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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Alright... this week's episodes 09 and 10 are done.. probably not my week. Thanks goodness, I'll be eyeing on next week's episode and hope.. really hope... PDnim bring back my EJ-MY moments please!!!

Though I really lost all my enthusiasm to watch episode 09 and 10 so eagerly just what I did on the previous episodes, I'll buy time to watch these coz DA-TH moments might pacify me.

Seriously, PDnim! The leads on this drama are EJ and MY, get a hold of yourself and bring them back to us.fury.gif

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Guest asianromance

ok... an opinion guys... let's put ourselves in MY's position.... sure EJ confessed that she likes him that christmas eve, remember what was his reaction? disbelief right, but then when JH came that night EJ retracted what she said and that it was just a bet,

We cannot blame him because he still has some unresolved issues with regards to JH, and when the stalker had again made his presence known by killing the cat which he knows that is important to JH, it's just his nature to protect her like what he did during the time when she was his girlfriend

MY is getting such a beating here after episode 10. As the viewers, of course it seems like he's dumb for not figuring it out, but EJ did say her confession was a bet and their relationship was such that it wouldn't be 100% that EJ would pull this sort of bet. And her moping can be attributed to other issues- like a father dating again, maybe even falling in love with Reporter Go and getting rejected :blink: I think it would be mean to begrudge MY of his moments with JH if he's been pining for her for years and was super depressed about those rings when they got stolen in episode 4 (he had the kind of reaction that one would have if one''s deceased parents' wedding rings were stolen). I dislike their scenes together (they're so boring together), but I can't hate MY for loving JH and having no romantic feelings for EJ (yet) and I can't hate JH for being the object of MY's affections.

I don't think MY asking EJ to be JH's bodyguard is an insult to her and her feelings. I think it points to how highly he thinks of EJ that he would ask her to protect someone so precious to him. And man, that poor cat! The stalker is sick! I can't imagine it being anyone we've already met.

I'm hoping that we'll get spunky Eun-jae back again. I miss the wildness of the MY and EJ interactions in the earlier episodes and the camaraderie and was hoping for you know..."a wild romance"! Now I'm just disappointed. I wouldn't be so disappointed with this week's episodes so much if I didn't know that the writer has some solid writing credits with White Christmas, Evasive Inquiry Agency, and Alone in Love. Eun-jae, please date that baseball player who has a crush on you and who thinks you're his type.

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Guest Cruelsummer

So now after actually watching episode 10, I'm ok...not ecstatic, but I no longer want to slash MY's tires blush.gif I think if JH's role were in more capable hands I could be a bit more sympathetic.  Her scenes are tiresome and draggy and make me yearn for the OTP.  I think the character in itself could have been something special in the hands of someone that has the ability to pull off manic quirky. An exciting, free spirit, but the weird biting, blank stares and creepy cat (R.I.P) are not endearing at all.

Love Dong-Ah and Secretary Kim.  They are all talk and no action, but it's completely adorable.

EJ's brother is really cute.  I missed Reporter Go this episode.

I'm beginning to not even care who the stalker is anymore, just bring on the lovin' already....or at least some intense stares. Heck, I'm all for giving more screen time to Dong-Ah and Secretary Kim if it means I'll get a taste of actual romance (hence the title), if the OTP needs some time to sort things out.

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Guest BabeDblue

Does anyone know the song with a male voice? Its the sad song that plays everytime. I can't seem to find it! Be really appreciated if someone let me know! Thanks!

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Good morning everyone! Now I feel better after venting my anger last night, and I finally watch episode 10, at least its bearable to watch, and I really feel sorry for EJ, and I love the scene of DA and TH! hehehe! to tell you the fact I had a dream of them kissing! hahaha! maybe because I was affected by WR kissing scene with MY and JH that it got me a nightmare. LOL!

anyways I feel sorry as well to the dad of EJ, because he got his hopes high then the mom dump him again, I think he don't he deserve a woman like that, they need to sit down and settle everything and be honest with their family, after all they used to be a family. I know EJ got frustrated and mad but still she has the right to know the business of her parents, especially that she is a grown up person. I wonder what happened to the scene where she lost judo competition?

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There is another baseball player who likes EJ. It would be cool seeing her dating him or the reporter.

The reporter is sexy. LOL

I also think the baseball player is cute, but I would rather see her with the reporter. MY would probably hate seeing her with someone he doesnt like. Plus the reporter has something that makes him hot, I cant figure out what it is but I like him. LOL

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As frustrating it is to watch the suffering of EJ, the blinding (by love or infatuation?) of MY, the cutesy-ness of JH, I think the pace of the show is pretty much on track and MY and EJ will be together in the end.  Yes, there are 6 episodes left, but from the dramas I've watched, that's like an eternity.  One drama in particular had one girl finally deciding she loved the guy in the very last episode (latter half of it, too).  

Now there is no way I'm saying that's what I want to happen or even expect to happen.  Quite the opposite!  Please, pretty please (with syrup on top) make MY realize it a lot sooner than the last epi!  However, a lot can happen in 6 episodes.  Like others have speculated, EJ will probably guard JH 'cause MY is asking and she loves MY even though it hurts her to see them together, 'cause she can be with him again since u-no-who will be spending most of her time with him, and therefore indirectly be able to protect him (even tho he's dashing her heart to pieces).  There might even be some pity she feels for JH because of how fragile she is due to her condition. Okay, just a sniggum (of pity).

From epi 10, I think we have hope.  Some mentioned the signs - MY truly enjoyed watching EJ's acting girly when she thought he wasn't watching, MY didn't want that other player who likes her to see her being cute, MY protected EJ from that angry guy, he "heard" her voice at his community service time and time again...  Are all these simply signs of an oppa-donsaeng relationship?  Maybe the protecting part, but the others... nah.  He just doesn't know he loves her yet.  She will probably get hurt protecting the one MY THOUGHT he loved best, and that will be his smack-in-the-head-I-love-HER! realization.

Oh, and I have a stalker theory... It's SY's mother!  She can't stand MY for his  success in baseball while her son-in-law had to take an early retirement, leaving her daughter with financial worries.   Perhaps in the past she had hoped MY would choose SY.  She couldn't stand her daughter playing second fiddle to JH who started her art work a lot later in life.  She knows what makes MY furious.  I'm not sure how waiter guy fits in, but I'm sure we'll find out.  Oh, and she is an artist herself, and that blister on the stalker's hand looks more like one from holding a paintbrush umpteen times.

MY already show his feeling toward EJ where MY almost hit the angry guy who was about to hurt EJ. If I'm EJ, I would probably walk away, don't even bother to thanks him coz it hurts... yeap i'm too EJ.

Yeap I do have a feeling that EJ might get hurt (serious one) while protecting JH... My imagination :-

- EJ might lost her memory during the accident and she has completely forgot MY

- EJ's father/brother does not allow MY to see her daughter because of the almost-kill-my-daughter in order to protect MY/JH

- EJ's mother taking care of her daughter and she become more girly (YEAP)

- EJ join the Olympic Judo again

- MJ's team player dating EJ

Now I want to see more of MY getting hurt because of losing EJ.  tongue2.gif

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MY already show his feeling toward EJ where MY almost hit the angry guy who was about to hurt EJ. If I'm EJ, I would probably walk away, don't even bother to thanks him coz it hurts... yeap i'm too EJ.

Yeap I do have a feeling that EJ might get hurt (serious one) while protecting JH... My imagination :-

- EJ might lost her memory during the accident and she has completely forgot MY

- EJ's father/brother does not allow MY to see her daughter because of the almost-kill-my-daughter in order to protect MY/JH

- EJ's mother taking care of her daughter and she become more girly (YEAP)

- EJ join the Olympic Judo again

- MJ's team player dating EJ

Now I want to see more of MY getting hurt because of losing EJ.  tongue2.gif

I like the 3rd to the last option because seriously one of the reason why EJ become rough and tomboy is because she has no mother figure, but of course I love EJ for what she is right now, but at least she needs a genuine love of a mother who will do all the boy talk or teach cooking, do shopping etc... but whatever happens to EJ I want MJ to suffer big time. EJ needs to be treasure and cherish.

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Anyone got any info on epi 11 so far? Seriously, the writer have to check all the fans blogs to boost up the storyline..we need to see the romantic development relationship btwn MY + EJ..c'mon..aren't they the lead actor/actress here? Stop dragging it!!!

Like i said before, anyone with the info for epi 11? Cdn't seem to find it anywhere in the internet...

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i think the stalker might even be the housekeeper. i do not know for sure but i guess whole the slice-the-cat-and-put-it-in-a-box thing happened after she saw the lipstick mark on the wine glass. and she has been working for him for quite a while, i think she started it because she wanted revenge for something and she had to get to know him. the revenge thing possibly concerns her child, as in her daughter/son died because of him.

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If any of you have access to viki subs ep 10 is actually not bad at all. Yes I know what we are all moaning and griping about. But if you see the subbed conversation the OTP loveline is actually moving forward- not in a romantic sense but this writer doesn't jump the gun. No, I mean the feelings on both side are converging. It's just the other side ( Moo Yeol ) is still stuck in Our First Love Train Station.

Addit- mostly Moo Yeol

How dare you swear at her!

Who are you?!

What were you going to do with this hand?

 The woman's ex husband: No... That chick first... and...     MY: chick?

Who are you to swear at her?  That guy: No, I didn't mean that...

Do you want to die?

I... swear pretty well too.

I know some bad words that you won't ever forget.

Do you want to hear?

If you dare to swear at her one more time...

I will just...

What a bothersome bastard - after the husband left

Too lazy to give the rest of the conversation. Credit to kuni@ viki.com

Incarnadine- MY is turning out not so bad considering he was pretty unlikeable in the beginning. He's kind of sweet. The writer must still be making him consistent because he is pretty much like some athletes I know- pretty, talented, has good skills but needs a hammer to the head because they are or can be dense. Like you know it needs to be SHOVED in front of their faces for them to notice some facts. Haha. Not bagging athletes since I used to play sports competitively

 ( don't laugh lupita this is before viki and KD) and MY is pretty much what I expect what his character to be like. After all he is not written up as like the No 1 genius in law or medicine or some industry chaebol is he?

I do know they are total saps when they fall in love and  try the romance route. I would just about die or cringe and can't watch if he suddenly becomes romantic towards EJ. Oh man... we can but live in hope.

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Guest gokusen_girl

I'm watching WR and I'm really into the MY-EJ pair up.

i really liked the part in ep 10 when MY defended EJ from the guy whose about to hit her. Does anybody know what exactly was being said while he was threatening the guy? I can only catch bits and pieces like "Did the guy want to die?" when he almost hit EJ. I crave for these kinds of scenes. Help??? blush.gif Thanks!

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Thank you but that's not the one. The music i'm looking for is a male vocalist. Here is a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lprXhzCtJeU of a scene that has the song i'm looking for. It start at 2:46/kissing

Oops wrong one. But I do know which one you're talking about. I don't know Korean, but I k ow how to say "sorry." LOL. It's the sad guy song.

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Guest incarnadine

If any of you have access to viki subs ep 10 is actually not bad at all. Yes I know what we are all moaning and griping about. But if you see the subbed conversation the OTP loveline is actually moving forward- not in a romantic sense but this writer doesn't jump the gun. No, I mean the feelings on both side are converging. It's just the other side ( Moo Yeol ) is still stuck in Our First Love Train Station.

I wholeheartedly agree. I appreciate how the writer does not sacrifice the storyline just to satisfy what the viewers want or crave to see at the moment.

I guess, the fact that we are all at the edge of our seats or pulling our hairs out because of EJ's unrequited feelings towards MY (or so we think, since MY does really seem to care about EJ as early as now but still doesn't realize it due to his ex's presence) can only mean that the story, and the way it is being told, is effective. It's affecting all of us, the viewers. It's causing us to feel giddy or feel incredibly mad or frustrated. The marks of a good drama. :)

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