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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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Guest Love.B.

I second this. Wouldn't it be cool if a player from the Blue Seagulls would have a crush on EJ? Or, hmm, Reporter Go? Coz I think Manager KTH is already spoken for, heehee.

OOOOOooo! Love this theory! That would totally drive him batty (MY). And yes, Dir Kim is smitten by the roommate-as they say- "still waters run deep"-that man has a lot going on under the surface!

I just finished watching ep 8 with subs on viki-I watched it twice, and went back to re-watch the scene when he calls her over for dinner, and "the confession" numerous times. I loved that line that was something like "I've got love like that in my genes" (a love that is willing to forgive/forget/and that is willing to wait). 

Loved this ep. Can't wait to see the preview for 9!!!

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Hi sorry. I come her and read stuff and usually keep quiet. However I do like this drama a lot. I think the lines are really well written and they have a snap and crackle to it.

Like today, the conversation between EJ and MY during the last scene. It was so emotionally laden and EJ was so convincing. Their conversation tugs at your heart. Even I was shocked when I discovered why Jong Hee broke up with him. No wonder there was no closure. They broke up because her bipolar disorder was unstable and that time and jeopardized his career. So even though I don't support the appearance of her character ( 2nd lead  and all) I do understand why he still felt it was fate that they met again.

Now the reason why I am writing. I know some people are watching WR via Dramafever subs. They refer to Eun Jae as a retard. Now I actually like LSY the actress and have seen 3 of her dramas and movies. Retard is actually a derogatory term used previously for someone with an IQ  < 70. Another older term is a moron. It is called intellectually disabled nowadays. Now it is only a minor point but every page I see retard and you all think it is so cute he is calling her that. Yeah yeah I know blame it on my job as well where we make sure we don't label people wrongly.

Viki is calling her Gull head ( wordplay for her being a seagull fan) or blockhead. However it is actually 꼴통 it  means someone who is a troublemaker... Someone who is clumsy and bad at everything what they do/dunce. Not that Eun Jae is one but you all know how MY viewed her in episode 1.

Also lupita the reason why Moo Yeol was subbed as an infielder was because that was what was written during the poisoned drink episode. On the lab results form. However in  this episode, episode 8 is where  we hear him use the word shortstop.

Sorry blame it on my for being the editor on the Wild Romance team okay? However in real life  I don't call people retard as well. It is just not PC nowadays. 

Sorry back to lurking. Ep 8 is ready for watching and since the main subber just told me that another 2 sites are streaming our videos directly off viki without permission ( again! ) guess you would see ep 8 subbed today online. She recognised her own translations.

Hi, I agree the word retard is really offensive to me, personally I don't use it, moron only if anyone is bothering me too much as an offense since I don't curse or use bad words but it is wrong too, I don't think that anyone that ever liked me or loved me could call me that without getting my shoe up their oh well you get my drift,

Infielder was right but it is too vague since it is anyone that plays the three bases or is a shortstop in baseball but MY's position wasn't defined as a shortstop per say so he might've played first base, second or third or like I suspected be a shortstop, me personally like people on that position for the obvious reason being, Jetter or Alex Rodriguez which are two of my favorite yankees, but also because they are the ones that usually look so strong, and I've only seen hot shortstops, but most of the times are the ones that are blamed for any run they either stop (hated by the opposite fans) or let pass (hated by their own fans) that is why the seagull's fans hate MY so much... I love baseball (watch it with my brother who loves it and cries with it :rolleyes: ) my favorite pass time during the summer...

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what a cliffhanger for ep 8! i am dying to know what happens next..it leave our imagination go wild now....

i think he will either say you're crazy..and start avoiding her...or she will quit next because she's not supposed to like the client. Then he starts to miss her or something happens to her and he has to go after her....something along those lines :)

by the way i have to say MY looks much better without the stash....he looks so much hotter. they had a makeover to improve ratings, am i right?

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Guest PBaddict

Checked ep 8 with subs and it was very enjoyable, especially  I just frickin loved EJ's inner commentary on the ex and on MY... gotta hand it to the girl she's incredibly funny. Like when they go shopping and she calls them childish "Oh, you don't need to care about me. It's just words from my heart" :D

And the 'stache actually had  to go because of the ex, while waiting for the taxis after the drink-off she called MY a homeless person... pfff... this I can't forgive. Bring the 'stache and all-over-the-place hair back pleaaaaaseee! unbelievable... never thought this would richard simmons me off so much and yet it did. dunno why, sorry for rambling.

The girl-talk with DongAh was extremely funny, and even back then she mentioned that she wants to confess her feelings but does not have the confidence as a woman. They are like sisters with DA I hope they will be there for each other till the end.

And the confession... my God... I already shed some tears by the time she talked about her parents' story and then the confession reached a whole new level of bravery and straightfrowardness from EJ. I knew she was a very strong and honest girl all along. She said she doesn't know what went wrong but she started to like MY, repeating that she likes him while looking him in the eyes calling him her fate... ohmyyyy I was trembling. It was a really cool confession. I hope he won't crush her or use his mean side too much when he rejects her. I hope if nothing else, at least her words make him think.

I'm already preparing for a whole-lot-a heartache next week, I hope to see EJ getting back up on her feet and being strong even if she gets rejected, a little sulking with bff DongAh is allowed for her of course but in front of MY she surely gonna try her best to be/or at least look strong. The atmosphere between the two will surely change, can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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Guest MadDeeno

I wish I had more to say, but it's 2 am and I'm finally done with my recap. Time for a nap.

Episode 08 Recap

I guess a big thank you is in order. Wild Romance fans are the best. So many visits. I got over 500 pageviews for my episode 7 recap yesterday. It made my day. Thank you!

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Guest lalunaloca

Fellow WR lovers,

Forgive me in advance for the rant that I am about to give in 3... 2...1

I've been reading a lot of articles, discussions and blogs about WR and it just irks me to no end how LSY is being needlessly compared to Jessica in terms of acting. Acting. Something that LSY has been doing for 4 frickin' years and which Jessica is doing for the very first time. Worse, some of these people are actually saying how much better Jessica's acting is than LSY. Are you effin' kidding me?!? After 1 episode, they've already concluded that? Whereas LSY has been coming up with all sorts of facial expressions since the first second of episode 1, and has even shaved one of her eyebrows in the process? Do they even know what acting is??

Not that I have anything against Jessica; I don't even know the girl. It's just that the incredibly idiotic remarks some of her fans make really make my blood boil.

*blood pressure rising*

End of rant. There, I feel so much better now.

WR fighting :)

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As many have said, there's gotta be someone for EJ who'll make MY jealous.  That's just the way it works, right?  I also noticed that one Dreamer guy who's nice to her - not a hottie, but could still do the job.  Church oppa could absolutely come back - a first love (if that indeed is what he was, 'cause I missed the translation) is tough to compete with.  I'd love to see MY squirm as attention is paid to her.  It'll slap some sense in him and make him realize what he's missing!

It was so funny to see EJ stop the DA/MY hug dead in its tracks.  Amidst all the jubilation, she still had her jealous wits about her, and she was not letting that hug happen!  But then, the heartbreak - dear ole ex waltzes in.  I think her looks are, hmm, attractive but rather unremarkable.  She seemed to give EJ a "look" from the get-go. I guess she must have sensed she is someone special to MY, or perhaps because - though she's not a girly-girl - she is pretty and therefore possible competition.  

Regarding those comments coming from the peanut gallery on Jessica's acting being better than LSY's, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's apples to oranges.  Jessica is pretty good for a drama first-timer, but we haven't yet seen her in a scene which really stretches her acting abilities, so the jury is still out.

So what do you think at the very end of ep 8 (when ending credits were running) about the envelope that was slipped under JH's  door the same evening? The cat got a hold of the enclosed photo of MY and JH with their eyes poked at and a note on the back that said, "Please go back."  Hmmm, so it's not JH...

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calling out sadhli...I rewatched ep8 HD version and realised that during the dream scene of EJ being gagged it was not Mgr Kim who gagged her, there were two men who restrained her and one of them wearing glasses hehhe I repeated that scenes many time and concluded it was not Mgr kim unless my eyesight getting from bad to worse lol...so I think the dream is some kind of hinting to us that EJ will be in danger later on....

hmmm...okies so finally a conclusion that dream can have some sort of early warning for us...

and btw thanx Asianspirit for clearing it....i thought it manager kim coz the person at EJs right was looking like dir Kim (my mistake)....as i havent watched any of the last epis again (just watched on live streaming)...

thanx again...

..About the hot guy falling for Eun Jae, does anyone notice this guy?


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He seems really nice to her. Could it be possible? LOL w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

@hitgirl....he is lil bit cute and he is the one who greets EJ when she was standing in front of Gym to get MY..(if m  not wrong ...he is the same one)

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Guest Cabbage

My guess for the hidden stalker is the ahjumma who help-out MY's housework for 10+ years. Look at her expression when she saw JH, and I think she doesn't like YJ too.

Pleaseeee writer, give YJ a love line also! This would make the story more interesting :D

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Guest flora47

I have a scenario for EJ's future man

If she asked a replacement,she would be someone else's bodyguard.

It happened in the 4 th episode.

That man will be attracted by her .MY will be jealous and will say that it is his place as her custumer and her a man!!!

What do you think ,girls?It is easy and EJ will not be forced to like a new person ,she spends her time with him because it's her job . :lol: :lol:

It 's too bad that they are in the slack season ,i know nothing about baseball except when i played at school.

And i loved in the first episode when she was cheering her team with her family.They were out of control

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Guest hitgirl

@sadhli yes he is the guy, that's why I think he's nice to her :-) bodyguards hardly get attention right? I can't wait to see if MY will lose his "buddy" to someone else and realize EJ's not only a friend ;)

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I already asked in a previous post but it wasn't answered. Does anyone know the name of the song playing when EJ pushed MY and JH away from each other after they finished drinking? I've been trying to look for it for the longest but no luck. :(

Heres the viki link to it. The song starts at 6:35. 


Thousand thanks! 

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Guest PBaddict

I have a scenario for EJ's future man

If she asked a replacement,she would be someone else's bodyguard.

It happened in the 4 th episode.

That man  will  be attracted by her .MY will be jealous and   will say that it is his place as  her custumer and her a man!!!

What do you think ,girls?It is easy and EJ will not be forced to like a new person ,she spends her time with him because it's her job . :lol: :lol:

It 's too bad that they are in the slack season ,i know nothing about baseball except when i played at school.

And  i loved in the first episode when she was cheering her team with her family.They were out of control

I've been thinking about the same scenario, too... :D It would still be natural for EJ to be by some other guy's side coz it is her job so it wouldn't feel forced aaand if it all happens right in front of MY that all could bring the best scenes of MY silently or rather as his personality dictates loudly boiling over with envy. :)

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Guest hitgirl

I'm imagining EJ being Son Dong Yool's bodyguard and MY again having to endure Kevin Jang's way of wearing sunglasses LOL he said he hated it before. EJ will be like all excited =D

And that note the stalker sent to JH, "please go back" is like begging JH or something? It's written "jebal". Would JH be a threat for the stalker? Haha wild thoughts of mine blush.gif

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Guest dongwookie

i'm watching Ep 8 now. so far the story is doing better than i expected. 

best scenes so far:

-EJ and MY checking out each other's new look

-EJ doing her version of cutie pie after getting caught bashing MY and JH's couple antics (playing with the red slippers). at first i thought she said "polka dot!". hahaha

-MY and EJ inside the elevator and MY couldn't get over JH actually living on the same building as him. (seriously, were they really together before? MY is acting like an infatuated puppy). but i LOL'd when EJ laughed with him and MY suddenly stopped (i assumed because he finally realized that EJ is laughing AT him).

that's it. just wanted to share my thoughts. i'd better get back to watching the rest of the episode..

EDIT: LOL at EJ tucking hair behind an ear right after kicking those boys' butts! she is just. plain. hilarious!

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Guest flora47

i'm watching Ep 8 now. so far the story is doing better than i expected. 

best scenes so far:

-EJ and MY checking out each other's new look

-EJ doing her version of cutie pie after getting caught bashing MY and JH's couple antics (playing with the red slippers). at first i thought she said "polka dot!". hahaha

-MY and EJ inside the elevator and MY couldn't get over JH actually living on the same building as him. (seriously, were they really together before? MY is acting like an infatuated puppy). but i LOL'd when EJ laughed with him and MY suddenly stopped (i assumed because he finally realized that EJ is laughing AT him).

that's it. just wanted to share my thoughts. i'd better get back to watching the rest of the episode..

The writer is so smart!!

Instead of having one make over and waiting for the reaction of the other person,there were 2 makeovers and loved how they looked at each other.It was totally unexpected.

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@kqare u mentioning the scene in the morning where DS was to collect news paper n MY was standing there?

Er...was this direct to me? I'm guessing it was since no one else responded and it is the scene i was writing about XD Yeah, i'm curious to know what MY did that he went to DS place saying he did wrong, asking if DS hated him and when he was going to tell DS said he already knew...but i didn't catch what the mistake was...o_o I'm going to work now, when i get home i will watch episode 8 and hope that this will be clear hehehe

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About the photo that was sent to JH, I think the stalker felt threat from EJ cause she and MY were getting closer. That's why he/she called JH back.

My speculation for what'd happen in next ep, EJ resigning her job as MY's bodyguard, the latter didn't object. But then some incident occurred, and EJ couldn't ignore but intervene. I think it's possible she'd even suspect JH at one point, and that will create another misunderstanding with MY who'd obviously stand up for his ex.

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Er...was this direct to me? I'm guessing it was since no one else responded and it is the scene i was writing about XD Yeah, i'm curious to know what MY did that he went to DS place saying he did wrong, asking if DS hated him and when he was going to tell DS said he already knew...but i didn't catch what the mistake was...o_o I'm going to work now, when i get home i will watch episode 8 and hope that this will be clear hehehe

yup thats was for u....

its coz in the news paper the news is "MY get banned from playing baseball"

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