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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest gisellec

this version francais...

version ingles.

This song needs no introduction, by itself is gorgeous, leaves no one indifferent. Almost all the songs are about love, but this speaks of the woman we love and that we can hardly forget. Talk to the woman of your dreams and when you hear the song you know is unique to that person, and it was not written for anyone else. You realize that it is something else, is the point where they join heaven and earth, the face that can possibly never forget. because Leeteuk will have chosen this song? and because Sora will be answered with the same song?.

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@addsleepywood welcome to the club!


said: good day

In the episode of SH where Jinwoon was saying that his ideal type of girl was ming Lee jung and tells such MC, Kang Sora, Leeteuk's face lol, as it illuminates the view out Jinwoon as blushes and makes the V sign, this was the period of the strike, and as a joke with this issue, but because in the final chapter and even watching WGM stay in SH made ​​no mention of any of that ... these doubts we kill. lol.
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this thread is so dead :( anyway, it's my first time posting here so please bear with me :)
I'm just saying that I love reading all of the discussions here and I've been visiting this forum ever since I learned that my beloved bias joined WGM (yes, I am an ELF/Angel). To be honest, I was against his decision at first because he already has a lot of shows plus they're still promoting their song at that time and I was worried that he might be overworking himself, but when the first episode aired, it changed.
In short, I was already on-board with this ship since day 1. I was just mesmerized with this couple, I love them both and Kang Sora was just lovable, I love her and I don't see any reason for me to hate her and i think she's just perfect for Jungsoo (I prefer calling him that). 
I just decided to post now because I want to show my support for this couple. Don't worry I'll keep on visiting this forum when I have the time. :)
Have a good day everyone

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      Thank you @shymaldita28 for that awesome analysis on Sora pre-strike and post-strike.      If I may, I also want to share my POV on LT/PJS pre-strike and post strike.      In episode 21, KS used ferrari and bumper car to illustrate her oppa and her "speed" in their relationship. LT was like a ferrari pre-strike but sort of slowed down post-strike. For those who watched them for entertainment purpose only, concluded that he lost his interest on KS. But for us who've grown to love them because of how they sincerely and genuinely revealed themselves, never doubted PJS's feelings for KS. So what did change?      Like what @shymaldita28 pointed out, we saw a 360 degree turnaround on KS. The saying, "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" proved true to her.      PJS on the other hand, must have suffered during their separation. Pre-strike, he was very vocal in expressing how much he missed KS, he did it in WGM, as well as in Sukira and his tweets. Not being able to see her to shoot scenes together seemed unbearable to him so what more of those 4 months without seeing each other. It must have scared the hell out of him, realizing how his feelings have gotten deeper. Yes, they could continue/start a real relationship outside WGM but there was the inevitable enlistment which would be like 6x the separation they've experienced before and he wasn't sure of KS feelings at that time. So post strike, we saw him changed gear, maybe trying to control himself not to fall even deeper. We saw him avoiding eye contact, not holding her hands... but it's funny and endearing to watch him resist but end up falling to Sora's irresistible charms. Everything changed after he got a confirmation of Sora's feelings for him. After their Nami trip, we saw a more relaxed and more confident PJS.      Ferrari and bumper car were gone post-strike and were replaced with normal cars. KS sped up a little bit and PJS slowed down a little bit post strike. So what we saw later on were 2 cars moving at the same direction with the right speed and pace.

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rhodzkhie23 said: this thread is so dead :( anyway, it's my first time posting here so please bear with me :)
I'm just saying that I love reading all of the discussions here and I've been visiting this forum ever since I learned that my beloved bias joined WGM (yes, I am an ELF/Angel). To be honest, I was against his decision at first because he already has a lot of shows plus they're still promoting their song at that time and I was worried that he might be overworking himself, but when the first episode aired, it changed.
In short, I was already on-board with this ship since day 1. I was just mesmerized with this couple, I love them both and Kang Sora was just lovable, I love her and I don't see any reason for me to hate her and i think she's just perfect for Jungsoo (I prefer calling him that). 
I just decided to post now because I want to show my support for this couple. Don't worry I'll keep on visiting this forum when I have the time. :)
Have a good day everyone  WELCOME @rhodzkhie23 the thread seems  slow for today. Still all of us here and you as well are one of the people who keeps this thread alive.We are just waiting for some news to speed up this thread. Also love to know that you love them and at the same time an ELF  and teukkie biased

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Guest Cicci_92_1

Just a random thought. I was watching the 10th episode and, you know, that part after the concert when Teukie asks for another hug? Look at Sungmin, he seems a bit annoyed. He's about to say "Anyo!". :) I had never noticed it :)

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Guest sassydeli

The posts are all going towards "psychological and behaviour studies" and setting me wondering and more delusional ..thanks for all these exciting thrills from your insights. Btw if that is leader teuk why is he not wearin the yellow arm banner anymore? teuksoVcrazed said: credit post:  Thoughts for SuJu @ELF_thoughts
Teukie in the army, but his heart doesn't even look like a heart ㅠㅠ (cr ktssl)

Teukie looks lost! :D I miss you, Jungsoo- yah!  >:D<

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Guest gisellec

Cicci_92_1 said: Just a random thought. I was watching the 10th episode and, you know, that part after the concert when Teukie asks for another hug? Look at Sungmin, he seems a bit annoyed. He's about to say "Anyo!". :) I had never noticed it :)

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Guest gisellec

I think that picture really leeteuk was tired, poor. why he is seen with his hand on his head, in such a short time will not be forgotten Lol.

Sugmin for sora is like a brother and have to know much about the current relationship between leeteuk and her. and it is as you say @ viyra in the Christmas special, Sugmin made ​​it clear many things, 1) Leeteuk is set in a pretty face more than a beautiful body, 2) that at all times sora thought he remembered that in time spent watching free videos sora. And not only on this occasion, on several occasions many felt that they had never seen so leeteuk.

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Guest Cicci_92_1

I think you're taking me wrong :) I didn't mean that Sungmin isn't supportive of the,. He's always ready to help them and everything. But if you watch carefully that episode, you can see it. It seems that he's about to say "No", and then follows the others :) of course This doesn't mean that he had any bad intentions :)

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Ok.  So to those  who would to read my final chapter for my fanfic, here is the excerpt:

Please look brightly for the morning

Coz morning signals a new day

A new day to look forward to

Means one day lesser to wait too

Your promise gives me strength

Your kiss gives me courage

Your words brighten my days

Your song fills my heart


Let the day come faster

When I can be beside you again

To feel your heartbeat

And listen to its melody

It's such a short chapter but Im running out of ideas already so I'm finishing it. Hopefully I'll come up with a new one.  Here goes the link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/235878/20/call-me-maybe-korean-leeteuk-kangsora-teukso-teuksora
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 PJS:Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between ... you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you."
 KS:"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you."

hope lovely teukso will always stay strong, healthy and happy..
happy sunday to all pretty FD's..

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Funny how we get updates on the same day.

Twitter update
Kang So-ra ‏@reveramess

Hanyu you yisi keshi hen nan중국어 걸음마중! 성조표시를못하겠당.. 이게맞나.. ? pic.twitter.com/2Ralk9Sl

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Guest TSLovely

Hi FDs^^i really miss u guys. despite being busy w/ my works and voting SJ on MAMA, i keep lurking in this forum and finally write something XD
btw,this is rly embarrassing (kkkk~) but i want to share my dream last nite.tbh, when i rly into something, i often dreamt about that.it's a phone call between me & our lovely Sora^^

I called Sora.I was a fan and knew her phone number.
i asked about LT & her. I was wondering if they were rly dating and she said "YES" (when i heard it i just wanna SCREAAAAAAMMMMMM!). she then continued said "but we still don't want to say to people. so it was still a secret", and she just said to me that I can't say this to anyone else.I said "okay".
Then I asked her condition after LT enlisment.She said she's fine because LT often send letters to her and vice versa. (KYAAAAAA~~~)
before it was done, I said to Sora "i hope u both can keep ur relationship & get married. be happy together ever after"
that was really my dream.after I woke up, i went " Oh, it just a dream" & got alittle bit sad, but I immediately prayed that it could become a reality.AMEN.
and for SH issues, i just don't care with it. this is entertainment world so sometimes people hv to act like that. i know LT  just did it for the sake of entertainment. we also often see another MC who's married but they joke about flirting & blablabla w/ another women. but we, as viewers know that it was a joke or not. when i looked back on 2010-2011 var program (when it said that LT hv relationship), LT just act like this. act like he attracted to guest and hv feeling or tell some interesting love-stories. & for this case, i know LT didn't mean that he has something special w/ that "car/tea girl".

so, i just cool w/ it and continue spazzing over DC and believe on them^^


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Guest lallinachan

Hello FD!! since this thread is dangerously slowing down, we need something to do.
Since we have about 20 months to go, how about we discuss together every episode since the beginning, one every 3 weeks? Of course if there are other important things that comes around we will talk about those too.
What I suggest is to live again in a succession the episodes. Share fan art, discussions, questions ecc. we can compare moments to favorite movies, quotes, books... anything! Let's share each of us something for each episode, we have 3 weeks to post something (being it a question/answer or a fanart or everything else). @lazyme2day has already started with sharing her comic, let's do something together!


About EPISODE 1 my personal questions are:
1) What do you think about the fans reaction at the beginning? How do you think was Teukie reaction to that?
2) we see Narsha (someone that sent an sms to teukie in the last episode of SH). I can clearly see she is a funny noona, very friendly^^ that scene made me sure there is only friendship between them, what about you? what do you think?
3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora?

for now I have this questions^^

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@lallinachan here are my answers..

About EPISODE 1 my personal questions are:
1) What do you think about the fans reaction at the beginning? 

Most of them are not aware of Sora therefore some were trying to know her for the first time, Some were also jealous since they love leeteuk so much that they can't handle seeing him caring to another person.

 How do you think was Teukie reaction to that?

Honestly I love his reaction while watching the ladies on the screen he was like still thinking who will be his partner although he has a hint still he feels that it might change on the end but when he saw that it was Sora on the screen he looks like the hint he has been confirmed but honestly he was not into her, meeting her before in SH he thought the meeting will exactly be the same like before. Even Sora she said that she thought that their meeting will not have that much awkwardness. I guess if Leeteuk was not smiling and blushing that much and acted like the same in SH, Sora might not have that kind of shyness to him. Just looking on Sora's walk while approaching the meeting place she felt nervous but not as what she felt that time. She was not expecting that kind of feeling but when Leeteuk smile and blushes immediately Sora really felt shy.

2) we see Narsha (someone that sent an sms to teukie in the last episode of SH). I can clearly see she is a funny noona, very friendly^^ that scene made me sure there is only friendship between them, what about you? what do you think?

Honestly I'm not aware who narsha is and for that I can't give a comment on that.

3) What do you think about teukie's reaction watching the other actress on the screen, and then seeing Sora? Leeteuk reaction seeing the ladies is just like watching a MV of them that was his feeling a viewer, but for Sora it is totally different since he was not expecting seeing her in a dress and at the same time her hair was tied up nicely looking like a real princess on him.

By the way I saw Sora's picture to my sister and I ask her if she is pretty and she told me she is and that she looks like an actress and I told her she was an actress. Seeing Sora's beauty is a plus point for her but the more you get to know her the more you will love her. I'm just wondering why Sora is finally learning chinese words. Is she aware that most of her fans in china is Leeteuk and Sora..She seems like she is also caring for the ELF she replied most to SJ fans or Leeteuk biased fans on her twitter meaning she cares for them the same way she cares for her own fans. Did leeteuk ask her to take care of them as well while he is in the army or Is it her care for Leeteuk that she extended her effort and care to them. They are so lucky to be replied by her. Only few artist replied to fans and thankfully Sora is included to them..

Whatever happens to each of them I will definitely support them together or individual for both has care and love for their fans. In which only few artist can be named like them.

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