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@mappyminho - Happy birthday!  Glad to see you are back! 
You have the same birthday as my dad, and I love him lots.  I knew it was also Siwon's birthday, but didn't know it was Jackie Chan's, too.  Special day!
Did you see I tagged you on the EC thread?  Good to see you there, and @azzurri, too.
And I still - and will always - love Faith.

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@mappyminho... happy happy birthday! Hope you had fun on your special day and got to spend time with the people you loved the most! 26 is a great age - I had so much fun at 26, I can't even tell you. Hehehe.
Anyway have a great day, and God Bless.
By the way I'm watching Kim Hee Sun in Wonderful Season, and she's so far different from Eun Soo it's amazing. It makes me miss Imja and her Daejang sometimes, and all of you!
(have tagged you and @kappy over at the EC thread)

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azzurri said: @mappyminho... happy happy birthday! Hope you had fun on your special day and got to spend time with the people you loved the most! 26 is a great age - I had so much fun at 26, I can't even tell you. Hehehe.
Anyway have a great day, and God Bless.
By the way I'm watching Kim Hee Sun in Wonderful Season, and she's so far different from Eun Soo it's amazing. It makes me miss Imja and her Daejang sometimes, and all of you!
(have tagged you and @kappy over at the EC thread)

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Happy birthday^^^^.

Even though, I am a little bit late, I hope you will have a happy year ever.

Let's cheer for your wonderful birthday. ;)

@ my Faithlings family

I have been so busy in my study. Guess what 39 days to my graduation.Finally, I can say FREE FROM SCHOOL in the very near future.

I hope everyone is doing well.

I did take a look at KHS new project. I couldn't see I'm a in this role. Her new character did not have the lively sprit as Imja. It's really interesting to see how the story is developed.

However, I miss our Imja couple terribly while seeing her with other actors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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HAPPY EASTER to all Faithlings ~
The picture above is new from Min Ho's photobook :)
But I prefer this one instead ;))


Sorry dear, Happy Belated Birthday!

@adlyn13 Bunny McPervert
Do you know if GG will be airing tomorrow?
I'm avoiding spoilers :)

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Same here. This home & the residents are still the best.
Well, you know we can come home more often now anyway. :)
Do you celebrate Easter? Feast up already? Don't overdose on chocolates.
Let's have some tea flavoured alcohol instead, lol.

Are you watching Gap Dong? @awesomeduck spotted her Deok Man in there and man, he's so invisible.
Do Chi was spotted in EC and 3 Days if I'm not mistaken. Don't know where are all the other woodalchi.
I think I saw Dol Bae in one of the dramas but he died immediately, hahahaha!

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Yes,I have Christian upbringing so yes will celebrate tomorrow.Still Saturday in my part of the world

Do Chi is in 3 days ,how come I didn't notice this :-?

Gap dong started already omg I gots to watch it

Lol at your tea flavored alcohol lol,I wonder if the alcohol back in Goryeo, meaning wasn't any good lol

Edit: I will OD on chocolates given the situation in RL ,I am in a diet for supportive reasons,but tmw I am cheating !!!

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I think it was Do Chi in 3 Days, check the first 4 episodes.
If my memory serves me right he came out at the time where the bodyguards were trying to contain the 'president was shot' info at the villa... but I could be wrong, I just know I saw him in another drama and the brain tells me it's 3 days. Hahaha!

I reckon alcohol back in the days would be strong alcohol actually, but there is no way we can find out now, LOL!
But then the way Eun Soo takes the alcohol indicate otherwise but Faith can't be trusted, it's a fantasy drama. :P

New Fan Vid... :)

Grrr... I don't know if this is new or old

And hehehe, question. Are you the ones that's against a daejang and queen's loveline? :)) Coz I think they look really good in this one! ;))


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Checked online about Do Chi ,it is three days,he was part of the secret service.

I really want to watch Imjas new drama,but it being 50 episodes makes me not to :P

Love the vid,really imja couple need to do another drama together,the vid left me craving a modern version of Faith

Edit: I am of the minority that enjoyed the chemistry between Daejang and NG.

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Yeah when Wonderful Season's news came out and I read the sypnosis, it was already a 'no' coz it's sounded so melo and then I get told 50 episodes! That would be a definite huge 'no'. I like KHS but I am not interested in the male lead and Taecyeon is an eye candy but he can't act :S

Yeah I was like, "ohhhh ~ LYS and daejang video with imja... but cringe a little when KT appears". :))
I think I am starting to have KT allergies and can't wait to see him to shed off the KT look asap.

*Shake hands* - I remembered we discussed before that a drama between LMH and Park Se Young (Noguk) would be nice although PSY's acting needs to improve quick in order to go up against LMH... I can make do with LMH vs Kim Sung Ryung I guess =))

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Lol yeah its funny us who love Daejang tend to dislike KT lol

I didn't mind it,KT cameos in the vid flow better in his desperation for Imja than Eun Sang. Lol

Honestly I swooned in ep 16 when Daejang rescued NG,I was like why couldnt they create a forbidden loveline between the queen and her general.

But SJN style of writing aims for pure love.

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OMG no! I mean I think they look good visually together but I didn't want them to have a forbidden love in Faith. :))
I personally love daejang's faithfulness in Faith (it fits the drama name as well). ;))
I swooned for ep16 mostly because daejang was so god handsome doing the best fight scene (all others were crap).
I had many versions of that fight scene in gifs to show my love. HAHAHAHA!
I even cut out the video and put it in my mobile back then :P


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Lol well yeah I agree with keeping Daejangs faithfulness,but seriously I wouldn't have been surprised if it went that route lol.

I agree with you,KT was like a downgrade for LMH as far as character development,he had no depth shoot CYD had more depth than him,where I got disappointed was all his crying,like really I get its your first love,but get up and fight.I hate to say this but I compared him alot to GJP,and GJP is better in my book.KT had no ambitions in life,love was all.Sorry love doesn't feed you.Alas its KES writing style.Crown of love ,Crown of fame or wealth you only get to wear one.While in Bof ,GJP got to have all three.Lets not even compare him to Daejang now,Only similarity is that he wasnt a jerk except for being a bit too possessive.That is why I am happy with GB,but nit so hyped like I was with heirs.But,I hoping for more depth though.

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Guest justdelurked

Omo, never realized that this thread was still active!!! :D  It makes me both happy and sad; I should have come across LMH much much earlier! :((  Faith's greatest achievement is that it has managed to attract such devoted fans - I know it wasn't the most commercially successful or critically acclaimed drama ever, it's not my fav drama either, but it has something so special about it, in addition to containing the best performance by Min-ho to-date IMO. Faith seems the kind of project that starts off slowly and unceremoniously, but keeps gaining fans and over-time, grows into this cult-classic! I don't know how to describe it, but I feel that Faith would stand the test of times and one day be recognized as one of the most significant works by Min-ho (it already is) as well as one of the most underrated dramas ever :)

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I think I wouldn't love Faith/daejang as much if SJN went down that route - make him fall in love with Noguk! Noooooo~ isn't one of the reason we love daejang so much is because he is so loyal to everyone - his duty and love? I know I do! Hahaha and to think how many people would hate him if he were to love Mae Hee, Noguk and imja? =)) You know how the others hated Mae Hee already and wanted Eun Soo to be the one and only. :))

I actually get what KES was trying to convey - the teenage pure love (if I am not mistaken) where teenagers think of nothing and care about nothing when they are deeply in love. They can become self-destructive like KT but I cannot agree with it because we know in modern times + reality, pure love isn't everything in life anymore and kids nowadays are more out-going with 'love'. So it's difficult to be convinced by this set up. Pure love would have been more convincing if her set up is in sageuk time. We've talked about this before, KES wanted to be realistic but then she couldn't balance out the realistic and fantasy parts in the drama so the end-product is a fail for me.


Edit: Oops! I forgot to abide to the rules and put these in spoiler tags...

Hahaha~ once in awhile Faithlings come home to make some noise ;))
It's not too late, you have four thousand and thirty three pages to read through =))
Yes you are right, Faith made too deep of an impression that it has ruined me and I'm no longer sure I can accept watching LMH as other characters seeing how much I couldn't digest KT. Will Gangnam Blue cure me? I seriously doubt it, ottoke?

Anywayyyy, time for my beauty sleeeeeep. Goodnight girls ~

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Guest justdelurked

@sia3, Thank u for the KC gif; I kinda actually like KC - such priceless comic relief =)) But, as for a bobo, I'd rather have Daejang, but as he belongs to ES only, one of those cute woodalchis would do too! :\">

And yeah, only 4533 pages and counting! If I read one page per day, it will only take a little over 12 years to read it all! Now, I sound crazier than KC, lol! :D

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You are easy to please, lol!
Well, I check my stash of gifs from before and I have...

P.S. Do not quote images
(1) Duck Hind-richard simmons
(2) Noodle Man
(3) Daeman
(4) Deok Man
 Lastly, you forfeited this one so I'll confisticate it... hahahaha
(5) Daejang

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My sinful gutter students!!
SORRY! Professor V went on a long vacation off her anatomy classes and the Faith home! I miss my students!
I was busy with RL, taking care of so many things here and there, I didn't have time to come on Faith that much anymore :( 
This is what I was doing most of my time :)

come here everyone! gather around!

I know. I glomped too hard! But, I have missed you gals so much! and  I don't even know when I will be back on here to chat with you gals! I want you gals to know I am always thinking of each and every one of you, and thinking back to all those good times and analysis we did on Faith. Just a few weeks ago, my older bro told me he was watching Faith and it just didn't seem to interest him enough to keep him 'awe' about it. Of course, everyone who knows my drama favorites knows I love Faith. And everyone screamed out "Ask her! She loves Faith". My brother told me it wasn't interesting. I told him it was kind of a confusing concept, especially the time travel thing. Even til today, I still cannot fully figure what's going on there with time traveling. But on the love side, Daejang and Eunsoo is just too sweet and full of 'awwwww'. I don't think my bro is going to agree with that LOL. So, it made me think of you gals even more. No one to spazz over Daejang and Imja's love story like we all did.
@LuvMinHo: If I remember correctly, I came across you conversing with another Faithling about my anatomy classes. LOL. Just so you remember clearly, I believe you were one of the students who barely passed that exam alongside my many others such as @sia3 @myphim @awesomeduck @hayuinblue @mattie2012 and I can't remember much now. But I do know, most of my students fail. Too much salivating.
And, I know that you all still owe me that take-home second exam! 

as you all know, Professor V is associated with a lot of..clothing brands ;)
Hope to talk to you gals again soon! Miss you all deeply!
@sia3: Daejang!! haha, I happen to click on your spoilers and although cant view the pictures, saw the word "Noodle Man". LOL. Classic!
I miss you gals. 

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