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I'm quite curious about ES's shoes. After she lost her 4/5" highheel shoes, what did she wear?

silverlode said:

Because of what I read in this thread, I started wondering about the shoes too. Does not really look like ancient canvas shoes... more like sneakers with heels. I was wondering if she might have gone barebooted after she threw her last one at CY and DM, but I reckon the Gangnam princess won't be able to handle that sort of hardship.


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Faith Script Tidbits for Episode 3

A tiny detail not included in the TV broadcast:
(When CY wakes up from his operation and is giving instruction to the Woodalchi)
ES: Why?
CY: You said I can’t eat until I produce gas, how could I fight?
ES: No I mean…why would we be killed?
CY: Can someone go over to her highness Queen Noguk to get a pair of shoes? Just say it is for her (ES).
One of the Woodalchi replies yes and went upstairs.

#31 in the village somewhere in the land of Goryeo
The royal couple’s carriages are blocked by a group of soldiers. Choong Suk is first to approach and speak to the soldier. The soldier explains that they’ve received information that there is a group of bandits that is imposing as the Royal team. Choong Suk thinks this is absurd and reveals himself as Woodalchi’s second in command but the soldier is still suspicious of them.

Choong Suk questions that he has sent word a day ago, why the palace guards haven’t come to help with escorting the royals. The soldier asks to take a peek at the king’s face for confirmation. Choong Suk thinks this is out of line, he pulls out his sword and the other soldiers, too, have taken out their swords. Just when the atmosphere is a little tense, Choi Young rides slowly towards them and removes his hood. CY introduces himself as Woodalchi daejang (full name & his title in Korean) and tells the soldier what is of use to let him look at the king.

He turns and motions to the other Woodalchi.
Woodalchi: (Together, loudly) yes!
CY: Remove the disguise and escort with our true identities.
(Unlike TV broadcast, the Woodalchi were still in disguise under the cloak as of Ep1 until this scene but what we saw in Ep3, they were already wearing their Woodalchi armour)

CY: Soldier
Soldier: Yes (involuntarily reply loudly)
CY: We are going pass, half of you lead the way and half of you escort us from the back.

While the soldier is still hesitant, Choi Young gives an order loudly to his Woodalchi .

CY: From now on, those who block our path, kill on sight.
Woodalchi: YES!
(They pull out their swords as they answer belligerently)

The soldier is intimidated by the belligerent atmosphere and quickly gives the order to his subordinates. Just as the soldier gives orders to his men, Choong Suk whispers to Choi Young that he finds something odd. Choi Young frowns while looking at the other men.

CY: Next time you do it.
CS: What?
(In regards to speaking loudly)
Choi Young presses on his operated abdomen, in pain.

#61 inside the Royal Medical Office
Doctors come and go; they are gossiping while looking at a certain direction

ES: Hello.
ES: I am looking for someone. Do you know the person named Woodalchi?
[Doc 1 wanted to say something but was shy; Doc 2 took up the courage]
Doc: Woodalchi is not a name; they are army that protects the king.
ES: Ah. Is it so? They kept calling Woodalchi, Woodalchi. If that is the case, where would I find them?
Doc: There
ES: There?
The doctor (with his finger) points towards the direction of the Woodalchi barrack.

#65 barrack yard
ES: Is this the Woodalchi’s barrack?
(Same as TV broadcast)

Episode 1 Tidbits @ Page 1268
Episode 2 Tidbits @ Page 1232 and Page 1303

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My rant re: Episode 3 Omitted tidbits

I really think PD should have included the Act #31. This would have been a magnificent scene to showcase the majestic Woodalchi taking off their cloaks all at once and reveal their Woodalchi armour underneath. It would have boosted their special status as the Royal guards a hundred fold!!! X(

But I am glad Act #65 with ES going to CY at the barrack was filmed. It was a hilarious and memorable scene all in all. I would be on a rampage if it was not played out! It was such an enjoyable scene to watch...

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@sia3  Love the tidbits. :x

That's very interesting about Noguk's shoes. CY was very considerate. :))
But what was she wearing the whole time? :))

I also like that even though CY was in pain, he could still command respect and fear from others.
So, ES thought Daejang name was Woodalchi the whole time. Hahaha...

Thanks sia3.
Good night! :-h

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sia3 said: My rant re: Episode 3 Omitted tidbits

I really think PD should have included the Act #31. This would have been a magnificent scene to showcase the majestic Woodalchi taking off their cloaks all at once and reveal their Woodalchi armour underneath. It would have boosted their special status as the Royal guards a hundred fold!!! X(

But I am glad Act #65 with ES going to CY at the barrack was filmed. It was a hilarious and memorable scene all in all. I would be on a rampage if it was not played out! It was such an enjoyable scene to watch...

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mattie2012 said:

The Great Misunderstanding:
Choi YoungHe wanted to leave his position as Wudalchi, but the King would not let him.He now has to be in charge of investigating the matter of the scholars who died.  He is not up to this task.  On top of that, he is now showing signs of septicemia (infection of the blood).The rest of the Wudalchi are bothering him about the details of this investigation.  He just wants to sleep and not be bothered.  The poor man must be in so much pain and he is very weak.Enter ES with her bare legs. She insists on treating and examining him.He loses his temper.  Who was in charge of guarding the barracks?  The men retreat in fear of the angry captain.ES tries to take his temperature and he flicks her hand away.She gets upset and throws her bag at him.She is raving about something that he does not understand.He backs her to a post about to explode on her.  He gives a look to the other Wudalchi who leave.He reminds her - remember that I told you not to save me?  Look what I have to do now.....he does not finish his sentence.Choi Young is completely frustrated that he cannot leave the palace as he originally planned.  He is suddenly burdened with this investigation that Gongmin ordered him to do.  To top it all, he is feeling very ill at the moment and not in his right mind.
Eun Soo
ES is looking for CY to treat him.  On the comedy side, she has trimmed her long pants into shorts (since it was stained with her blood).  She is clueless about the dress code of the Goryeo period.  THe Wudalchi are ogling her legs as she walks into their barracks.She approaches CY as a doctor.  She says that is usually the patient that seeks her out and not the other way around.She reaches for CY's hand to check for his pulse, she is rebuffed.  She thinks that he is shy about the hand-holding part.  She explains that she is just there to check his condition.As the Wudalchi captain gets mad at his subordinates for letting her in without permission she also explodes and throws her bag at him.How dare he?  She had a comfy life in Seoul, she did not have much but she could take a shower and rest in her own bed.  She was kidnapped to this place and they cannot even feed her properly.  Why is he refusing her treatment?ES is completely frustrated at Choi Young's refusal to be treated and taken care of by her.  As a doctor, that is the ultimate insult.  He makes her feel that she is not a good enough doctor to treat him.

And a Revelation:
Eun Soo begs CY- "please do not die.  If you leave me here, what am I to do?"Choi Young looks at ES.  He almost forgot that he begged her to stay by his side so he could protect her.  It was momentarily forgotten in his fit of anger and frustration.As ES hands him her bottle of aspirin, he realizes that he is the only hope that this woman has of ever returning to her world.  She needs him.Sweet words to a warrior's ear.  You are the only one who can protect me.

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@omiki  Thank you for the interesting research on ES's shoes. I usually don't pay attention to her feet, but now you've made me curious. Will be looking more closely at her footwear from now on. :D

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Yuuni said: Okay, since we just rewatched ep 3, I had to repost that. It doesnt cease to crack me up =)) Credit to @myphim ;) (I took the initiative to repost it Myphim, I hope you don't have any inconvenience with it..)




Soldiers:  General! We thought you just got married. Shouldn't you be on your honeymoon?


ES:  Choi Young!!! How dare you leave me alone on our honeymoon? Get back in bed now!!!


CY:  Dae Man, prepare the horses. The King is in danger.


ES:  Is that puny King more important to you than your wife? You should put me above him in your heart!


ES:  After all, I am way taller than him!!!


ES:  Get back in bed right now! I am giving you one last chance before I'm giving you a divorce.


ES:  You should know that there is a long line of guys waiting for me to be single again.


CY:  Oh! I cannot take this anymore.


CY:  Dae Man, please report to the King that I've suddenly developed a major headache and need to stay in


like the doctor recommended. 


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