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[Drama 2012] Wild Romance 난폭한 로맨스


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thanx for so much abt the epi. Hvnt watched it bt all ur inputs making me eager to watch as soon as possible.Also epi 5, 6 were very crucial for the bonding of my adorable wild couple, as in epi 5 MY messed EJs hair n in 6th he did first aid to her wound.So m so happy they are coming close.

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@PBaddict yea, his ex-gf hasn't appeared yet but it's obvious he still has some sort of unsettled feeling for her. I think some angst is unavoidable, it's required in all rom-com, otherwise we won't have drama to watch ^^, Just hope EJ will still rock by staying herself. In the press con, LSY mentioned about her character and Jessica's character relationship would not only be enemies. Hope the writer will surprise us with an interesting second female lead.

@mimi26 i like how in first few eps, the hate-hate relationship worked so well that some viewers even wished they'd not fall in love later. I guess that's why now as the tone slowly changes, we get to know more of both characters, them falling in love is sthing everyone anticipates.lol esp how their chemistry is more than sizzling <3 the way he looks at her after putting that band aid on :wub:

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Just finished watching ep 6 and man, this is getting so intense! I didn't understand the whole conflict with the restaurant guy and the journo guy because I watched without subs (couldn't wait for it) but I can say I really don't like this journo guy. What's wrong with him? Is he jealous of MY and wants to destroy his career (because of this whole scar thing he seems to have played baseball but had to quit)?

Oh, I loved this little band aid scene at the end of ep 6. I sense the romance is starting soon.:wub:

I can't wait for the next episodes (and for the subs for ep 5 and 6). I'm so curious where all this is going. I know I already said this but I love this drama!

I just remembered: Shouldn't Jessica have her first appearence in ep 6? :huh:

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Guest incarnadine

You said almost all that I wanted to say. I really feel glad,like sadhli was saying, that I am following a drama that keeps on getting better and that too in ways I had never imagined it would go. I was expecting Mu Yeol to be the typical arrogant guy who might soften as we progress, but nah,, Mu Yeol has depth. Often in k-dramas,the hero is projected as 'misunderstood' n all, but more often than not, the 'misunderstood' thing seems to me more cliche than reality. However, in the case of Mu Yeol, he does remind me of celebrities whom everybody love to hate, whom the Press often hounds and makes do things they wouldn't have done if left alone. Really, LDW was just superb in this episode. Like you said, in the last scene, he noticed she was injured though he seemed to be lost in some other world during the PC and in the car. That was what was so emotional for me, that this guy who reacts to almost anything had suddenly withdrawn into a corner, yet he noticed EJ was hurt. But have to say that I didn't enjoy the background score when he was putting the band aid. The scene itself was so poignant, there was no need for the music.

Still to watch episode 5 with subs, so don't know whether the falling in love is too sudden or not though like FloraI too had doubts yesterday. But after today, I can totally understand EJ falling for MY. I mean, before, she was the one who would buy that newspaper trashing him n write those hate comments against him. But now that she is on his side, she can really see how it feels to be in his shoes. I feel MY is also falling for her now and like you, I too loved the scene where he is batting n she is sitting there watching him.  I loved that scene, had not expected the drama to have such tender moments so early on.Also think MY was moved by whatever she was saying there, perhaps something about her own life? Who thought our Mu Yeol would turn out to be a quietly considerate guy? Usually in dramas like this, there is a scene where the guy is seen looking at the wound and then he goes for the band aid. What does our MY do? Walks straight to his room to get the first aid box and again wordlessly! MY, don't break our hearts. Just keep on surprising us like this.  If left to himself, I am sure MY would fall in love with EJ in the next episode itself. I hope Sica's character contributes to what is turning out to be a wonderful drama instead of giving us the usual angst of an indecisive or confused hero n the heroine getting her heart broken in the process. Wild Romance,please stay this way.

Btw, whose home did the reporter visit? Was it the home of the waiter guy? That reporter guy is really scary n how terrible it is to be in a profession where you earn your bucks making another's life hell! The dinner scenes were funny though. :) About the lips, think he was asking her whether her lips were cracked or something n asked her to put lipbalm? Do not understand what Dong Soo did in all this.Think he had good intentions and narrated MY's life story to the reporter, right? Wonder what the waiter told him! Is the ANTI thing related to all this?

After this episode, I feel the 'beginning to understand each other' process is underway and I can't wait to see them fall in love.

Viki is N/A in my region. So it will be a long wait for the subs. Those of who get to watch it with subs,plz update us with your insights n comments. :)

Didn't understand that part, Flora. Where does she say that? Didn't understand the context. So the reporter visited MY's home or the waiter guy's?

I couldn't agree more. I love, love how this story is slowly revealing all its layers - definitely a far cry from the initial bickering in episodes 1 and 2. Now we're faced with all these complex characters, mostly dealing with MY's past, and add to that the growing depth of MY's and EJ's characters. Oh, and let's not forget the mystery of the creepy anti-fan. Hehe. I appreciate how this story is drawing us all in, and it's not just because of the love story (although I would love to see some action between our two leads, lol).  Though ratings are the farthest thing from my mind at this point, I still think it's too bad that it had to go head-to-head with a sageuk, and that a lot of people are missing out on this delightful drama. At any rate, all I can say is that so far, the entire cast of this drama is doing one helluva job. Bravo :)

And now we have come to that moment where there are no previews! Ackkkk! How can we survive the next few days until Wed and Thurs??? :D

many many thanks to red_ginger for the spoilers and mimi26 for the lovely caps :)

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Guest maricris12

Hello everyone! This is my first time posting on this thread. I didn't expect to like Wild Romance enough to endure the torture of waiting every week to watch the next two episodes, but I was reading your posts here and the recaps from the other fan bloggers and I am loving your reactions and comments so much that I decided to keep watching. And I must say that the last three episodes are really funny and interesting and, to borrow a phrase from one of the posters I read above, has more depth than what I, and most of you guys here, had expected.

I like that there is an actual story behind the (upcoming) romance in this drama and that both leads have backgrounds that are presented in bits and parts throughout the episodes so that viewers, when they are not laughing their heads off at the latest zany antics being made by both leads (and the supporting casts as well) can finally understand why these characters would act the way they do.

Thanks to mimi26, red ginger, Nomanymore and to all those who provided spoilers, screencaps and POVs! I, too, am hoping that the ratings would pick up so these very talented actors and their hardworking staff can be rewarded for their hard work.

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SNSD’s Jessica will finally make her grand appearance in drama “Wild Romanceon the seventh episode, scheduled to air January 25. She plays Kang Jong Hee, Park Mu Yeol’s (Lee Dong Wook) first love. Read more on this Soompi Link!

This will be interesting, MY is now already caring for EJ then  comes the EX.. Omo! I am imagining how EJ will be doing crazy things just to butt in their conversation or prevent them being alone and those sorts of things. ^___^  LOL!

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Guest missy_k

Just finished watching Ep.6 raw. Though I dont know what's going on, but I felt very sad for MY. Esp.when he was being thrown cans by the bystander T_T.

Anybody found the scene when the delivery guy came and EJ tried to get the money to pay from MY, and MY refused. She whacked him across the chest, gosh, it's damn funny!!!! LOL!!!

And after all that, MY still doesnt get to eat the food! Poor guy....

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Just finished watching Ep.6 raw. Though I dont know what's going on, but I felt very sad for MY. Esp.when he was being thrown cans by the bystander T_T.

Anybody found the scene when the delivery guy came and EJ tried to get the money to pay from MY, and MY refused. She whacked him across the chest, gosh, it's damn funny!!!! LOL!!!

And after all that, MY still doesnt get to eat the food! Poor guy....

I'm loving that scene between them, cracks me up.. Hahaha! It's becoming EJ's habit, she also did that to MY when they're trying to find something on the badgirl's phone that DA unlocked. LMAO! w00t.gif

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Hello WRers!!! does anyone have any idea what the waiter would have whispered in MY's ears to get this mad???? He was also asking something abt. this waiter boy to DS. Is he related to his ex-gf or his mother? I think MY does not have a healthy relationship with his mother, becoz he was shouting in the phone when DS came to see him at his home. What was the discussion at EJ's house with MY asking something about BLUE SEAGULLS and there was some emotional answer from her. Seems to me the story is moving forward, but have to see it with eng subs.

Jump in the ratings. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next week Jessica's appearance. OMO! then more increase in the ratings.

WR fighting!!!!!

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Guest missy_k

I'm loving that scene between them, cracks me up.. Hahaha! It's becoming EJ's habit, she also did that to MY when they're trying to find something on the badgirl's phone that DA unlocked. LMAO! *quoted image*

Oh yes, forgot about that! When the girls were ogling the photos and the videos on the HP and MY tried to get hold of the phone. Yes, she whacked him across the chest then too. LMAO, seriously!!!!

It's insane how low is the rating for this drama, they deserve at least a double digit rating, IMO. I can see all the actors pour all their might into this drama.

I hope the PD won't cut this drama short. Btw, is this drama scheduled to be 16 or 20 eps?

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Guest elriany

Is the guy OST out yet? I really want it.

i'm also waiting for that song ...... songs in episode 4 ending ......... I really like that song :wub: :wub: :wub:

if it is release yet? Anyone know the download link? :wub: :wub:

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Guest flora47

Hello WRers!!! does anyone have any idea what the waiter would have whispered in MY's ears to get this mad???? He was also asking something abt. this waiter boy to DS. Is he related to his ex-gf or his mother? I think MY does not have a healthy relationship with his mother, becoz he was shouting in the phone when DS came to see him at his home. What was the discussion at EJ's house with MY asking something about BLUE SEAGULLS and there was some emotional answer from her. Seems to me the story is moving forward, but have to see it with eng subs.

Jump in the ratings. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next week Jessica's appearance. OMO! then more increase in the ratings.

WR fighting!!!!!

Hi padhari

There are so much hypothesis

The waiter told him a name ,that's what we can be sure.MY asks his friend if he knows the waiter

So the waiter must know him very well ,maybe the person that he refered is someone from MY's past ,maybe his ex gf.

And after ,MY asked him at the hospital who told him and how did he know this name .

So i don't think it's about his mother or his family since it's not difficult to know about it

According to the conversation between DS and the reporter,his parents are very rich ,wonder if his mother will appear in the drama and be the evil mother in law .

For MY and EJ, baseball saved their life ,it is important for their future relationship because they have it in common

Don't know if his ex liked baseball .In the character's description ,they only said that she couldn't forget him .

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