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I thought my eyes are playing tricks with me on page 785. So, is Hwata that is haunting this page. :D
Btw, this is Faith's page, why is Sung Hoo thread comes into this thread, just curious.:-??
[-O< hope tonight we will enjoy more on our hot couple skinships :)>-

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@xopo17 No no no ! [-X you have to think in a more strategic way. The kiss has to happen at night if you want something more passionate to follow ;))


Oh Gosh.. Look at what you made to my pure mind, you perverted Faithers ! X_X

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xopo17 said: @myphim :

seem, ES got jealous :)) :))

i am tottaly give up for insert that picture. :))

btw, i got this from korean site, seems there is small mistake for below picture at ep.20 :

LINK : http://doctorcall.tistory.com/1222


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@Ayu-kun :

kwkwkwkwk, oh crap :)) . you more passionate than me, i don't think so far, wkwkkw :))

i mean that kiss for opening ep.21 is for warming up or foreplay :))

No, I'm innocent :)) I just adopted this thread's way of thinking after several months of lurking but I'm still innocent O:-)

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Not sure if this was posted, as there are so many posts but does anyone know where I can find the download for the music that was played when the king found out that the Queen lost the baby and he went in to hug and console her as he too, cried?  Or even the title and artist would be helpful.  Komawo!

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Kolina said: Not sure if this was posted, as there are so many posts but does anyone know where I can find the download for the music that was played when the king found out that the Queen lost the baby and he went in to hug and console her as he too, cried?  Or even the title and artist would be helpful.  Komawo!

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myphim said:
Kolina said: Not sure if this was posted, as there are so many posts but does anyone know where I can find the download for the music that was played when the king found out that the Queen lost the baby and he went in to hug and console her as he too, cried?  Or even the title and artist would be helpful.  Komawo!

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Guest Anomalous

@xopo17  Please post that picture of HSI again. I think this page is fine now.

@myphim  Thank you for that info on the song Moon of the princess. Is that GM and NG theme?

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yay! the exorcism worked. @myphim, you are a pro. With one mention of the word 'exorcism', the page is back to normal =)) Nothing and no one can mess with our Heaven(s).
@Kolina: The song has been posted several pages back. But I am not sure which page it is on. Perhaps, one of the other Faith-lings can repost the song for you and/or back track it for you. I do know that the title has the word 'Moon' in it. Sorry. Not of much help :D EDIT: I think some of our Faith-lings are already discussing the song you are looking for in the previous page and take a look at the post before mine :D EDIT 2: =)) I didn't even realize @myphim has already posted the song up for you until i went to look at the previous page just to be sure that what I said about the song being discussed in the previous page is true :D
Yes. I agree. There must be sweet and swooning and skinship moments in the next episode. If we concentrate greatly only on the political aspect, I will not be happy. Give us more treats. Halloween is all about giving out sweet candies :D
Alright gals! I am off to bed. Got work again tomorrow morning. But, I will see you all again after episode 21 airs! ;) Goodnight everyone!
EDIT: @xopo17: I don't think that is a new outfit for Fire Girl. As far as I remember, that was the outfit she wore during the beginning episodes of the drama :D and i think that scene is the part where CY goes to look for ES at KC's house and FireGirl pretends to be ES at the table. She flies off and throws that cup at CY. :D

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