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@sia3I found your explanation really good. But I'm gonna give it a try. 

"Someone I know was asked a similar question. And because the question was so heavy that, he had to give up his life to answer it. I know now… that he was wrong" 

I actually have trouble fully understanding CY's thoughts behind this statement as well. That's why I really look forward to learn more about his thoughts from the writer in the book, whenever the volume with this scene will be released or translated. lol
The old captain didn't just die saving the girl, he also died because of the impossible question the king asked him and what it implies.
"I heard people in Goryeo trust the Red Moon army more than their king. People rely on Red Moon more than they do on their king. So is the Red Moon army the one that protects the people, not the king?"
The king is basically asking the same question: are you the king? do you want to be king when you fulfill my duties better than me?
Depending on who is asking, it becomes a pretty impossible question due to the consequences. The previous king himself is asking one of his subjects, so I think it's unlikely that he actually believes the old captain when he denies. I also don't believe that the king called them to the palace for a good reason, I suspect he always planned to get ride of them and  he only wanted to play a bit and humiliate them before.  The loyalty of the old captain doesn't matter because the trust between a king and his subject is missing. As CY explains to Gongmin in the beginning, Goryeo had so many kings that the people themselves don't care anymore meaning the king can be replaced if the ones who hold power (Yuan, Gi Chul) choose to do it. The king sees the old captain as a threat because the people believed in him, meaning he fears the captain could plan a revolt and replace him, he doesn't trust him to stay loyal. Probably, because he knows that he doesn't treat his subjects well to deserve loyalty. You could also speculate that the king tried to get ride of them by sending out false orders. When CY talks about the Red Moon army, he said that he doesn't know why they started to receive orders which were traps.
So that's why the question is so heavy because it depends on trust, loyalty and who is asking the question.
Gongmin giving CY the approval to answer Gi Chul's question already shows the difference between him and the previous king. He proves that he trusts CY and doesn't ask CY the question himself.
Now the really difficult part is why CY thinks that the old captain was wrong. I disagree with CY because I think the old captain did his best in this impossible situation, after all, he managed to save the rest of his army from getting killed by having them swear to protect the king. 
I think CY could refer to the fact that the old captain didn't really answer the question truthfully. Because due to the failure of the previous king to trust his subjects and the fact that he didn't deserve the loyalty of the old captain, maybe CY wanted the captain to defy the king, no matter the consequences. I don't really know what CY wanted him to do instead, they either would have been killed on the spot, thrown in jail or died fighting. Or maybe they would have been able to escape somehow...So I'm really curious about what CY was thinking. But I'm not a Korean warrior myself, so it's a bit difficult to understand what exactly CY means with this. lol
In comparison to the old captain, CY really thought about the question because Gi Chul is not the only one who asks. In one of the previous episodes, when CY tries to recruit people for Gongmin, he is asked why he choose to follow this particular king and not another. And he answers that this king knows shame and he wants to protect that. Also when they accuse him of grabbing on to the ankles of the king, he doesn't run away from the question but simply tries to find a solution with the king, because it doesn't matter who asks this question as long as the king trusts him and CY believes that he is worthy of protection. Both parts are important. The previous king proved that he didn't deserve the loyalty and faith of his people by treating his subjects without any respect and by only thinking about his pleasure and not the protection of his people. So maybe CY is just saying that the old captain was wrong for staying loyal when the king didn't even trust him.

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@amayah Welcome! Here is my perspective from whatI understood and like you I dont fully understand and I may sound repetitive to what @sia3 or cassopeia may have told you

Gi Cheol pretty much asks him the same question ,but worded differently to CY ,the questions that the scum king asked CY teacher,

Which goes around the lines that the people trust Jeokwalde more than him that he is the King.

GC is being an instigator in telling CY the same thing,by saying that he has done all the work the whole time while the GC reaps the rewards,roughly sounds that way.

back to CY teacher, the king was scum and in this part of the story Jeokwalde and their leader,CY teacher, were indeed the honorable ones, but of course the king being the scum that he is was angered by the fact that the people trusted Jeokwalde more than him since he was the king.
The king asks the teacher if they're the ones that protect that people and not the king, he answers no, and the kings asks him will they ignore a royal command, I think he asked this in a provoking manner since the people trust Jeokwalde more than him which is in fact obvious, and the teacher answers no. SO to prove his point, he has MH undress in front of him. I dont think the King was really going to do anything or who knows,but his point here was to prove what the teacher just answered him. If in fact the trust of the people should lie on the King and not Jeokwalde, then Jeokwalde must succumb to all his orders including the despicable one in which MH is to undress. The teacher was at a crossroad, obey the king's command and pretty much MH loses her dignity and in risk of getting raped, who knows the man is sick, or protect his pupil and defy the king. That answer was too hard so he stood in front of MH and took the stab of the sword.

CY dealt with the same thing, His promise to Imja was to take her back to her time, he proved that by letting himself get stabbed in ep 2. Thru out the drama there was a series of situations where he had to protect Imja ,but at the risk of not being able to protect the King. Example ep 15 when Imja gets poisoned in order to save her life he had to steal the royal seal which is pretty much treason. However he did in fact steal the royal seal from Yuan,but in order for a new Seal to be made the Seal of Goryeo giving King GM more power over Yuan and ultimately over GC . Same in ep 17/18 where He has to save both Imja and the King, he saves both of them but at the cost of the lives of some his woodalchi kids.
So when GC at the end of the series asks CY if he is pretty much willing to become King instead of serving one and CY mentions that someone was asked the same question and he paid with his life and that person was wrong.

CY answered and refused to take the Kings place cuz one he never cared for it. Which makes sense, he wanted to retire from being a general and live in the country and fish. Also he already has a king! GM became a great King of course with CY help,but it was cooperative, two heads thinking together and besides GM always saw him as his equal ,a friend. So CY answer had no burden.

Imja plays alot in this situation. CY had no care of his life after the deaths of his teacher and MH, once Imja comes into the picture she changed everything. His concern now was to save Imja not become a King. GM is a great King he will know how to handle the affairs of the nation, even so without CY. CY situation is different, he worries about Imja, will she live, can he send her back to her time and will she return to him one day or will she stay. Becoming King is the least of his concerns. Imja's life is what has him shaking, he has felt he hasnt protected her well enough, per ep 22, all because he has had to be a general ,not that he is spiteful cuz he isn't,but because he wished he could do both well. Protect the King well and Imja well. Obviously in the end it is prove that he did!. CY protection of Imja, made imja not only fall in love with him,but to also protect him and herself, proof is with her risky measure of drinking poison on top of poison. To live to be by his side. GM being able to trust CY and having someone that believed in him ,he became a great King and not just him look what NG did at in ep 22. Two great royals CY helped create.

So CY given that Imja had a stronger influence on him and that GM was a capable and great King had no burden in answering NO.

hope this helped .. hope I made sense LOL

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Actually from the beginning... It's always Imja being 1st priority...

Like in 2nd episode, when ES ran away from the inn, CY knows jolly well that the enemies would be coming back for 2nd attack soon... but he still choose to go out and look for ES.  And giving instructions to his boys how to defend the 2nd attack.  Knowing full well, the best way should be he stay behind and protect the king/queen himself.

of cos - in the end he rush back in time to save the queen.... but he did hestiate for a second not to turn back. And he got really angry when he went back to the kidnapper den and thought they probably had moved her to a different location.

As I watched the show the nth time... I really loves to watch how he always put her in the 1st place from the very beginning!! :)

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@sia3 , @adlyn13 , and @cassopeia , thanks for the very insightful posts! I really appreciated it and your answers were very interesting.  You gave me much to think about,( need to rewatch everything now :) )
Many things make more sense now like why the old king publically humiliated the Red Moon Crescent troop by making MH to undress herself in front of everyone. If it were just for his sick needs, he would have called her into his quarters.

By the way, do you all think that CY's mental problem (heavy sword) was similar to the old generals? After reading all of your posts, both happened for different reasons. For me, it seems like the old general was tired with being loyal to someone who didn't deserve it. He felt like everything he did was waste. But CY's problem started when he was finally in 'ease' with himself and everything else. He found a king who deserved his loyality and he started to move on in his life. The past was not a bother for him anymore. So, did he start to have problems to fight with his right hand because he just didn't want to kill anymore?

@ sia3 Another question would have been about the conversation between the royal guard leader and CY at the end of ep 20. The royal guard leader told CY that the old general answered his question "What does it feel like to have the sword become heavy?" with "Then at last the end is here."(Hence he needed to find a place to end.)
I wondered what he meant exactly. It didn't sound like he just wanted step back and quit like Choi Young. It sounded different.
But with your explanation, it makes completely sense,now. He did play with the thought to die. His mental issue bothered him so much that he 'needed to find a place to end'. and finally with the king's calling, the opportunity presented itself to him and he took it (as you said.)
I wonder if he knew that something bad will happen when the king called. He told CY that the king is nothing like he imagines.
 (Btw don't know if I can say this but from that one past scene 'past CY' seemed to be much alike to ES. Rolling around in bed is something ES would do. And sometimes you can see his old character around his aunt...but dunno lol)

haha I hope my post is not too confusing and understandable...Thanks again!!!

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There is a conflict between the script writer and director for Faith from what I gathered by watching the drama and reading the Q&A from SJN. Can you tell that there is a bit of inconsistency with CY's behaviour in certain episodes versus the script (esp. the Q&A and the omitted script).

LMH himself said in an interview (Japanese) about his choice as Choi Young. LMH and PD's POV on Choi Young is similar, as in if Choi Young is given a choice whether to stay back in Goryeo or go to the future, they would choose to stay back. That to me means both of these men chose duty over love whereas SJN's interpretation of CY is much more a girlie choice. So from what I understand, SJN wants her CY to put ES in the first place but I don't think PD agrees with her on this. Let's just think about this situation in real life, how many men (who is loyal to their duty and honour) would put woman in the first place? So the conflict is PD goes about his directing to make CY more manly (in his opinion) while SJN writes her scripts in woman's POV and we can also see it in her novel, too.

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You are welcome. You have given us all something to ponder about and guess what? It's very interesting to see that we all interpreted that scene & it's dialogues differently.

I do think CY's mental problem (heavy sword) is similar (the core of it) albeit the reasons are slightly different as his master - Moon Chi Hoo. Both of them started to question themselves on whether it is worth it to keep fighting and killing innocence. CY's mentality is also affected dearly of his inability to protect the people he loves most, both Eun Soo, Woodalchi & Gong Min. We don't know what is the true cause to Moon Chi Hoo's problems but I believe it is similar to Choi Young whereby both have become lost in their purpose of fighting and not knowing what exactly they are fighting for. I suspect Moon Chi Hoo starts to lose his faith in his country and the king(s) he served and it weighed/hurt him a lot when he keeps losing his students to defend a country whereby the king(s) doesn't even care.

For Choi Young's case, it's slightly different but not really. Gong Min's insecurity indirectly forces Choi Young had to always split himself into half and I believe that really affect him, which is why Eun Soo sacrifices herself and made CY go back in ep20. And then there's his disappointment in Gongmin of the choices he made that put many people in danger (because CY treasures his men's life) and he let Prince DH go too (remember CY's look in that scene?).

Both men feel the sword is getting heavy can also be interpreted as it has been used to take so many lives, lives that could be spared if the kings didn't make a choice that would shed so many blood. Somewhere in 20-21, Choi Young sighed & told Eun Soo, the sword has taken his master's life, ES stabbed him with it, killed others instead of killing someone like DH, someone who deserve to be punished by the sword.

Oh I am not suggesting GM is wrong, he did what he thought was best and that choice has consequences and he knows he's dirtying CY's hands with blood. These taken lives 'weighed' on Moon Chi Hoo and Choi Young's soul, they are responsible for the death. Am I making sense? This is what I think they feel as well.

I do think Moon Chi Hoo expected 'bad' outcome from visiting the king but he probably doesn't know what kind. He's definitely and for sure (as their master) is prepared to do what he can to ensure their safety. To be honest, I loved that scene - it was a powerful scene but I'm sad that he sort of orchestrated himself to be killed (and die honourably too!) but in truth, he wanted to end his life and he wanted to run away from his problem. :-S

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sia3 said: @mtdt
There is a conflict between the script writer and director for Faith from what I gathered by watching the drama and reading the Q&A from SJN. Can you tell that there is a bit of inconsistency with CY's behaviour in certain episodes versus the script (esp. the Q&A and the omitted script).

LMH himself said in an interview (Japanese) about his choice as Choi Young. LMH and PD's POV on Choi Young is similar, as in if Choi Young is given a choice whether to stay back in Goryeo or go to the future, they would choose to stay back. That to me means both of these men chose duty over love whereas SJN's interpretation of CY is much more a girlie choice. So from what I understand, SJN wants her CY to put ES in the first place but I don't think PD agrees with her on this. Let's just think about this situation in real life, how many men (who is loyal to their duty and honour) would put woman in the first place? So the conflict is PD goes about his directing to make CY more manly (in his opinion) while SJN writes her scripts in woman's POV and we can also see it in her novel, too.

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sia3 said: @amayah
You are welcome. You have given us all something to ponder about and guess what? It's very interesting to see that we all interpreted that scene & it's dialogues differently.

I do think CY's mental problem (heavy sword) is similar (the core of it) albeit the reasons are slightly different as his master - Moon Chi Hoo. Both of them started to question themselves on whether it is worth it to keep fighting and killing innocence. CY's mentality is also affected dearly of his inability to protect the people he loves most, both Eun Soo, Woodalchi & Gong Min. We don't know what is the true cause to Moon Chi Hoo's problems but I believe it is similar to Choi Young whereby both have become lost in their purpose of fighting and not knowing what exactly they are fighting for. I suspect Moon Chi Hoo starts to lose his faith in his country and the king(s) he served and it weighed/hurt him a lot when he keeps losing his students to defend a country whereby the king(s) doesn't even care.

For Choi Young's case, it's slightly different but not really. Gong Min's insecurity indirectly forces Choi Young had to always split himself into half and I believe that really affect him, which is why Eun Soo sacrifices herself and made CY go back in ep20. And then there's his disappointment in Gongmin of the choices he made that put many people in danger (because CY treasures his men's life) and he let Prince DH go too (remember CY's look in that scene?).

Both men feel the sword is getting heavy can also be interpreted as it has been used to take so many lives, lives that could be spared if the kings didn't make a choice that would shed so many blood. Somewhere in 20-21, Choi Young sighed & told Eun Soo, the sword has taken his master's life, ES stabbed him with it, killed others instead of killing someone like DH, someone who deserve to be punished by the sword.

Oh I am not suggesting GM is wrong, he did what he thought was best and that choice has consequences and he knows he's dirtying CY's hands with blood. These taken lives 'weighed' on Moon Chi Hoo and Choi Young's soul, they are responsible for the death. Am I making sense? This is what I think they feel as well.

I do think Moon Chi Hoo expected 'bad' outcome from visiting the king but he probably doesn't know what kind. He's definitely and for sure (as their master) is prepared to do what he can to ensure their safety. To be honest, I loved that scene - it was a powerful scene but I'm sad that he sort of orchestrated himself to be killed (and die honourably too!) but in truth, he wanted to end his life and he wanted to run away from his problem. :-S

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mtdt said: sia3 said: @amayah
You are welcome. You have given us all something to ponder about and guess what? It's very interesting to see that we all interpreted that scene & it's dialogues differently.

I do think CY's mental problem (heavy sword) is similar (the core of it) albeit the reasons are slightly different as his master - Moon Chi Hoo. Both of them started to question themselves on whether it is worth it to keep fighting and killing innocence. CY's mentality is also affected dearly of his inability to protect the people he loves most, both Eun Soo, Woodalchi & Gong Min. We don't know what is the true cause to Moon Chi Hoo's problems but I believe it is similar to Choi Young whereby both have become lost in their purpose of fighting and not knowing what exactly they are fighting for. I suspect Moon Chi Hoo starts to lose his faith in his country and the king(s) he served and it weighed/hurt him a lot when he keeps losing his students to defend a country whereby the king(s) doesn't even care.

For Choi Young's case, it's slightly different but not really. Gong Min's insecurity indirectly forces Choi Young had to always split himself into half and I believe that really affect him, which is why Eun Soo sacrifices herself and made CY go back in ep20. And then there's his disappointment in Gongmin of the choices he made that put many people in danger (because CY treasures his men's life) and he let Prince DH go too (remember CY's look in that scene?).

Both men feel the sword is getting heavy can also be interpreted as it has been used to take so many lives, lives that could be spared if the kings didn't make a choice that would shed so many blood. Somewhere in 20-21, Choi Young sighed & told Eun Soo, the sword has taken his master's life, ES stabbed him with it, killed others instead of killing someone like DH, someone who deserve to be punished by the sword.

Oh I am not suggesting GM is wrong, he did what he thought was best and that choice has consequences and he knows he's dirtying CY's hands with blood. These taken lives 'weighed' on Moon Chi Hoo and Choi Young's soul, they are responsible for the death. Am I making sense? This is what I think they feel as well.

I do think Moon Chi Hoo expected 'bad' outcome from visiting the king but he probably doesn't know what kind. He's definitely and for sure (as their master) is prepared to do what he can to ensure their safety. To be honest, I loved that scene - it was a powerful scene but I'm sad that he sort of orchestrated himself to be killed (and die honourably too!) but in truth, he wanted to end his life and he wanted to run away from his problem. :-S

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Wow I haven't been here in a while.... and I see Faithlings still actively keeping this thread alive. You are all so awesome! 
Shout out to @sia3, @myphim, @filchiny, @adlyn13.. sorry if I missed anyone. Hi everybody.. I'm @azzurri... used to be a regular on this thread, but now have wandered elsewhere. LOL Still love Faith but Real Life just prevents me from being everywhere I want to be on Soupy.
But lovely to see this thread still so active! 

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Guest filchiny

@azzuri and everyone HELLO! :-h
yes still rewatching Faith specially now. It is my refuge from watching another series that is breaking my heart. I go back to CY & ES and somehow I feel happy. I love that there is no forced love triangle in this series that they are able to somehow show how their feeling developed for one another without the distraction of another man or another woman.
:x :x :x :x :x

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@sia3 Thanks again for your explanation. Now I understand! Although Gongmin was a better king, the situation he was in didn't change. He still had to take innocent lives and 'dirty' his hands further. Eun Soo made his life 'brighter' but for a Woodalchi general who is honor-bound and loyal, she just made his situation much harder (though, he didn't mind it)... Hence, why Eun Soo even mentioned the fact that protecting her wouldn't be easy (when he told her that he will ask her if she can stay after she is healed)...She was aware of his situation and what her staying would mean for him.

After all that, I think that 'he was wrong' part could also refer to the whole mental problem thing. As you all said Moon Chi Hoo ran away by getting killed. He chose the easier way by *quitting* and shedding no blood of his troops and innocent people. Choi Young had the same problem that he didn't want to shed innocent blood anymore. As you said, "...both have become lost in their purpose of fighting and not knowing what exactly they are fighting for." But when Gi Chu asked him the same question, he probably realised what exactly they are fighting for.  To protect the people. The old king didn't do that. ("So is the Red Moon army the one that protects the people, not the king?" ) But Gongmin (no matter how bothersome his methods are) does it. Hence, Choi Young's answer "I have a king" i.e. No matter how much my hands get in blood, he is still a king who protects his people. Moon Chi Hoo ran away from protecting his people. He should have fought even if it meant innocent people will die. Therefore, the old general was wrong...
And probably because of this, Choi Young was also able to continue to fight the next years after Eun Soo 'disappeared' in the time gate. He wouldn't be able to survive with having that mental problem (+ the uncertainty of Eun Soo coming back).

lol anyway that's what I concluded after I read all of your posts. Correct me ifI am too wrong :)

What are those Q&A?

I am happy with PD/LMH's choice. It is more realistic and CY's love to Eun Soo becomes much more meaningful. I am happy they didn't let Choi Young give up everything for 'love' like in most Kdramas. It would make him to another Kim Tan (I don't hate that drama. I just hate how they make Kim Tan only live for love. If it were real life he would have destroyed many peoples life by his selfish way of loving. He should have first try to grow up and learn to fight the right way. Until then, the girl would have waited for him if she really loved him imo *shrugs*). I personally think such kind of love is too destructive. And I doubt a relationship would end up happily (or last long). There would be too many regrets later.(exactly what happened when CY and ES ran away in the first timeline before the change). Just when the person can handle his or her personal life without running away can love his partner how she or he deserves it.

This makes me wonder what  Choi Young would have done if the Yuan seal would have been Goryeo seal...

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amayah said

What are those Q&A?

I am happy with PD/LMH's choice. It is more realistic and CY's love to Eun Soo becomes much more meaningful. I am happy they didn't let Choi Young give up everything for 'love' like in most Kdramas. It would make him to another Kim Tan (I don't hate that drama. I just hate how they make Kim Tan only live for love. If it were real life he would have destroyed many peoples life by his selfish way of loving. He should have first try to grow up and learn to fight the right way. Until then, the girl would have waited for him if she really loved him imo *shrugs*). I personally think such kind of love is too destructive. And I doubt a relationship would end up happily (or last long). There would be too many regrets later.(exactly what happened when CY and ES ran away in the first timeline before the change). Just when the person can handle his or her personal life without running away can love his partner how she or he deserves it.

This makes me wonder what  Choi Young would have done if the Yuan seal would have been Goryeo seal...

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:-h Hello!

Q&A with Song Ji-Na that fans translated from her website. It's not all the questionaires but a lot of important and informative ones are in it. There are also script tidbits that would help you better understand the drama. Also, Breathless Survival shares novel extracts for volume 1 & 2. It's totally daebak, I tell ya!
:-bd The FEELS of it all... :)

Hmm... I think my direct and simplest interpretation of the 'he was wrong' will be the choice he made (where he chose to die). I can't be sure even if he chose not to die, leave serving the king that he would recover from that psychological issue. It would be interesting if we all can get inside the head of Moon Chi Hoo in the novel. Pali pali, SJN! LOL!

But his "quitting" definitely didn't end further blood shed. In this, I see him as selfish. He was in so much pain himself that he could not forsee the harm he will cause to his red moon troops. He probably was too wrapped up wallowing in his own pain to be able to too. However, his actions resulted Mae Hee to kill herself thinking she was the cause of his death. Choi Young lived like a hollow zombie and other members lost their fighting spirits or died in battles.

Moon Chi Hoo is probably doomed anyway for his ending unlike CY where with Eun Soo by his side, he learnt to love, trust and have faith in people. His shaking hands may be the result of the 'conflict' he had to deal on his path of discovery. I do believe his hands were fixed by the time he faced off with Ki Chul, no wait, when he chased after Eun Soo in episode 24. There is a little epilogue after episode 24 in the script that wasn't shown in episode 24. I'll let you find out from the script tidbits :) and you'll understand why he's waiting for her all these years :D

Hahaha~ yeah I love Choi Young and Lee Yoon Sung because they are heroes that juggle between love and bread/work. Kim Tan did not appeal to me for the same reason you stated and probably worse because I kept waiting for him to 'do something' like he kept telling the others, however, nothing ever happened and he was just a helpless, useless (sort of) boy with no character growth (it happened off screen in USA) in the end of the whole drama. Cue: Me smashing / flipping tables like @Layali. :))

I am shocked that you really smashed your laptop for Faith's ending! :o
You should have just joined us all in ranting and releasing your anger in here!

I feel you for the ending... hahaha!
I stayed up to watch the live streaming with everyone and the ending was like WTF was that?!
Am still sulking a little knowing that it was not just PD's decision to omit the hug but all 3 of them because of that DAMN hat! X(

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sia3 said:

I feel you for the ending... hahaha!
I stayed up to watch the live streaming with everyone and the ending was like WTF was that?!
Am still sulking a little knowing that it was not just PD's decision to omit the hug but all 3 of them because of that DAMN hat! X(

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Yes she does BUT I don't know Korean so I can't tell her. You? :))
Best not to push her though coz then she can include as many info for us as possible in the books!
She was having a writer's block for vol. 2 actually, she even travel to NZ to get her peace in order to write it.

Yeahhhh script tidbits got us all angrily flipping tables but Faith is like crack. We love it no matter what.

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@mtdt thanks for the link!

lol dunno but 18 is an age where you responsible for your actions. Hmmmm...*let me think*... he could be as sneaky as his dad. Wait for the shares he is getting at his 18th birthday by his dad. Then threatening him to sell them to Rachel's Mom for one dollar if he can't be with ES...lol jk dunno just something...

@sia3 Hi  :-h

Will be back after reading everything!! Excited now :)

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