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♥ Ha Ji Won 하지원 ♥ 河智苑 ♥ ハジウォン♥ || Drama 2022: Curtain Call


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Guest falling_star_142


hi there :D have seen you in BoA and Soshi threads while i'm lurking over there lol, so u are in SF too? :wub: yeah, SF is such a nice place and they always come to LA, boo!!!

and yeah, not for me either. I can't wait till that day to come lol, just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat already >.<

anyway, there is a rumor that Ji Won's company - Star M invest in Hanbando project, also there's a rumor that the writer is HJY writer, and as someone mentioned above, since she's such a loyal person, she may accept the role.

but i also heard the drama is rumored to be about 50 eps :sweatingbullets: if it's true then imo JDG wouldn't accept the offer, and Ji Won should not also

oh well, i'll just wait for more info and confirmation then

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I found some 15 minutes even 30 minutes long of HJW's interview, I gotta find time to translate them (as well as other old/recent articles) since I have much school work to do. Please be patient. Thanks!

This is an interview taken back in July 11, 2010 2009. Pretty recent I guess. :)

Raw video: [http://v.youku.com/v...A0ODkwMzY4.html]

Chinese subs: [http://www.tudou.com...ew/I1l90c8TaOU/]

Japanese subs: [http://www.youtube.c...h?v=j3gGgcthxwc]

Narrator: Celebrities that bought happiness to everyone of us, they will come on to the show and personally share with us their story. Which guest’s story do we have for this week?

(Sub: Fifth guest of the show)

Host: Ji Won ssi, what are you doing over there?

(Sub: The beautiful actress with a bright smile, Ha Ji Won)

HJW: Yes? Want to do exercise with me? Come over here!

(Host’s sub bubble: OK!)

Narrator: So today’s guest is actress Ha Ji Won.


(Ha Ji Won’s sub: Always a new beginning, a new life, a story of my magic transformations.)

Narrator: Her beautiful and mystical story, is about to begin.

(Sub: A performer’s dream)

HJW: It all started when I was in junior high, but at that time, I just wanted to live fully of my life in school, but I always have this feeling that one day I would appear on the TV screen.

(Sub: It has always been a dream in my heart)

HJW: Every minute and every second of my life at that time was all about performing and acting. My eyes didn’t see anything else but only that.

(Sub: Every minute every second everyday with no regrets)

(Sub: 1999 Drama “School 2”)


(Sub: The rebellion in her vivid eyes)

Narrator: Enacted in a role in KBS teenage drama “School 2” allowed Ha Ji Won to be recognized, the young her certainly showcased her best side of performing as a rebel student.

(Sub: Newcomer with a rough edge image)

HJW: The director of that drama thought that I would be suitable for the rough look.

HJW: At that time, he saw my eyes and already knew what kind of image I can portray.

(Sub: Your most favorite performance)

HJW: I like any of them, but I think the role I had in “School 2” gained me a lot of fans.

(Sub: 2003 drama “Damo”)

Guy: Are you hurt?

Guy: I am hurt, too.

HJW: Afterwards, I participated in many other outstanding works, works that I was very much hooked and engaged in.

(Sub: Very hooked into the work)

Narrator: With her performances being top notch, Ha Ji Won was also pointed by the public as the celebrity with a perfect body.

(Sub: Ha Ji Won with a perfect body)


(Sub: The most lovely parts in your body)

HJW: My whole body! (Laughs) I like both of my eyes, the eyes of warmth.

(HJW’s sub: Eyes of warmth)

HJW: It’s my personal opinion? Eyes of sincerity.

(HJW’s sub: Eyes of sincerity)

(Sub: Painting – Claude Monet’s Water Lily)

(Sub: Who you have right here with you is the bright smile of a beautiful actress, Ha Ji Won)

(HJW’s sub 1: Oh, no way!)

(HJW’s sub 2: Omo! I wore these clothes before?)

(HJW’s sub 3: Even though that’s my face! So scary!)

(Sub: Aigoo! She’s feeling tense!)

(HJW’s sub 4: That’s so cool! [Laughs] Oppa~)

Narrator: Ha Ji Won’s perfect dance skills, dancing to a song from WAX that was once popular, is that even Ha Ji Won herself?

(Sub: 2000 movie “Nightmare”)

(HJW’s sub 5: Oh~ so scary!)

HJW: This… this is kind of scary.

(Sub: 2004 movie “100 days with Mr. Arrogant”)

(Sub: An outrageous and energetic girl)

HJW: Very weird and nonsensical role from that film, which is why it was kind of embarrassing.

(Sub: You sure look like a despicable begger)


(Sub: 2004 movie “Love, so divine”)

(HJW's sub: OMO!)

HJW: I even wore these clothes from before?

(Sub: 2007 movie “Miracle on 1st Street”)

Boxer HJW: You want to have a round?

Narrator: Compared to other actors/actresses, Ha Ji Won is the only hard working one that does many action flicks.

(Sub: Transformed into a boxer)

(Sub: The power punch)

(Sub: Continuous recording for a full week)

HJW: We filmed this for like a week, and his face started to bruise later on.

(Sub: 2002 movie “Sex is Zero”)

Narrator: She would not have any objection for the purpose of showcasing a good work.

HJW: Because that time we had other schedules on the same day, that is why we jumped to end the movie.

(Sub: Because of our schedules, we didn’t have time to run, so we jumped)

(Sub: 2009 movie “Haeundae”)

Narrator: This time as well, Ha Ji Won’s filming for “Haeundae” was also not an easy task to get through.

(Sub: A movie that was filmed with lots of exhaustion)

HJW: During that time, it was really messy. And the extras (10 million people) were too much, so if they are not careful, they can get stepped on.

(Sub: Just like this scene)

Narrator: Just like the scene we have right here.

Narrator: In this very dangerous situation that cannot be controlled, but still no one was able to stop her passion for acting.

(Sub: 2006 drama “Hwang Jin Yi”)

Narrator: Additionally, she also perfected the portrayal beautifully of Joseon’s top ranking poetic entertainer Hwang Jin Yi.

(Sub: Passionate and executed perfectly, Hwang Jin Yi)

HJW: How I move with every steps, how I dance with every foot etc. my brain inside was all about Hwang Jin Yi. Really.

(Sub: This is not Ha Ji Won but Hwang Jin Yi…)

(Sub: 2006 KBS Popularity Award)


Announcer: Hwang Jin Yi, Ha Ji Won ssi.

(Sub: Awarded for Hwang Jin Yi)

Narrator: Through the 2006 KBS performance award ceremony, she earned a huge reward in return.

Announcer: Congratulation to Hwang Jin Yi’s Ha Ji Won ssi…

HJW: Through this work, I was able to learn a lot, and…

(HJW’s sub 1: So many words that I couldn’t say it out)

(HJW’s sub 2: I don’t know what to say)

(HJW’s sub 3: Filled with emotional moments once more…)

(Sub: Your thoughts for that day)

(Sub: The feeling of eyes tearing)

HJW: I felt like I was going to weep my eyes out, my eyes were wet and tearing.

(Sub: Challenges given to various character)

HJW: The fact that I seek for challenges nonstop, constantly exposing myself to new things, these made me feel like I am alive.

(Sub: Challenging myself made me felt so alive)

HJW: I would keep on running forward.

(Sub: I’m always running)

(Host’s sub bubble: How much break time did you get at least?)

HJW: Wait a second…wait…

(Host’s sub bubble: Today must be your resting day, right?)

(Sub: Cannot hold her laughs, Ha Ji Won)

HJW: Why are you… I don’t want to laugh out loud today…

(HJW's sub: Today is interview, doesn’t count as work)

Narrator: Our curiosity of her future.

(HJW’s Sub 1: My future is)

(HJW’s Sub 2: to transform even deeper in depth)

Host: Even deeper in depth?

(HJW’s sub 1: The depth of my eyes)

(HJW’s sub 2: and the depth of my performances)

(Sub: Concluding this interview…)

(HJW’s sub 3: From today on, I will work even harder as I walk forward)

HJW: From today on, I will walk forward more earnestly.

Narrator: And we too, are also looking forward to that “reason” of Ha Ji Won’s future.




Some more of her pictures from crocodilelady, someone in this thread was asking if this was her recent contract, I don't think so, it has been going on for more than a year I think. You know what, I searched and it actually is pretty recent. The news said she signed it right after SG has ended, sorry about that. :)






On the 21st, reporters from Newsen called Jang Dong Gun's company through the phone, the representative has said, "We have already declined the offer for 'Hanbando' before, but through another person's re-introduction that we decided to discuss with it first. But, one thing for sure is that we have not yet made a solid decision." They later said, "For now, the script has not been released yet, so all we heard from are just the basic details of the story."

Souces from Newsen


There you go people, this drama even though its planned for 3 years, it has not been able to set its root down yet. An actor who haven't acted in a decade will obviously have to choose carefully, and Ha Ji Won would do the same as well, not all action films are gold. So good luck to HJW and JDG.


I also heard from someone in this thread that HJW is at Hawaii right now and off to LA soon? Great, now she's closer to us! Breathing and living under the same sky. I hope she debut in hollywood, she would learn a lot and it's an advantage for her to shape up her directing skills in the future. If I were to be an actor, I would want this nuna to direct me in her film work, hell yea! Who wouldn't?! It'll be nice to learn something great from her up front. :)

Once again, thanks to all 1023 in this thread to support HJW for real this time! (Can't name everyone, quite sleepy at the moment...)

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[2nd Part] A Visit to Ha Ji Won's House (Eng)


DOWNLOAD: 001 | 002 | 003

Translations: kjkfan7

This was a really fun video to sub. I was laughing the whole time. HJW was so funny~ Love her revelations about the swimming pool scene she did for a movie before. LOL!


Will work on uxmod's post later.. :) Thanks for the translations! :)

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@ps3hi No problem, anytime! Thanks for making them into a complete work by itself!

Taken from Secret Garden thread....

하지원 "탕웨이, `시크릿가든` 다 봤대요"(인터뷰③)

Ha Ji Won: Tang Wei said she finished all episodes of Secret Garden. (Interview Part 3)


[이데일리 SPN 김영환 기자] 배우 현빈의 두 여자(?)가 만났다. SBS 드라마 `시크릿가든`에서 현빈이 홀딱 반한 길라임 하지원과 영화 `만추`에서 현빈의 상대역을 맡은 탕웨이가 그 주인공이다.

하지원은 지난 21일 2박3일의 일정으로 중국을 다녀왔다. 중국에서 열린 프라다 패션쇼에 참석하기 위해서다.

하 지원은 중국 베이징 파인 아트 뮤지엄의 센트럴 아카데미(CAFA) 에서 열린 명품 브랜드 프라다 패션쇼에 한국 배우로는 유일하게  초청돼 방문했다. 이 자리에는 세계적인 디자이너 미우치아 프라다, 파트리치오 베르텔리 회장 뿐 아니라 장만옥, 공리, 탕웨이 등  중국의 대표 여배우가 참석해 자리를 빛냈다. 하지원은 한국을 대표하는 배우로 공식 초청됐다.

하지원은 24일 서울 용산구 이태원의 한 카페에서 진행된 인터뷰에서 탕웨이와 만난 뒷이야기를 전했다.

하지원은 "탕웨이와 엘리베이터 앞에서 잠시 만나 이야기를 나눴다"며 "`시크릿가든`을 다 봤다고 해 무척 반가웠다"고 말했다.

이어 "탕웨이와 비슷한 나이여서 친구 같은 느낌이었다"며 "핸드폰으로 사진도 찍고 잠깐 이야기 나눴는데 2월에 영화 `만추`가 개봉해 방한한다고 했다"고 덧붙였다.

하지원은 1978년 생으로 1979년 생 탕웨이보다 1살 위다.

하지원은 "탕웨이와 이야기 나눌 시간이 무척 짧아 현빈씨 이야기는 나누지 못했다"고 말했다.

Two actresses, woman of Hyun Bin’s (?!) met together. Yes, it was these two woman, one is Kim Ju Won’s precious woman Gil Ra Im’s Ha Ji Won in SBS weekend drama “Secret Garden” and the other is Hyun Bin’s love interest Tang Wei in the upcoming movie “Manchu/Late Autumn”

On the 21st, Ha Ji Won attended Prada Fashion Show in China, and stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights.

Ha Ji Won is the only Korean celebrity to be invited to the fashion show at Beijing Fine Art Museum Central Academy. Many famous clothing designers as well as company CEOs attended the event, as well as famous Chinese actresses such as Zhang Manyu (Maggie Cheung), Gong Li, Tang Wei etc. Ha Ji Won was invited and represented Korean celebrities during the event.

In the interview on the 24th, Ha Ji Won told us the behind the scene story about her encounter with Tang Wei. “I met Tang Wei and had talked with her for a little while before we rode the elevator. She said she finished watching ‘Secret Garden’ and was so happy to see me.”

“Both of our ages are very similar, I felt like we are close. We also took pictures together, and talked some more, she told me she will come to Korea during opening ceremony for her movie in Feburary.”

Ha Ji Won was born in 1978, while Tang Wei was born in 1979, who was younger than Ha Ji Won by a year.

“Because the time was short, we didn’t have the chance to talk about Hyun Bin.”


Credit: [http://news.nate.com.../20110125n06064]


하지원 "`몇 살 때부터 예뻤나` 답하기 곤란한 질문"(인터뷰④)

Ha Ji Won: The hardest question to answer is, “Since when did you started to become so pretty?” (Interview Part 4)


배우 하지원이 최근 한 인터뷰에서 "태어날 때부터 예뻤다"는 발언으로 망언 스타(?) 대열에 합류한 데 대해 해명했다.

하지원은 24일 서울 용산구 이태원 한 카페에서 진행된 인터뷰에서 "요즘 `길라임씨는 몇 살 때부터 그렇게 예뻤나?` 이 질문을 많이 하시는데 참 대답하기 곤란하다"며 "어떻게 대답해도 애매해지는 질문 같다"고 말했다.

하지원은 지난 24일 방송된 SBS `시크릿가든-숨겨둔 이야기`에 출연해 이 질문에 "제 입으로 얘기해도 되나요? 때어날 때부터…죄송합니다"라고 밝혀 망언 스타(?)가 됐다.

하지원은 이날 이데일리 SPN과 인터뷰에서 "예쁜 얼굴은 아니다"라고 입장을 번복해 다시금 망언(?)을 창조했다.

하지원은 "평범한 얼굴이라고 생각하지만 개인적으로 제 얼굴이 좋다"며 "시청자들이 감정을 이입시키기 좋다고 생각한다"고 말했다.

이어 "그래서 어떤 역할을 해도 하지원이 아니라 길라임으로, 황진이로, 채옥이로 봐주시는 것 같다"며 "다양한 배역을 맡기 좋은 얼굴"이라고 덧붙였다.  

Recently, SBS aired a special for “Secret Garden”, where Ha Ji Won said during an interview, “I was pretty since I was born” the statement has became a very random answer coming from one of the celebrities.

On the 24th, we interviewed Ha Ji Won at a café in Seoul’s Itaewon area. “Recently, there is always people asking me this, ‘Gil Ra Im, when did you started to become so pretty?’ This is truly a hardest question to answer. As well, I do not know how to answer that, this question really made me felt a difficult dilemma.”

Ha Ji Won said during a special aired on the 24th for the drama, “Can I even say this to boast myself? I was pretty ever since I was born……. I’m sorry.”

When we interviewed her this time, she said, “I didn’t think I was pretty.” Once again, has created another randomness.

“I feel that I look typical and common, but I really like my face. And because of my common face, it is easy for the audiences to be engaged and feel emotional when I am performing.”

“Therefore I think that everyone should see me as Gil Ra Im, Hwang Jin Yi and Chae Ok whether I was in this role in this work or that role in that work. I think I have a face that is suitable to act in various different roles.”


Credit: [http://news.nate.com.../20110125n06096]


(There are some repeated parts which was translated from the previous two articles above. So they were not added, but overall, you will get the point.)

하지원 “중국 가는 곳마다 길라임이라 불러줘 신기했어요”

Ha Ji Won: In China, no matter where I am, everyone called me Gil Ra Im, I felt so amazed.


“중국 분들이 제 이름 대신 길라임이라고 불러주셔서 너무 신기했어요.”

중국 북경에서 열린 프라다 패션쇼에 참석하고 1월 23일 귀국한 하지원이 현지에서 불고있는 ‘시크릿가든’ 열풍을 실감했다고 말했다.

하 지원은 24일 오후 서울 이태원에서 진행된 뉴스엔과의 인터뷰에서 “공항과 호텔에서 여러 중국 팬들을 만났는데 모두들 길라임을  연호해줘 신기하고 놀랐다”며 “알고보니 한국 본방송이 끝난 뒤 한 시간이 지나면 중국어 자막이 붙은 ‘시크릿가든’ 동영상이 현지  인터넷에 돌아다닌다고 하더라”고 말했다. 비록 해적판이지만 ‘시크릿가든’이 중국에서도 화제가 되고 있다는 얘기였다.

하 지원은 또 22일 열린 프라다 패션쇼 행사장에서 ‘색, 계’로 유명한 중국 배우 탕웨이를 만난 소감도 전했다. 그는 “한눈에 봐도  너무 예쁘고 여신 같았다”며 “영어로 인사를 나눈 뒤 현빈과 촬영한 영화 ‘만추’ 얘기를 5분 정도 했고 인증샷도 같이  찍었다”며 웃었다.

탕웨이는 하지원에게 얼마 전까지 현빈과 드라마 ‘시크릿가든’을 촬영했다는 소식을 듣고 반가워하며 “나중에 꼭 챙겨보겠다”는 말도 잊지 않았다고 한다.

하지원은 “북경 물가가 웬만한 서울 강남 수준이라 깜짝 놀랐다”며 “커피 한 잔에 1만원 하는 곳도 있었고 전반적으로 모든 물가가 치솟고 있었다. 중국 위안화를 다시보게 됐다”고 말했다.

드 라마 ‘발리에서 생긴 일’과 영화 ‘해운대’로 중국에 널리 알려진 하지원은 “추위와 싸우며 드라마를 촬영해 조만간 가족들과 따뜻한  동남아로 여행갈 계획”이라며 “‘시크릿가든’으로 과분한 사랑을 받았는데 더 좋은 작품과 연기로 보답하겠다”고 말했다.

“I felt so amazed when fellow Chinese called me by my name from ‘Secret Garden’ as Gil Ra Im.”

Ha Ji Won, who attended China’s Fashion Show recently on the 23rd expressed her feeling in China, she can feel the “Secret Garden” atmosphere over there.

“I met so many Chinese fans when I was at the airport and in the hotel, I was surprised when they called me as Gil Ra Im, it was later that I heard when one Chinese TV channel aired an episode of the drama, every Chinese video websites quickly released many episodes thereafter with Chinese subtitles.” Although there are pirated version of the drama, still Ha Ji Won feel surprised.

Ha Ji Won also expressed to us about her experience with Tang Wei. “When I first saw her, she was really pretty, she looked like a goddess. When we say hi to each other and talked little bit for 5 minutes, we mentioned her new upcoming movie. We also took pictures together. (Laughs)” Both of them talked about “Secret Garden” as well.

“The material prices between Beijing and Seoul’s Gangnam (Seoul’s most expensive place) are really competitive. Some area in Beijing, they charged a cup of coffee for 10,000 Korean Won (~$8~9 USD), and the prices for materials in general are quite high, from this, I started to have a new light towards RMB. (Chinese Yuan)” – It means she thinks differently of Chinese money then she does in the past.

Ha Ji Won, who also received high popularity from the drama “What Happened in Bali” and the movie “Haeundae” said, “Because I was working for a long time in the cold weather, I wish to spend time with my family in someplace warm, possibly around the area in the Southeast. With everyone’s much love and support for ‘Secret Garden’, I will repay everyone with even better work and performances in the future.”

Credit: [http://news.nate.com.../20110125n04370]

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thank you so much for the translations, uxmod.

very much appreciated. I hope you won't get tired translating her (past) and/or future interviews. she's such a hot commodity these days. I remember feeling frustrated in the past because it's just so damn hard to find anything translated to english about her :(

and she's coming to LA???

hurr.. she should have come to the rockies and have a ski resort shot or something... I'd be able to see her then :D ~ on second thought, maybe not, since she wants to get away from the cold... :D

DOWNLOAD: 001 | 002 | 003

Translations: kjkfan7

This was a really fun video to sub. I was laughing the whole time. HJW was so funny~ Love her revelations about the swimming pool scene she did for a movie before. LOL!


Will work on uxmod's post later.. :) Thanks for the translations! :)

I tried to download the file (from MF), but the first part is a link to youtube instead of MF....

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@kjkfan7 - Thanks for translating, I've been waiting for the 2nd part. Thanks for your hardwork.

@Chi Chi - ohhh I love the q&a that you've shared :)

@uxmod - Yay! You've been digging lots of videos w/ pure awesomeness! thank you, hope you wont get tired of sharing lots of interesting HJW goodies :)

@RAINLUVER012 - Love the articles you posted esp the KTH and HJW comparison, it's also good to know that she is having a much deserved vacation. Thanks also for the translations.

@ ps3hl - thanks for hard subbing the videos. btw could you check the dl link of the 1st part of the video, i tried opening the link but redirected to YT i/o MF link

@ lovehbhjw, bashful, tetsi, 7lotus - uhm.. I kinda like the idea of her and Won Bin working in a new drama :) It's been a while since he acted on the small screen and I miss him already it'll be double treat for me he acts with HJW.

btw.... JDG is ok with me, since he is HB's sunbae so my heart will be at peace, she's safe w/ JDG... :P

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[star Zoom In] Ha Ji Won (Eng)


DOWNLOAD: 001 | 002

Use HJsplit

Translations: uxmod

Enjoy! :)


@CHRUEZZ: I already fixed the link for first part of the DL. You can check the original post again. Thanks! :)

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Guest gardensecret

i saw hjw's filmography and there was a movie called seven remedies . I didn't find more info about this movie . Could someone help me?

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Guest lovehbhjw

Thank you uxmod and ps3hl!!  Great stuff!

@chruezz: I really look forward to a Won Bin-Ha Ji Won combo drama now... I need another bin to fill the missing Binnie effect...blush.gif

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Guest babysweet

Thank you uxmod and ps3hl!!  Great stuff!

@chruezz: I really look forward to a Won Bin-Ha Ji Won combo drama now... I need another bin to fill the missing Binnie effect...blush.gif

100% AGREE to WonBin - HaJiWon pairing...LOVE WonBin in "Ajusshi". He's very charisma & he has not been in drama for a long time. I hope JiWon unnie will have a chance to work with another great actor !!! It will definitely be a GOOD PAIRING & BIG HIT!!!! Our JiWon deserve to pair up with another charisma, single actor....kekekkee :wub:

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My first post ever for, Ha Ji Won unnie.

I feel like I can't live without Ha Ji Won. LOL

She's so hardworking and inspiring that tears me up,

it touches my heart how she treats all her fans kindly and sincerity, after all that's what she said her eyes represents; "Sincerity." 

My most favorite actress that I've ever think 24/7 at night and actually dreamed of her, seriously. [i know, I'm that obsessed.] (:

Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won, they two are the most best pairing. & I would like to see her co-star with other famous actors [like Won Bin.]

Speaking of Ha Ji Won and Hyun Bin, we fans doesn't mean to offend the reality couple HB & SHK. I mean SHK is perfect, anyone who have her is a very lucky man.

We're not believing the fact that SG ended, and just want to fan-dom-lize our thoughts, c:

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If anyone should know, it should be you guys, and I am here to inform you that not only is SBS going to air extra 2 episodes for "Secret Garden" on this Friday, they are also going to air 4 famous movies live on SBS TV channel during Chinese lunar new year holidays. So if you guys can understand Korean (No, they don't have subtitles), and you have nothing else to do, watch it live. (For me, I have school to catch up on, so count me out... boohoo)


■ 해운대 Haeundae (Tidal Wave) AIRING AT THE MOMENT FINISHED

Starring: Ha Ji Won, Seol Kyeong Gu

Date: Feb 2nd 1:15 PM

■ 마더 Ma Deo (Mother)

Starring: Won Bin, Kim Hyae Ja

Date: Feb 3rd 11:05 PM

■ 전우치 Jeon Woo Chi (Taoist Wizard)

Starring: Im Su Jeong, Kang Dong Won

Date: Feb 4th 9:45 PM

■ 내사랑 내곁에 Nae Sa Rang Nae Gyeo Ddae (Closer to Heaven)

Starring: Ha Ji Won, Kim Myeong Min

Date: Feb 5th 11:00 PM

Credit: [http://media.daum.ne...17&p=moneytoday]

SBS Commercial Ad >> http://v.youku.com/v...QwODIwODQ4.html

The following links are where you can watch it live on the internet if you are not in Korea.

Link 1 >> http://kr.wubisheng....tml/hanju/zxtv/

Link 2 >> http://kr.wubisheng....xtv/?id=sbs-cjb

Link 3 >> http://www.krtv8.com/tv/

Link 4 >> http://www.113ys.com/tvlive.html

EDIT: Link 5 >> http://www.5ihzp.net/Livetv/tv_8.htm

If you or your friends are interested in your favorite actors/actresses, let them know about it, and/or spread it around to people who might want to know in this forum. :)

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Wow. It's almost like a Ha JiWon movie marathon!!! haha

Even the narrator of the trailer says at the end, "Did you notice? It starts with her and ends with her. That's why I'm only going to watch SBS on new year's day"

The whole trailer was "Secret Garden themed" too. Very clever. hahaha

If anyone should know, it should be you guys, and I am here to inform you that not only is SBS going to air extra 2 episodes for "Secret Garden" on this Friday, they are also going to air 4 famous movies live on SBS TV channel during Chinese lunar new year holidays. So if you guys can understand Korean (No, they don't have subtitles), and you have nothing else to do, watch it live. (For me, I have school to catch up on, so count me out... boohoo)

*quoted image*

■ 해운대 Haeundae (Tidal Wave) AIRING AT THE MOMENT

Starring: Ha Ji Won, Seol Kyeong Gu

Date: Feb 2nd 1:15 PM

■ 마더 Ma Deo (Mother)

Starring: Won Bin, Kim Hyae Ja

Date: Feb 3rd 11:05 PM

■ 전우치 Jeon Woo Chi (Taoist Wizard)

Starring: Im Su Jeong, Kang Dong Won

Date: Feb 4th 9:45 PM

■ 내사랑 내곁에 Nae Sa Rang Nae Gyeo Ddae (Closer to Heaven)

Starring: Ha Ji Won, Kim Myeong Min

Date: Feb 5th 11:00 PM

Credit: [http://media.daum.ne...17&p=moneytoday]

SBS Commercial Ad >> http://v.youku.com/v...QwODIwODQ4.html

The following links are where you can watch it live on the internet if you are not in Korea.

Link 1 >> http://kr.wubisheng....w.krtv8.com/tv/

Link 2 >> http://kr.wubisheng....xtv/?id=sbs-cjb

Link 3 >> http://www.krtv8.com/tv/

Link 4 >> http://www.113ys.com/tvlive.html

If you or your friends are interested in your favorite actors/actresses, let them know about it, and/or spread it around to people who might want to know in this forum. :)

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Wow. It's almost like a Ha JiWon movie marathon!!! haha

Even the narrator of the trailer says at the end, "Did you notice? It starts with her and ends with her. That's why I'm only going to watch SBS on new year's day"

The whole trailer was "Secret Garden themed" too. Very clever. hahaha

I lawl'ed cuz I noticed that too, he praised for HJW's scent of lavender, but doesn't really give interests to the middle 2 movies. I might go watch Mother since I haven't watch a movie with Won Bin in a while...

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I lawl'ed cuz I noticed that too, he praised for HJW's scent of lavender, but doesn't really give interests to the middle 2 movies. I might go watch Mother since I haven't watch a movie with Won Bin in a while...

not trying to nitpick, but the poster is actually for the movie Secret Reunion (Kang Dong Won & Song Kang Ho) instead of Mother..

as for Haeundae : I have beef with this movie... for some reason, I really couldn't enjoy the movie like (I feel that) I should. It felt very hectic and crowded and pretty much all over the place. I much prefer the quiet quality of Nae Sa Rang Nae Gyeo Ddae.

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not trying to nitpick, but the poster is actually for the movie Secret Reunion (Kang Dong Won & Song Kang Ho) instead of Mother..

as for Haeundae : I have beef with this movie...  for some reason, I really couldn't enjoy the movie like (I feel that) I should.  It felt very hectic and crowded and pretty much all over the place.  I much prefer the quiet quality of Nae Sa Rang Nae Gyeo Ddae.

Oh hey thanks for noticing, I kinda did it in a haste since Haeundae was airing and some people might want to know. :)

I actually think Closer to Heaven is better then Haeundae, but in terms of acting wise, they are both good. (Anyways I'll fix it right away)

EDIT: Fixed.

@ps3hi Once again, thanks for hardsubbing it. You will be busy later on. lawl

@cathyma I'm worse than you, you are a girl, you will be fine haha. You should meet her one day as one of your to do list before you die.

@7lotus RAINLUVER012 kjkfan7 Chi Chi lovehbhjw coppersun bashful Eja gle_perry shera_xxx and all other 1023 Thanks for sharing things here. No need to thank me, I just want to do it aha.

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Has Ha Ji Won left for the US already? :)

Allkpop reported she left on the 29th of January but... there are no pictures in Incheon Airport when she supposedly left?

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