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toychoi said: myphim said: briseis said: It's probably those outfits he wears in Faith they make his legs look longer, they have basically a long skirt so  ;;)  I love most of the outfits he's been wearing, however, I would love them even more how he is getting out of them  :P

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Guest Tinkiebell

myphim said: briseis said: It's probably those outfits he wears in Faith they make his legs look longer, they have basically a long skirt so  ;;)  I love most of the outfits he's been wearing, however, I would love them even more how he is getting out of them  :P Wow! Amazing! The lack of spoiler this week has turned us all into total pervert. :))
I'm with @briseis on this. As much as I admire Choi Young's many interesting outfits, I am more interested in how he removes those cumbersome layers. :D

@briseis is not usually one who posts suggestive post like this. I think when she starts doing this, we all can safely conclude that it's the cue for monday to come sooner!! 
Should I be scared now? 

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Guest lililovelilica

I love the most this scene taken from LOve Actuallytumblr_mbutnh1V0k1rxyybno2_250.gifI'll stay next to you!
What if she said to CY what was written there?WHY she haven'tIt would be more easy for CY to understand her feelings for himBUT NO SHE DIDN'Toh well,i just have to wait till monday MONDAY COME FASTER I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER HERE!@briseisIf CY got to the olympics in year 2012He would win Gold Medal in every sport:either running,jumping,fighting with sword or even fight with arrowThis guy is a god of SportsThe sexy Body,Intense Eyes,Lips that takes your breath awayand always making sure his beloved ones are safe as a good leaderunfortunally the WOODALCHI kids were screwed...I've got so depressed after that...Next Olympics i think i'll see CY enter as the man of The YEAR!

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Guest toychoi

From now on I will  behave my sweet @myphim! Oh ,how I miss my old self ,before I meet corruption of this thread I mean! You see writer-nim what you're doing to us ? We have to create all sorts of hypothetic evolution to fill the blanks you ought not to leave in your script !

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Tinkiebell said: myphim said: briseis said: It's probably those outfits he wears in Faith they make his legs look longer, they have basically a long skirt so  ;;)  I love most of the outfits he's been wearing, however, I would love them even more how he is getting out of them  :P

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Guest lililovelilica

myphim said: toychoi said: myphim said: briseis said: It's probably those outfits he wears in Faith they make his legs look longer, they have basically a long skirt so  ;;)  I love most of the outfits he's been wearing, however, I would love them even more how he is getting out of them  :P

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Guest Tinkiebell

@myphim forget saving us, CY wouldn't even know how to handle our bunch. He thought he'd seen it all when he met the Gangnam princess, but little does he know, he ain't seen nothing yet if he hasn't met pervy Faith army!! :))
@toychoi, you're gonna behave? :( But.. but.. you're my partner in crime! You gonna send me off to jail by myself?!  :((

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Guest toychoi

Tinkiebell said: @myphim forget saving us, CY wouldn't even know how to handle our bunch. He thought he'd seen it all when he met the Gangnam princess, but little does he know, he ain't seen nothing yet if he hasn't met pervy Faith army!! :))
@toychoi, you're gonna behave? :( But.. but.. you're my partner in crime! You gonna send me off to jail by myself?!  :((

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Guest Tinkiebell

toychoi said: Tinkiebell said: @myphim forget saving us, CY wouldn't even know how to handle our bunch. He thought he'd seen it all when he met the Gangnam princess, but little does he know, he ain't seen nothing yet if he hasn't met pervy Faith army!! :))
@toychoi, you're gonna behave? :( But.. but.. you're my partner in crime! You gonna send me off to jail by myself?!  :(( This is seduction !Who could resist?I'll try my best but I think I'll have the same fate with CY's attempts to keep calm and professional when ES is arround!
Don't worry partner, there'll be cookies. Lots of it. :D

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Guest honeykizzi

Tinkiebell said:

honeykizzi said:


After i saw the fan art of CY picky-backs ES, I really wanna see that scene for real in the coming episode! He used to denied that he can't picky-back her coz he has to hold his sword. And we all know that what he said has double meaning. If he picky-backs her in these future episodes it will show that he's really into her. And that will make me swoon on my bed while watching it as if i am ES. lol

No previews other than the text preview for the coming ep. right? I'm really exciting now.

Seriously? He said THAT with pun intended?  :-O =))Oh no, I better stop, I'm sorry @honeykizzi I'm being mean. Yes, I'd also love to see him piggyback her :)

@Anomalous I did say he gives me the cripes. As far as Noodle's concerned, Gi Cheol can have him as well as his cripes :))

toychoi said:

honeykizzi said:


After i saw the fan art of CY picky-backs ES, I really wanna see that scene for real in the coming episode! He used to denied that he can't picky-back her coz he has to hold his sword. And we all know that what he said has double meaning. If he picky-backs her in these future episodes it will show that he's really into her. And that will make me swoon on my bed while watching it as if i am ES. lol

No previews other than the text preview for the coming ep. right? I'm really exciting now.

"Really into her"? Are you serious????

Way to go both of you!!! are there any more puns in her comment???


I should be more careful next time before give a comment. Especially, during weekends when we all are in pervert mind waiting for the new episodes. Haha

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Guest Tinkiebell

Sorry @honeykizzi, hope you're not offended. It was fun though and I think we all got a good laugh :D
I'm off to bed now. Wouldn't be able to watch the show live tomorrow. So I will be relying on your recaps again, girls!   :)>-

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Guest toychoi

Possible script scene No 3 ( double meaning):

ES tries to make up for her previous awful behaviour ,so she decides to make her famous chocolate chip cookies for CY. He's so thrilled that finally Imja surrenders and behaves as a good wife...

The rest will be processed in my dreams ! @Tinkiebel, I don't believe that we're that synchronized!!!!! Good night my dear !


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Guest lililovelilica

@Tinkerbell and @toychoiyou're the ones that make this Forum Interesting and makes a lot of laughs LOLHERECONTINUE THIS WAY,DON'T STOP YOUR WAY OF THINKING!Don't worry,we'll hide both of you from cops
Now that i have to wait for tomorrowStill sad because of thati'm taking my time watching Araang and the Magistradeand Believe me,i can't compare this 2(araang and faith)They are very different in terms of story but also makes me LOLED ALL DAY!Can't believe the actors would be so good at actingespecially LMH who's an singer as well(man there's nothing this guy can't do,wait he can't go to 2012 with ES,there's just this 1 thing)PS:I'm rolling  and rolling in desperated state to see faith 19

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Guest farstrep

Can a passionate hug or a mere conversation do even more wonders than a kiss?

I know this has been mentioned by many of you but anyway, please bear with me. One of my favorite scenes in Episode 18:

This scene is hilarious. For the first time, we actually see Choi Young extremely impatient and eager to get his job done and over with. He keeps uttering "Hurry" whenever the guards take too long a time to ponder over his proposal or the royal decree because he is on tenterhooks all day, wondering if Eun Soo is fine after the stunt he pulled at the royal court earlier.

source: blog.daum.net

He races towards Eun Soo and only releases a sigh of relief when he sees her in person and again when he embraces her with all his might. As if he is affirming Eun Soo's physical presence through sight, then touch. Only when he realizes he's not dreaming and she's in his arms, safe and sound, does relief flood through his entire being and he engulfs her in a more passionate and tighter embrace.


source: blog.daum.net

This is the part where I really love Kim Hee Sun's portrayal of Eun Soo. Choi Young's all worried sick over her, firing a repertoire of questions at her but she knows him well enough to keep her emotions in check. Instead, she simply nods with an innocent, childlike expression on her face and teases him gently by giving a very naive answer - that Deok Heung released her because she cried. Choi Young isn't fooled in the least as he continues to question her about it in the same serious tone. Because she understands Choi Young isn't the type to take such jokes lightly (remember the deadpan expression on his face when she joked about the nice bed and food in Ki Chul's house) and to ease his worry, she decides to use his famous "frontal attack" to sidestep his questions. Taken aback by her unexpected confession (that she desires to see him), he falters for a moment before he collects himself, only barely though, and admits frankly that he was distracted for the entire day because he's worried about her. So cute!! :P

source: blog.daum.net

How adorable can a grown man get? His subsequent answers to her requests (to go since they can talk later and that she wants to see him) are short, as if anything longer will ruin the magical moment between them. And that hint of his boyish smile (that is becoming more commonplace) when she says that she wants to see him... I can almost see his heart leaping for joy. :)

source: blog.daum.net

When he looks back at Eun Soo before leaving and the reassuring and radiant smile she flashes at him? These two lovebirds are totally twisting my heart left, right and center.

source: blog.daum.net

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CharismaDoll said: Funny how you guys were all talking about legs.
Here's a video of LMH on Happy Camp where they discuss about his legs.I find it so hilarious. =)) =))

Apparently his legs is 112cm. I felt LMH seem so much taller in Faith though. I think he will keep growing in some other area too. lol :))

I don't know about piggybacks but I can't wait to see what they gonna do about CY hair fetish. He'll probly decide to buy her a comb as a love token and comb her hair. Better yet touch ES hair while hes in bed with her.:x
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