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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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You know what I don't get- Jong Hee biting Eun Jae. Yes I thought it was because she likes EJ. I noticed it from ep 11. However now I am confused, Jong Hee likes Eun Jae. Now what?

Jong Hee biting people is more of a symptom of her psychosis. (I think I'm using that term correctly.) And Eun Jae called her out on that and her other behaviors as a way of getting attention.

I just don't get the ahjumma though. I did suspect her from the very beginning but that was only because she was the most unassuming person that was close to MY. Unless they tell us of some unknown history between the two or how she came to work for MY, I'm a little less interested in her story right now.

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It's interesting to me the way EJ acted the rest of the episode after she found out that JH and MY weren't actually dating.  Even though she just went through a week or two?  of torture thinking he was back together with his ex.  Instead of getting all excited about the idea that she still has a chance, she hardly gave it any thought.   

When her friend, DA asked her if JH and MY were starting over, EJ's response was just a cool, "I don't know" and then she changed the subject.  I know she's clearly preoccupied with her dad and mom right now, but I wonder if it is because she figures MY is going to say "yes" anyway, since to her it already looks like they are dating and so she's just resigned to that now? 

 She also couldn't understand why MY would come and visit her when she was boxing.  She didn't get all excited about him visiting her, worrying about what she looks like as she did before, she just kept right on boxing, so I'm wondering if  in her mind, she mostly lost hope about the possibility of them being a couple even despite the news that MY and JH aren't back together?

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I wonder what really happen between JH & YS.

Aw...MY couldn't figure out why he's not happy about getting back with JH. It's cause he's in falling for EJ. Funny how he figured that out right before punching EJ. Then she knocks him out and all he sees is her.

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I'm really happy with the latest developments on the EJ-MY romantic front.  They always had a physical relationship, in the non-sexual way, so how appropriate for MY to realize (finally!) he loves her (or at least likes her a whole lot) during a boxing match between the two.  Looks like what I said previously about someone slapping him upside the head with it really came to be!

On the stalker front, oh ajumma, how could you?  Missing your glory days, are we?  Must have him, or no one else can?  I looked back at epi 3 when Dong Ah reviews that poem and discusses it with EJ.  And this is what DA says:  Female poet knows it, too, that MY has a girl.  Quoting the poem, she says: "I want to dig out your eyes which are looking at others. I want to smash your mouth which is calling out someone else's name.  I want to rip out your heart which has another girl in it."  She continues: It is by Japanese poet Gikuchi Yukiko.  After finding out that her lover has been cheating on her, Gikuchi committed suicide.  She drank the coffee with poison in it with one shot.

I'm not clear about the relationship between ajumma and YY, though someone mentioned here she may be like a mom to him.  Gotta review that part again. And  how does ajumma know golddigger/snake tattoo lady? Or did snake lady simply do it for money?  Seems like she knows SY's situation enough to be able to empathize with her.  That part was a little confusing, too...when ajumma saw SY crying in the elevator and invited her in for a bit to MY's place.

A: You don't look too good.  Did something happen?  Yes, your heart can become weak all of a sudden.  It's so hard that one can't breathe, but nobody knows.  And I can't tell anyone.  I want to blame someone, but I feel like I am the most wronged person.

SY: (Breaks down) After...I wouldn't draw.

A: Talk to me.  If you tell someone, you will feel better.

(Translation credits to viki!)

Yeah right, empathizing with her, rather convincingly and sincerely, but making her feel worse upon receiving the photo of JH with eyes poked out.  Eek.

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U Ladies Keep me updated!

Im not watching till someone says they became a couple. if not i wont watch lol anyway thanks EVERYONE FOR THE RECAPS AND TRANSLATIONS IM LOVING IT.

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Whatever- as long as the OTP moves forward next week. We had Moo Yeol sleeping around and kissing females he has just met in the earlier episodes. I want to know and expect some real physical interactions from ep 13 onwards. Like there better be a bed scene of whatever description or some shower scenes or some shirtless scenes.  *quoted image*  and some REAL kissing!! 

Hellz yeah, a bed scene! (Sorry that was my initial reaction to reading the above.) Lots of romping around -- or as much as they can do on a regular Korean network channel. That's my wish. Is Lee Shi-young a good kisser? I've seen LDW kissing in this and in Scent of a Woman, and he's definitely one of the better kissers out there among Korean actors. I hope it's both fun and hot at the same time. Oh please, fan service, please! *crossing fingers*

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I have to mention something about what everyone is saying about MY not being able to imagine his future with JH. From what I managed to derive, is that it isn't that he can't imagine the future, because we obviously can see in the drama he does... the problem is that when he sees it, he clearly does not feel thrilled. He knows that he could be very happy with JH and have a good future together. But he knows that something is clearly missing from the picture. That spark, that 'magic' so to speak. And it frustrates him to death, cause he doesn't know what to do.

Secondly, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but after the boxing match with EJ... she asks him to tie her shoelaces together for her. He does, but apparently doesn't do a good job and comes apart again. I know that someone earlier had mentioned that giving shoes is a sign of break up or letting the girl be able to run away from the relationship. If that is so, he tied it nice and tightly for JH, however not for EJ! Could this mean that deep down he is not going to let her get away? What do you think? :)

Wooooow...I just loooove your speculation about the shoelace. I didn't even notice.

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I have to mention something about what everyone is saying about MY not being able to imagine his future with JH. From what I managed to derive, is that it isn't that he can't imagine the future, because we obviously can see in the drama he does... the problem is that when he sees it, he clearly does not feel thrilled. He knows that he could be very happy with JH and have a good future together. But he knows that something is clearly missing from the picture. That spark, that 'magic' so to speak. And it frustrates him to death, cause he doesn't know what to do.

Secondly, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but after the boxing match with EJ... she asks him to tie her shoelaces together for her. He does, but apparently doesn't do a good job and comes apart again. I know that someone earlier had mentioned that giving shoes is a sign of break up or letting the girl be able to run away from the relationship. If that is so, he tied it nice and tightly for JH, however not for EJ! Could this mean that deep down he is not going to let her get away? What do you think? :)

When we said he can't imagine we don't mean it literally, we see scenes so it is obvious that he has imagination but it is said in the sense that he didn't like that scenario, the life he imagine with JH is not what he wants or she is not the one he wants, so yeah he can imagine it but he doesn't want it, about the shoes she didn't ask him to tie the shoes together but the shoelaces for her, (I've seen it in other dramas and it is always a sign of love and care in korea, I guess; did you notice EJ caressing the shoes he tied for JH by the door, it must mean something) he tied EJ's right shoe and not the left one it is not that they came undone since she tells him "tie the other one because they come in pairs", what I got from that is that he wasn't ready to be a couple yet so he says he will tie the other one later, I am guessing once he clears all the mess he created with his going back to JH and not and not being clear on what he feels yet then he will tie both of her shoes...

@Dorothy Yap, this lady went completely crazy I guess she switched her hate for MY(yes it is hate and not love, since people in love don't do the things she is doing, that is an obsession with deep hate) so now the new target is JH since now she blames her for getting him away from her but if I was an FBI profiler a la Criminal MInds, I would say that she is going to play a game now with JH and SY since SY dislike JH or hates her deep down because her mother admires JH more than her, so the stalker is going to try to convert SY to her side. I still don't believe that the Ahjuma is acting alone or that she is the deadly stalker but I could be wrong since I am not a profiler yet, (I love that show and watched it for five years, I should be able to guess this one but I guess I am not paying attention to the show), I think she is the one sending the photos but the one that killed the cat could be someone else and that is why she send that message, who is the bad one? that was weird and really scary.

On another topic, anyone knows who sings the song that they play when EJ knocks out MY, it sounds so familiar is it the new song that we have to wait two more episodes to be release, I hope not I want to hear it now...

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@lupita311: I agree with you regarding the shoe issue, based on what I clearly remembered I watch KSR a seguk series, and it was clearly pointed out there that if a man buy a shoe for a woman it means that he is asking for her hand in marriage, of course that was olden times, but now based on present times it has a different meaning. I also felt something when he refuse to tie the other pair for her, because of what I can understand they are not yet an official couple, he wanted to wait before he clears everything up to JH just like what you have mention.

I already finished watching just now ep 12 with sub and clearly understand the whole story :rolleyes:

JH is clearly threaten by EJ presence in MY life, she also has guts to announce in front of everyone that she wanted to get together with MY, but JH dear I think your half step late, because someone already taken his heart and he is just plain stupid not to know it, maybe it will help if you will talk to him and let him understand! hehehe!

I wonder what will happened next episode! I think it will be a big leap from our couple! plus for me I want a wild kissing scene! :w00t:

hehehehe! after they torture us to death with the ex scene, we need a good one! hahahaha! I will really protest if there will be not one at least! after MY kissed most of the women here, he needs a passionately one with EJ. LOL!

I still think that Ajumma is still the one who killed JH, remembered the cat killing happened after she saw the ring in her hand, and the weapon that was used was taken inside her house with the pictures of MY. I bet that she got the issue of obsession with him as his son, coz I feel that her son is the waiter boy that she abandon, then she became his house keeper for ten years, maybe at first she taught that she can do a mother role to him but after knowing him and he became a popular athlete, he got so many attention of fans around him, especially he like having flings after drinking with girls, remember the threat started after Red Dreamer won the title?

But now she is willing to have an alliance with SY, because she is in vulnerable state, so she can have a distraction for the police; but I feel that SY will not do it because someone is holding her hands which is her son and her baby, no matter what happened her first priority is her children, I thought MY is the only one dense here, DS as well. How many times now that his wife seek someone's shoulder to cry on, but not him? remember when she first known about her pregnancy, she told MY, now Ajumma, it is because he is so unreachable, and when she suggest something to him, he completely refuse her idea, like moving out of town......he should asked for a reason but instead he stated his reason why they can't move out....for the love of god! his wife is already under stress when she went to the hospital! he should be more considerate!

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hi pipz, just wanted to share my fave part on episode 12, clearly you can see from MY's face that he is jealous of the attention EJ is giving to the Seagulls star player (forgot his name) and also he is happy making EJ happy.


Thanks for the link! That's a great scene in ep 12. The Seagulls player is Song Dong Yul (sp?).

Off the subject but related to WR anyway -- how do you all find out if/when songs from the OST are released? Do you read kpop blogs or news or anything like that? Or do they list it on the KBS website? I like a lot of the songs they play on the show but I only find out about them through this forum. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Also off the subject but still related to WR -- I am loving LDW and LSY in the show, no matter what the ratings or whatever. To be honest, I would love to see them play together again in another comedy-type show. I think they'd do well together again. I think in that interview with LSY which was posted in this forum earlier, she said that she and LDW are always trying to find ways to make the crew laugh. I like that they're thinking along the same lines of comedy. Pretty awesome.

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We are reading to much into the shoe laces! i think we are all just desperate to have them together lmaooooo lets just wait to see wha happens next

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Guest PBaddict

Hey guys! :)

Loving the comments and theories. We might see too much into the shoelace tying scene, and I'm actually not even sure that MY realized that EJ asked him to do that as her wish because she envied the ex when he did it for her before... I hope MY at least realized that much. :D The boxing scene and MY making her wish come true were the highlights of the episode along with the Seagull fanmeeting. Also, when EJ asked MY what he would have wished for had he won, and he said that he wanted her to cheer for the Dreamers aka him in their next match with the Seagulls just cracked me up... and after that I was sure that at the fanmeeting when he saw EJ in absolute fangirl-mode, he really envied EJ's favorite player. :) I wish we got a preview that gives us at least a tiny bit of a light on how MY's behavior gonna change or if it changes at all... I do hope that it does, the only thing I'm kind of afraid of now that this time around EJ will be the one to be blind and stupid and not realize or not have the confidence to confess/show her feelings or at least realize the change in MY (if there will be any shown). Actually I don't want EJ to be the one confessing AGAIN... it would be nice if whenever it happens for MY to be the one to take initiative. ^_^

I also wonder when and how we're gonna get the first kiss for our Wild Couple... seeing as how physical their relationship has been from the very beginning I wouldn't be surprised if it is a passionate one, like MY suddenly kissing her while they have a little wrestling/judo/whatever match, but even if it's not an "agressive" kiss I hope they won't make it a shy, only the lips touching gently type of scene, I don't think that would suit their characters... time will tell... I hope we get a kiss at least but I wouldn't mind a bed scene (a make-out session even if it is cut soon and interrupted with MY taking a shower in the morning... I know... I'm bad blush.gif:rolleyes::wub: )

Oh, man... I / we need a preview baaaaad. ^_^

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I already finished watching just now ep 12 with sub and clearly understand the whole story :rolleyes:

But now she is willing to have an alliance with SY, because she is in vulnerable state, so she can have a distraction for the police; but I feel that SY will not do it because someone is holding her hands which is her son and her baby, no matter what happened her first priority is her children, I thought MY is the only one dense here, DS as well. How many times now that his wife seek someone's shoulder to cry on, but not him? remember when she first known about her pregnancy, she told MY, now Ajumma, it is because he is so unreachable, and when she suggest something to him, he completely refuse her idea, like moving out of town......he should asked for a reason but instead he stated his reason why they can't move out....for the love of god! his wife is already under stress when she went to the hospital! he should be more considerate!

Yeah, I too am getting a bit frustrated with DS. Guess it is his temperament. He is so even-tempered and doesn't know the extremes of emotion his wife knows. But like u said, it is a huge failing on his part as a husband if his wife has to turn to others for comfort all the time. Poor So Young is so desperate and I really felt bad for her when he didn't even hear her out properly. I really am worried about So Young. Her story was just plodding along for me, but now I am deeply invested in what is happening to her. I mean, to give up her art and devote herself to her husband n kids, in the shadow of an overbearing mother who keeps berating her n praising her friend all the time, it must have been a hard life for her. So Young, please don't do anything stupid. DS is a strange case. He is so perceptive about everybody around him other than his wife. Think he has been taking her for granted a bit. Wake up, man!

I was really in a quandary wondering whether to keep watching this drama. But yeah, these two episodes were good. I was keeping on thinking that MY needs someone to hit some sense into him and finally Eun Jae did that. Mu Yeol,please start redeeming yourself n prove to us you deserve Eun Jae. But if imo puts Jong Hee's life in danger, will we see Mu Yeol going back to her again? I hope he realizes that comforting her is all well n good, but to keep on pretending to love her when he has found the woman of his destiny is cheating himself and both the women in the process.

I liked how they showed MY trudging along with EJ at the supermarket while  JH was running here n there buying stuff. Such a marked contrast to the first shopping scene when EJ was the one trailing them while they were acting like two love-sick puppies. Unconsciously, he has realized that he feels more at ease n his own self with EJ. Earlier, he used to bend backwards to do things for JH. Now his priorities have slowly changed and he looks more n more like the old MY. Now what will take Manager Kim to come up n confess to DA? I feel bad for DA as well.Poor thing! For anybody, it will take some time to figure out DA. But I think Manager Kim is getting there.

Loved the scene where DA goes n sleeps with EJ n asks her if she is weird. I would watch this show even if it was about these two girls and their friendship, coz both are just so awesome. EJ is such a perceptive person though she is so brash. For her to go n talk to Manager Kim about DA! She is such a great friend!

Still in a love-hate relationship with JH. But she was much better in these two episodes. It is when she started interacting with EJ that I started warming up to her. She now seems to have some complexity. Thank God for that. Loved how EJ opened the jar by herself in contrast to JH who, like a princess, makes others do things for her. But Jong Hee was on the whole better in these two episodes. She also has her insecurities and is not a bad person though what she sometimes does makes one feel a bit resentful.

Can't but help rave about the actor playing EJ's younger bro. I think he really nailed the scene with their mom. MY, please prove yourself to be deserving to enter that family. I hope MY also does things to help EJ and doesn't offer his love as a gift or something. When WR is good, nothing like it. Hope it stays this way!


I was really expecting a kiss this episode during the boxing match. But anyway, better make it fast and a wildly passionate one at that. No need to apologize for the demand for a bed scene. We had too many unnecessary kisses n almost make out scenes. A Passionate kiss and a passionate bed scene is our right as WR viewers. Period. :)

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Im Joo Eun shared this on her twitter...they look so good together, but I wish for more Manager Kim!!!:sweatingbullets:

*quoted image*

along with this message : 마음이 훈훈. 미소가 절로 떠오르는 서윤이!

credit: Im Joo Eun's twitter

It must be a proof of how well Hong Jong-Hyeon is doing his role that a shiver went down my spine seeing him with Dong Ah. LOL

Since I am feeling a bit more charitable towards Jong Hee. But seriously, think LSY n Jessica are hitting off well. Who wouldn't be charmed by Lee Si Young, tell me? Nice to see Jessica also like this.


cre: onesweetdelightlater, tumblr

LOL at LSY escorting her with her arm around her like a BF. LSY really seems to have forgotten that she is a girl. keke

Thanks red_ginger for the LSY interview. This girl is just amazing and glad to know her acting is well-appreciated n that she got so many fans bcoz of her WR role. How awesome of her to keep aside all insecurities about looking pretty n just giving this role her all! LSY fighting!

Ought to be sleeping, but was laughing so much seeing these Making videos. Hope I am not re-posting them. EJ hitting MY at DA's house EJ rescuing MY from the tattoo lady ( My favourite)

MY's imaginary kiss scene n some others EJ's nightmare at the Japanese resort ( Another fav)

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Ought to be sleeping, but was laughing so much seeing these Making videos. Hope I am not re-posting them. EJ hitting MY at DA's house EJ rescuing MY from the tattoo lady ( My favourite)

MY's imaginary kiss scene n some others EJ's nightmare at the Japanese resort ( Another fav)

I love these "making of" videos you posted. Where did you find them? What I like about these is that you can really see the good rapport between LSY and LDW, and that they're having a lot of fun doing the show. It really comes out in the final product if the actors enjoy their work.

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