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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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@larabn LOL I have been lurking for the past 3-4weeks since I cannot access internet in the office during those times and it was so difficult to access it on mobile. For some reason my browsers crashed when accessing soompi. weird.But I miss this thread the most especially those delulu times. So most of those time I was being delulu by myself haha. I dont know with @cunn hehe where she is now. I think she was also lurking in EK thread coz I see her posting there time to time. I miss @Ferlycious as well, she was so busy she couldn't even message in FB anymore :((
I have enjoyed reading your posts be it  POV's, updates and photos. EK thread was too fast for me to handle as well but I always see to it to visit atleast before I sleep so I can read @pegster 's english translation. After reading her translation of every episode I feel better from being frustrated and from contemplating if I should watch the next episodes heheh. Thank you @pegster!
@Libera haha I was kind of smiling when you changed your name although yeah the piercapuzzoca was very unique that I like because I memorized spelling it already. LOL Thanks for keeping this thread alive along with @andra30 and all of you guys. 
I love that other HJW's fans are really participating in here. Not just posting updates but also get to chat everything about HJW. And because of that this has been a stress-reliever for me. The time when I couldn't access internet while working has been an agony for me. So thank you all for all the goodies about HJW that you shared! :))<3

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Even though I am very busy lately when I have a little free time I try to participate in this thread.
HJW is a part of my life and I think she deserves an active thread  in Soompi Forum. It's a small thing that I can do from love and respect for her

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Guest larabn

LOL it seems I have more energy when I'm sick and should be tired LOL yeah @cunn has been away for a long time now :(
It sad to know you were delulu alone and not here with us :P no worries, just start the delulu mode and the rest shall follow :D
that happens to me during live streaming because of all the screencaps and pics being uploaded on the thread, my browser becomes so slow as well as my streaming lags too when I access soompi.
I'm glad to have found this thread for my favorite manager HJW :)
(Those new to the thread, in my delusional world, I'm HJW's secretary and young auntie to @cunn @the96butterfly and @ferlycious )

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I was supposed not to comment about the love story going on in EK thread. I respect each opinion and I'd like to keep Nyangie for myself (kidding) or for my Appa alone (kidding again! :P). I just really want to watch HJW in EK and enjoy whatever she does there. People need to chill really. I hate hating, so I do not want to hate any characters there, and I feel like I understand where they are coming from so I wish they wont really bash anyone's character. I understand if it's the acting that they would bash *cough* Eunuch Bang *cough*..but I guess that is also the reason why EK is #1 and of course talk-about in town. 

Anyhow, I would agree that SN should end up with TH or no one at all. It wouldn't be with Taltal for sure..I can see him dying before the EK is over because of his family issues. I really feel that TH and SN love each other. I agree with @larabn in EK thread that SN does not need to say ILOVEYOU to prove that she really loves TH. Actions say it all. Agree with @pegster as well that TH is blinded by his insecurities. SN has never been expressive of what she feels maybe their relationship would be better soon when SN says what she really feels about TH.
Whatever happens in the end .. as long as Nyangie will NOT die..then I am fine with it. LOL. 

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Guest larabn


I hope SN won't die and that they gave us a proper ending.
Although I would have loved it to be TT but we know it won't be Tal Tal, maybe if they did a spin off of EK :))
As for EB :P that's another story LOL
I guess I need to start re-watching WHIB tomorrow but if I disappear and I'm announced missing in the next few days, then know that I've watched the ending and remember me in your prayers cuz I will need them :)

EDIT: Oh Man, my post got deleted by mistake and I'm too lazy to type it again :-w

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Oh my... This thread was moving so much and I wasn't a part of the conversation.

So many things to read.

@pegster I'm sorry I never say this enough but thank you for the English translation for EK episodes. I sometimes skip episodes and just read your translation instead because I couldn't deal with the frustration.

I'm so thankful to everyone on the thread taking time out of their busy lives to share news and spread love for HJW. I regret not coming to this thread for all these years.

Now I can spazz about HJW to my hearts content instead of annoying my sister with my endless ranting about her.

Were we all talking about Damo and WHIB? I love these two. I love their ending. Damo's ending was right, there was no other way for them to survive, I mean rebel leader was marked for death the moment we found out he was working against the crown. And if he died then Chaeok would have died with him unless she never found out about their relationship, but then she would have died from a broken heart. With her dead then young master would have died with her, maybe not right away but he will also eventually die from a broken heart as well.

For WHIB, Jaemin was so obsessed over soojung there was no way he would let her go. Those two was heading down that path already. I do remember at the time someone begged the question, if soojung had realized her feelings before leaving with Inwook to bali would it have turned out that way? I think it would have, soojung was so hurt from the pain Jaemin had given her, she choose to go with Inwook for a chance of happiness. If she never left with Inwook then she would still have left Jaemin. If Jaemin couldn't find soojung he would have chased down Inwook to look for her and to also avenge his family. He will hunt her down until he found her and without the clarity of her feelings soojung would still have turned her back on him, coming to the ends of his ropes and realizing he could never be with soojung he would have killed her and himself.

If Damo's ending was due to their circumstances then WHIB's ending was due to their personalities.

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@larabn if Nyangie will die I am pretty sure I am also gonna have a hard time moving on LOL. That is also the reason why I cannot dare to watch WHIB and Damo 's ending again. Once is enough LOL. Although yeah HJW's acting dying is daebak but seriously my heart cannot take it. LOL Good luck on your challenge then. LOL I hope you wont have separation anxiety by hearing some good news about HJW. LOL that was how I moved on from Damo. It's cray! 

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The truth that.. despite everything.. I really have enjoyed of EK.. :)
I do not deny that if I have suffered a lot for everything that happens to my SN.. ( :( )
but the truth is very interesting the drama.. love it! Because first: I have had the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent acting of HJW( ^:)^ )
I mean.. it's really a luxury can see to HJW in a drama of 51 episodes. :)
And also for me already became a routine expected for Monday and Tuesday by new episodes..
So I'll greatly miss EK when I finished.. :(

And don´t know if is because I am too young or what... but I am of minded very open, and tried to understand all the characters.. To my not dislike neither WY neither TH.. And from the beginning I have liked both couples (Although I must admit that at first I liked more WY-SN that TH-SN.. and now I like more TH-SN that WY-SN.... And good.. also I like TalTal-SN... LOL All is fault of HJW by do an amazing chemistry with all his co-actor..  xD :P )
But I
first am SN-shipper.. and as SN-shipper I feel so frustrated with some comments from some WY & TH shipper respectively.. (because if.. both.. WY-shipper and TH-shipper are equal.. for example: Both sides fault of all to SN and either WY or TH respectively.. always forgive everything and try to justify all their actions.. And that not is the problem... because they always will go do that.. by something called 'shippers' (although I don´t think that's a reason, because even if I am a SN-shipper , I almost never blame to WY or TH.. I always try to understand their reasons..  or if I am angry with them is only for a few minutes.. but they (WY-Shipper or TH-Shipper) are not so... ) by that, the problem is that they always blame it of all to SN.. :-L argh.. ~X(  so annoying! >:P
And It´s so macho
fault only the woman.. :-L 
And in this case(TH & SN) is stupid blaming the women for the actions of the man.. I mean.. all this in one (him)
One can not blame the other person  when is one the that believe what they want to believe.. is understood?

(it´s only a penalty that by some 'fans' I finish 'hating' the character.. *sigh* )

So than by that same I no longer go to the threads of the Shippers (and if go.. is only for a exception) & now I only go to the thread EK.. 
although there some comments that I disagree..
t there is a bit more 'neutral'

I don´t know why.. but now you want to that SN ends alone.. 
without none of the two.. (even if I like both couples) But now she loves him(TH).. 
Well.. in that case.. if they manage to pass all their differences together, maybe I want she stay with him.. but I dont know..

Good, in ends.. now think it's better see EK without being so biased.. and so (without being so biased) you can enjoy more. :)

By the by.. than I remember there is nothing I have not liked of HJW..
Everything ends up liking me.  :)
because more than anything else.. I like to enjoy the great performance of she.. ( ^:)^ ) and always is magnificent.. ( :-bd )
Because to my HJW first captive me by that.. (his performance.. and then it was his beauty...etc) and after that it became my only favorite actress. :x

@ferlycious & @andra30 :
Don´t know.. but for me HJW is the most beautiful actress of South Korea.. because.. for example: in Korea they always choose to 'the most beautiful actresses'
but I can not find them 'beautiful'.. maybe 'attractive' if, but 'pretty' not.
And also 'beauty' is very subjective.. not everyone likes the same.
& HJW is the only woman who has managed to me captivate with his beauty. :x

@ferlycious : Yes.. I want to see her married and with many children.. kkk~
Or at least can see to she with a boyfriend... I do not care who it is he..
long as she's happy, I'll be happy and I always will support her in everything. :)

p.s: sorry for my bad english.. :(

OMO.. now that I realize...
the image that publish on page 728,  Yeohee the delete of his IG..
I wonder why.. :-/

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@tieuyeunu it's my pleasure, glad to know that people are reading it and find it helpful :)
What keeps the love going is having other people to talk about the love, so I'm glad we have a good family of HJW lovers here.

I agree, the tragic Damo ending was really the best way to end it, neither party would have been able to live with themselves alone after all that has happened.  Even if Young Master didn't die, the only way Chae Ok would have been able to leave with him to go back to the mountains was if she doesn't ever find out that Sang Baek was her long lost brother.
It's sad and heart wrenching to see them all die like that, but there really was no other way.
As with WHIB, I do think that if Soo Jung didn't leave with In Wook, Jae Min would not have gone to the extreme of killing anyone.  The reason why Jae Min when all cray cray at the end was he thought Soo Jung was playing with him from the start, he thought that she and In Wook were always in it together to cheat him and his family.
I think Soo Jung already realized that she loved Jae Min by the time she slept with him, but just won't admit to it.  There as no reason for her to tell him 'the only reason why I can't give my heart to you is because it's the last of my dignity'.  Why say that if she doesn't love him, it wouldn't matter.  It's basically saying 'I love you, but I can't admit it because I would lose all my dignity'.
Soo Jung even went to see Jae Min after he got married, and she was so hurt when Jae Min try to give her the money as 'compensation'.  If she didn't love Jae Min, with her character she would not have gone to see him, and she would have taken the money.
That's why I think it was so hard for her to accept In Wook afterwards, subconsciously her heart is already with Jae Min, and maybe she's still hoping that Jae Min would come back to her.

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@sj15elf0hjw1023 despite everything I still enjoy EK since I am a massive ancient film fan. I enjoy watching SN'S evolution and how she came to power. In all honesty even if HJW was not in it I would have checked out the show but I am still here because of her.

I am currently re watching hwang Jinyi because she's a great character, I knew about hwang Jinyi before the drama aired and before the movie was put in motion, when they first announced the role to song Hye Kyo I was shocked since the Hwang Jinyi in history was very different to the song Hye Kyo I knew off. Then they went and announced the drama and HJW and I was literally over the moon.

When I started watching I was a bit disappointed because the Hwang Jinyi they were trying to portray was not what I was expecting and even till the end she really wasn't the Hwang Jinyi in history. But HJW's magnificent acting and screen charisma made me fall in love with hwang Jinyi all over again.

I really wanted EK to be the same but unfortunately the writing is all over the place. SN's character is generally shafted to the sidelines, she gets barely any growth and is at the whims of the men in her life and only recently started to fight back. If it wasn't HJW who managed to portray a strong but soft on the inside SN then I wouldn't be able to like her so much.

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@ChelseaS‌ thanks for the pictures. I think the crew of North cape must be fans so many pictures.

Funny story...

EK came out in vietnamese dub so I bought it for my parents to watch. My dad thinks the show is lame but he's still watching because he likes the main three. I asked him who he's favourite character was...ET. lol. According to my mum it's an old man thing.

According to him he likes SN the most out of the three leads because she was pretty and acted the best out of the show. I was so proud to tell him she was my favourite.

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Guest im_nyuna

tieuyeunu said:  Funny story... EK came out in vietnamese dub so I bought it for my parents to watch. My dad thinks the show is lame but he's still watching because he likes the main three. I asked him who he's favourite character was...ET. lol. According to my mum it's an old man thing. According to him he likes SN the most out of the three leads because she was pretty and acted the best out of the show. I was so proud to tell him she was my favourite.

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Empress Ki BTS pics...they sure has funny time in set

Empress Ki HJW-JCW FB

HJW laughter and smile are so nice ...I want her to act in a rom-com drama or movie with a lot of laught ...I dont't want to see her cry or suffer or die for at least 1 year ...but I know it follows another tragic movie "sight "

here is the video BTS

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Guest larabn

I think She loved him too but she didn't want to admit it as her pride. Why would she have endured to be hurt and humiliated by his side whether from his mom or from him, giving her a house but not being able to reveal his relationship with her or to move forward.She also wanted to keep her pride by not admitting her feeling to him. Their whole relationship started out the wrong way so there was a lot of hurt in there. I loved the part where she returned the money to him cuz as you said, knowing how she is, she would have taken it but because she loved him and she was hurt that he married leaving her and that he would just throw that money to her that easily, she couldn't accept it.

BTW, Thanks @pegster for the awesome recaps and the translations in EK thread, I get to know all what's going on before the subs are out so thanks you *hugs*

I love EK despite everything and I'm happy she got to act with 2 great leads with her. Both JCW and JJM are great actors who have portrayed their roles so well and they have both done a great job. So, despite everything going on, I'm glad to see HJW in a long drama showing off her great skills and wow she did show off awesome acting here, I was searching through some files and I came across the ep where she gives birth to Byul and I said this before but how she gave great amazing acting in that episode whether it was giving birth in a cave or looking for her son in the river and I just can't praise her enough knowing that wanted to go into that frozen lake to give off a better logical acting. This is what you call love and dedication to your work .

Thanks for the northcape pics, so pretty

On another note, I hope HJW ends up with whoever makes her happy and I would love to see her as a mother one day
I think she wold be a great, loving and warm mother :) plus, her baby would be so cute and adorable too

Thanks all for the pics, and insights :)

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Guest JezzaG

@larabn I read an article somewhere where she said that the birth scene at the cave was the toughest scene she had to do. She was sitting on very very thick block of ice she said and she wasn't feeling her body. It was so hard for her to convey emotions given that situation yet that scene came out so well. She is one great masterpiece no arguments needed  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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Guest larabn

JezzaG said: @larabn I read an article somewhere where she said that the birth scene at the cave was the toughest scene she had to do. She was sitting on very very thick block of ice she said and she wasn't feeling her body. It was so hard for her to convey emotions given that situation yet that scene came out so well. She is one great masterpiece no arguments needed  ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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@KihoL I bought the dvds so I don't know a link but I will try to look for you. If worst comes to worst I'll just upload it. I have no problems putting time out to spread the jiwon love. But I only have up to episode 36 so far. Rest of it isn't out yet.

@JezzaG she said that during her mbc interview back in January. She spoke about how she had to ask a lot of people's opinion and was very worried if she was able to capture the emotions. Luckily she received a lot of praise for it.

Also the scene when she went into the water as well, she was praised so much for volunteering to do the scene.

She said no mother would stand on the bank of the river when they believe their child has fallen in.

I told my mum what she said and my mum nodded and said that's how mothers feel.

Unnie doesn't have any kids yet but she's already a great mother. I'm so worried for her sometimes, I be happy if she does have her own kids but I worry if anything should happen to them, she wouldn't be able to handle it.

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Guest JezzaG

@larabn She is undoubtedly one of the greatest actresses out there. Her versatility is just astounding and her dedication is really something.
@tieuyeunu Yeah she was worried that if she can manage to do the birth scene correctly because it was her first time but it came out well. I love how she immerses herself into her roles even though it means jeopardizing her own health. She is truly dedicated to her work and I absolutely completely undeniably definitely salute her for that  \m/

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