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Gals, first and foremost THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!  You are doing an aweome job and I'm following every step of the way. 

Below are just some of my thoughts as I follow the recap.  I'm not sure if it's more appropriate for me to wait until the recap is done?  I don't want to affect the flow of your wonderful recap (and all your hard work).  Please let me know if commentary should be left till the end

@mattie2012 how I wish there was an option for multiple selections on posts (awesome, plus LOL etc)  I would give you an awesome for your awesome job recapping the ep and a LOL for your comment about ES's cryptic notes that she left to herself.  And then if I could create additonal "true that" option I would give you that too.  Maybe the cryptic sometimes vague messages is another way to test and have Faith in herself and her realationship/love with CY.

Seeing DH's face (it's a pretty face -I see my Dear @myphim why at some point you were taken by the pretty :) Too bad he was such a baddie) again on screen bring me back to all the times I wanted to slap his smug face. Yes, DH knows nothing of HONOR, he is someone who just thinks of himself no matter what.  He is quite the opposite of our General and now that I think about it we have change to see complete opposite facets of human being and what makes them tick (how they think, how they act).  DH is an example of what one would not like to become where as CY is what we would all like to strive to be like. 

In this ep we continue to see GM's growth and understanding of what it truly means to be a leader.  It's just sitting in the palace listening to scholars giving him his thoughts.  To truly make effective decisions that will affect his people he needs to be around them and hear from them. Here again is another aspect of Faith that I love that even though it's a historical drama this message is very relevant in today's time. 


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.... GM recovers CY status as Wudalchi daejang etc. Sorry please refer to mattie and guadi.

Next scene
Our dear daejang sits somewhere with his sword, looking all clueless! :))
And GM came out to look for him. As respectful and appropriate as ever, he stands up to greet the king.
He then questions GM where is his guards. GM says he comes alone.
CY complains that GM is making it difficult for Wudalchi to protect him.
GM muses then let's go back to the palace
CY: Do you not know how hard this is? 2000 soldiers are working for DH and DH likes to use poison.

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GM gives a smirk
CY isn't impressed, and asks "what's so funny?"
GM: No matter when you are Wudalchi or a just a criminal, no matter I believe or do not believe... you are always the same.
CY agrees.
GM asks if CY still wants to be a fisherman
CY looks surprised at the Q and then sighs, "I haven't thought about it for quite some time"

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With his new royal seal GM writes his first royal order.

  1. Reinstating Choi Young for the following reasons:
  • [*]
CY saving the Queen[*]Safeguarding the King and the Royal escort Seoyond: to reappoint someone who has committed an offence to officiary post again.
My thoughts - GM has proven himself to be quite the smart King for his age :)
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GM: But even so, I wish you will stay by my side and sorry, I give you another job title... (more responsibility)
CY then notices Deoki walking on the street, on her way to where the royal couple resides.
Deoki gives NG a letter from JB
NG reads the letter and is shocked.
She worries and asks auntie Choi if she should tell CY.

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