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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Top 7 rookie actors who will shine in 2012 [showbiz Korea]

Check out this video on YouTube:

Kang Sora is starting to shine!!! Leeteuk must be so proud of her! :)

Credits to Leeteuk SJ Kang sora FB Fanpage

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Guest lallinachan

This is soooo misleading. Why do people have to twist famous people's words around? This is why  the smallest things become the biggest scandals!  Glad to know MOST people know the truth to the real translations. Read the comments, it will make you feel better. :) And why would Teuk insist it was real if it wasn't true? He said that not only once but twice. Somehow this article is making it appear as though either Teuk or Eunhyuk is lying. haizzz. Now SOME people are actually convinced that WGM is scripted. and SOME are using this WRONG translation as the justification on why Hyukjae acted that way that day. Anyway, I already said my piece about that, so i think it's improper for me to repeat what i said. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING.

This is exatly my thinking too! They are making this fake version just to support the idea that WGM is all scripted. I know that sometimes the couple is indeed acting lovely, but that is NOT the case with teukso and FJ, as they have already said more then once!!! SO FRUSTRATING!! I hope people will be serious and go to read the actual source: the twitter.

Really unprofessional!!

p.s. In my country all my elf company in the forum believe WGM is scripted, no matter how much I tell them abaut teukie's words... I hope they'll not pay attention to this article... very frustrating because it also gives a very bad image of Eunhyuk too!

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Hi All , 

I am a fan to WGM since Adam couple. I still want to believe it is not-script . 

Khuntoria once have a interview after the end their WGM life, it mention once that do not have script 

(“We really do have the feeling of a couple, like when a male lead and a female lead interact, there’s this chemistry, heart racing moments… when we first started shooting, I felt like we were really a couple.” [khun]To Khuntoria who has passed 500 days of couple life, they felt it was really “real” and it was difficult to distinguish what is real or fake. Victoria stopped Nichkhun and added her own.


“No, Nichkhun-sshi, it is different from the movies. Don’t movies have scripts and dialogues, but we freely expressed whatever we wanted to say; whether cameras are rolling or not, I felt [our interaction] was the same, comfortable, there isn’t a start or an end in our interaction.” )

Source : http://www.facebook....269713309719228

Therefore , why not just leave it to yourself to decide what you believe in.That you can enjoy the show to max. 

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I will say the show is not scripted. I've watched a few couples now and I can say their interactions are real and their bond becomes real. They definetly will have a great memory of their time together weather they become real or not.

The only thing I will mention is when I watched couples especially the Eunjung jang Woo couple I saw a lot of missions and things being said which I could remember other couples doing. With my knowledge about the hwanyobi couple especially I found the missions they were given were not copied but themed after the other couples. The camping-Hwanhee did that for their honeymoon and jangwoo(Hwanhee's cousin) took EunJung camping. There are more instances but since this is not the WGm all couples thread I'll leave it at that. I think this new PD is different from the previous one and so the show will have a difference feel for sure.

My favorite scene in this past episode was when they all danced...sora asking leeteuk to come over and dance...they were too cute !

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Guest lallinachan

Therefore , why not just leave it to yourself to decide what you believe in.That you can enjoy the show to max. 

(Sorry for cutting)

yes you are right^^

 it just got on my nerves because people out there keep their mind closed, without giving a chance to see the different aspects that sometimes are behind things. But the world goes like that. I should just forget it, and enjoy what I can for the moment.

And I'm really glad of that Khuntoria interview^^ <3

@sqd66: I liked that moment too!!<3 Sora was forward with for just few seconds, and in a cute way^^

Sora twitter:


두시간반 뒤 드림하이2 출동!  매일 보미언니의 꽃님이 월화 드림하이랑 민영이의 닥꽃밴 수목 보라의 해품달보면 일주일이 풍성~~~^^

Anyone knows the translation?

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too bad i missed dh2! anybody here who watched the show even without subs? how was it? i have no doubts that baby princess will shine on this one. somebody please post a recap or something. yieeeee! i'm sooo excited!!  hahaha :D

I watched it  ^=^, The first ep is good, much better than I thought, the cast this season surprised me, these kids can really act, not just sing. Our Sora was amazing, she is truly a great actress, Hyesung (Sora's role) is a very interesting character, she is so clumsy (just like Sora herself haha), innocent, a bit stubborn and is a real trouble maker lol. Sora just nailed it, this girl was born to be an actresses. And omg she looks so cute in this drama, I love her hair style and outfits too she almost looks like a baby doll lol. The reactions from viewers is great too, a lot of people are praising Sora for her acting skills on twitter ad forums. The reporters love her too, the article about DH2 premiere and Sora's good acting is currently number #1 on NATE. So far, DH2 has a great start, I can't wait to watch the next ep.

You are looking for the caps right? ask and you shall receive :D

This scene is so funny haha





I was LOLing so hard here


The evil JW taking pic of this epic moment lmao

Cute girl is cuteee <3




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Guest xianlie90

haven't watch it.. but find some Sora's goodies from today DH2 airing.. She's pretty, cute & funny! ^^


cr: reviewstar.hankooki.com


cr: people.incruit.com



cr: mydaily.co.kr


cr: ytn.co.kr


cr: 1qdisk.com

@Lana67 i dont know why, but seems baidu dunnot like me.. T__T i can't see your pics T__T

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Guest teuksoralover

Yay!  I'm happy to see & read that FDs are energetic and happy in this thread right now.. So many thoughts again..

:huh: Wow, that limits a lot of things that we could post on this forum then. So, anything purely related to just one or the other and not both isn't allowed here. Unless it concerns both Leeteuk and Sora, then there's NO mentioning of individual activities, NO solo pictures/videos of either one, NO updates on individual tweets, etc. Strictly a WGM, Leeteuk AND Sora forum. Ok, gotcha. Good to know. Wouldn't want to break any rules and upset any FDs here...:sweatingbullets: For now, I'll just go on my merry way... :)

I think we should still post things individually. Haha. You will right? :) TEUKSO is LEETEUK + SORA but before they became TEUKSO --- they were also individuals.

@teuksoralover: THANKYOU! you are doing your best to keep this thred going with goodies abaut DC!! I loved your post abaut DC best moments! (and the only ones! and that's saying a lot!!). For the record: I don't think you post too much at all!! I appreciate you want to share all these things with us! it must be a lot of work!

I want to add that the surprised faces of FJ when teukie said they don't know, but Sora and him have a house... are priceless!!

Here the time line in the spoiler for this month (as you can see, FJ did not watch yet the episode abaut Dimple house!):

Awwww.. Thank you. :) I am trying my best to contribute because some are doing subs, blogs and all that. Posting stuff here is the least that I can do. (Oh my, the things I do for TEUKSO!) hahaha. And about the FJs, I went back and re-watched that part and laughed so hard with their reactions. They were genuinely surprised about TEUKSO's newlywed house. I think it is true what Sungmin said in the radio show, ONLY THOSE TWO can really know what they feeling. But we all know there is something fishy. Hahahaha. *DELUSION MODE ON*

@arienblurr - Where are you? :) I read your BLOG and I was laughing with you at some parts that you pointed out. I love what you wrote! If I may say this, "Yes, Eunsoo..flip your hair!" LMAO! I don't know if I quoted you right but that was hilarious.. Please do your blogs often. I love reading them.

@wangnyeo - Good job in promoting the teuksora family esp to a TEUKKIE-biased. Hahaha. Let us know what her reactions are after the eps.

@xianlie90 - If I may add, when he changed his cyworld.. I think it was mentioned here that it was the exact 100th day of TEUKSO also.

And as usual, I love the blogs you are posting here sqd66! Just going through them makes me smile.. most especially the candid ones.  And LengSi, thank you for that KHUNTORIA interview.. I believe them. 

@Lana67 - Really? She was number 1 at NAVER? Wow. that says a lot. I am happy for baby princess.

I haven't watch the raw vid of DH2 but I will after posting this.. Looking at some pics made me laugh already which means she did a great job. I know Teuk is proud of her since Sora, herself, said that Teuk texts her and encourages her to do good.

But.. my heart is sad. :( that there could be a possibility of no WGM this week. How confirm is this? I hope not. I don't think I can take that. Huhu. I know you guys can't too. Please MBC!


Can someone translate the twitter update from Sora posted earlier. Thank you!

Plus, I just wanna add something about this scripted thing.. I posted this already but I will post this again..


--- FDs help me out here! If I am understanding it right.. he said that if it is SCRIPTED then it would have been a happy ending like a fairytale.. So I guess he is trying to say that it is REALLY not scripted because it did not end like a fairytale. I believe Teuk with all my heart. Lol. :)

Gotta go and watch baby princess! 

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i just watched the blind date episode with subs. overall it's fun eventhough no big interaction between teukso couple except the 'last' part where eunhyuk chose eun seo. : :huh: as suju's fan myself, what eunhyuk did is not nice at all especially when he ask eun seo to stop sena from calling him. that was plain mean.. i hope he learned something here. :tears:

my 1st impression on soo yol now is changed. she is adorable.. happy for sungmin... :w00t: i have no problem with kyuhyun's girl as well. but i feel pity for donghae.. that girl is not suitable for you. i didn't like her since the beginning. after the blind date ended, what she potrayed in the episode made me dislike her more. sorry for bashing.. but i need to say what i need to say.

anyway.. i thought there were no good scenes at all between sora & teukie but then their body language & short interaction are sweet enough for me.. happy... :wub:

so.. this blind date ended & i'm not going to talk about the bitter part anymore. now i'm ready for next episode!!!! :lol:

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Guest ellipsis123

Hi all! I've been a silent lurker ever since I decided to give TeukSo a go and (blast it! Haha) got addicted to the Dimple Couple. (And I only started watching a couple of weeks ago!) I got a glimpse of them when YongSeo were winding down (yes, I am a Goguma Couple fan!) but it really didn't click, because 1) I was still too invested in YongSeo at that time and 2) my first encounter with them was when they were eating ddukbokki in their school uniforms and I found the "feeding each other" bit a bit over-the-top haha. But now that I know the context of that, I am officially a DC fan! :lol:

Anyway, I just want to give my two cents about TeukSo:

My friend and I were talking about how the potential of developing real/"real" feelings is way higher and more possible in WGM than in dramas, cos dramas revolve around a script and create an entire new dimension; whereas WGM, even though it follows a "script", is based on the premise of real life—a real marriage. Plus, there is no character profile to follow; it's up to the actors/idols to play out the marriage in their own terms. Of course, whether the persona they present on the show is fact or fiction, we will never really know—but we can always dream, can't we? :lol:

That said, I really, really, REALLY wish that Teukie will serenade Sora with "Marry U" or "Sunflower" in future eps! I swear I am gonna DIE if he does that. *fingers and toes crossed*

Hope you can welcome me in the DC fan universe and I seek your guidance as I'm still relatively clueless about the rules of Soompi even though I've been a member for a few years now. :)

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Guest teuksoralover

Hi all! I've been a silent lurker ever since I decided to give TeukSo a go and (blast it! Haha) got addicted to the Dimple Couple. (And I only started watching a couple of weeks ago!) I got a glimpse of them when YongSeo were winding down (yes, I am a Goguma Couple fan!) but it really didn't click, because 1) I was still too invested in YongSeo at that time and 2) my first encounter with them was when they were eating ddukbokki in their school uniforms and I found the "feeding each other" bit a bit over-the-top haha. But now that I know the context of that, I am officially a DC fan! :lol:

Anyway, I just want to give my two cents about TeukSo:

My friend and I were talking about how the potential of developing real/"real" feelings is way higher and more possible in WGM than in dramas, cos dramas revolve around a script and create an entire new dimension; whereas WGM, even though it follows a "script", is based on the premise of real life—a real marriage. Plus, there is no character profile to follow; it's up to the actors/idols to play out the marriage in their own terms. Of course, whether the persona they present on the show is fact or fiction, we will never really know—but we can always dream, can't we? :lol:

That said, I really, really, REALLY wish that Teukie will serenade Sora with "Marry U" or "Sunflower" in future eps! I swear I am gonna DIE if he does that. *fingers and toes crossed*

Hope you can welcome me in the DC fan universe and I seek your guidance as I'm still relatively clueless about the rules of Soompi even though I've been a member for a few years now.  :)

Awwwww.. First, WELCOME to this thread! We call ourselves fighting dimples. :) lol. I'm happy to hear that you came out of lurk mode and decided to voice-out your love for them. I hope you post more often. I was a lurker too at first but I couldn't help myself because they are just too adorable. Don't you think? I decided to read this thread from the beginning and finally came out. Believe me, it took me weeks to finish this thread so that I could keep up with what is happening.

I agree with you. We all love them to fall inlove. :) That would be the best thing ever. Right? Come out of lurk mode! :) Let us welcome a new FD everyone.

Oooopppssss... Sorry if I am talking too much.

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Guest teuksoralover

Oooppssss.. I acidentally posted my last post twice.. I edited my 2nd one and just posted this. :)

Anyone who saw this yet? I saw this on a tumblr. lol. I think it is cute.


CREDIT: fykpoplove

And I love this scene:




CREDIT: mushmelo

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Guest lallinachan

--- FDs help me out here! If I am understanding it right.. he said that if it is SCRIPTED then it would have been a happy ending like a fairytale.. So I guess he is trying to say that it is REALLY not scripted because it did not end like a fairytale. I believe Teuk with all my heart. Lol. :)

Gotta go and watch baby princess! 

Yes!! Don't doubt the translation, it's quite clear, and you got it right^^

It must have nagged him a lot that people were saying it was scripted... since it's the very first thing he twittered, and deleted after that. Then he said it again in this twitter. Teukie really want us to belive him, so I'll do just that^^

@ellipsis123: welcome to our FD (fighting Dimple) house^^

I agree with your thinking abaut this kind of show and the potential it has to make people develop feelings. And I'm quite glad to see that if people give this couple a try, they can love it in so little time!^^ For myself, first episode was a hook as soon as I saw teukie quite different behaviour (he was soo strange!! so not under control!), and then the piano scene at the school was like magic. I could not help but find their chemistry so catching, and special!! Of course all episodes are special^^ Also I loved the concert episode, the proposal and Sora's dance... and recently the bed scene was quite a hit!LOL!

welcome, hope you'll keep saying your opinion here^^


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Guest zoddguts

I will say the show is not scripted. I've watched a few couples now and I can say their interactions are real and their bond becomes real. They definetly will have a great memory of their time together weather they become real or not.

The only thing I will mention is when I watched couples especially the Eunjung jang Woo couple I saw a lot of missions and things being said which I could remember other couples doing. With my knowledge about the hwanyobi couple especially I found the missions they were given were not copied but themed after the other couples. The camping-Hwanhee did that for their honeymoon and jangwoo(Hwanhee's cousin) took EunJung camping. There are more instances but since this is not the WGm all couples thread I'll leave it at that. I think this new PD is different from the previous one and so the show will have a difference feel for sure.

My favorite scene in this past episode was when they all danced...sora asking leeteuk to come over and dance...they were too cute !

Show is scripted question is how scripted is it. One of the reasons I enjoyed season 1 of WGM was because it wasn't too scripted. It was just the couples doing their thing naturally. There's a noticeable big difference between season 1 and season 2/3.

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Guest lallinachan

Episode 16 can be download on Kshownow here

But I prefer the subbing team we have^^ Kshownow is good and fast, but too mach advertising of their team on it^^;

@zoddguts: Yes, we understand that since it's a show, things have to be planned before, like where do the filming, what is to be espected if one of the person has a project/surprise for the other one... general things. But here we are talking abaut personal interactions, feelings, and the things that are said between them. That may not be fake, but genuine.^^

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Show is scripted question is how scripted is it. One of the reasons I enjoyed season 1 of WGM was because it wasn't too scripted. It was just the couples doing their thing naturally. There's a noticeable big difference between season 1 and season 2/3.

dont forget both season 1 and season 3 have different producers/pd

you can see the new pd this season likes to experiment. dats why so many fans are frustrated...

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