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And here I was just thinking last night where are all the pervy thoughts go...
Are we sick of this and moving on to something else... =))
@Tinkiebell, I give it to you. If you hadn't pointed it out the "sword" and "flash", I seriously would not have thought otherwise :))

@Charismadoll: That. What was that!? That is a fantastic post! And you said you couldn't write up anything!? That was beautifully written.
@theseasasleep: Yours are just equally as good as Charismadoll :x

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Guest lililovelilica

Charismadoll said: This week, the episodes were so epic that after I finish watching it live, I dl and rewatch it over and over. I was so in awe with the story developments and characters that it render me speechless for a couple of days and my only option was to follow this thread, reading everyone's wonderful opinion and theories. My thoughts were scattered everywhere and I didn't know how to put it into words until now. Although its late, here's my piece to share on Ep.17-18. 
Okay. First of all, I love how ES rained down on DH by calling him a patient with narcissistic personality disorder because that exactly what he is. He thinks he's more valuable than anyone and a prodigy. One of these days his so called brilliant tactics will totally work against him (oh it already did. ruin by our unpredictable CY-ES pair :)>- ). I believe a saying for this is, The smarter you are, the faster you fall. LOL and Cheap richard simmons. hahahahah Just love how ES swear at all the bad guys in this drama.
CY rush to the palace upon hearing news of ES's marriage, in front of JB, doesn't his expression seem like a husband that been cheated on by his wife and couldn't keep his calm? Then he storm in demanding an explanation from his 'wife'. ;;) 
Now you don't see CY actually draw his blade anymore, especially in front of ES. He knows she doesn't like to see bloodshed. He mostly just hold the sword and hit with it shelted or fought with his bare fists.
When he told ES that he never once wanted her to find out when he dies and to give up on the diary. Most people would jump at the opportunity to find out their future and to avoid death. CY on the other hand, said it doesn't matter. Its to be expected but my utmost respect to our legendary general. Such a great man. ^:)^
Beginning of Episode 18, just farther display what a great kisser CY is. He was totally eyeing her lip, then look up at her uttering 'because theres no other way' then kisses her. Rather than a simple lip kiss, he go for the passionate one. If you gonna kiss, no matter for what reasons, you gotta go all out or its meaningless huh. Gosh it was steamy *faint* :\"> If only it went on longer...:-S
GM and NG ride in the carriage while holding hand, how should I say it...they're like a model husband and wife. Confiding in each other and cover each other's back. They are of one mind now. Though its sad for me to think this but, CY-ES love is like the moon's yearning in the middle of the night, but GM-NG love is like the sun shining above giving others that ray of hope. NG's position and status can safeguard GM and Goryeo (plus she can always be with the man she love as they're married), while ES position often cause her to be pursue by the villains putting CY at risk and dilemma time after time. Both OTPs are so similar yet at the same time their situation couldn't be more different. :( Our poor Imja couple...
The most swoon-worthy scene is when CY ran to ES and gave her a 'you're so precious to me' hug. After their kiss, ES can no longer put up her guard around CY and just stare at CY with all the loveliest gazes of a young woman totally fallen in love with the man who was always there to protect and shown so much concern for her. (I don't know what they did,  ES make-up, eyelashes, blushes and pink lips were perfect there. It was soft and beautiful.)It was all in her eyes. Like a flower in full blossom. In that moment, I'm sure she felt so loved. God, ES is so adorable with her smitten puppy eyes and smile. :x
After the Woodalchi men dies (RIP Joo Seok), I like how CY just show up in front of ES. Just looking at her was enough for him, like she was his 'home' and the only person he can find comfort in. She is someone whose place is most important in his heart. ES try to cheer CY up by remaking the scene from Love Actually is melo. CY look like he was trying to memorize the Hangul character she wrote as she explain the meaning of each sentence. Of course, he had no idea what she wrote and what she said was different. (ES became the bad teacher. lol) Though as he said he will keep his promise to send this person back, his sadness struck again as he leaves. sigh~ :-<
Finally, I'm sure its the scene everyone is teary about. I won't say much about the scene before that as the familiarity between CY & ES already grow on me like an old faithful couple. Man, the back-hug scene was so angsty, I could seriously die. A heavy boulder was left in my chest all week. My applause to LMH and KHS. =D> I bet they did that whole scene in one take (the camera never move away from them once) they can portray so much emotions without having to NG. Awesome. :-bd ^:)The only thing I wish they had done was switch the camera to a side view of ES actually wrap her arms tightly around CY waist as she cries back hugging him at the end. In Faith they seem to care more about the character than their surroundings and always do a close-up zoom in of their faces for a long time.
Alright, sorry for the lengthy post. Got a lot bundle up. hahaJust had to let it out before Episode 19-20 air. :-\"Oh deary, and I sincerely hope more progress between our OTP toward a Happy Ending. [-O< [-O<

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Personally, I think that the title for episode 18 should be "How many times can your heart be broken during 60 minutes" because there is really quite a huge number of them, and a substantial part of said heartbreaks occurs in a certain 5 minutes long scene. Even though, there are only two people in this scene whose hearts are involved the most with one heart bearing a particularly harsh blunt of it, I bet the audience the world over was suffering together with them (A HUGE BEAR HUG TO ALL OF YOU, FELLOW MASOCHISTS OF MINE  >:D).


(There is no definite number because halfway through I'd stopped counting and began to cry  :-S  I should really stop write these side stories during the night because I always become a puddle of emotions and end up with puffed eyes in the morning  :-S  I'm no longer suprised my family thinks me crazy  8-}  )

1) It'd begun so well - he came to visit her under the guise of protecting her so he could hang around with her  :x  :-bd  , saving her from injuring herself, getting abused by her againtelling her with that deadpan expression of his that he can, indeed, read :D  (in which he is far better than her considering that hangul is a simple alphabet while hanja consists of several thounsands of complicated characters  ;;)  ) ...



2) ... and then having naughty thoughts about her hair  :\">  (first the leg voyeurism, then the stalking, then came the kiss in front of the clergy and whole royal court  and now the hair fetish  @-) , Choi Young-ah, Choi Young-ah, Choi Young-ah  [-X  How the mighty have fallen [-(  ) It would have been a normal day in their life together, really, but..... I HATE THAT SCUMBAG DH THE MOST  X(  HE DESERVES TO END UP IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL  >:)  If he only hadn't poisoned her ...




3) First, he discovered the injury from the needle. Considering that only just moments ago she was bragging to him about how she will brew an antidote sooner than JB and together with his experience from battlefield, he didn't have to be exactly Hwata to come to the right conclusion she had been poisoned. Yes, yet again, CY  8-|  . You can clearly see the suspicion and dread creeping into his eyes while he examines the injury and then you can spot the exact moment when he realizes the horrible truth  :-S  Taking into account there is only one notorious poisoner inside the 100 km radius of the palace /:) it doesn't take him particularly long until he discovers who was the culprit /:)



4) And then comes the ANGER  \m/ ! Anger at DH for poisoning her and threatening her precious life again, anger at her for not telling him yet again, and probably a little later comes anger at himself for allowing this happen and not being able to protect her again  :-S My poor baby :-S  , let me hug you :-S (By the way, have I mentioned before how much I adore intense and furious CY  =P~ =P~ =P~  ) And, Eun Soo-ya, a little advice here, I don't think he is currently in a state of mind when he would listen to logical arguments [-( ;;)  (1st heartbreak for CY - love of his life was poisoned again)



5) And then he asks her in that desperate pleading voice of his if he is still that far away  :-S  (My tears started to fall here, please someone, anyone, save me  :((  )  Only to learn she did it for his sake, so he wouldn't have be made to kneel, nor be imprisoned or being manipulated again  :-S  Can a woman love a man more when she puts her life on the line for his honor and his freedom  :x :-bd \m/  But of course to him this only means that she doesn't still trust him enough nor care for him enough to share it with him  :-S :((2nd heartbreak for CY) (My crying reached such intensity that I had to use a handkerchief  :((  )




6) THE BACK HUG  \m/  !!! I LOVE THAT SHOT MUCH :x ! She calls "wait" and as he always does he listened to her request and obeyed  :x  He even shows disobedience in front of the king sometimes but he is completely hers to serve :x  All it takes is a simple plea :x Another reason why I love the shot so much is that it depicts two people who long for each other more than anything in the world, however, are unable to be together because the rules of the universe itself stand against them :(( :(( :((And they call Romeo and Juliet star-crossed  8-|  , they were losers, total losers :-q  )


7) I just call it THE SEQUENCE OF NEVERENDING HEARTBREAK :( :-S :((  . When he wants to turn around shocked at her suggestion to stay in Goryeo with him while being unable to believe what he's heard, you can see his emotions, heart, mind, logic and his better judgement warring between each other deep inside his very soul, but in the end his desire to protect her above anything else even his own happiness wins  :-S  (3rd heartbreak for CY) (Please, somebody, shoot me already  :((  )


8) It's apparent that despite his own words he hopes that she is going to contradict him, deep down in his heart he craves to hear those words "I won't leave you, I will stay with you forever". That look in his eyes kills me I don't know how Lee Min Ho is able to express such a wide range of emotions in one single look but I'm completely in awe of his acting mastery ^:)^


9) The 4th heartbreak comes afterwards when she asks him to forget her :-S Please, just stab him in the heart already, HAVE MERCY, NO HUMAN BEING DESERVES SO MUCH SUFFERING, IT'S INHUMANE  X_X :-S  (That Adam's apple  =P~  )


10) She asks him to promise her he will forget her after profesing her love for him and telling him she is going to love him freely in the time that is left to her. I can't even ... This is a moment when his heart is being broken 100 times per minute, an unprecedented World record still unparalleled in 2012  \m/  (Modern men are such losers  :-q , CY has ruined me for them) . THE WORST THING ABOUT HEARTBREAK IS THAT NO MATTER HOW MANY OF THEM YOU SUFFER, YOUR HEART IS STILL BEATING AFTERWARDS  :((  (If this is the kind of pain that Davy Jones felt I fully understand why he cut his heart and put it into a cold metal box, it was the only reasonable solution  :-bd  )



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I made a mistake in my previous post with the spoiler tag it should alright now, I'm sorry

This is one of the most romantic MVs I have seen in recent time :x  Totally gorgeous and beautiful with MTETS OST . And the first 25 seconds is pure fanservice  :x  I know it's odd to say about a fanvid but you'll see  :\">

By the way, could anyone translate this news article, please  [-O<  I think it's about Faith being disappontment in the TV ratings, however, gaining almost 50 % popularity in something else  :-bd  Thanks in advance


Good night   I-)

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While waiting  for Monday and searching for any spoilers, I found this MV...I don't know if the song is included in the OST.  It's good but sad :((

Can't wait for Monday. 


Eekk...I just read it's from another drama's OST, but it's a good song and kind of fit them.

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Guest lililovelilica

He was crying too!He was Heartbreak a MILLION times with what she begged him:FORGET ME!
Woman,put that thing in your mind,CY already lost his first love,now he has to loose ANOTHER?WTF is wrong with this writter?Shoot him already
No!I think i'm going to shoot myself with that sad faces CY made in ep 18

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Dang, Faith really does have great fans.  All these great fan MVs, wow!!  And alot of them are watched frequently too, judging from their views.

Thank you for sharing them here.

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Tinkiebell said: theseasasleep said:
Sorry to cut your post but...  OMG, this.  I totally didn't notice but you are so right - CY doesn't flash his sword in front of ES anymore!  The closest he's come is when DH nearly drove him to it by flippantly replying, "So what if I did (threaten ES)?"  Even then, he stopped because ES wanted him to...  Eeek!  It's such a huge deal - how he forgets his sword for her; readily puts down his sword for her; now he seeks not to draw blood in front of her...  All these things that came to him naturally after years of killing for king and country, he's put them aside for this one woman.  Couple that with him putting her first, always and forever....  :((  It makes me cry from happiness and heartbreak (because the separation is coming, I can so feel it!  But I'm praying it isn't forever!) 

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Thanks @Tinkiebell, @lililovelilica, @theseasasleep, @sia3 and other Faith-lings. I'm glad you guys like my long post. :(( :) Actually I had to ponder some on what scenes of those 2 episodes to share my thoughts about. I think Episode 17-18 is just perfect (ignore those editing flaws). Every part of the episode leave something for us to seriously think about. Whether its our OTPs, the villains, Woodalchi, or the supporting casts, they always left us wondering the deep meaning behind their every words and actions. Its full of mysteries and ambiguous vibes that I would totally turn my seat the day every secret is reveal.
@briseis, I so very much love all your creative gifs and side stories. You worded everything so well. Your mind is a piece of artwork itself. :-bd I definitely couldn't do this any better. I'm sure thats exactly what we all feel about CY-ES back-hug scene and you just brought the feelings up to surface. It made my heart breaks too. =(( :-S briseis said:

10) She asks him to promise her he will forget her after profesing her love for him and telling him she is going to love him freely in the time that is left to her. I can't even ... This is a moment when his heart is being broken 100 times per minute, an unprecedented World record still unparalleled in 2012  \m/  (Modern men are such losers  :-q , CY has ruined me for them) . THE WORST THING ABOUT HEARTBREAK IS THAT NO MATTER HOW MANY OF THEM YOU SUFFER, YOUR HEART IS STILL BEATING AFTERWARDS  :((  (If this is the kind of pain that Davy Jones felt I fully understand why he cut his heart and put it into a cold metal box, it was the only reasonable solution  :-bd  )

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When ES miss CY :
>  She imagine Deok Man as CY --> but in this imagination CY never smilees6.gif    es7h.gif
> She imagine seeing him everywhere --> but this time he's smiling to heri love how ES smile when she think she saw CY smiling and laughing and suddenly those smile drop from her face when she realize that it's only her imagination. CY looks so happy in ES imagination maybe that's what ES hoping for when she finally left him, that he would always be happy but ES forgot that CY can smile happily when she's by his side.. those smile only for ES. 
es32.gif   es2c.gif
es4.gif   es5.gif

When CY miss ES : 

> He open the aspirin bottle from ES, took the flower inside or laying on the floor and imagine her
cy1.gif     cy2.gif
>  He stalk her
> He just run toward her and hug her tightly.i love how he hug her. so tightly. he seem afraid to let her go or maybe he just need to convince himself that she's here and she's safe
cy4.gif   cy5g.gif

and this is what i feel when i miss them both

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OMG, after reading the post by @Briseis, I figured it out!  Why her messed up hair bothers our daejang so!  It's because it's boom-chika-bow-wow hair!  He gets thoughts and keeps trying to autocorrect them but she standing there so pretty with her boom-chika-bow-wow hair...  It's the only logical (read:  pervy) conclusion.  ES, keep messing up your hair especially while you guys are on the run... start chasing waterfalls!  =)) 

Also, @Briseis, looking at the scene where he removes the bandage I just kept staring at his hands... Guh!  So manly!  LMH, gorgeous eyes... desirable manly hands... how am I ever supposed to quit you?  Cutting your post but:  " (And they call Romeo and Juliet star-crossed    , they were losers, total losers :-q  )=))  @Briseis, you are no good, simply terrible.  =))  If I haven't mentioned it before, let me mention now how much I love these inner monologue posts you give us!  They are such emotional and comedic gold! 

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'신의' 이민호·유오성·박윤재, 男 캐릭터 전방위 활약

SBS 월화드라마 ‘신의’(극본 송지나, 연출 김종학 신용휘)가 남성 캐릭터들의 전방위 활약으로 눈길을 모으고 있다.

순애보를 펼치고 있는 순정마초 최영(이민호)을 비롯해, 검은 야욕의 광기를 드러내고 있는 기철(유오성)과, ‘신의 한수’ 악역으로 등장하고 있는 덕흥군(박윤재)이 그 주인공.

특히 지난 18회 방송에서는 도적떼로 위장한 기철의 금군들로 인해 아끼는 부하들을 잃고 만 최영이 충석의 보고에도 덤덤하게 “수고했다”는 한 마디로 자리를 벗어나고는 홀로 방안에 멍하니 앉아있는 상심어린 얼굴로 시청자들의 가슴을 먹먹케 했다.

또한 그에게 미안한 마음에 죄책감으로 울음을 삼키는 공민왕의 모습으로 이들의 애정 어린 군신관계는 물론 듬직한 전우애는 그간 역사극에서 그려져 왔던 딱딱한 상하관계를 벗어난 모습으로 ‘신의’를 이끄는 감성의 한 축을 형성하는 중이다.

절대 악으로 그려지며 패망해 가는 나라 사정에도 불구하고 원나라에 기대 권력을 차지하려는 기철의 카리스마와, 기묘한 모습으로 등장해 독을 쓰는 술수로 쉽사리 정체를 드러내지 않는 덕흥군의 역시 ‘신의’를 지탱하는 매력적이되 강력한 안티 캐릭터 군단.

뿐만 아니라 은수(김희선)의 곁을 보살피며 남다른 존재감을 발산하고 있는 자상한 장빈(이필립)과, 늑대소년을 연상케하는 우달치 대원 대만(김종문), 충직한 충석(백광두), 그리고 궁밖 정보통 수리방 사내들과 수줍은 듯 귀여운 내관 도치 등 개성강한 캐릭터들의 활약이 곳곳에서 발견된다.

‘신의’의 한 관계자는 “송지나 작가께서도 자신의 작품들 중 ‘신의’ 캐릭터들에 가장 큰 애착을 갖고 있다고 말 할 정도로 공들이지 않은 인물이 없다”며 “짧은 등장으로도 강렬한 인상을 남기는 배우들의 열연에도 많은 관심 부탁드린다”고 당부했다.

<사진> 신의문전사 제공

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Hahaha, this is actually a picture used in the news article. I just got the content of the news. I think soon someone else will get the English translated context and post it up here.

Suribang siblings - the other one is female though and the male is not good looking enough to be included (sorry...) =))
Noodle man is not in there too...

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