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110 pages into Volume 2 of Faith book. If we compare it to the show, we're roughly at the first half of episode 4. I really, really am curious on how Song JiNa is going to cram all 24 episodes into a novel. I really hope she's not going to rush the writing and give us something sloppy :/
Choi Young is really really mad at the King for forcing him to disobey the promise he made to Eun Soo. Because she stayed, she's put in danger. The fact that they just got attacked only proved his theory. (Remember, in ep4, red flame girl threw bombs at them). 
The scene between CY and the King in the show is pretty loyal to the book (halfway through ep4), but they changed a few details. In the show, Gong Min comes off as a little condescending towards CY and Daejang comes off as sullen. We don't really understand why CY is so "closed off". But we get it in the book; he blames the King for the attack. Because of him, Eun Soo is made a target and is vulnerable. Because of the King, there are rumors circulating about the doctor and CY thinks it can only bring bad things.

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Ki Chul is stingy, he does spa in his home because he doesn't want people to know his weakness i.e. he can't control his icy power. He gets all icy from within him so in order not to let anyone knows, he hid in Ki residence all the time and Yangsa is his mini minion. :))

So yeah, my spa is Ki Chul free :D

Thanks Myphim... I'll have to check ep10 then... :)) and hahaha, he must have gone to see @tvelove to make his left side flawless coz I swore he has a chicken pox scar there before :P

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My mom and my dad are currently watching Faith. They're at episode 18 so far, and they're asking me all these questions:
"Wait, but it doesn't make any sense, how can she write to herself from the past of the past?""BUT HOW CAN LEE MIN HO BE THE DAEJANG. HE IS JUST A CHILD.""I can't believe how tiny King Gong Min is."
Anyway-They have absolutely no idea how the show is going to end and it's driving them crazy (remember the sweet and innocent times when we where at the same state of mind?)
My Dad bet 20 bucks Eun Soo was in a coma all along and that she's dreamed all of it.My Mom thinks it was all a dream and that she'll wake up in the last episode and say to herself "Hm, I must have eaten bad kimchi before going to sleep." 
All I want to say is: 

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Guest Anomalous

violetts said: My mom and my dad are currently watching Faith. They're at episode 18 so far, and they're asking me all these questions:
"Wait, but it doesn't make any sense, how can she write to herself from the past of the past?""BUT HOW CAN LEE MIN HO BE THE DAEJANG. HE IS JUST A CHILD.""I can't believe how tiny King Gong Min is."
Anyway-They have absolutely no idea how the show is going to end and it's driving them crazy (remember the sweet and innocent times when we where at the same state of mind?)
My Dad bet 20 bucks Eun Soo was in a coma all along and that she's dreamed all of it.My Mom thinks it was all a dream and that she'll wake up in the last episode and say to herself "Hm, I must have eated bad kimchi before going to sleep." 

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I was talking about Faith with my parents at dinner and here are the things they told me (they grew up in Korea, so they learned all about King Gong Min and the Goryeo era at school)
- No Gook actually means "Princess of Yuan" (or something like that) so it's not her real name. There were lots of "No Gook" but only one came to Korea, and it's the one who eventually became Gong Min's wife. That's why we call her like it's her full name.
- After their deaths, women didn't get to keep their full name, but only their last name. So let's say I'm Yoo Eun Soo and I die, people in the future would only know me as "Mrs Yoo, wife of ___"
- GET THIS: At the grave of Choi Young in Korea, his gravestone mentions a Mrs "Yoo", his wife. They loved each other so much they were buried together.SO THIS MEANS THAT A GIRL WHOSE LAST NAME WAS YOO ACTUALLY EXISTED AND MARRIED THE DAEJANG.The writers of the show took that historical fact and invented the character of Yoo Eun Soo.
Mind = blown.
You have no idea how this little bit of news changed my whole perception of the show. LIKE WOAH.


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@laquetahodge Well see, that's what I find amazing. This show has so many layers, you could watch it a thousand times and still discover news ways of seeing things. And the writer has woven historical facts with fiction in a super smart way which makes the show all the more brilliant. 
(btw congrats on becoming a moderator!! You weren't one when you were chatting with us a few months ago, right? Very daebak :D)

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Thanks @violetts. That's interesting to know that No Gook is just her title and not her real name. It's sad that women lose their identity once they get married. Yeah, isn't it mind-blowing that the real Choi Young actually had a wife with the last name Yoo? SJN has written such a romantic love story, it's going to be hard to find another to top it for me.

Edit: Have your parents finished watching Faith yet? How did they like it?

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Guest Anomalous

laquetahodge said:
If I'm not mistaken, the wife with the last name Yoo was his second wife. Though I could be wrong, but I could have sworn I read that somewhere. Watching Sageuks makes me look into Korean history more. Also No Gook's father wasn't the emperor of Yuan, it was her uncle who was emperor at the time. Oh thanks! No I wasn't one before, became one in October :) 

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Guest Anomalous

violetts said: So, hypothetical question: what do you think would have happened if Mae Hee never died, and was still around with Choi Young when Eun Soo came along into their world?
Dun dun dun...

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laquetahodge said:
He became a general after MH died, so what if he had never been made general at all? Had MH lived, do you think that he would have tuned into the person he was when MH was around and the same person ES met years later? This is food for thought....

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Well, for one thing, events that happens in your life shapes who you are as a person. @Laquetahodge you're right he might not even have been promoted to General if that was the case. But in the book, SJN really insists on CY 'destiny', on the fact that he is and had always been meant for the greater thing. (She mentions it several times in the book through flashbacks moments of his father and his Master/Teacher)

;I agree with @Anomalous on this one: had MH never died, I believe CY would have gone through the honorable route and would have stayed faithful to MH, even if his heart betrayed him. It would have been up to MH to let him go, otherwise I think it would have destroyed him. CY is so loyal and honorable that he takes it to the extreme, to pursue what's morally right regardless of what his true feelings are. We saw this in the show when he beats himself up for being 'greedy' and wanting ES for himself and not sending her back (you know that whole sequence where he backs ES against a wall and says he regrets asking her to stay; I can't pinpoint the exact episode... But its towards the end.)

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Guest prosperity

Hey guys, I know I haven't visited this thread in forever, but I happened up on some exciting news today and I thought I would share. 
I turned on my tv today and signed in to my netflix account and guess what I saw? Faith! I can't wait to watch it on my big screen tv this weekend. I was soooo happy when I saw it :))

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prosperity said: Hey guys, I know I haven't visited this thread in forever, but I happened up on some exciting news today and I thought I would share. 
I turned on my tv today and signed in to my netflix account and guess what I saw? Faith! I can't wait to watch it on my big screen tv this weekend. I was soooo happy when I saw it :))

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Guest theislandvibes

prosperity said: Hey guys, I know I haven't visited this thread in forever, but I happened up on some exciting news today and I thought I would share. 
I turned on my tv today and signed in to my netflix account and guess what I saw? Faith! I can't wait to watch it on my big screen tv this weekend. I was soooo happy when I saw it :))

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Guest prosperity

@laquetahodge, @myphim, @theislandvibes, yes guys it is on Netflix now. I did a quick once over and they also have Arang and the Magistrate, A Gentleman's Dignity, and the Werewolf Boy (movie). I plan on watching all of these. I am sure there are more though.

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Guest prosperity

@laquetahodge, I never did finish that one either, so I was very excited to see it. I am going to have a field day over the Christmas break.

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Guest theislandvibes

prosperity said: @laquetahodge, @myphim, @theislandvibes, yes guys it is on Netflix now. I did a quick once over and they also have Arang and the Magistrate, A Gentleman's Dignity, and the Werewolf Boy (movie). I plan on watching all of these. I am sure there are more though.

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