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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest ice308

You know.. Even if our DC doesn't end up together at the end (of course i am hoping for the exact opposite! :D), I will always be thankful because thru them, i met nice people.. People i enjoy talking with.. I don't have Twitter previously but because of them, i joined it & my day now isn't complete if I'm not at twitter.. :)) because of LT, i came to love super junior & enjoy kpop music.. Because of Sora, i know now that celebs can be down to earth & truthful.. So yeah.. I don't regret shipping them & i hope one day, all trolls here will be proven wrong and FDs will have the last laugh.. ;)

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Hello FD's!


Bravo for the wonderful way you have been defending our thread from those who never learned their lessons!

Now .....let us focus on what is important and what matters to us....our support and love for both Teukie and Sora.

Let us move forward and not mind those who could not seem to find their own thread and decided to make waves by barging in and rocking our peaceful steady ship....without realizing that it will take a lot more than her feeble imagination for most of us to even blink our eyes a bit and look the other way. 

Let us hold each other's hands and keep our faith FD's....because we do not need convincing...unlike some other people loitering here....in time what matters is not what will eventually happen for no one knows for certainty what it is....what matters is we have shared with each other and our couple  the incredible journey that we can all remember with fondness and great joy,

Have a great day FD's and never mind those trying to ruin your day....they just want to convince themselves in what they believe in and is most likely having a hard time doing so.....so they try their hardest to crack other people's faith and divert our attention ....how frustrating it must be for her....realizing how counter productive her move has been....because instead of splintering this thread....she makes it stronger and its members more outspoken in their faith for Teukie and Sora....way to go FD's....as what others say we all deserve a "Dimple Hug" !!! Keep your FAITH....FIGHTING!!!!! 

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Guest lolowaw

(Did you know why Teuksora do not follow each other in Twitter these days)There is a nice logo says (One for all and all for one) One of the dearest member sent me a message saying lolowaw your posting is hard on TY and TY have nothing to do with what someone wrote her this is not her fault It's a very lovable member for me & I'm not crazy to say she defends TY.... but what I have said was for some reason......
All of you defended by all ways (some members sent her off, and the other making her the center of irony & make Jokes on her and we laughed on her, Some of you insulted her and one another considered her words ridiculous)But what is the strange thing in my words to your words?????? can u tell me, Isn't the person who likes to put him\herself center of ironic & Jokes stupid person is not the person who hurt innocent people and envy us because we love each other and love Teuksora shiper is bad& black from the inside . Might be a good person and I do not know (corrected me)Do I have to say the next time to someone you are so smart, good with a white heart, because you hurt and raises the angry of my beloved members
really I do not understand you ,& I want to say to this dear member We've been enjoy what came from Sora when she changed her ava We analyze the image, each one of us in her own way we did not say a single word harm to any humans, but what happened to turn this pleasure to defend, Why does everyone turned to the defense forces?  Isn't coz someone wrote here, as usual, and cause harm & upset some of members, but this someone was not writing without background Or information & The source of her information is TY....... You will say TY misses her oppa ,and she went to visit him coz they're from the same company and they're a family.................This is a real word no one can deny it.then Can you tell me why you are angry and turned into the defense forces? I know you're going to say she is trying to make us believe in what she believe ,but she depends on a real source (TY) because TY said something belongs to Lt...... I said before that this girl will not never stop As what regarding to Smashes \crush TY.....who crushing who? and when I said that this girl is Black from inside for strong reason I have a evidence.....  Look at these pictures what do you think ?haimage
with What will remind you this picture ?
What comes to your mind when you see this picture?
This picture is also 
Can somebady tell me why TY chose the same type of dog to sora's dog and the same color , I will say to those who trying to be nice with TY & say, it's a coincidence, So why TY kissing her dog in the same way that sora kissing her dog .Why TY take a picture with rabbit & wears a white dress and we know the rabbit it was not within her main signals with Lt .even she wears white clothes on non her-habits these days why? SNSD members displays images for brand J.ESTINA bags           http://sica0622.wordpress.com/ 
But why she choose this particular bag from a selection of many bags unless she mean something.
This girl hitting below the belt Do you know what it means to hit below the belt she is trying to wage war on Sora and chose the correct time (when Lt in the army) Why TY did not do these things during wgm program or during the strike or after the end of the program before Lt's joining the Army? why now? is she trying to shows Sora look a bad person and Sora trying to take Lt from her ? is she trying to raise public pity on her? she succeeded in raises public pity , she chose a killed & sensitive timing ,In the period of sora's series display in this period Sora began her star shining ,is TY trying to gathering haters\ anti fans   around sora?But do you know what will happen if TY continues like that, she will crushing sora completely 
Or is she trying to confuse Lt and Sora ? or raises rumors to push them to do the wrong step ? at that time the company will press on Lt to put an end to the relationship to come out and declares that no relationship between him and Sora, & this will breaking sora's heart and oursAfter all this Who wants to Smashes who ? I still insisted on my words There is a real danger in front of Teuksora from bad people (I had a bad feeling) for Lt rush out of the company and some of the members know about my feelings..... here are the days passed & my feeling became tru we see Teuksora silent and we are now see Teuksora do not follow each other on Twitter and then what ? God knowsplots being hatched against Sora by this girl ,and the you do not like me to say a bad girl and Black from the inside, Do you want me to compliment TY or the anti! what do you want more than this images and this someone that come from time to time because she pitied on poor TY and cause harmOf course teuksora didn't follow each other in Twitter because they may face risks,and totally Lt is not ready for such problems now .Honestly I neither love nor hate girls generation & because of someone I began to search in the background of TY (but i will keep my opinion on TY to myself) but I have read in the past year what the Arab ELF wrote in one of the Arab sites what did girls generation dof pressure and despising hankyung until they forced him to leave the SUJU, I hope that you may have known the ability of these girls .And you will see more and more pressure from this (good) girl and her followers.I was shocked when some members said they were not sure, I said What What What ? Not sure of What specifically? Are you kidding me?Are you unsure of Sora Shirt in last episode or Are you unsure of Lt's kiss in the last episode,  Are you unsure of Sora Pearl bracelet that appeared in announcing of her new drama series , Are you unsure of Lt's direct statement in front of thousands of viewers that he miss Sora & the only girl that he wanted her to visiting him. Do you want to deny what your eyes saw and what your ears heard ? you confuse me look at TY's fans One word came out from TY'S mouth & it is not a big thing someone used it as evidence and wants to shut up us by this weak evidence and Teuksora gave us a lot and a lot of strong evidence & We still say delusional 
Do you know something that you have the believe , but there remains some doubt this part of the uncertainty who making someone dares to say  What makes you believe that your shipping is real?It seemed she succeeded in making some members say 'I'm not sureReally, I'm surprised , why did not she asked you (So how you have to defend something you are not sure of it)?
For me I am a believer with members who believe in this thread that Teuksora is real but we are waiting until Lt came out from the army, and i was always affected by members who they say we will not stop until Teuksora put an end to their relationshipBelieve me, I swear by God I do not have no one but you my lovers & what i'm saying comes from my love for this thread and all the members of this thread I do not want you to appear in the appearance of adapter, once you confident that they are real and once again not sure ,this make our position and our defense weakensas long as TY continues to hunting sora's steps this is what opens the door to these antiBut as long as Teuksora smart and warned & wise persons they will know how to protect their love and their fans .
This time I will shut up for the sake of the members of this thread coz I respect every member in this place but next time if someone came here and wrote something annoying (no one will stop me from publishing the scandals of her Idol ) ok   Please, try to believe in me because I believe in you ,and tried to believe in teuksora coz they believed in you ,And tried to believe in yourself coz it's worth.Goodnight lovers (:| I began to see the letters in a place other than their place hhhhhhhhhhh

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I really shouldn't be here because I have a lot of work to do and a deadline to meet, but I, also, want to address @crayon01's response. Please bear with me as I write this, DC fans.

@crayon01: I would really appreciate it if you would give me a hint (by sending me a pm or so) that you have read this post. I would also like to point out that this post is without malicious intention. We can choose to disagree, and we can be civilize with our disagreement. With that said, I hope you will continue to read this post because I kind of answer your questions without actually numbering them or so.

I have stated, a long time ago and in several posts, that I agree with what Sungmin stated: "no one can know whether they are in a relationship or not unless it is them." You aren't Taeyeon (that's a fact). I'm not Sora (that's a fact). Neither one of us is Leeteuk (That's another fact). None of us, and I mean none of us, can absolutely said that we understand, 100%, why these three people do a certain act. So...none of us can say that Taeyeon "indirectly" does something to "associate with Leeteuk" or that she feels "jealous" of Sora's body. No one can say that Sora unfollowed Leeteuk because she wants to make Taeyeon feel secure or that she is in support of a relationship that is not proven to be existing in current time. I stress, we aren't them, so we don't know what they are thinking of. That is a fact and that is what being objective is: by stating the facts!

Associating the picture that Sora posted as her ava with Leeteuk is speculation and it is not objective. Associating that the picture has to due with Leeteuk and Taeyeon is also speculation and it is not objective. A lot, if many, of these associations between Sora and LT or Taeyeon and LT are purely speculation by fans of these shippings. Until proven to be true, these speculations will continue to remain as speculations. That is a fact.

The fact is, there is no doubt that Sora and LT has a good relationship. They admitted that they still keep in contact. They admitted that they thought fondly of each other and enjoyed each others' company. LT admitted that he missed her. Sangchu admitted that he got an autographed album from Girls Generation, so it wouldn't be a surprised if Taeyeon with/without her other members had visited the army.

It is also facts that Taeyeon had visited Kangin when he was enlisting. It is also a fact that you once stated that if Sora and LT is in a relationship, then why did Sangchu told Leeteuk to give Sora a video message which will draw unnecessary attention (which is, by the way, your speculation)? Therefore, you presume that Sora and LT aren't in a relationship. The same argument can be applied to your statement about Taeyeon's visitation. If Taeyeon and LT are really in a relationship, then why did Sangchu publicly made the comment that Leeteuk must have been happy that Taeyeon visited (which you still haven't provided the link to this claim)? Wouldn't it draw unnecessary attention, especially when you stated that SM is trying to hide their relationship? Do you see the contradiction? Therefore, the highlighted sections are speculations...can't be taken as facts because it is disputable.

I'm being very objective over here, so I'll give you a benefit of a doubt that you aren't TaeTeuk shipper, but I do have to say I do think that you sympathize with Taeyeon and want the best for Taeyeon. But here is another fact...no one, and I mean especially us...the fans, cannot govern who Leeteuk, Taeyeon, and Sora like. They are free to choose whoever that they want because it is their lives. So what if Taeyeon "needs more attention" than Sora? Does that mean a person has to love another person just because one person is more pitiful than another? Then that is a relationship build on pity, not on love.

I have stated, numerous of time, and have asked DC supporters whether they will continue to support LT and Sora even if they aren't together. Many of us said yes. I have stated that delusion is when one believes that one's thought is the truth, hence the person would not admit that he or she is delusional because he or she believes his world is reality. DC fans have stated, many times, that we understand that these speculations are mere speculations and for fun, it sometimes they are borderline delusions. I admit, I have never left any negative comment to Leeteuk or Taeyeon or to any girls or boys who were/are associated with the people who I am shipping. I admit there are fans out there who would leave negative comments to certain artists because he or she is associated with the person they are shipping (like LT received a lot of negative comments with his comment with Lee Min Jung). I understand that some people take shipping to the extreme.

But what I don't understand is why are you adamant in proving that this ship don't exist when there are multiple ships that are out there that you know aren't true? I know you are a fan of Leeteuk, but remember, this is a thread for DC. The rules of this thread is to love and support Leeteuk and Sora. All information that is pertaining to any people that aren't relevant to this couple is considered to be spamming. Also, any individual activities of Leeteuk and Sora are kept to the minimum over here because a long time ago, fans had agree that they will post those pictures in spoilers or in the artist's own thread. I have asked before, please have some level of respect for the fans in this thread by following the rules.

Therefore, I'll leave with these final notes. First, as I said before, this post is writing without malicious intention. I am just being as objective and as logical as you wanted DC to be. Second of all, please refrain from posting anything that is unrelated to Leeteuk and Sora. You have made your point in several of your postings. Any further posting that has nothing related to DC is considered to be spam, and I will flag it. So far, I have never flagged any of your posts (I think). Third of all, make sure to follow DC rules and Soompi Rules. Finally, please make sure if that if you want to say a person is not being objective, make sure that you are being objective as well or else you will come off as a hypocrite. And...speculations are speculations...that is where all the assumptions come into play.

Edit: I just remember what I wanted to type. I won't speculate why Sora unfollowed LT in twitter, but I can speculate why LT unfollowed Sora on Twitter. His Twitter account, as most fans stated, is reserved and has always been reserved for ELF. He followed Sora, at the beginning, to support her when she was getting a lot of hate. He unfollowed her when the hatred died down. No...I won't spend time to speculate why Sora unfollowed LT.

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Guest uon86

When will we ever learn that there are no hopeless situation, only people (Troll) who have grown hopeless about them. What appears as an unsolvable problem to us is actually a rather exhilarating challenge. People (Fighting dimples) who inspire others are those who see invisible bridges at the end of dead-end streets. :-B Put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity ;;)

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Guest akunohana

Although this person brings some life and fighting spirit to this thread. These aren't the comments I like to be reading.It's obvious she's mentally unstable and doesn't care what we have to say about her delusions, she takes joy in taunting us.Sometimes I wish soompi has an ignore button like tumblr that would make it so much easier.Soompi should have a "Oh just shut the richard simmons up"button. 

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With an intruder coming I can't help to refresh her memory in case she was not aware of this incidents.

In my own analysis DC couple relationship has started last April with this kind of incidents.

April 1 LT unfollowed Sora in twitter and then after a few minutes he followed her

April 3 LT arrived in Paris ( remember when he asked Sungmin how come he met Sora without telling him earlier )

In my opinion Sora might have told him about it and that was the reason he asked Sungmin infront of a camera in order for him to show that he was not serious but looking at the April 1 unfollowing I think that was the day he found out that Sora met Sungmin and obviously he get jealous and childish about it.

April 5 KS tweeted that her car get scratch while parking and her heart got scratched too

She might have been referring to LT unfollowing last April 1 and in a way she was little bit hurt about it.

April 6 LT tweeted I like this kind of pureness ( was he referring about Sora tweet that she was a little bit hurt and he find that kind of tweet somehow being pure or real )

That day he tweeted even though they had a show in paris and he ven make a V sign and a tongue out pose which only reminds us about Sora's gestures. He finds her tweet somehow being honest on what she felt that time he unfollowed her.

April 8 Sora tweeted I will enjoy watching the baseball game ( where she had done sign for PJS only and indirectly she was telling him that she is now ok with the unfollowing)

April 14 LT make a V sign and tongue out pose once again in SS4 shanghai. ( reminds me of Sora )

April 15 LT tweeted "always with me" ( He might be referring about her since he was in shanghai )

April 17 LT cyworld is changed into a couple hugging

April 19 Sora and Hyun Joong on the news for their new endorsement

April 20 LT tweeted " I have nothing to say" ( jealous husband again since Sora was mentioned with another man or maybe they had some misunderstanding because of jealousy. If you look at Sora that time she was stiff with her pose with Hyun Joong )

April 22 LT tweeted about pasta 1 and 2 for SJ ( that reminds us how Sora called the FJ by number )

April 25 LT changed his cyworld with a couple with a bag that reminds us of them in WGM amusement park and same day he wears their couple bag.


The couple bag appears and on May 9 Sora was spotted wearing the same jacket LT wear in the airport of April 25 so Fd's no wonder Sora never asked him till their last episode why LT unfollowed her. Most of the couples I watch they talked about things that upset them on air but these two use twitter to slightly share the feelings they have for each other and since april month was still on strike fans will not notice the connection of their tweets. Looking at this month I can sense that they had relationship during this month from LT and Sora couple outfit and the couple bag. If some of you think that the bag is a gift from WGM and not from PJS the picture in the airport proves that he purchased a couple bag for the two of them. By the way before I forgot on April 26 Sora receive a Baeksang award and that time LT was still in Indonesia for SS4 but when we watch her video message to LT she was a bit teary eyed not because of the reason she said but I think that she was sad since that was the 1st award she received while being in a real relationship with him.

So troll you have to know where you stand or you might be drowning with your own fears.








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Guest lolowaw

Per Sora's interview, her favorite ice cream is baskin robbins mint chocolate chip ice cream

when I read the news (Me a great joy face with teary eyes )

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Now let's go to MAY which will solidify more their hints, remember this month WGM is still on strike

May 2 LT wished that his wife would give him a kiss and put her ear on his heart when he wakes up in the morning ( Sora kiss him on his bday and during their wedding photo shoot which only means his wished has been granted by his wife )

May 3 LT kakao talk profile "There are too many things to prove that your in love"

May 4 Cyworld text " When together , I'm happy"  and he also tweeted @special1004: Can’t fall asleep and sun has raised up already~ But what a good song I heard from outside? Then I was found the song on the site for a long time.. Turned out to be the new song of IU’s..^^ Peach.. Such a refreshing song~ couple on the bench that reminds us of DC in the park Episode 6 he is becoming more romantic on this only proves that he is totally in love.



My eyes keep going to that white face
Why don’t I even get sick of you?
When you slightly smile at me, I really go crazy
How can you be so pretty baby?

How can I explain this feeling?
When I see you, my heart becomes numb and sore

Oh, with what word can I explain you?
All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still
You walk toward me and you hug me

You know he’s so beautiful
Maybe you will never know
I want to hide you in my embrace

I’m not saying this out of a young heart
But I really want to marry you

Oh, with what word can I explain you?
All the words of the world is probably not enough

With those legs that are so pretty by just standing still
You walk toward me and you hug me

Telling you multiple times is not enough
With this tickling voice
that only knows you
I will sing for you

My heart keeps going to you
I’m really going crazy


May 11 PJS mother said that he orders Americano when he visit to remind him of Sora who was in NY.

Sora in New York and LT Cyworld skin and text " My heart is in the swaying autumn breeze." on May 12 but the picture looks like a spring for me.


and if you check the weather during this month of May in New York where Sora was in vacation only coordinates with PJS cyworld



May offers great weather for visiting New York City -- it's warm enough to spend a lot of time walking around, but cool enough to remain comfortable.

Fall Season September, October, November These are some of the most pleasant months in New York City. The air is crisp and clear, and the sun shines often. Pack light slacks and long sleeve tops. You will also want to pack a warm sweater or coat for the evenings. Especially for November, as the evenings can dip below freezing.

Winter Season December, January, February During these months it can get very cold and very windy. Snow and/or sleet can also make walking slippery and your clothes may get wet. Pack heavy, warm and waterproof clothing and shoes.

Spring Season March, April, May These months are often quite pleasant. Pack light slacks and long sleeve tops. You will also want to pack a warm sweater or coat for the evenings.

Summer Season June, July, August The summer months can bring stifling heat and humidity to the city. Even at night, temperatures may remain in the 90s. Pack shorts and short sleeve shirts, preferably cotton.


These 2 are smart that they become more affectionate when the filming was on strike..Who says that they are not in love?



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Guest jungsora2love

 I wonder how Leeteuk is doing in the army when watching SORA new drama
It's good that we have not heard of any injuries or cases of suffocation
From this very jealous man

I wish them success and happiness together forever
Miss them and some members absent here



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Guest lolowaw

I wonder if Sora was known that the two pictures in the middle give LT-shaped or is it another hint ? :-? 
on facebook

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Guest k_craze

Okay I am pissed. Someone is so desperate and pretending to be an Ugly Alert fan so as to ask people to ship the lead actor with Sora!



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I find it funny that Crayon01 has stated that it was "unproductive" for us to connect Sora's action and Leeteuk's action to each other, but doesn't this argument applies to her post for Ugly Alert as well? It's unproductive for her to connect Im Joon Hwan's kindness toward Sora as anything beyond a working colleague (and fans of Im Joon Hwan has stated that he is kind to all of his colleagues and people who he work with...and this fan of his is not a DC supporter). And if one will say that Leeteuk and Sora are working partner as well for WGM, it was through Leeteuk and Sora's mouth that their experience at WGM were reflecting their true emotion and expression, and that Leeteuk had stated that he had treated Sora wholeheartedly. Beside, WGM is a reality show, unlike a drama which is 100% scripted.

Besides, Crayon01 has stated that it she doesn't like to read nor write fanfic because it is unattached to reality. But isn't shipping someone just because he or she shows good chemistry or good rapport in a drama just as unrealistic because the drama is a fictional writing by a writer?

The main thing I am trying to say is...is it me or do other people see the contradiction? I'm not being irrational over here. I am being rational...at least I hope I am. Point out my fallacy if you want to, but please pm me because this is my insight to @crayon01, and this discussion can be conducted through pm. As for now, I have yet to receive a confirmation that my prior post was read by the spoken party. Logic is telling me that I am wasting my time writing this because I highly doubt that she would post that posting on Ugly Alert because I have stated very clearly that any individual has the right to fall in love with whoever that he or she wants to because it is his/her life! She also asks us to be objective, but yet...by shipping Sora with another man, isn't that contradicting what she has stated?

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crayon01 said:


akunohana said: Although this person brings some life and fighting spirit to this thread. These aren't the comments I like to be reading.It's obvious she's mentally unstable and doesn't care what we have to say about her delusions, she takes joy in taunting us.Sometimes I wish soompi has an ignore button like tumblr that would make it so much easier.Soompi should have a "Oh just shut the richard simmons up"button. 
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tell me "crayon"... why do you often use the word "objective" even though you really seem to not viewing things that way? what is is so objective about this video? isn't this also made by someone who ships Taeteuk.. so this is just something cut together to make it look like there is something between them.. although i honestly don't see anything like  a love relationship in this video. We can also provide you with such videos so pls.. just... don't use this kind of videos as evidence okay.
About TeukSo not having any contact during their streik??? How would you know?? Are you close to them?? Did they tell you about it personally???. I really respect others opinion and i do respect yours. I am just stating my own point of view.
If and only IF Leeteuk was in a relationship after the streik ... how can you be so sure it's Taeyeon??? Why can't it be somebody else? It's not like Leeteuk doesn't know other female celebreties...
Sometimes I just wonder if you forget what kind of thread this is.. THIS IS A TEUKSO THREAD!!! So please stop mentioning other shipping in here. Just open you own thread! You may call me dellusional for believing this SOra and Leeteuk really match each other but its okay. This is what this thread is about. If you don't like reading it then don't.
So why exactly are u lurking aroung here if you don't share our opinion? You don't have to stay here.

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Guest josan

giemalyn88 said: tell me "crayon"... why do you often use the word "objective" even though you really seem to not viewing things that way? what is is so objective about this video? isn't this also made by someone who ships Taeteuk.. so this is just something cut together to make it look like there is something between them.. although i honestly don't see anything like  a love relationship in this video. We can also provide you with such videos so pls.. just... don't use this kind of videos as evidence okay.
About TeukSo not having any contact during their streik??? How would you know?? Are you close to them?? Did they tell you about it personally???. I really respect others opinion and i do respect yours. I am just stating my own point of view.
If and only IF Leeteuk was in a relationship after the streik ... how can you be so sure it's Taeyeon??? Why can't it be somebody else? It's not like Leeteuk doesn't know other female celebreties...
Sometimes I just wonder if you forget what kind of thread this is.. THIS IS A TEUKSO THREAD!!! So please stop mentioning other shipping in here. Just open you own thread! You may call me dellusional for believing this SOra and Leeteuk really match each other but its okay. This is what this thread is about. If you don't like reading it then don't.
So why exactly are u lurking aroung here if you don't share our opinion? You don't have to stay here.

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