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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest asianromance

Just finished episode 9 and was disappointed. ANOTHER episode of Eun-jae being super mopey and me cringing?! EJ, get a hold of yourself! Instead of pulling a sad-face and being all passive-aggressive towards Jung-hee, she should be like "I can defeat these feelings with my strength! I'm going to be a professional and catch Moo-yeul's stalker". I really want to continuing like this drama. the first three episodes were blah. Then it won me by episode 4 through 7 (especially episode 7) and now with the love triangle, things are starting to drag a bit. Good thing the mystery is moving the story along.

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Gosh I brave myself to watch ep9 after reading the inputs and spoilers here...thank god there this thing called fast forward button it helps alot :lol: skip MY - JH scenes and the last scenes of EJ made my eyes teary, poor EJ I feel for her pain too... :(

btw why did EJ hairstyle keep changing some scenes the hair is much shorter and trimmer from the other aigooo wth is hapening with our pretty bodyguard hair or is something wrong with my eyes :wacko: ....saw ep 10 preview and dun like the kissing scene..WTH is the writer and PD were thinking ??? frrom the rating of ep9 which was a dismal 4.4% should already gives the writer/pd some clue that fans of the OTP does not like the way the story goes...for once I am happy that the rating nose dive lol....whoever that decides that more air time for JH will pull the rating up is making a big mistake...for now whoever that person is pls reflect and repent ....and writer nim pls get back to our intended couple MY & EJ plus bring back some of the comic bickering back I really missed those scenes...ep 1 to 7 was the best...its good that EJ leave MY....for now MY doesnt deserves EJ care and concern be it from professional or on personal level.....

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Guest incarnadine

Just finished episode 9 and was disappointed.  ANOTHER episode of Eun-jae being super mopey and me cringing?!  EJ, get a hold of yourself! Instead of pulling a sad-face and being all passive-aggressive towards Jung-hee, she should be like "I can defeat these feelings with my strength!  I'm going to be a professional and catch Moo-yeul's stalker".  I really want to continuing like this drama.  the first three episodes were blah.  Then it won me by episode 4 through 7 (especially episode 7) and now with the love triangle, things are starting to drag a bit.  Good thing the mystery is moving the story along.

That would be easy to do in a fictional rom-com world, that's for sure. But EJ is not a robot and as we have all seen, she's human, she's got feelings, and the fact that she's been a tomboy all her life doesn't mean she's not allowed to cry and be emotional and have all those feelings, especially since it's been a while since she's genuinely liked someone. As for the love triangle, wasn't it obvious from the title of the drama alone that this was going to be a love story? :rolleyes: I mean, yes the mystery part is very engaging and is one of the strong points of the drama (aside from the characters' acting, IMO) but ultimately, it will be all about the romantic angle between and among the characters.

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try in mediumquality.blogspot mediafire links MQ or HQ files in asiancinematic *quoted image*

Thank you very much :wub::wub: you're awesome.

Just watch the preview for episode 10, AAANNDD I don't like it.

ONE kiss was enough, why do they need to add an other one??? why

:angry: and in front of EJ :tears:. By the way, why is she still around MY, won't she quit being his bodyguard??

episode 10 as I see it == more hurt for EJ feelings

Edit: Thank you zawlinnaing :wub:

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Guest PBaddict

Well, if it aint a frickin make out session I have to open my eyes out to... WHAT THE... ? What? Just show EJ the 2 of them being actually in bed and direct her to the nearest river... :S <_< But even if it is just imaginary, does the writer think we want to see such a scene??? Hell NO!!!

 We can only hope for this being in EJ's head coz if it is not, than MY is being extremely cruel and inconsiderate. The only thing I'm glad about is that EJ really quits. But I have a feeling that when the ex gets in trouble, MY is gonna ask for EJ's help... who the hell does he think he is? :) Yeah, I'm pissed if you guys haven't noticed. :tears: MY must wake up by EJ's resignation and EJ needs time apart from him. but other than these I have no idea where tonight's episode is going.

Thank you everyone for the preview and the translations. ^_^

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Guest fluffy88

I think LSY is fab in this series! And I love the chemistry she has with Wookie. The producers and directors must be blind to not notice the ratings melting after they add Jessica, not to mention giving her too much airtime thus diluting the wonderful storyline between Wookie and LSJ!!! This is so killing meeeeeeeee!!!!!

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When I love sthing I love hard, but WR prod, you're this close to loose me there. Without EJ I'd been long gone by now. I almost put WR on my fav case but now it's on the 'liked, had potential but not enough to watch again'. isn't it sad?..

On bright side, LSY has officially become my fav k-actress, can only hope to see her again soon after WR.

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Guest noopie_1

Wookie's me2day today sounds sad :(


Wookie me2day message posted 1hr ago from now:       하아….춥다.  외로워…..나는 지금 어디로 가는거냐?? 이게 아니었는데... 숫자가 중요한게 아니야. 절대 아니야. 중요한건 그게 아니야....

Google translate said,"Ah ... cold. Alone ... ..I Where are we going now? That was a mistake ... that number is not important. Of course not. That's not the point ...."

I'm just guessing, but i think wookie is feeling sad now. Whoever that has me2day account, please comfort and give him a support at Wookie me2day.

Currently I'm working, rushing a project :( but when wookie me2day is popped up in my phone, i cant help to check out, n i guess from goggle translate, his msg sounds sad, hixs. I guess, it must because of the rating, which is lower than previous.

Wookie, Fighting!!! We are all behind you. We love Wild Romance! Wild Romance team, Lee Shi Young, fighting!

Honestly, I can't help to feel sad as well. I keep thinking, what's wrong with WR? Actually nothing wrong this WR. It's an interesting story, even though "for example", if i was not wookie fan, I would love this drama still, WHY?? Because it's an entertaining drama! (in fact, yeah, I'm a fan of wookie since SOAW ^^! I LOVE WOOKIE^^). I think WR is just airing in the wrong time. Facing a potential competitor airing in the same time (even myself, I admit, that I love the moon embraces the sun, it's my current addiction also, together with WR).

Hope after reading the words of encouragement of all of us, he will feel better. Cheer up, wookie!

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Guest incarnadine

^ awwww... poor Wookie! I wonder what he is sad about. Is he referring to the ratings of WR? Does it seem like he's trying to convince himself that ratings are not important? :(

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Guest incarnadine

Wild Romance Episode 9 Recap

It was so good. I had so much fun writing the recap this week. I need to write recaps for currently airing shows more often. It's kind of a rush.

Thanks for the awesome recap! My eyes watered while reading it :tears: Poor EJ, I wanna give her a hug! Damn you, MY! and yeah I find JH incredibly creepy :blink:

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man, wish I could write sthing to cheer him and other actors up. It's not their faults, they just do what the script says, so it's sad when their hard works aren't paid up. Hope they don't blame themselves. Few of my fav dramas also get very low ratings but I have no shame to recommend them when asked lol in Coffee House, I experienced same kind of situation when they give too much screentime to the idol girl, but the female lead was stronger so I didn't feel as bad.. Anyway, WR fighting! few more hours til next ep, the preview text sounds promising. Will MY miss her so he comes to visit her house, or will it be just because JH is in danger and he needs her help? Let's wait and see which crazy direction this drama will take again..

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Guest hitgirl

Just watched the preview again from 00:06 (to prevent that kiss LOL) and heard MY say something like asking EJ to protect JH.. EJ unnie please kick his a** real hard tongue2.gif

edited: About EJ's hairstyle I think the crew had to shoot all Jessica scenes in this ep earlier because of her schedule, and LSY changed her hairstyle before shooting other scenes. Or it was just the stylist trying something new blush.gif

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I think LSY is fab in this series! And I love the chemistry she has with Wookie. The producers and directors must be blind to not notice the ratings melting after they add Jessica, not to mention giving her too much airtime thus diluting the wonderful storyline between Wookie and LSJ!!! This is so killing meeeeeeeee!!!!!

I 100% agree . Jessica's character in the drama just creeps me out for some reason. The amount of screentime she has is ridiculous and unnecessary to the plot. I have to skip all the scenes with her and it really ruins the drama for me.

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Guest PBaddict

I've just finished watching ep 9 with subs, so now I am more clear about the ex's character (although I still can't see the reason why MY can't let her go... before the kiss scene she asked MY how he felt after their breakup and MY answered, but when MY asked back she didn't say a thing... WEIRD.:blink: ). She can't draw anymore, for about a year now and claims that she seems to be "normal" ever since. I don't think manic depression disappears like that, losing her talent might actually mean that her condition is getting worse. But then again I'm no doctor so I might as well be wrong.

Also, DS's wife was jealous of the ex's talent since long ago, she is one of the reasons she quit art. And it doesn't help the situation that it seems like her mom appreciates the ex's talent and acknowledges her as an artist, but not her own daughter's whom she groomed to be an artist ever since kindergarten. The mom seems fishy to me, to be honest and she just wrote herself on my suspect list right after YS. Yet another fiction of mine that is highly unlikely to be true, coz I don't see a connection the mom has with MY.

Back to the ex: she said she had 2 dreams, drawing and being MY's wife... if that is the case since she lost her first dream she's going for the second best option... meaning MY is her 2nd choice... it might be my imagination again stretching too far, but I don't think the ex would have come back if she didn't lose the ability to draw. She even has the nerve to ask DS's wife if it is fun to be a baseball player's wife, thus twisting the knife in her heart even more (coz we know that DS's wife is not at all satisfied with her life in the least lately)

Wonder if this is yet another misleading for us to suspect DS's wife or it is an actual clue... we'll only be sure about it in the end I guess.

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