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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest xianlie90

@xianlie90 - If I may add, when he changed his cyworld.. I think it was mentioned here that it was the exact 100th day of TEUKSO also.

sorry to cut your post.. ><

oh yeah! of course, you're right! sorry if i gave the wrong date..kkk

Teukie updated his cyworld on 120108.. thx for correcting me!! <33333 ^^

 120108 Leeteuk update his Cyworld background! cr: wgmleeteukandkangsora

I'll just say this once keep the Dream High chatter to a minimum if you wish to discuss that series/show pleaes do so in the Dream High 2 thread.

sorry to post wrong thing & too much about DH2 in my previous comment, semi-fly Moderator-nim! >_< kkkk..

will back to my lurk mode again :) once again sorry everyone m(_ _)m

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Guest lallinachan

@ami189: I'm sorry I forgot to thankyou for reminding me at what our aired Dream Hight2^^ thankyou! It was awsome! I wonder if teukie watched it...

@enrell: I downloaded your file from 4shared, but it stopped after 14 minutes... Do I missed a second part or it is the file who is damaged? From waht I saw, you did a very good subbing, you translated some things that Kshownow forgot too^^

If you can pass me the .richard simmons file and the raw video, I can watched like that^^

also, maybe it's more comfortable for you to putt all the subbed video's link, in the first post of this thread, so that you don't have to post it several times for each people, what do you think?

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I'll just say this once keep the Dream High chatter to a minimum if you wish to discuss that series/show pleaes do so in the Dream High 2 thread.

I think everyone has done a great job today in keeping the DH 2 posts at the very minimum which was to post the link to the RAW episode. Honestly it's mainly talk about Sora that was posted. I was expecting a lot more DH2 posts actually. So high five FD's!

Thanks Semi-Fly for the warning now we all know to post minimally regarding DH2 if at all.

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Guest teuksoralover

I think everyone has done a great job today in keeping the DH 2 posts at the very minimum which was to post the link to the RAW episode. Honestly it's mainly talk about Sora that was posted. I was expecting a lot more DH2 posts actually. So high five FD's!

Thanks Semi-Fly for the warning now we all know to post minimally regarding DH2 if at all.

Yeah. I think so too. High-Five! :) Just be careful guys. :)

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Morning Ladies...( and guys if there's any!)

I finally watched it and I thought it was really a very funny episode. Lots of laughter and good vibes. Everything was going smoothly from the get go.

This is what I think happened:

The part where Eunhyuk choses ES was brought in on purpose to spice up the show. WHY? because things were going TOOOO smoothly and to quickly. PD and the team needed to introduce a love triangle  and some angsts moment to boost ratings and make it the talk of the town ( which he did!)

I think only Eunhyuk and most probably LT ( since he is the MC & the leader) knew what was going down. They were entrusted with the job to spice things up and liven the whole show. That's why you see all the shocked faces and near tears from the other ladies. I'm not sure if ES was a part of the equation. But, if she was not, she herself didn't expect things to unfold the way it did.  

Eunhyuk really looked torn when he did what he did. He tried to make it look real and funny, but could see in his eyes he was really very troubled by it. Especially the part when Sena cried, they didn't expect that at all. She was really sad and felt betrayed because she really liked Eunhyuk.

It was really sweet what Eunhyuk did for Sena. He tried, he tried hard to comfort her.  He touched her, tried to wipe her tears away and comfort her using words. I also saw how Eunhyuk hands shook when he went to see Sena. He was really scared and shocked at what happened. Also, keep in mind, the show was edited. I'm sure loads of other things happened in between scenes. I have no doubt that Eunhyuk asks for forgiveness right on the spot. He might have been too distraught as well to come back to the scene. Because if anybody noticed, right after the crying scene, when Sena was back standing next to Sora, Eunhyuk was not standing next to ES. He was nowhere to be found. Only in the next scene he appeared again.

I have to give props to Leeteuk for keeping the show going at the most tensed moment. He kept the momentum going while trying to calm Eunhyuk as well as Sena. Also at the same time show his concern and love for Sora. HATS of to Leeteuk!!

It was really intense at one point in the show and I believe that was the reason why everybody was laughing nervously. They didn't  mean any harm just instinct and adrenaline took over at that point.  

The ending was just beautiful. I give 150% to Sena for her matured attitude and cheery personality while giving dagger looks to Eunhyuk. BRAVO SENA...you earn a fan here. I must give props to Eunhyuk as well for being a man in admitting his mistake. What he actually was admitting to is still unclear to me. However, I know that it was more than just for choosing ES over Sena. It could be that he was sorry for hurting her, betraying her, not being a good man enough for her or for taking the situation further than he intended. Millions of possibilities.

Out of all the couples, Eunhyuk and Sena looks like the most fun couple. A couple that will have their share of ups and downs but will always find silly things to laugh together. They will actually make a great couple.  I hope the age difference will not be an issue to Eunhyuk. AGE is just a number. What matters is her attitude, look in life and personality. Besides, she's cute as a button and not afraid to show her feelings...

One last thing, about the show is scripted or otherwise, I believe it's semi scripted just like many other K variety shows. One that comes to my mind strongly would be X MAN. If any of you have seen it, there was more angsts moments in that show to last a lifetime.

Basically what happens is, the PD will have a direction that he wants the show to go forth. The direction is set and the players are prep. HOWEVER,  how the players get there and the obstacles they encounter are all up to them. The PD just let it plays as he sees it. There lies the fun as human beings are very unpredictable. ( to semi quote LT and Sora)

SUJU has been together for more than 12 years and I doubt Eunhyuk will throw his friendship with Donghae for a lady they just met. I'm sure their brotherhood is much stronger than that. If not for friendship than for the greater good of the team. And I doubt Leeteuk will allow the boys to fight over this matter.

ALRIGHT...now some good news for DC shippers.....

you guys notice that when LT told the boys that he has his newlywed apt how surprise they were? and when he was ask if he is staying there with Sora, LT hesitated to answer. He paused and was thinking if he should answer it truthfully. Also looked at Sora's shy smile....that's because I don't think it is necessary for them to do so unless shooting. Which means LT and Sora are doing it voluntarily on their own. Which leads me to believe they really are enjoying this and getting to know each other better without the camera around.


THis is just an Ahjumma's 2 cents.wink.gif

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@ marrsq

Woah! Well said and nicely analyse :)

I agreed that it might possibly be half scripted and I won't forget that the 4 ladies are all actresses.

I guess Eunhyuk was just trying to make the whole show more tense and exciting and I believed all these were well edited and go through by the PD before they can show to the viewers :) we won't understand how complicated is the entertainment world...

Anyway, DC still have my fullest support and I just wanna enjoy every moment of them :)

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@ semi_fly: Thanks for the warning, I forgot to put my comment about the drama in spoiler so I'm sorry, I will be more careful. I think most of us just talked about Sora' acting anyway so I think It was not too off topic, we promise we will keep it in a limit but please let us talk her drama a bit :)

@Guys: I just want to update about the MBC strike. As I posted before MBC may cancel the broadcast of WGM this week. However, based on the newest news the show still will be on air on Saturday but they will broadcast a special episode instead of a new one. Fans are guessing what this special ep is about. It might be the uncut version (some moments that we did not get to see in the past eps) or might be a rerun of the previous eps. Well, I think it can be seen as a good news for us, right? at least there will be something to expect, I truly hope it would be the uncut ver but who know MBC may let us down again. (If they seriously are gonna air the rerun, please don't pick the blind date ones, MBC I beg u)

Here is the news in Chinese, those who can read Chinese can check it out:


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Morning Ladies...( and guys if there's any!)

I finally watched it and I thought it was really a very funny episode. Lots of laughter and good vibes. Everything was going smoothly from the get go.

This is what I think happened:

The part where Eunhyuk choses ES was brought in on purpose to spice up the show. WHY? because things were going TOOOO smoothly and to quickly. PD and the team needed to introduce a love triangle  and some angsts moment to boost ratings and make it the talk of the town ( which he did!)

I think only Eunhyuk and most probably LT ( since he is the MC & the leader) knew what was going down. They were entrusted with the job to spice things up and liven the whole show. That's why you see all the shocked faces and near tears from the other ladies. I'm not sure if ES was a part of the equation. But, if she was not, she herself didn't expect things to unfold the way it did.  

Eunhyuk really looked torn when he did what he did. He tried to make it look real and funny, but could see in his eyes he was really very troubled by it. Especially the part when Sena cried, they didn't expect that at all. She was really sad and felt betrayed because she really liked Eunhyuk.

It was really sweet what Eunhyuk did for Sena. He tried, he tried hard to comfort her.  He touched her, tried to wipe her tears away and comfort her using words. I also saw how Eunhyuk hands shook when he went to see Sena. He was really scared and shocked at what happened. Also, keep in mind, the show was edited. I'm sure loads of other things happened in between scenes. I have no doubt that Eunhyuk asks for forgiveness right on the spot. He might have been too distraught as well to come back to the scene. Because if anybody noticed, right after the crying scene, when Sena was back standing next to Sora, Eunhyuk was not standing next to ES. He was nowhere to be found. Only in the next scene he appeared again.

I have to give props to Leeteuk for keeping the show going at the most tensed moment. He kept the momentum going while trying to calm Eunhyuk as well as Sena. Also at the same time show his concern and love for Sora. HATS of to Leeteuk!!

It was really intense at one point in the show and I believe that was the reason why everybody was laughing nervously. They didn't  mean any harm just instinct and adrenaline took over at that point.  

The ending was just beautiful. I give 150% to Sena for her matured attitude and cheery personality while giving dagger looks to Eunhyuk. BRAVO SENA...you earn a fan here. I must give props to Eunhyuk as well for being a man in admitting his mistake. What he actually was admitting to is still unclear to me. However, I know that it was more than just for choosing ES over Sena. It could be that he was sorry for hurting her, betraying her, not being a good man enough for her or for taking the situation further than he intended. Millions of possibilities.

Out of all the couples, Eunhyuk and Sena looks like the most fun couple. A couple that will have their share of ups and downs but will always find silly things to laugh together. They will actually make a great couple.  I hope the age difference will not be an issue to Eunhyuk. AGE is just a number. What matters is her attitude, look in life and personality. Besides, she's cute as a button and not afraid to show her feelings...

One last thing, about the show is scripted or otherwise, I believe it's semi scripted just like many other K variety shows. One that comes to my mind strongly would be X MAN. If any of you have seen it, there was more angsts moments in that show to last a lifetime.

Basically what happens is, the PD will have a direction that he wants the show to go forth. The direction is set and the players are prep. HOWEVER,  how the players get there and the obstacles they encounter are all up to them. The PD just let it plays as he sees it. There lies the fun as human beings are very unpredictable. ( to semi quote LT and Sora)

SUJU has been together for more than 12 years and I doubt Eunhyuk will throw his friendship with Donghae for a lady they just met. I'm sure their brotherhood is much stronger than that. If not for friendship than for the greater good of the team. And I doubt Leeteuk will allow the boys to fight over this matter.

I agree with you a hundred percent!!! This is exactly what I would have written if I weren't so lazy XD (not sure about the verb tenses here so sorry if it's not right... it sounds good to me though!)

For the people who understand Korean... I have  two questions related to the last episode (they didn't sub everything!! :S)

1.-After Eun seo answers Eunhyuk's phone call, Leeteuk asks Eunhyuk: What will happen to her? (Sena)... What was Eunhyuk's answer??

2.- Kyuhyun threw a piece of paper to Yeon-joo who was on the second floor... can some of you translate what was on that piece of paper?

Now my Kyuhyun fan moment:

  I love how he bites his lip when he's looking into the girl's eyes!!! (Why did the PD decide not to show that moment when the couples were first made??)

He's sooooo lovely... and I laughed a lot when he phoned Eunhyuk first... He was the funniest guy in this episode!!

I so wanna watch him and Yeon-joo together again, but I guess WGM will not show them again since he will be participating in the chinese version of WGM... what do you think??? will they take part in the "Dimples house" meeting???

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Now my Kyuhyun fan moment:

  I love how he bites his lip when he's looking into the girl's eyes!!! (Why did the PD decide not to show that moment when the couples were first made??)

He's sooooo lovely... and I laughed a lot when he phoned Eunhyuk first... He was the funniest guy in this episode!!

I so wanna watch him and Yeon-joo together again, but I guess WGM will not show them again since he will be participating in the chinese version of WGM... what do you think??? will they take part in the "Dimples house" meeting???

I believe the housewarming thingy involving the couples already recorded. It just when they going to show it.

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For the people who understand Korean... I have  two questions related the last episode (they didn't sub everything!! :S)

1.-After Eun seo answers Eunhyuk's phone call, Leeteuk asks Eunhyuk: What will happen to her? (Sena)... What was Eunhyuk's answer??

2.- Kyuhyun threw a piece of paper to Yeon-joo who was on the second floor... can some of you translate what was on that piece of paper?

Now my Kyuhyun fan moment:

  I love how he bites his lip when he's looking into the girl's eyes!!! (Why did the PD decide not to show that moment when the couples were first made??)

He's sooooo lovely... and I laughed a lot when he phoned Eunhyuk first... He was the funniest guy in this episode!!

I so wanna watch him and Yeon-joo together again, but I guess WGM will not show them again since he will be participating in the chinese version of WGM... what do you think??? will they take part in the "Dimples house" meeting???

Thanks and I also agree with you 100% on Kyuhyun moments. He was such a stress reliever after the intense moment. It was hilarious when he called Eunhyuk. I think Kyuhyun is more matured that he leads us to believe. He actually said he likes ES as well but decided to just stick to one. Because he knew how DH feels about ES. ( Bet you he was thankful after that...hahaha!)

YUPE...when LT ask EH what's going to happen to Sena..he said something that was unexpected. Sena was already kind of sad at that point.

It would be nice if what EH wrote to Sena can be translated as well. Should be something cute coz Sena had a smile on her face.

alright guys, look at this....


Look at LT playing with his wedding ring....LOL

this was during the time when Sena was crying. Everybody was on the edge and nervous including LT. What did he do? he went for one thing that brings him comfort, sanity and love...his wedding ring!!!! This action is a definite impulsive behavior. It cannot be fake. It is in our nature to go/find the things that comfort us. LT definitely could not just hug Sora can he?..so he did the next best thing....wink.gif 

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Guest longleggedmozzies

@ marrsq

Like the others before me, I too agreed 100% with your comments. All this are after all controlled by the PDs and writers and the show was edited to entertain us.

I think Sena-ssi got caught up in the moment (especially after the uncalled for comment ) and cried .. I too cried , being a woman myself. But i can see that she was embarrassed by the whole incident. She didn't mean to cry and you can see she felt awkward and thoroughly embarrassed by the whole attention. Probably the comment touched a nerve as it did to me too.

I was shocked at the overwhelming responses to this particular episode, so much so i was initially reluctant to finish the clip. Whether it was scripted or not, sometimes you just can't control human emotions.

Hope we get the spotlight back on the main couple next week ....

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Guest teuksoralover

ALRIGHT...now some good news for DC shippers.....

you guys notice that when LT told the boys that he has his newlywed apt how surprise they were? and when he was ask if he is staying there with Sora, LT hesitated to answer. He paused and was thinking if he should answer it truthfully. Also looked at Sora's shy smile....that's because I don't think it is necessary for them to do so unless shooting. Which means LT and Sora are doing it voluntarily on their own. Which leads me to believe they really are enjoying this and getting to know each other better without the camera around.

*woot*woot**quoted image*

THis is just an Ahjumma's 2 cents.*quoted image*

That Sora's shy smile has some purity in it. Beyond being a show, I actually agree with you that they are both enjoying this whole thing ahjumma :) (I find it funny you call yourself ahjumma) Haha. If it is okay, I'll call you that. :) Just let me know if it is too much.

Look at LT playing with his wedding ring....LOL

this was during the time when Sena was crying. Everybody was on the edge and nervous including LT. What did he do? he went for one thing that brings him comfort, sanity and love...his wedding ring!!!! This action is a definite impulsive behavior. It cannot be fake. It is in our nature to go/find the things that comfort us. LT definitely could not just hug Sora can he?..so he did the next best thing....*quoted image* 

Awwww... what an eagle eye you have there. :) That pic just made my day. It is so cute of him to play with his wedding ring.. I hope though that Sora will re-size her ring.. It is too big for her, right? So both them have it on their fingers.

@Lana67 - Thank you for the update. I really hope it is the uncut version.. some scenes we havent seen. They only have two couples to focus on.. Our teukso & woojung.. so they better give us DC moments. haha.

@DanielaBSL - I suggest you wait for FDs subs. They really try their best to give quality ones. :)

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Guest ellipsis123

Awwwww.. First, WELCOME to this thread! We call ourselves fighting dimples. :) lol. I'm happy to hear that you came out of lurk mode and decided to voice-out your love for them. I hope you post more often. I was a lurker too at first but I couldn't help myself because they are just too adorable. Don't you think? I decided to read this thread from the beginning and finally came out. Believe me, it took me weeks to finish this thread so that I could keep up with what is happening.

I agree with you. We all love them to fall inlove. :) That would be the best thing ever. Right? Come out of lurk mode! :) Let us welcome a new FD everyone.

Oooopppssss... Sorry if I am talking too much.

Thank you for the warm welcome! And @lallinachan too for saying annyeong :) I read the Chinese announcement (know a bit of Chinese but am having trouble with simplified Chinese haha) and all it says (for me) is that MBC will air a WGM special. I just hope our DC gets plenty of screen time in that haha :lol:

By the way, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating the question, which subbers do you prefer apart from Kshownow? I will have to bookmark that link! :)

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Guest teuksoralover

Thank you for the warm welcome! And @lallinachan too for saying annyeong :) I read the Chinese announcement (know a bit of Chinese but am having trouble with simplified Chinese haha) and all it says (for me) is that MBC will air a WGM special. I just hope our DC gets plenty of screen time in that haha :lol:

By the way, and I'm sorry if I'm repeating the question, which subbers do you prefer apart from Kshownow? I will have to bookmark that link! :)

Oh.. you can understand Chinese? :) We will need your translating ability. lol. I hope what you understand from the news is right that they will show a special episode instead of a re-run. Anyways, about the subs.. we usually go for KSHOW cuz they are the fastest but FDs in this thread does some subbing too.. We watch it from KSHOW and wait for our own after. If you are interested, here is a link from angel subs.. they subbed good too of past episodes but not all.. they used to have it from ep 1 to 9 but I think they got cancelled from vimeo.. you will understand the eps better if you watch it there too..

.. If you don't find all the eps from 1 to 9.. i think they put it on dailymotion or just go here to see where they put it.. http://www.angeleeteuk.com/forum/index.php?. :) Enjoy the re-run. Haha.

On the otherhand, I have something to share guys.. Kinda related to the last ep... Brother in law number 1 (Sungmin) to be specific. Saw this twitter update.. he was tweeting his brother.


I guess her and So-yul did not work out.. I don't think we will see them even if some of us has express that we like them too. Kyuhun joining the WGM Chinese version also means that couple did not make it either.. Hahaha.

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On the otherhand, I have something to share guys.. Kinda related to the last ep... Brother in law number 1 (Sungmin) to be specific. Saw this twitter update.. he was tweeting his brother.

*quoted image*

I guess her and So-yul did not work out.. I don't think we will see them even if some of us has express that we like them too. Kyuhun joining the WGM Chinese version also means that couple did not make it either.. Hahaha.

Ohhh... this is so sad!!! Those two couples were my favorite... :(

And please don't tell me Eunseo and Donghae are the only ones who made it!! I don't want to see her in any show... ever! 

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[News] MBC strike leads to cancellation of prime time shows

A union strike has led to the cancellation of hit variety shows on the MBC network. The media company regretfully announced on Jan. 31 that following the protest of some 500 workers on Jan. 30 flagship programs due to air over the weekend of Feb. 4 and 5, such as “We Got Married,” “Infinite Challenge,” “The Great Birth” and “I Am a Singer,” will not air. Instead, re-runs of special edition shows will be broadcast. However, programs that are outsourced to external production companies will be aired as scheduled.

The strike, orchestrated by the MBC labor union, is calling for the resignation of the network’s current president Kim Jae-chul. “We are calling for an end to distorted news coverage that is currently taking place at MBC under Kim Jae-chul’s leadership. We won’t stop until justice and impartiality is restored to our programs. Until then, we ask the viewers to support us in our endeavor,” said a representative from the union.

There was also a protest when Kim was nominated for the presidency back in May of 2010. Kim is thought to be a puppet of President Lee Myung-bak which has resulted in biased news reports. “We have a duty to serve the public through maintaining neutrality in our news programs,” said the union representative. Through the protest, it is hoped that Kim will step down from the leadership position.

Meanwhile in Seoul, a photo exhibition of the show “Infinite Challenge” has attracted some 243,000 visitors to Lotte Mall in Gimpo International Airport since it was unveiled on Dec. 22. The exhibition ended on Jan. 15 and MBC said that it did not expect such a large number of visitors.

Are your favorite shows affected?

Source: Koreajoongangdaily

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i'm confused though. the article above says," Instead, re-runs of special edition shows will be broadcast."

special edition shows? like the we got married Christmas and new year special? :huh:

I watched it  ^=^, The first ep is good, much better than I thought, the cast this season surprised me, these kids can really act, not just sing. Our Sora was amazing, she is truly a great actress, Hyesung (Sora's role) is a very interesting character, she is so clumsy (just like Sora herself haha), innocent, a bit stubborn and is a real trouble maker lol. Sora just nailed it, this girl was born to be an actresses. And omg she looks so cute in this drama, I love her hair style and outfits too she almost looks like a baby doll lol. The reactions from viewers is great too, a lot of people are praising Sora for her acting skills on twitter ad forums. The reporters love her too, the article about DH2 premiere and Sora's good acting is currently number #1 on NATE. So far, DH2 has a great start, I can't wait to watch the next ep.

You are looking for the caps right? ask and you shall receive :D

This scene is so funny haha

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

I was LOLing so hard here

*quoted image*

The evil JW taking pic of this epic moment lmao

Cute girl is cuteee <3

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

awwww, thank you so much! :)

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Guest lallinachan

I hope they'll air some cutted moments from teukso... god knows there are too many!!

Morning Ladies...( and guys if there's any!)

I finally watched it and I thought it was really a very funny episode. Lots of laughter and good vibes. Everything was going smoothly from the get go.

This is what I think happened:

The part where Eunhyuk choses ES was brought in on purpose to spice up the show. WHY? because things were going TOOOO smoothly and to quickly. PD and the team needed to introduce a love triangle  and some angsts moment to boost ratings and make it the talk of the town ( which he did!)

I think only Eunhyuk and most probably LT ( since he is the MC & the leader) knew what was going down. They were entrusted with the job to spice things up and liven the whole show. That's why you see all the shocked faces and near tears from the other ladies. I'm not sure if ES was a part of the equation. But, if she was not, she herself didn't expect things to unfold the way it did. 

 Sorry for cutting^^

I agree with you, it is possible that teukie and Eunhyuk may have thought abaut a sort of plan B to spice up the episode. It can be understandable since they are expert in the variety show. I personally think it was not something planned before the date, but maybe after the male reunion, when the guys said the girl they like best, Eunhyuk might have sensed then that things were too smoot (as you said) and maybe he got that idea then, and since teukie is the leader, he probably said that to him, as a possible turning point to rise the attention. He could not have planned it before in my opinion (just my opinion). We all know that since it's a show, it needs some basic planning at least for the general things, so as you said, it's half scripted. But that surprise thing that Eunhyuk made, more than something scripted (that means all the crew and MCs did know it) I think it was basically his intuition, his attitude to show, and also his clueless to girls emotion(^^;). So, not precisely something planned before (scripted), but guessed while filming.

Anyway, I can't really know for sure one way ore the other, so for now I base my opinions on this consideration. Well, I guess we mostly agree^^

@enrell: Episode 15 from 4shared... I think it's not complete^^; anyway it was very well done for what I've seen ;)

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