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Thanks so much dear! I saw the post, but since I have limited b/w at home, I don't want to download the whole album. Was hoping to find it on youtube. I think I've found it. 
Not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but I'll try to link anyway - found a playlist on youtube with all the ost from part 6 I think - lots of instrumentals - I'm into those epic kinda music hehehe:

Really love the Rumble Fish song! 

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Sighhhh~ I'm devastated with the news about the real haircut. I'm gonna miss my CY with the straight hair :(
So to cheer myself up, gonna share with everyone 2 more wedding photos of the IMJA couple and I think more BTS photos of Faith that hasn't been shared (if I didn't go blind after going through 10 pages++)...

Ok, first up IMJA couple wedding...to be continued:
credit as tagged

Min-ho (aka. Choi Young) with PD-nim:


Choi Young BTS:

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After reading the latest article (thanks, again Icesiren! :) ), it seems like they are emphasizing the last moments before separation. However, I am going to have hope that there will be a happy ending because Faith is not a drama like Gyebaek, Jang Myung Go, etc... where it is 100% serious storyline. The writer incorporated some comedic moments. Therefore, I can't see Faith as being a "tragedy" type of drama with a super sad ending.

In addition, my last year drama obsession, Princess Man, I thought for sure it was gonna have a tragic ending (I remember a lot of people didn't watch it for that reason too) because the whole premise of the story was advertised as a "Romeo and Juliet" storyline. But the ending surprised everyone and was written very intelligently.  It made sense and wrapped up the storyline with an ending that satisfied most people.

Therefore, I want to believe that the ending to Faith will be a happy one. I'm hoping the writer will follow the footsteps of Queen In-Hyun's Man rather than Dr. Jin or Rooftop Prince.  I think the saddest scene would be if ES goes back to her world without CY and she is depicted visiting his shrine or his grave in modern time... I think I would really cry buckets if I see that. :((   I don't care if they are in Goryeo or Seoul, I just want them to end up together somewhere. [-O<  I don't know how far the storyline can go in just a few more episodes, but if the war is depicted and CY becomes a hero (as he is supposed to be), then I can see him retiring and living with ES happily ever after.

Just thought I'd share what's on my mind while waiting for the video preview... It usually comes out around now, right? 

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OMG, I went to sleep when this thread was on page 645 and now we're already on page 653, it's a lot of pages and a lot of comments to read especially with all the new spoilers. I don't know where to start, there's so much on my mind right now so I'll probably forget some things.

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class="blog_h2 entry-title"On Faith: Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun run away to say goodbye

October 15, 2012 4:00 pm dkrogers



Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun will run away to say goodbye on SBS’s Monday-Tuesday series Faith.

On the nineteenth episode of the series, which will air on October 15, Lee (plays the role of Choi Young) brings Kim (plays the role of Eun Soo) to a place where time and space will be opened.

Pictures, which were released online, were taken while the actors were shooting the nineteenth episode. Kim has an emotional look on her face while looking at Lee’s face. Since Lee is not wearing a hempen hood, it seems as if he stepped down from his position.

Lee and Kim have to say goodbye to each other so that Kim can go back where she came from. Their sad and emotional performance will make the audience feel sad too.

A spokesperson for the series says, “Lee and Kim will talk about a lot of things together and express their feelings toward each other. Their sad love story will air through the episode.”

The nineteenth episode of the series will air on October 15 at 9:55 p.m

Source: http://en.korea.com/blog/enter/tv/on-faith-lee-min-ho-and-kim-hee-sun-run-away-to-say-goodbye/
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Finally I read all 300 posts omg my head!!!!Amazing posts everyone! the new pictures look soo sad and the new ost omg - tears tears tears!I'm still going with positive thinking - THERE WILL BE A HAPPY ENDING FOR CY AND ES NO MATTER WHAT!!!I think I'm going to cry x100 watching episode 19 and 20 over and over again - Aigooo I'm soo nervous but excited bring it on writer and pd nim.  

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Guest _Misty_

Well, we know for a fact that ES will go through the Heaven's Gate. It will probably be the only way to save her from her poisoning.But! We also know for a fact she will go through it again and somehow end in the past. We saw a scene of her writing her diary after all! And she has to leave her tools behind so that GC can have them!

So yes... she'll leave CY. And then I think she'll try to come back. The big question is if she'll be able to go back to CY time after being Hwata, or if she'll end up being stuck there.

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steelbeans said: In response to the post about what drew us into the show:

The first and second episode of Faith actually secured me as a fan, a feat that rarely happens since I'm more of a book reader. I mean enjoy dramas as much as the next fangirl, but it usually takes me a bit to warm up to them. The first scene that drew me in was when Choi Young used the security personnel as a means of testing ES's ability to cure the Queen, only to threaten the medical instrument salesman that he would be next if ES didn't get it right. I was all "Whoa, this dude is ruthless!" I mean, who goes to HEAVEN and just randomly starts slicing people up?! It really made me wonder how the people of that time envisioned heaven and what sort of dedication or reverence, if any, they felt toward "heavenly beings", lol. In the next episode, the line that secured me as a faithful Faithling came when Choi Young was talking to King GM about the promise he made to ES about sending her home. First, the way CY just totally man handled old Jo was hilarious! A freaking knee-slapper. xD I mean, I can't seem to picture myself pulling that off with the straight face that CY did. Bravo LMH! But then CY begins to explain how he promised ES in his name. This type of honor has always fascinated me, even when I was small. I find it intriguing that a person could simply say something and their word suddenly becomes their law. After that explanation, the conversation went as such:

GM: Didn't you hear? If I bring the doctor, I'll be safe.
CY: If that's the way you make yourself safe, then..
GM: Then?..
CY:Wouldn't it be kind of pathetic?
Jo: You rascal!
GM: If it's for the country, one individual's promise wouldn't be all that important, would it? Am I not right?
Jo: Your Majesty!
*Epic knife hand to the throat by CY to Jo, effectively ceasing the old baggard's whining.*
CY: A loyal subject like him thinks a promise isn't important. And a warrior like me kills people for the country. I think if you're the King, you should be different from these two. Am I not right?

Me:...o.o.....*Blinks.*....o.o....WHOA?! Wh-what just happened here? Total shutdown on the young, prematurely cocky King?..*Blinks.*...Wait, this..this ruthless fiend is..is..is...*Dare I say it..*...WISE?!?!?! Hmmmm....sexy, skilled, ruthless, wise...mine? *Shakes head.* Okay, so maybe not mine. But I'm his. I officially dedicate myself to this show. To Faith. To sexy. To LMH.

That's what done it for this ol' gal. That last line was poetically written, flawlessly delivered, and wrapped in the perfect blanket of music to be seamlessly delivered to us poor, unsuspecting future fangirls. Future Faithlings. (No Pun Intended.)

Oh..and uhm..yeah, I'm new to posting. Long time stalker though. I thought I'd mosey on up from coach on this crazy train to first class and join you epic ladies. Do you mind? :)

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rrmski said: OMG, I went to sleep when this thread was on page 645 and now we're already on page 653, it's a lot of pages and a lot of comments to read especially with all the new spoilers. I don't know where to start, there's so much on my mind right now so I'll probably forget some things. I'm not sure what to think on the Yuan envoy, he doesn't look bad but looks can be deceive. One thing for sure, he will be bad but not like DH or GC. Politically he will be strong rival. And according to history, the both countries will battle. The spoliers posted on both our OTP and STP seems very sad. It seems like it will be heartbreaking journey until the inevitable bitter end. How I wish the writer can surprise us and after all the hardships - our OTP can have a ending finally. Think how amazing can it be: making us believe in sad ending but eventually our couple can have happy ending somehow. Please just not another Rooftop Prince open ending, not reincarnation and not an presumable ending (I hate those kind of endings). Oh, and even the new song is sad. The songs just keep getting sadder and sadder as the story progresses.

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LuvMinHo said: icesiren said: viewimage.php?id=greatdoctor&no=29bcc427

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! new hair, CY. swwoooon.
edit: http://topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=16665#.UHuZVm_LRGY
(fast translation) In this still from episode 19, ES is seen tenderly cupping CY's face while looking as if she will burst into tears at any moment; noticeably absent is CY's Woodalchi headband, which suggests that CY left behind his rank/office. As the time for the opening of heaven's door approaches, in order to avoid causing each other pain or undue burdens, Imja couple had to accept their separation. So during this farewell trip where every minute and every second is precious and which is the first time they are perfectly alone, Imja couple will show explosive affection for each other. A Faith staff member says that in today's episode, Imja couple will tell each other everything in their hearts during many conversations; and before accepting the impending separation, through truthful expressions of love, will imprint each other more deeply in their hearts. 
My Heart Breaks...  :((

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bwahahaha. I just read the news about Faith making a mistake on Hangul writing when ES wrote on that paper on Episode 18. I finally spotted what is the mistake on it :))Oh... This is so embarrassing. The cameraman not even noticing there was a spelling mistake on it :)) Don't tell me it's editing error. It's clearly and obviously it was a spelling mistake. hmmm...
It is actually 그래도 돼요 not 그래도 되요.1. 그래도 돼요 - Can you do that?2. 그래도 되요 - Yes you can?
Which one is better for their conversation? Of course the first one. King Sejong is angry from his grave now :))
@xopo17 Time to watch kdrama more carefully. I am not going to blink my eyes after this while watching kdrama :))

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@sia3 - yes the first thing I do when I get home from work is jump on this forum. I have a mini break-down after realising how many posts there were after only 10hrs hahahaha:) must be a time zone thing since when I'm at work everyone is so active on the forum lol :) which is a good thing. Love this forum!!!!The posts are sooo funny and I don't want to miss anything so I have to follow through and read them all hahaha:) 

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