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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest gisellec

Good afternoon, here with a cold snap, so dress warmly and health care.

We Got Married, I think it's a program to boost the careers of many rookies, both actors and idols, we think that everything is a script and simply for novices are known on screen. thinking this and taking this as an idea, because Sora does not seem that acts for it?. in theory if it is to be known, in many moments Sora could have acted without shyness, could have been more sexy clothes, could have shown more aeygo are so many things I could have done if I wanted was to have more visibility in the world the show. however is as I read in the forum today and well said, SORA at no time shown interest in drawing attention let alone take advantage of the success of Leeteuk, however sora did not want to have any problems with the fans the. Sora otherwise never tried encouraged the fans to follow him, all the activities that have been announced and after thanking above.

I agree that currently Sora is telling someone your life now, she normally does not have a twiter regularly, almost always does when we heard from the army leeteulk or when a rumor has appeared.

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not really OT - I just can't help posting it again.  Blame it on @mywebfoot's FF - Delivery - a FF regarding the recent Busan FF where SJ's Leader was unexpectedly included in the line-up of guests - when - (1) he is not even an actor nor involved in acting, be it drama or movie; and (2) he hasn't contributed a single song in any of the dramas released in Korea.

That FF is to me, the biggest giveaway - it seemed so true - or probably is true!  Why do I think so?  What is LT doing in that festival?  It was okay for SiWon and DongHae to be there since they've done dramas, and KyuHyun and YeSung since they've sang OSTs in dramas (YeSung in Cinderella's Sister). What was LeeTeuk supposed to do there? To monitor his dongsaengs or to monitor one of the guests - who also was not supposed to be there since she didn't have any movie or drama to promote?  Yes, I am talking about Kang Sora! 

Should I say these two couldn't date somewhere in Seoul so they chose a place where it was easy to get lost because of the overwhelming number of people who attended? 

MY THOUGHTS!!  Delusions?  I don't think so - but for those who haven't read the FF of @mywebfoot I was referring to, do it!  I would refer to the FF as 'the unspoken truth".

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Guest lallinachan

lallachan fanart^^

FDs.... I just fund another teuksora fan in my country and I was so hyper!!! and then one of my friend said she tried to watch Teuksora but could not stand the show because they were too... too much honey (I don't know what is the correct adjective in english)... and I was so down by such a thing... stupid, isn't it? So here I am again in this thread, and I feel so much better sharing my love with someone who can understand me fully in this very same love^^
did you feel sometimes like someone who has weird tastes/ craziness because of Teukso, and then being in this thread will make you feel like you are not that strange anymore? XD
Love you FDs!!

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Guest koreanway88

Hi FD's.   Prior to Busan Teuk's twits seemed nostalgic...that he miss busan and there's a sense of anticipation when he goes there from Thailand...  If somebody can post with an English translations its nice to see it once again...If I remember it right there was a twit being its cool...I don't remember if its Sora or Teuk who twited it.

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lallinachan said: About EPISODE 1 my personal questions are:
1) What do you think about the fans reaction at the beginning? How do you think was Teukie reaction to that?
2) we see Narsha (someone that sent an sms to teukie in the last episode of SH). I can clearly see she is a funny noona, very friendly^^ that scene made me sure there is only friendship between them, what about you? what do you think?
3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora?

for now I have this questions^^

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Guest mywebfoot

koreanway88 said: Hi FD's.   Prior to Busan Teuk's twits seemed nostalgic...that he miss busan and there's a sense of anticipation when he goes there from Thailand...  If somebody can post with an English translations its nice to see it once again...If I remember it right there was a twit being its cool...I don't remember if its Sora or Teuk who twited it.

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With @webfoots fanfics. I can't help not to think that Sora and Leeteuk might have seen each other in Busan that night. They might have greeted each other  on the event or even in the backstage where all the stars are waiting for their cue. Based on SJ timeline they were on the backstage before 9:18pm and Sora before 10:10pm. The area might have been small backstage and I can't help wonder if they were not able to see each other on the blue carpet event backstage just like the MAMA awards. Seeing the glow of leeteuk when he came out and the smile of Sora when she went out in the blue carpet contradicts to no news of them bckstage now onder even in MAMA awards there were no news about them. I can't help but wonder why there were NO backstage pictures of the stars in Busan especially the blue carpet. Not only JungSora pictures we can't able to see but all the stars that went to the blue carpet. Is there a strict rule that fan cams should not be taken there.

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I'm planning not to share this thoughts on my mind since I like Oh Yeon Seo of WGM 4 but not to the extent of my love for Sora. Since both has shown a strong character on their movies and drama respectively their image became like that. If you look at the 2 girls they do have strong personality to an extent but still they have their sweetness inside of them that was waiting to be uncovered. OYS has scared Lee Joon when she hold the worm on her hands before fishing and for Sora she was not scared of the reptiles nor the birds that has scared off Leeteuk both ladies are the same in some way but still there was huge difference when it comes to WGM. During their 1st date LT thinks that she has this strong character but it suddenly change when he saw her on their first date. I guess if Sora was partnered to a different guy rather than Leeteuk she might not able to see her other side. This is the scenario of OYS she wanted to show her feminine side with the help of her partner but until now she couldn't. That is the reason Sora was thankful for leeteuk for bringing out the feminie side of her which she did not know exist even her parents told her that she has no aegyo and while the show continues sora becomes feminine in some way. I think her mother always tell her after the filming that she has no feminie side of her and as the show progress she wanted to show her mother that it was leeteuk that slowly changed her.

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Waving to all FDs... :-h :-h :-h :-h
Sorry for not being able to post this past few days, been really busy as I just started attending college and work at the same time!!! It's taking too much time of my TeukSo schedules!! :D :D If only I can just stay at @malonowa land the whole time just doing my DC projects... :)) :))
Oh well...I'll be busy again so I won't be able to visit more often...sadly.. :( :( so to make up for the days that I didn't post anything I made another FMV and created a fanart..
That's if for now FDs.. I'm off to school!!aish....
keep the thread alive...FIGHTING!!! FDs are ddabong!!!!


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There is always a saying that if you love someone sincerely you can bring out the best for him/ her. And that saying goes through for the two of them. Sora has chaged slowly her personality because of leeteuk in a way she becomes more trusty to people. Leeteuk in a way has able to open up his heart to Sora when it comes to his hardship on his career his sadness and frustration towards being a leader of the group. Both has gotten each strength to one another. Though Leeteuk has not directly said that she has given him strength but his tears only show that a part of him has been missed. If you look on Leeteuk in SH and on his enlistment day he got some maturity and no tears that much went in SH and totally no tears during his enlistment. Do you think that he can be strong like this if he was not able to meet Sora? or he can be strong like this if he has no one to show his weaknesses? definitely he will not show it to SJ, family and his fans. If you look on his twitter before he enlist he tried his best to put on a strong character...but knowing him well through Sora that he does have weaknesses on his heart and it was only her who knows that and feel that..Even us his fans knows his pain but do we directly feel his pain just like when Sora talked about it in her interviews.

We also know that Sora is very sensitive on the feelings of other people. Discussing the hardship of leeteuk only shows that she has the authority to discuss it. Only a few people can talk about leeteuk as PJS and one of them was Sora. Unlike SJ and Yoona who are in the same company their opinion about leeteuk is more on himself but behind those insecurities and stress of a leader only Sora was able to know it not even the manmager of leeteuk knows those matter which he said in his interview.

Unlike other couple they can talk about each other the personality they have when they are together on cam but behind their sadness and when it comes to the matter of the heart the other partner does not know very well. When leeteuk said to FIL that Sora is matured than any girl of her same age it only means that somehow she gives some inputs to leeteuk that he does value well. Sora was a writer during her younger years and she loves to read..leeteuk is smart but he don't want books as what he said before that was the reason he wanted to be an idol or to act. As soon as he finish WGM and before he enlist he started reading books and take some knowledge with it. therefore there is some changes towards each other and for some who has said that Sora might be gift for leeteuk before he enlist i felt that it was true in a way.


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Guest elainesaw

 Teuk's GEEK interview translation for those who understand chinese...teuk's interview always confused FDs >.<Q: 看别人剪头发真的很有趣。 特:我也觉得好久没有(进行)这么有趣的拍摄了.。其实一听到画报的主意,就和公司提议说很想试试.。公司也很痛快的就答应了。 
Q:其实在去军队前剪头发是很私人的行为. 有这么悠闲地想叫朋友来看的心情嘛。 
特: (我的)头发,服装在上中学和高中都是自由的.。像这样的剪短头发还是第一次.。学生时代的我是很没有自信的。 如果剪短头发或者露出额头站在别人面前的话,就会变得很消极。所以在头发的打理上都很用心。 
Q: 那么真的在镜头前剪短了头发, 一旦不中意了,不是就不能反悔了。 
特: 所以提前打了点药.。在推特上也已经和粉丝们说了, 剪了头发可能会很失望的。我是发型派的。不要太惊讶啊. 这样..(笑) 
特: 说实话,真的不知道。 没有实感.,好像周围的人问了我千遍百遍什么时候去军队。 这么看来就变得没怎么有感觉。在想进去睡了一晚是不是就有实感了呢.。
Q: 不, 不用进去, 入伍的前一天来的时候, 那种感觉, 先去的强仁也会(和你)说的吧。 
特: 对. 强仁给了我很多的指点。特别是提及了很多演艺界背后的故事。入伍了的话, 老兵们会打听演艺界的秘闻和X-FILE, 特别是经常会问是不是谁和谁在交往。 
Q: 这些问题好像马上也会不提的。 
特: 说是过3~4天就不会提了, 那样的话就按照当时想的来说。 
Q: 成员们真的很多, 为什么非得现在去呢? 不说无可奈何入伍的强仁和以公益(身份)进去的金希澈, 有种利特要打开SUPER JUNIOR 入伍开始的感觉。 
特: 从年纪来看真的已经很晚了。为了让更多的人知道super junior, 就强迫说要参加更多的活动。 因为这样就一直延期入伍, 像疯了一样的在活动。 
Q: 因为成员很多, 调整入伍的顺序也是很费神经的事吧。 
特: 就只去一个人? 要不然一半一半的去? 一个人一个人的去,来来回回要经过10年。 要是一半一半的去, 组合的画面就不会很好。所以想做尽量多的活动,按照最快的速度好去好回。因为我的后边会不断的有跟着来的成员,所以我也不会很孤独的。 
Q: 事实上,super junior第一次登场的时候,最想得到的是什么?谁是谁都背不下来的这么多的孩子们聚集在一起组成了组合。就算是HOT(我)也会觉得是很充分多的成员了。好像觉得是不会太好的。 
特:我们也没有想到我们会好这么长时间。在公司那边开始的时候也是很头疼的。我们原来是3个月的短期计划队伍。名字也是“super junior05”。2005年召集的一季生的意思。3个月聚集起来成为歌手后,再完全的分开做不同的事情,super junior的名字也是不断有不同的成员进来的广告创意。但是(我们)8年都没有分开,一直走到了这里。 
Q: 整理放下奇迹般创造的事业先去入伍了,心情怎么样呢? 
特:因为那个时候是我要切实的挺住的一个开始。不是那样的话不行的。不这样我的人生就结束了。有着这样的觉悟。我练习生是5年的。原来打算是要早与东方神起的5人组出道的。歌曲录好了,唱片上的照片都照好了却又解散了。 这样再以练习生的身份过1年就要入伍了,就只想到那些。后来成了super 
特:那是当然的。TV里出现的男子组合,super junior的成员们也是不太会去看的(笑) 
Q:但是奇怪的是,super junior真的很不同。怎么建立的感情呢,比起在综艺节目中搞笑,发疯,更像是朋友,是这样的,像隔壁村子里一起玩的孩子们。 
Q:不会是光靠亲近感来维持组合的吧。Super junior的情况是“sorry sorry”的曲子让(你们)成为了长寿的组合。实话实说,super junior在“sorry sorry”之前唱过什么歌,大众都是不太记得的。 
Q: 恩平市里能玩的朋友真的好多呢。“sorry sorry”,“美人啊”这样的热曲除外,再介绍些好的歌曲吧。 读这个书的20代男人们即使很了解少女时代的歌,也不是全都了解super junior的专辑的。 
Q:即使这样也推荐几首歌曲吧。就算晚点,说不定男生们也会发现super junior的真实价值呢。 
6辑中利特作词作曲的“only you”。 
Q: 不知道有自己作词作曲的歌曲呢。是用怎样的心象写下的歌曲呢。 
特:如果问自制曲是怎么创作出来的,百分百是想着我们的歌迷们创作出来的。 这个是百分百的吧?(笑)事实上是喜欢了谁,以心痛的经历来完成的歌曲。当然是把歌迷放在了心上来写的曲子,但是还是要想着深爱的女人才写出的曲子。在专辑刊登之前,对那个女人说“这个是为了你写的歌曲,会被收录在专辑里的”。。。(笑)但是如果见了歌迷,还是要说是为了歌迷才写的曲子。 
Q: 倒不如结婚怎么样。 
原来是想20岁结婚的,但是周边结婚的哥哥们说绝对不要太早结婚。说结婚是人生的结束。尽可能的把想干的事都干完再结婚。看着那个哥哥的样子,也不是很幸福。我也希望在我可以努力工作的时候好好的投入。还有 这个世界上真的有真爱么?最近就很疑心~ 
Q: 这么早就担心可怎么能行呢。 
特:这个是我的优点也是缺点。艺术家们要展示别人所想象不到的东西。就算闯祸了,对艺术家来说也是长处。我比较胆小不会这样的。这么看来我是不是会变得很正直,就变成很无趣的人了啊,真的有些担心了呢。 相处的很好的PD说去了军队多思考是好的,但是不要变得太正直。在电台节目里也说“大家请不要学会懂事”。听到这些,脑子就好像被打了。是这样啊,不要学会懂事对演艺人来说是重要的事情。最近我在慢慢地懂事真的很不安呢。(笑) 
特:但是综艺节目的MC 是我的梦想。当然会找一个目标。这之中最正直,最温暖的人就是刘在石。我也要成为那样完美的好MC. 我想快点成功,得到认证。比起感性,好像要更加的严谨地挖掘自身。哇,这样说话好像是新手呢。 
Q:从军队回来,super junior的名字不要变一变嘛?super senior? 
特:想换。就直接叫super怎么样?junior的名字虽然会成为绊脚石,但是有个前辈说,演艺人是不能老的,要一直健康,一直带着正能量。人们也会说“演艺人是不会老的啊”因为 junior的名字总是年轻的形象,所以一直用着也觉得很好。 
cr:baidu teukso

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Guest gisellec

Seeing this is why I think Sora WGM does not act, their gestures in real life are the same as in WGM. This was the day of his birthday and the clothes I suppose it's the same day that the gift came Leeteuk and video camera.

observing their gestures sora is very shy and at the same time is very sensitive, if we see his expression is between shyness, sadness, gratitude. so I think that is a very humble and very sincere.

This twiter he wrote on the 18th: "There are many people around me who are very precious to me ... Hwaiting! Right now, I'm staying home listening to These Inglés songs, Better Together, Autumn Leaves and Georgy Porgy ... 
Translation by peaches_2280@soompi

at that time I think both leeteuk as she could be together for work, who was directed to this tweet?.
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Guest gisellec

in April 2012, Sora answered several answers to their fans. some interesting questions:

- Today you have something you would like to learn?
Sora responds: I want to learn piano and exercise / gym. kkkk :x

- People that love me ..., I love people who ... Choose Between Two?
Sora: People who I love.

Miss Sora, I’m 2 cm taller than you. I think that there’s no good for being this tall. Since you’re also tall yourself, do you think it’s good to be so? I feel that men seem to prefer women with shorter/ smaller body…
Sora: There’s time I feel that this’s actually a wonderful complexion, because it’s my charm so I managed to take advantages of it. Besides, it’s unique, right?

Sora Unni! Since when did you have a dream to be an actress? These days I’m always have so many things which I want to do, so I feel that it’s hard to find my true passion, confused…
Sora: In my case, I could reach who am I now is because a mere coincidental chance. To quickly find your dream isn’t an important point, what important is to find it correctly/ accurately as the time goes by. Don’t become an impatient, seek experiences, and ask questions to yourself often. Don’t force it.

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Guest lennycsn

@elainesaw thanks for posting pjs geek mag interview here. I will say this again...not to be confused by what he says. He is being direct when talking about his past but hide whatever current status towards the end of his interview. thats why some of us got confuse.

If any of you got waver after reading the eng translated interview (if out already) just remember the last pic he tweeted before enlistment. ^ ^

OT, miss you all here. Im so busy that i got exhausted everyday. I cant lift any of my fingers or get my brain to work even if i lurke here everyday. Hope to post more after this. Until then stay healthy everyone!

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Guest elainesaw

@lennycsn I'm always keep faith in both of them ^^ Although there's many news or whatever abt teuk is a playboy,I always bliv that they will become couple or marry in the future !

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Guest noona1430269773


yes i agree with @lennycsn , LT/PJS already made a clear statement as in the above screencap of ep11, that "secret dating" (which i interpret as something about his past) IS NOT IMPORTANT. 
This scene is among the precious part in teukso ep, the disappointed stiff looking face of Sora in response of teukie mentioning about his past relationship was genuine from her heart (it's hard for her because she loves him), the fast there and then clarification from LT was also very spontaneous unscripted response ( he had to make a quick explanation because he didn't want her to misunderstood him and because he loves her too)...i strongly believe both quick response for each other from DC in this part definitely came from two persons who already in love. With that i rest my case 

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class="pagetitle"[TWITTER] 111026 Leeteuk twitter update 26 Oct

@special1004 :

사랑한다는 것으로 새의 날개를 꺾어 너의 곁에 두려 하지말고 가슴에 작은 보금자리를 만들어 종일 지친 날개를 쉬고 다시 날아갈 힘을 줄 수 있어야 하리라 -사랑한다는 것으로-

“To be in love
Is breaking the bird’s wings
I’m beside you don’t be afraid
(I will) Make a small nest in your heart
The wings have been weary all day long
Please rest before fly again
Shall I am able to give you the strength
-To be in love-”

@special1004 :

“Love me like there`s no tomorrow…”

trans : @JungSooAddicts


 October 26, 2011 in TWITTER   class="post-title" sizset="false" sizcache07258559490914392="31 52 12"[TWITTER] 111026 Sora twitter update 26 Oct



조성아 바이루나 촬영하고왔어요! 올겨울은.. 물광?

cr: @reveramess

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