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Guest SkyMinoz

‘신의’ 박상원 카메오 출연, 조용한 카리스마 내뿜는다

[뉴스엔 전원 기자]

박상원이 '신의' 카메오로 출연한다.

최근 SBS 월화드라마 '신의'(극본 송지나/연출 김종학 신용휘)에서 최민수가 극 초반 전설의 적월대 대장으로 무사다운 강렬한 카리스마를 선보였다면, 박상원은 냉철한 정치가로서 내면의 카리스마를 뿜어낼 것으로 전망되고 있다.

박상원이 맡은 원나라에서 사신 손유는 사리사욕 없고, 희노애락을 별로 드러내지 않는 성격의 원칙주의자다. 결과를 위해선 과정의 희생은 어쩔 수 없다는 냉정한 관료로, 고려의 백성을 위해서라도 원에 복속시키야 것이 낫다고 생각하는 인물이다.


박상원의 출연에 대해 '신의'의 한 제작진은 "타 방송 출연과 대학강의, 개인 사진전 등 바쁜 일정에도 김종학 감독과 맺어온 오랜 정으로 흔쾌히 출연에 응한 것으로 안다"며 "손유는 최영과 공민왕을 또 한번 위기로 내모는 냉정한 관료로 박상원이 지니고 있는 조용한 카리스마와 딱 맞는 인물"이라고 설명했다.
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Guest SkyMinoz

시청률 낮은 ‘신의’의 반전..시청자 뽑은 최고 사극 1위 ‘폐인양성’

사극 전성시대, 시청자가 투표한 최고의 사극은 어떤 작품일까?

포털 사이트 다음에서는 지난 10월11일부터 오는 10월14일까지 '사극 전성시대' 공중파 최고의 사극은?'이라는 주제로 투표를 실시하고 있다.

최근 사극 전성시대를 맞아 SBS 월화드라마 '신의', MBC 수목드라마 '아랑사또전', MBC 월화드라마 '마의', KBS 주말드라마 '대왕의 꿈', SBS 수목드라마 '대풍수' 등 5개 드라마가 시청자를 찾고 있다.

그야말로 월요일부터 일요일까지 일주일 내내 사극 광풍이 부는 셈이다. 이에 12일 오후 3시40분 기준 총 8,740명의 시청자들은 '신의'를 1위로 뽑았다. '신의'는 백분율로 41.4%를 기록했다.

이어 '아랑사또전'이 25.7%로 큰 격차를 두고 2위다. 3위는 '마의'로 13.6%, 4위가 '대왕의 꿈'으로 11.3%, 5위로는 지난 10일 첫 출발한 '대풍수'가 8%를 기록했다.

사실 '신의'는 그간 월화극 정상 자리를 차지한 적이 없었다. 심지어 꼴찌 수모도 자주 겪었다. 시청률 조사회사 AGB닐슨미디어리서치에 따르면 가장 최근 방송분인 10월9일 '신의' 18회분은 17회 10.5%에 비해 0.6%P 하락했다. 하지만 '신의'는 김희선과 이민호, 류덕환과 박세영 등의 시간을 뛰어넘은 절절한 로맨스로 '드라마폐인'을 양성하고 있는 중이다.

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Guest poohie222

still not release video preview? and why not release BTS video tooo? hhhhmmmm. new song is sad new pics is sad tooo i'm little bit sad tooo. :(( i can't wait. watch to new episode

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awesomeduck said: @sia3 Yes the gymnastic one!!! hahaha Episode 17 was the first one I watched live now I can't go back because of the kiss - I can't miss that if it happens again! I normally read the recap by softy on my phone on the way to work in the morning then joonni's recap at lunch time. I'm like you if I read soompi on my mobile I have to re-read everything when I get home on my computer hahaha :) I have told the bf that I'm neglecting him for the next month lol I'm a Faithling till the end of October!!!!I'm not a minoz - only like him because of Faith - he really is perfect as CY. Didn't like BOF, watched half of PT and CH. Now I think LMH is super hot but I love CY more particularly when he is with ES :) 

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@sia3 omg I'm exactly like you hahaha I love LMH as CY but I have to admit loving CY is soo much easier with LMH's face and body lol and the adam's apple super sexy - now I look at every guy's adam's apple when they're talking at work OMG - soo sad and inappropriate hahahaBut I love KHS as ES as well I just love Faith :) 

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Regarding Noguk when she told GM that where her husband can sleep peacefully is where her home/country will be...

My initial reaction was: What about your parents?! That's your home country!!! How could you say that as if you don't care! But then my second thought hit me, I'm using my modern point of view to react to this. Love isn't everything anymore in the 21st century, and family is just as important because blood is thicker than water. Generally your family will not abandon you but your partner will or can. So I guess I was a bit disturbed with her choice of words at first.

From what I have learnt from historical movies & dramas, royal children aren't brought up by their birth mother or father so I guessed I can safely assume none of them are close to their parents like the children of modern times. Plus Noguk is a female so she must be brought up with teaching that the husband is their everything once she is married off. I understand now but I still think it is sad she is giving up her heritage for her husband :(

Since we're on the topic of Noguk...let's not speculate it will be a sad ending for the Royal couple. Faithlings at other forum mentioned that Noguk did get pregnant in the early years but she had a miscarriage (@cikamoi: Can you confirm if this is real history?), and that could be the reason that lead to her death 14 years later. But maybe...just maybe...Writer-nim won't follow this line of history??? Who knows...she loves playing with our heads (....and our hearts might I add)! 

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sia3 said: Regarding Noguk when she told GM that where her husband can sleep peacefully is where her home/country will be...

My initial reaction was: What about your parents?! That's your home country!!! How could you say that as if you don't care! But then my second thought hit me, I'm using my modern point of view to react to this. Love isn't everything anymore in the 21st century, and family is just as important because blood is thicker than water. Generally your family will not abandon you but your partner will or can. So I guess I was a bit disturbed with her choice of words at first.

From what I have learnt from historical movies & dramas, royal children aren't brought up by their birth mother or father so I guessed I can safely assume none of them are close to their parents like the children of modern times. Plus Noguk is a female so she must be brought up with teaching that the husband is their everything once she is married off. I understand now but I still think it is sad she is giving up her heritage for her husband :(

Since we're on the topic of Noguk...let's not speculate it will be a sad ending for the Royal couple. Faithlings at other forum mentioned that Noguk did get pregnant in the early years but she had a miscarriage (@cikamoi: Can you confirm if this is real history?), and that could be the reason that lead to her death 14 years later. But maybe...just maybe...Writer-nim won't follow this line of history??? Who knows...she loves playing with our heads (....and our hearts might I add)! 

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awesomeduck said: @sia3 omg I'm exactly like you hahaha I love LMH as CY but I have to admit loving CY is soo much easier with LMH's face and body lol and the adam's apple super sexy - now I look at every guy's adam's apple when they're talking at work OMG - soo sad and inappropriate hahahaBut I love KHS as ES as well I just love Faith :) 

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2 and a half hour to go? I can't live stream this week, so will have to rely on your posts. In the meantime... to kill some time... 
What brought me to Faith was LMH. I watched him in BoF and was taken by his eyes conveying all those emotion. It was a surprise to find out that he's a newish actor then. Not a die hard fan but I will try to watch his dramas if I could. PT was ok, but I really like CH - Storyline & action wise. However, Faith beats them both I would say. In terms of storyline/suspense, eye candy, chemistry between the leads. This writer has done a great job in keeping us all addicted to the show. Found this thread sometime in May and had been lurking since. LMH + time travel story = have to watch, for me. 
What made me stay on reading in Soompi were/are/will be all the awesome/funny/pervy posts, gifs, fanarts, stories, fb entries, history, researches etc. This is the first time I'd been in a thread that moved so fast and is already 655 pages with 6 more episodes to go. So Great and Glad to be part of this thread. You guys rocks!

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simha said: Sorry to cut your post...I love his adam's apple too! Noticed it in BOF first!!!! He seemed to give off a very masculine vibe with that apple - much more than the other in that drama - same goes here!! soooo manly ahhhhh :\">
********Sorry to cut your post, but now I'm tempted to rewatch BOF to check out his adam's apple! lol.

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CharismaDoll said: Funny how you guys were all talking about legs.
Here's a video of LMH on Happy Camp where they discuss about his legs.I find it so hilarious. =)) =))
Apparently his legs is 112cm. I felt LMH seem so much taller in Faith though. I think he will keep growing in some other area too. lol :))

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Guest Tinkiebell

Wow, just like @rrmski, I went to bed on p645 and now we're 10 pages later. Eyes. Hurt. @-)  
Thanks for the spoiler picture and article @icesiren and @Adnana.
I see that ES is wearing her potato sack again. Definitely not happy about this. We're gonna have to talk about this, stylists. [-(
Am I the only one who thinks that all of the sad spoilers (new song, picture, article) of this week's episodes is the writer's way of misleading or distracting us from the actual ending? In every article, song lyrics, yada yada yada, we're led to believe that our OTP is going to separate in the end and a sad ending bounds to happen. But if this is the case then it'd all just be too simple and predictable, wouldn't it? I am suspicious that they're actually trying to steer us in the direction of a sad ending too much, that this is actually not their real intention at all. 
So I'm positive that we're getting a happy ending despite the seemingly bleak future for our OTP.  
And also on a more positive note, since they're feeding us with all these separation talks between CY and ES, I'm expecting to see more and more passionate scenes to portray their ardent love towards each other. The absence of these scenes will not do any justice to the love story at all because it is just not commonsensical. Seriously, which two lovers, whose love for each other is so deep and raw, knowing that they would be separated from each other very soon, would not take the chance in their remaining times together to be as amorous as possible towards each other? 

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Guest porcupine1610

Adnana said: class="blog_h2 entry-title"On Faith: Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun run away to say goodbye

October 15, 2012 4:00 pm dkrogers



Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun will run away to say goodbye on SBS’s Monday-Tuesday series Faith.

On the nineteenth episode of the series, which will air on October 15, Lee (plays the role of Choi Young) brings Kim (plays the role of Eun Soo) to a place where time and space will be opened.

Pictures, which were released online, were taken while the actors were shooting the nineteenth episode. Kim has an emotional look on her face while looking at Lee’s face. Since Lee is not wearing a hempen hood, it seems as if he stepped down from his position.

Lee and Kim have to say goodbye to each other so that Kim can go back where she came from. Their sad and emotional performance will make the audience feel sad too.

A spokesperson for the series says, “Lee and Kim will talk about a lot of things together and express their feelings toward each other. Their sad love story will air through the episode.”

The nineteenth episode of the series will air on October 15 at 9:55 p.m

Source: http://en.korea.com/blog/enter/tv/on-faith-lee-min-ho-and-kim-hee-sun-run-away-to-say-goodbye/
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What does TMTETS stands for? I don't watch enough Korean to know the initials :P
Unfortunately, 2 guy friends of mine think LMH is girly. Not a happy chap when I hear that! X(
I'd think out of the well known young Korean actors, Min-ho is manly enough not to be mistaken as a girl! X(

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