는 지난 4월 말 한국, 미국, 싱가포르 최초 합작 영화 <댄스 오브 더 드래곤>(Dance of the Dragon)의 프로모션을 위해 싱가포르로 출국, 국빈 대접 속에 ‘슈퍼히어로’로 전 세계 언론의 집중 주목을 받으며 돌아온 장혁이 또다시 일본으로 출국하며 바쁜 일정을 소화하고 있어 국제적으로 높아져가는 인기를 실감케 한다.

Last month in April he went to Singapore to promote his US-Korea-Singapore joint movie ‘Dance of the Dragon’. After getting the attention of world press, the ‘superhero’ representing (our) country came back. But he had to go to Japan again; along with the increase in popularity comes a busy schedule.

오사카의 ‘오사카홀’과 도쿄의 ‘나가노 썬플라자’에서 각각 1,000여명, 2,000여명의 일본 팬들과 약 3시간에 걸쳐 진행된 이번 팬미팅은 드라마 <불한당>을 비롯해, <고맙습니다>와 영화 <댄스 오브 더 드래곤> 등 작품에 대한 진솔한 이야기와 함께 장혁의 꾸밈없는 모습을 한껏 볼 수 있는 특별한 팬미팅으로 진행되었다.

He held fan meetings with 1,000 female fans and 2,000 fans in Osaka’s ‘Osaka Hall’ and Tokyo’s ‘Nagano Sun Plaza’ respectively. The meetings lasted about 3 hours. He talked earnestly with fans about his dramas ‘Bulhandang (Robbers)’, ‘Thank You’ and the movie ‘Dance of the Dragon’. Fans had the chance to see the real Jang Hyuk never before seen through the fan meetings.

이날 행사에서 장혁은 영국 밴드 라디오헤드의 ‘Creep(크립)’과 신성우의 ‘서시’를 연달아 열창, 분위기를 뜨겁게 고조시키며 팬들로부터 열렬한 환호를 받았으며, 즉석에서 ‘Rock&Roll(락앤롤)’ 음악에 맞춰 팬들과 함께 춤을 추는 등 열정적이고 폭발적인 무대로 색다른 모습을 선보여 일본 팬들에게는 잊지 못할 특별한 팬미팅을 선사했다.

In today’s event Jang Hyuk performed Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ and Shin Seong Woo’s ‘Seosi (Stand)’, in which he received a passionate applause from the fans for his temperature rising performance. Jang Hyuk danced along with the fans during the Rock&Roll song and he showed a very passionate and different self. This fan meeting is a present to his Japanese fans and they won’t forget this.

또한 이날 함께 한 팬들과 일일이 악수를 나누고 사진을 찍어주며 대화를 나누는 등 행사 내내 감사의 인사를 잊지 않는 예의 바른 모습에 팬들은 ‘역시 젠틀한 남자 장혁’ 이라며 감탄을 쏟아냈다.

Also that day he shook hands and took picture with fans. He expressed his thanks in his greetings and said that he wouldn’t forget this. The fans poured out their admiration to the ‘Gentle Man Jang Hyuk’.

장혁은 “늘 예기치 못한 뜨거운 반응과 사랑으로 반갑게 맞아주셔서 얼마나 감사한지 모르겠어요. 이번 팬미팅에도 정말 많은 분들이 멀리서부터 찾아와 주셔서 정말 너무 감동했고 또 너무 감사합니다. 오늘 여러분과 함께 한 정말 유쾌하고 즐거운 이 시간을 감사한 기억으로, 또 소중한 추억으로 제 안에 간직하고 돌아갈게요. 앞으로 작품을 통해, 그리고 이런 자리를 통해 자주 뵐 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 여러분 사랑합니다.” 라고 팬미팅을 마친 소감을 전했다.

Jang Hyuk said during his fan meeting“You don’t know how thankful I am of this warm welcome and love that you’ve shown me. A lot of people came from faraway places to come to this fan meeting; I am really touched and very thankful. Today I hope to share a pleasant and happy time. I am thankful of this memory. I will keep this precious memory inside my heart and I will come back. I hope to go back here often in the future. I love you all.”

디지털뉴스팀 newsinfo@hankyung.com

and another one..I won't translate the beginning since it's the same as the Hankyung article....



장혁 “亞서 가장 주목받는 배우로 우뚝” 日매체 취재경쟁 치열

Jang Hyuk “The Actor who is getting the most interest in Asia’


[뉴스엔 홍정원 기자]

최근 3,000여 명의 일본팬들과 대규모 팬미팅을 성황리에 마친 배우 장혁이 한류의 중심에 우뚝 섰다.

일본 CJ Media Japan에서 5월 말부터 새롭게 방송되는 드라마 ‘불한당’을 위해 지난 8일 일본을 찾은 장혁은 현지 언론의 뜨거운 취재열기 속에 2박3일의 프로모션을 성공적으로 마친 뒤 12일과 13일 이틀에 걸쳐 도쿄, 오사카에서 일본 팬들과 즐거운 만남의 시간을 가졌다.

지난 4월 말 한국, 미국, 싱가포르 최초 합작 영화 ‘댄스 오브 더 드래곤’(Dance of the Dragon) 프로모션을 위해 싱가포르로 출국해 국빈 대접과 함께 전세계 언론의 집중 조명을 받으며 돌아온 장혁은 일본으로 출국해 바쁜 일정을 소화하고 있다.

오사카의 오사카홀과 도쿄의 나가노 썬플라자에서 각각 1,000여 명, 2,000여 명의 일본 팬들과 3시간에 걸쳐 진행된 이번 팬미팅은 ‘불한당’을 비롯해 드라마 ‘고맙습니다’와 ‘댄스 오브 더 드래곤’ 등 작품에 대한 진솔한 이야기와 함께 장혁의 꾸밈없는 모습을 볼 수 있는 특별한 자리로 꾸며졌다. 이날 행사에서 장혁은 영국 밴드 라디오헤드의 ‘Creep(크립)’과 신성우의 ‘서시’를 연이어 열창해 분위기를 고조시키며 팬들로부터 열렬한 환호를 받았으며 즉석에서 록앤롤 음악에 맞춰 팬들과 함께 춤을 추는 등 열정적이고 폭발적인 무대로 색다른 모습을 선보였다.

이날 함께 한 팬들과 일일이 악수를 나누고 사진을 찍어주며 대화를 나누는 등 행사 내내 감사의 뜻을 전하는 모습에 팬들은 “역시 젠틀한 남자 장혁”이라며 감동받았다.

장혁은 “늘 예기치 못한 호응과 사랑으로 반갑게 맞아주셔서 얼마나 감사한지 모르겠다”며 “이번 팬미팅에도 정말 많은 분들이 멀리서 찾아와 주셔서 너무 감동했고 감사하다”고 감사의 뜻을 전했다.

장혁은 이어 “오늘 팬들과 함께한 유쾌하고 즐거운 시간을 기억하고 소중한 추억으로 간직하겠다”고 팬미팅을 마친 소감을 밝혔다.

한편 대규모 일본 팬미팅에 앞서 진행된 ‘불한당’ 프로모션에는 장혁의 방문소식을 취재하기 위해 후지TV ‘칸타메디럭스’, ‘초난강2’를 비롯해 ‘Mnet Japan’, ‘산케이스포츠(Sankeisport)’ 등 일본 주요 방송사 및 50여 곳이 넘는 주요 매체에서 수많은 취재진들이 참석해 열띤 취재 경쟁을 펼쳐 일본 내 장혁의 높은 인기를 입증했다. 평소 장혁이 이소룡의 팬인 것을 알고 있던 한 일본 기자는 70년대 개봉된 이소룡의 영화 ‘맹룡과강’ 프로모션용으로 특별 제작돼 희귀한 마니아용 시계를 선물해 장혁을 놀라게 했다.

Before the fan meeting Jang Hyuk did promotion for ‘Bulhandang (Robbers)’ by appearing in Fuji Tv’s ‘Cantame Deluxe’, ‘Chonangang 2’. ‘’Mnet Japan’. ‘Sankei Sport’ and about 50 Japanese news media covered this. This is a proof of his growing popularity in Japanese market. It is known that Jang Hyukk is a fan of Bruce Lee. A Japanese reporter surprised Jang Hyuk by giving him a special promotional Bruce Lee’s movie from the 70s ‘맹룡과강’.

이외에도 장혁은 생방송으로 진행된 일본 라디오 프로그램 Inter FM ‘K-Generation’에 출연, 1시간 동안 진솔하고 유쾌한 이야기를 나누는 등 일본 현지 언론과 팬들의 환호 속에 5박6일의 일본 프로모션을 마무리했다.

Other than that Jang Hyuk also appeared in a Japanese radio program Inter FM ‘K-Generation’ where he had a pleasant and honest talk for one hour. That wrapped up his 6 days 5 nights Japanese promotion.

‘불한당’의 일본 판권을 담당하고 있는 미디어 팩토리 관계자는 “장혁은 한류의 중심에 우뚝 서 있는 배우”라며 “일본을 넘어 아시아에서 가장 주목받고 있는 배우로 ‘불한당’뿐만 아니라 앞으로 다양한 작품을 통해서도 함께하고 싶을 정도로 장래성이 높은 배우”라고 극찬했다.

The person in charge of ‘Bulhandang’’s release in Japan said “Jang Hyuk is the top Hallyu actor.” He also said “ He’s receiving a lot of attention in Japan and all over Asia not just for ‘Bulhandang’ but also for his other works. He is an actor who has a bright future.”

관계자는 이어 “현재 일본에서 많은 사랑을 받고 있는 ‘고맙습니다’의 따뜻한 모습과 함께 ‘불한당’의 남자다운 매력으로 앞으로 더 많은 사랑을 받게 될 것으로 기대한다”며 장혁에 대한 기대감을 전했다.

That representative also said “Right now he is receiving a lot of love because of his heartwarming role in ‘Thank You’. We expect him to get a love of love also from ‘Bulhandang’ because of his manly charms there.”

장혁은 14일 귀국한다.

Jang Hyuk returned home on the 14th.

홍정원 man@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

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【2008/5/15 太阳报】 張赫邀Fans貼身共舞


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Guest Ender's Girl

In today’s event Jang Hyuk performed Radiohead’s ‘Creep’ and Shin Seong Woo’s ‘Seosi (Stand)’, in which he received a passionate applause from the fans for his temperature rising performance. Jang Hyuk danced along with the fans during the Rock&Roll song and he showed a very passionate and different self. This fan meeting is a present to his Japanese fans and they won’t forget this.

ROFL! What is it with these Hallyu guys and Radiohead's Creep? I remember seeing a vidclip of Lee Dong-wook performing the same song live onstage, amid the earsplitting shrieks of, like, 3 million female fans, crooning the lines in the chorus ("I wish I was special... You're so F###ing special...") with gusto and full emo mode on. :lol: I remember laughing so hard my tummy hurt. (Nothing against Radiohead, though. Great band, great, anthemic song--one that pretty much defined my generation, and which I still perform on videoke with, er, gusto and full emo mode on. :D)

Anyway, komapseumnida to you guys for these new updates! Spread the love, baby! ;) I do hope that Bulhandang will get better reception in Japan than it did in Korea. It would be great if Jang Hyuk could gain recognition in a wider swath of the Asian market, than be just famous locally. He has so much to offer Asia and the rest of the world, neh?

I'd love to hear what you guys in Singapore think of DotD. Do post your reviews! All I have to rely on so far are those found in IMDB. The reviews have been pretty mixed so far. I'd rather withhold judgement till I've actually seen the film, just to be fair to all concerned. :blink:

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Guest imogene_af
:lol: Every Korean guy I know, I swear sings CREEP. Not just the actors! I remember even Daniel Henney sang that song. :lol: Weird, I want to hear Hyuk's version.
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Guest o-cha

I thought the same thing too Creep sure is popular with Korean hearthrobs...:lol:

I hope Robbers will do better in Japan and other Asian countries. The cast there deserved the recognition for doing such a great job.

DotD...I asked someone who's seen DotD and she said there's not much dialogue in the movie..it's almost like a Music Video...but that person also said that Hyuk did a great job acting..especially with his eyes and facial expressions.

But yes Singapore sisters...please do share what you think of DotD.....

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Guest Ender's Girl

imogene_af: daniel henney singing creep, eh? what joy! :D so can he carry a tune? i must see that one. though technically, danny boy doesn't really count, being born-and-bred american and all, so his intonation and phrasing wouldn't nearly be as entertainingly funny as that of jang hyuk or super wookie. :w00t: mebbe creep is a rite of passage among hotta hotta korean actors, kind of like surviving the jungle wilds is for south american tribesmen when they turn 12. :rolleyes:

sportstune: yeah, i just read that review. it was hardly critical, i must say, unlike other reviews i've seen. at least i have yet to read one that really disses JH's ACTING.

o-cha: DotD being an almost 2-hour music video--LOL. :lol: if the producers didn't have that much confidence in JH's english delivery to begin with, and ordered such a sparse screenplay to be written, then mebbe they should have written his character as a deaf-mute guy or something, who can only express himself through dance. :phew: um, no, not deaf-mute, just mute, otherwise how would he be able to hear the music? ;):D:lol:

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Guest o-cha

Ender's Girl : you are hilarious! hahaha..I'm just picturing all these Korean hotties being all enclosed in a cage 'forced' to learn Creep..they can't get out of the cage until they can sing that song hahahaha. Here's DH's Creep

I still want to hear Jang hyuk's 'Creep'...wonder if he also sings with an accent?

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Guest imogene_af

I really want to hear him sing, "Creep" too, would he start jumping about at the "I'm A CREEEEEEEEEEEEP! I'm a weiiiirdooooo!!!!"

and will he actually say "f***** special!!!" :lol: That would be gold.

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