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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hello! :-h
At last Sora tweeted and even attached a picture which was during WGM.. is this a sign? :D And it's really cute of her to try to learn chinese and of course, replying to fans.. :x Hope she replies to me one of these days. :))
@lallinachan, here are my answers to your questions..1) Fans reactions were predictable.. of course they wouldn't like it if any of the SuJu members (except maybe for Shindong) dated, let alone get married even if just virtually.. :D And especially it's the leader.. if I was a devoted fan then and Leeteuk was my bias, I would have been against the idea too.. :D Regarding Teuk's reaction, I guess, it's just okay with him that his fans didn't want him to be "married".. he'll even expect it.. but since he wanted to date publicly thru WGM, the fans had no choice.. and since Sora was really beautiful, nice, smart and mature for her age, his fans really liked her as well. No one (except maybe the antis) will be surprised if they do admit/confirm that they're a couple after he's discharged from the army. :D
2) Yup, just friendship.. Even if she replied "I'll wait for you, I love you" in her text, I feel theirs is just a Noona and Dongsaeng relationship. ;)
3) For me, he wasn't happy but he wasn't disappointed either.. since he researched her, I would think that he already knows who his potential wife would be and thus schooled his reaction.. but of course, he wasn't prepared for Sora's beauty that night because when he saw her in SH, she was just in her casual clothes as against to the pretty LBD she wore.. :x but I really found it funny that he complimented her on her eyebrows.. it was the first time I heard that from a guy.. :)
Anyway, the thread is expected to really slow down especially since the other half is in the army and all we get are pictures (at least we have one each week, right? :D) and the other half doesn't tweet often.. but I admire everyone for still being here and posting especially to the newbies.. please do post some more and welcome! ;)

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      Thank you @kika8 and @josan  for sharing these updates. Wow @ChoonHee21 hi5 for your sharp memory. I knew from the moment I've seen her tweetpic that it was from WGM but couldn't remember which episode.        In choosing a profile picture, we normally choose the one that looks good/nice, or one that could make us smile because of the memories behind it. She must be missing WGM and of course the times she had with PJS making her post this picture. Sora likes returning favors and reciprocating whatever PJS had done to/for her. So she must have felt good being LT's manager for a day like what LT did to her while she was taping scenes for her drama, going to Busan with her and acting as her bodyguard from the media/photographers. "A picture paints a thousand words...we can only spazz on what we can see...so we don't know what else happened behind the scenes.      Teukie lost so much weight, he must have not adapted to a military life yet and he's a picky eater (according to SJ members).      So happy we get updates from Jungso/Teukso today!

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Guest koreanway88

@shymaldita28. its obvious that sora is very grateful to leeteuk bias. first as of now she is already accepted by them.i feel they won't even be surprise if they are real.her fanbase predominantly become big and because of wgm she got international fanbase. they like her because she's real and she did not took advantage of teuk. my impressions on ep 1.teuk was very excited to date publicly but in a context of a reality show. since it's obvious he is a romantic,he can now do all this things to a girl...to date not secretly.the fact that he was partnered to a gorgeous lady became a plus factor. the fact that sora has brains and not just beauty added to his attraction. he is really interested,infatuated since day 1.i don't think he would be able to do those events if he was not attracted. he's glances,stares made us hooked right and we began to ship them.

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Guest lallinachan

thankyou for your answers <3 I'll wait for more.
@shymaldita28 Narsha is the woman who trow teukie's card on the ground several times saying he was younger and still he managed to marry before her XD
In the first question I'd like to know also about the reaction of the fans at the beginning of the episode, and what do you think was the one teukie had (worried, glad that fans are jealous?)

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Guest koreanway88

i believe that her new pix is present not from the past because of the hair color,length are different from wgm back room interview.but her hair accessory and shirt seems to be the same one from wgm days... i think she misses teuk. us fans miss him what more to the person who experienced the love and care given by leeteuk. her time with him span for one year.you cannot easily change that and she had a lot of first experiences with teuk. i even felt that gomi was given by teuk.gomi even resembles the couples bear and teuk's cookies posted on his twitter pix.

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Guest koreanway88

i think teuk wAnts to see the reactions of the fans when he announced he got married. he will do it someday and its nice to observe the reactions. there were jealous fans.1st they don't know the girl.they felt she is not up to par with leeteuk.some haters and ? became fans,accepted them in the end because they judged right away. some are understanding because its natural for people to date,fall in love and get married eventually.

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Sora just went to 2am concert and watched movie after.. And she thank JinWoon.

~It's so cute that they are still friends even after DH2. ~kkk Maybe JinWoon invited her to come to their concert. But I'm wondering Jung Soo's reaction. Yeah we all know that he's kinda jealous with JinWoon. Wonder how he'll react if he read Sora's tweet OMO. But I guess he must not worry since Sora~ya likes him than JinWoon. Kekeke right yeobo (Sora)?

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Guest koreanway88

narsha is from beg brown eyed girls.she is really a noona early 30's or mid 30's. if you know gain from adam's couple,that's her group,beg....

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Guest koreanway88

leeteuk is really influencial in sora's life. she starts to watch concerts and in tune with the idol world.she even twits now.if you noticed she only started to twit or have twitter account only during her wgm days..

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Guest gisellec

These are my conclusions on episode 1

1. Leeteuk wanted to know the reaction of their fans, not to give him approval, but as a way to give them the privilege of being observed by the first, I think it is always inform their fans of what happens in your life as idol and MC, and is very important for what they might think.

2 - to Narsha I see it as a noona, do not see the type being either Leeteuk, is likely to be known for a long time and are close to that, but I really do not see any interest beyond that of a friend or close relative.

3 - Regarding Sora and his first encounter: sora in principle was not his ideal type, he said many times, but not because sora is not nice, tender and may not seem to have aeygo, what I think is that leeteuk in principle the kind of girl is small and less body because it feels small and little body, I always felt insecure and perhaps leeteuk is often thought to be little to sora.

Although possibly not know it was the girl Sora, if I guess different comments by the press, he had an idea, he sought his profile and knew certain things about it. When he saw his face on the screen that was Sora really did look excited, (I think at this point was that I could not but with the nerves and seeing so many faces of girls) but all this changes when she appears before the with dress, hair up, heels, etc.. the only look he had given to sora leeteuk and without any interest in SH and sora was not really dressed for a romantic dinner or anything, sora change much when she's dressed to party and when dressed in a normal day, several sometimes leeteuk said he would have to dress like this more often with dresses. (Although the restaurant's sugmin chapter, asked about the short skirt, that jealous, lol).

with relation to blush the same can be said or nerves discomfort, in principle I can believe I was uncomfortable, but then I think the whole program was always nervous being with Sora, it just shows that not only saw her as a companion , a sister, a friend. He saw her as a person that could love.

4- Also, importantly, Suju boys believed that Donghae Sora was nice and told him I had thought that sora as a pure soul. Being so long in the bedroom with the boys is expected that the views of these are important for the simple fact that sora has been integrated as a group more telling.

Example: In MAMA awards, when Sora goes to greet and talk to her Eunhyuk and Leeteuk smiles when that happens.
And I find it very strange that only appears on twiter Sora after Leeteuk's any news. :x

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lallinachan said:

1) What do you think about the fans reaction at the beginning? How do you think was Teukie reaction to that?

~ I think they were caught off guard by Teuk's announcement! We saw bewilderment and confusion in the faces of some ELF's! Following Leader's every move, they had an inkling of his possible virtual wife; but nobody really knew who it would be until the show started!

~ As for Teukie, he must have expected how his fans would react knowing how possessive they are of SuJu.
But with the members around, he felt secure, despite some wails and groans he received from the ELF's! I especially applauded him for giving his fans such respect by telling them face to face; rather than finding out on TV!

2) we see Narsha (someone that sent an sms to teukie in the last episode of SH). I can clearly see she is a funny noona, very friendly^^ that scene made me sure there is only friendship between them, what about you? what do you think?

~She did seem like a respected Noona that Teukie looks up to! Her reply to his tweet was endearing; nothing else! :))

3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora?

~ Any boy or girl can hope for the best, right? And Teuk was just like any of us! When the screen froze on Sora's face, I thought, his smile wasn't as wide as it was, compared to when he saw KTH, SHG, or SMA. He must have pictured Sora from SH, and her character in Sunny as he waited for her. Magically, everything changed when right before his eyes, Sora in the flesh shone like an angel! Leeteuk the Genius MC, as much as he wanted to maintain his composure, got taken over by Park Jung Soo-- the idealistic, Mr. Simple, Park Jung Soo!

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Guest koreanway88

@itsmeharhar Thank you for the correction regarding the star up of Sora's twitter account.  I just saw that her first twit was Oct. 26 2011 and that made me conclude that she only used twitter when she met Teuk during WGM days.  Now it dawn on me that twitter cannot keep the whole messages beyond 2011.

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Guest lallinachan

@teuksoVcrazed thanks to you and to the other FDs for joining^^ we need to keep this thread alive, and there is so much we can discuss!
I'm really excited FD! you have noticed so many things based on what I asked^^

I only have to add something more about teukie's reaction to the protesting ELF... I think I saw a little smile on his face, heheh! The narcisistic and insecure him likes so much to make girls jealous, don't you think so? He showed he would like to make Sora jealous too, at least three times, or more XD
(maybe some FD knows more about jealousy as a feeling and can give us an insight?)

I'll wait for other FDs to share their questions or to ask mine first ones ;)
let's live again with different eyes those beautiful moments <3
@scatterbrain: I love your compilation of V-signs!!! XD

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I've been trying to do this for the last hour but I kept on debating - anyway, I just can't ignore it - so here goes!

1) What do you think about the fans reaction at the beginning? How do you think was Teukie reaction to that?

I noticed the surprise look on some of the fans; the younger ones reacted so quickly, putting those paper tears - evident they are so against the news that leader LeeTeuk brought up.  Some of those who are a little bit on the adult side, they smiled.  Most of them thought it was for real - and was surprised to know it was for a show.

Of course, LeeTeuk seemed a bit disappointed with the response from his fans - he probably was thinking 'now I know my fans want ME ONLY' - and they don't want me to share my happiness with them.  That's what prompted LeeTeuk on saying -"even tho' there were only 10 who congratulated me, I will show everyone I will have a happy married life.  Well, LeeTeuk and Kang Sora did have a blissful married life - they both did have a good and fun married life.

2) we see Narsha (someone that sent an sms to teukie in the last episode of SH). I can clearly see she is a funny noona, very friendly^^ that scene made me sure there is only friendship between them, what about you? what do you think?

Nobody in his/her right mind would say personal words to someone he/she is having a real relationship with -ON AIR OR ON NATIONAL BROADCAST.  Noona, as she was referred to by LeeTeuk on episode 1, is definitely a 'noona' to LeeTeuk.  That response is very endearing - from an older sister to a younger brother.

3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora?

I've re-watched this episode countless times - first few times, I commented he wasn't that pleased.  But as I kept on rewatching, I noticed the smile on his face (tiny smile) when Sora appeared on the screen.  It is quite understandable for him to have that big grin on his face while watching the first 4 actresses - he was entertained - he has to be as he was already nervous that time.

I also found out (rewatching episode 3) that he put 'yeppo' as the bride (he was explaining to Sora) because he didn't know who it was when he made the invitation.  As I had previously posted, he knew Sora is in the line-up so he did a search of her in the internet.  What he didn't know is - the actress Kang Sora he met 3 months prior, has become stunningly beautiful since the last time they met. 

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Guest mywebfoot

FDD Disease: when you look at Teuk's latest pic and wish they would all move out of the way so you can see what are the contents of Soldier #85's shelf. :D http://twitpic.com/bgjd9q

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