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Guest tigereyespeppy


I have 'controlled' diabetes. :-<

Which means that my sugar stays high, but if exercise a lot and watch what I eat, I can usually keep it down to normal(or close to normal) levels. :|

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I really hope you can have it fixed, It's such a pain to be sick every month! I feel your pain, I had a classmate almost the same as you and every month the boys from school carries her to the clinic and takes her home because she faints all the time every month no matter what she's doing!

I'm happy you're doing gym, I wish I could do the same too!!! ;))

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Guest tigereyespeppy


Your poor friend. I feel her pain. :(

I haven't fainted yet. I know to take it slow around that time so I'm extra careful.

I've got things started so that in a few months I'll get a partial hysterectomy. It's not really something that I want. But I can't keep living my life spending half the month bedridden. 8-|

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you should but if you work alot and then RL is busy I can understand how joining a gym is impossible

and I could've taken advantage of the gym at school it's part of the tuition I pay but didnt go cuz my dr forbid me cuz I was too sick and she was afraid I'd collapse


I have insulin resistance which I don't take care I can get diabetes when I get older .. thanks to my girly problems I have that I am taking medication for it but oh I hate the mood swings and I eat alot .. luckily I've gotten into eating tomato and mushrooms too soothe my hunger

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Guest tigereyespeppy


I have insulin resistance too. But I didn't know that until it was too late. :( I didn't develop diabetes until about a year ago. So I've been having a hard time having to quit my old eating habits cold turkey. :((

I LOVE sweets! And potatoes and rice and bread! :(( :(( :((

And now I have to limit how much I eat of it. :(

And my problem is that I can't take the medicine that would help the insulin resistance because it causes other problems that would become more serious, and could become fatal.

It's like you can't win for losing! :))

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My friend is all well now, after she got married and had kids she became all better! ;))

Yes, I'm too busy with RL so I can't go to the gym, anyway I get to walk a lot going to and from work so I think that will suffice as exercise! :))

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aww that sucks !!

well my insulin is a little high but nothing big my blood sugar levels are normal so I am okay just taking medications due to hormone imbalance if they fix that I am good if not i have to take metformin medication for diabetes to normalize my insulin

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lol @ your comment walking at work let me see running errands for your crazy boss since you did mention he was crazy before

and yeah kids help woman get healthy it's part if our human development they nourishment woman have to get while pregnant is what helps

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Guest tigereyespeppy


I tried the metformin, but it did nothing to lower my sugar and cause a lot of stomach pain. But I'm really glad it works for you. :)

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Guest tigereyespeppy


Hahahaha sorry Bunny! I didn't even notice. :))

Oh dear! Do you have to keep taking that? Or will you be able to get off it later? :(

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adlyn13 said: Girls I have something to tell you all .. this lazy bunny decided to do something out of the ordinary I joined the gym well I am on my week trial . I am so proud of myself :) lol time to get rid of this fluffiness :D

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Guest tigereyespeppy

I know that steroids can cause weight gain. Hopefully you'll be able to get off of it soon. :)

Sia!  HUG!!!!!!

Wait.... there's a CODE for the spoilers now????

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