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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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I wish that will happen..

If not, the surgery will turn her into a more romantic person.

I was watching Ep 48 and this is the first time EN and SI ran away and were together alone

How unromantic these two people are (I can't call them a couple as yet). They were in a beautiful room and it was raining...

I think SI need a lesson or two from his uncle!!

Oops pressed the wrong button there...

I watched their first kiss.... man that was so blahh, no sparks. I think it's the actress fault. her range of expressions is limited or may be the director and writer aren't too hot. Anyway, this couple is not Winter Sonata ...oooo... or Full house ...aaaaa.

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Guest rintintintin

Wait, what happened now? Man, we're been in episode 60 yet pppfffftttt!!! And I'm so sick of JM this time. hope that she will never win until the end. fury.gif

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Guest Bijan630

Thanks everyone for filling in a few things after reading your comments.  I'm jumping around from scenes of different episodes here because I'm so frustrated with the hole in this drama.  I would like to know the exact dialogue of the conversation between Granny and EN's real mother the day that horrible woman showed up to beg for a pound of flesh from a daughter she abandoned.  No matter how hard I tried to listen to it, I couldn't pick out certain words to piece it together. 

Also, since I see EN in the hospital, and both grannies rushing to the hospital to stop her, who exactly authorized for her to be able to have the surgery?  Why is it I am watching this and not feeling she's doing such a noble deed?

EN's character.....her posture alone yells out insecurity.....please accept me, please love me, it's okay if you don't like me because at least you talk to me when you yell at me and treat me like trash.

Granny hitting EN's real mom?.....Not brutal enough for me, (especially after watching ep 36 of "My Love By Myside" and seeing what I've always wanted in a Korean drama.  One hell-of-a knock down to the ground and keep pounding karma smackdown!!).  How could Grannies years of hatred and anger been dwindled down to the simple pocketbook taps and shoves?  Granny should have been able to slap her so damn hard that she would have ended up sprawled out on the floor.

HY's husband, JM's stepfather......Does he know the entire truth about his wife's past?  Why is it he never expressed any anger after finding out the bits and pieces of her previous life?  I keep hearing over and over in K-dramas how Korean men can't ever accept a woman with a past, yet he's been totally unaffected by what he's finding out. Is it because he's grateful she married him even though he already had a child?

Sein's parents.....why are they still calling EN a widow when the Grandfather already told them the truth he already knew about the entire situation?  This is something that should have been corrected by the writers.

JM.....as a parent, regardless of how much I love my child, if they EVER spoke to me the way JM talks to her step-mom, she would have never seen the blow coming and would have been picking herself up from the floor.  In K-drama's, it's always wrong for a young person to even look another adult in the eyes, or voice their opinion.  Yet here we have JM constantly being allowed to yell at her mother and even tell her own father she's not doing anything thing wrong when she does it!

Sigh....what I don't want to see happen for the ending of this drama.  Someone mentioned EN having a health issue if she goes through with this surgery.  DO NOT have her go into a coma with everyone around her bed in the hospital crying and begging for her to come back!  Been there, done that, and I'm sick of it!  DO NOT let JM and this guy who's always by her side become her, "let's give JM a man who will love her as a reward to show her that she can be forgiven for being a total B---H during this entire drama!  K-drama's teach the lesson of forgive, forget, and love for those who have done the most despicable things in drama's.

Stopping here, letting it all go, and again, thank you for all of your comments.

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Guest mflwrs66

Well folks JM Mom finally woke up and smelled the Joe ,She finally got tired of Jumi and her ongoing verbal abuse of EN ,

She leaned back and let lose on her face , As usual Jumi was being Jumi selfish, self centered, noone matters but Jumi.

It has all finally sunk in for her, She has lost the man she loved, lost to En who she hates with passion,

Now shes lost her Mom who she thought would always take her side.What has not sunk in is the trouble shes in at work.

Just like SI Dad she has not learned her lesson from the first scheme,I have a feeling this guy shes teaming up with is working for Gpa, I wouldnt be surprised.

Did you see how Gpa gave her the gas face yesterday lol. she look like she wanted to run for the hills lol.

Anyways... Sein went to see EN in the hospitial they talked he put the ring he gave her back on her finger.

Jumi tried to call to EN she didnt answer the phone.JM Mom and EN talked (THIS IS ME GUESSING)

I could be wrong but either JM Mom told EN shes her Mom or Juni is her brother , either way she couldnt deny it any longer she told her the truth.

(AIGOO... IT ONLY TOOK 95 EPISODES LOL).Gma was the only one in the dark about the danger EN could be in if she does the operation.

GGma over heard JY talking to EN on the phone. GGma in turn told EN Gma she hauled richard simmons to the hospitial to stop EN

,Then she ran into HY and read her her rights (CAT FIGHT LOL!) well maybe lol.

Have nice weekend everyone! See you monday.

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I have also just watched episode 95 and please forgive me, I am even, even more peed off with saint EN, ( with apologies to those who believe in saints).

She and SI were shown to be having a cosy chat in the hospital, with her in hospital clothes and sitting in bed. He is a singer turned actor and he had more passion in his voice and his glances, she??? Then he took the ring and put it on and hugged her and she supposedly smiled happily ( I thought fatuously). For goddssakkes....., hug him back, hold his hands tighter, look him in the eyes for a second longer,...show some real reaction!!!!

In another scene she ran into her/JM's mom and back in her room they had a chat ( looks like) and my guess ( again) that the mother was having second thoughts about getting her body part ( liver or kidney or heart :D , now the actress in in her element, begging her mom something . I heard a few Jinnies. My take: You don't have to accept me as your daughter, you are Jumi's mom, think of me as just your husband's lowly worker, but please take my body part for jin's sakes and I am a saint.

Then JM and the mysterious guy who used to look like a guy from Goong ( geez, I have heard of Koreans and plastic surgery, but this is too much)were talking in a dark secluded area. Do you notice that this scene and this spot turned up in all Korean drama that I have watched ( and quite a few too) except for the period ones? If this is like smile Donghae, JM is going to repent then run into him at the airport on the way to the US. ( I didn't know it's that easy for young unmarried Koreans to go to the US, most shows have it, leave for work studyetc. in the US).

GM and GGM dashed to the hospital and EN said( my guess) but I have to give my heart to him or he will die, grandma please, that's what you brought me up for.....provide body parts. ( Okkkkk, I think I feel better now.)

Shall we start looking for another show to watch together? I really enjoyed your postings people. :)

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Guest bakane18

First off I just want to express one thing:




Thx MOM for the assist!!! I would of did it ALOT sooner BUT haha, I couldn't be there in person. ;D LOLOLOLS. That scene right there.....THAT my friends made the WHOLE EPISODE for me. Like SERIOUSLY, everything else after that was a moot point. XD  Well, I take that back, lets seeeeeee..........

The last scene where JM/EN's Mom ran into the Grannies......OMG Granny #1.........SO FAIL. I WISHED she should of WHALED at her with a little more "UMPHF", you know? I mean that whole "hitting her with the purse/bag" thing was......WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?! A LOVE TAP?!?! PUT SOME MORE MUSCLE IN IT GRANNY!!!!!!!! I wanna see a full fist of HAIR!!!!!!  ;;-_-  *facepalms*

Anyways, that's all the thoughts I wanted to share because really, I KNOW EVERYONE HERE WAS WAITING FOR JM getting slapped and our wish FINALLY came TRUE. *laughing to infinity hands on hips* LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLS. XDDDD

PS: I swear to god.... you know that song with the violin playing whenever EN and her mom get together? OMG I ALWAYS get SO EMOTIONAL when I hear that song!!!! Right when I hear it, I wanna cry and it doesn't help that the characters are crying.



*cry cry cry*









Shall we start looking for another show to watch together? I really  enjoyed your postings people.  :)

Yeah, LETS!!!!!! As soon as this puppy is done (might as well finish it, it's almost done......I HOPE.) we should jump on some other train altogether! :lol:  BTW, HI MARI! *high fivers*

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First off I just want to express one thing:




In fact I was stunned when her stepmom slapped her. JM must have said something really nasty!

I have also just watched episode 95 and please forgive me, I am even, even more peed off with saint EN, ( with apologies to those who believe in saints).

She and SI were shown to be having a cosy chat in the hospital, with her in hospital clothes and sitting in bed. He is a singer turned actor and he had more passion in his voice and his glances, she??? Then he took the ring and put it on and hugged her and she supposedly smiled happily ( I thought fatuously). For goddssakkes....., hug him back, hold his hands tighter, look him in the eyes for a second longer,...show some real reaction!!!!


I did not see it. SI return her ring back....Now I hate myself for missing it!

I too was wondering about her mannerism. But I think she has been quite consistent in that character - a rather reserved person who does not express her feelings

....HY's husband, JM's stepfather......Does he know the entire truth about his wife's past?  Why is it he never expressed any anger after finding out the bits and pieces of her previous life?  I keep hearing over and over in K-dramas how Korean men can't ever accept a woman with a past, yet he's been totally unaffected by what he's finding out. Is it because he's grateful she married him even though he already had a child?


Yes, he found out that his wife has a daughter from a previous marriage (ep 60).

When they were talking, YM overheard about it, that is why she knows that her stepmom has another daughter

Another important point: SI was also implicated for leaking the info. JM told the guy to put SI name on the leaked document. That is why he is so adamant to find out who did it. I am wondering whether he found out that JM did him in when he discovered that JM was the one who framed EN

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First off I just want to express one thing:





Yeah, LETS!!!!!! As soon as this puppy is done (might as well finish it, it's almost done......I HOPE.) we should jump on some other train altogether! :lol:  BTW, HI MARI! *high fivers*

Yo bakane18,

that slap really made your day eh, agreed should have done earlier. In real life who slaps adult children?

I might visit korea nxt year. Must be careful.

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Just like I guessed the little boy woke and is fine but EN is in a coma, needless to say Gma will not be pleased with the mother.

Backing up a bit, most people have probably disliked someone for no reason, sometimes you meet people and they put you off and there is no reason to it. The thing with JM and EN started out of jealousy, OK you like a guy he likes someone else, it happens. So why did this turn her into a lunatic, I've come to the conclusion that it must be all of the suppressed sexual tension. Maybe she should take up jogging , but before that she should go to SI grandfather and confess all to redeem herself, tell everything about the old scheme and the new one, and if she wants to lay the blame on someone lay at SI father feet, I'm sure he won't send his son to jail. I say this because she has to understand what EN has sacrificed to save her brother and should be ashamed, because the truth is she don't care that EN is her mother's daughter she just doesn't want the mother to acknowledge her because it the one thing she is sure EN wants the most. When she first found out she was not her mother she turned on her like some stranger was trying to steal her away from her family. She only started to treat her like a mother again when she found out she had a daughter.

EN I'm as sick of her down trodden attitude as I am of JM psycho behavior. She had more backbone when she thought her mother was dead. How do you figure that being a door mat for every aggressive person you meet makes you a good guy.She reminds me of the character in David Copperfield  , Uriah Heep and we all know what a jerk he turned out to be. Of course by the time she wakes up Jm will have become ashamed finally and set everything to rights, they will all love each other and live happily ever after

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I think JM has lost her human gene and therefor will celebrate that EN is in a coma and use this 'chance' to get next to SI and force him to marry her especially since the woman he loves is close to becoming a stiff (which I personally thinks she deserve for betraying her grandmother).

Also the mother doesn't deserve any luck. She too deserve the public shame and guilt for what she has done and continue to do to EN. Who in their right mind would ever consider this woman and her family human. Ugh! crazy.gif

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I think JM has lost her human gene and therefor will celebrate that EN is in a coma and use this 'chance' to get next to SI and force him to marry her especially since the woman he loves is close to becoming a stiff (which I personally thinks she deserve for betraying her grandmother).


This reminds me of "While you were sleeping".. Oh no, SI should keep his distance from JM - she has turned into quite a character.

Just like I guessed the little boy woke and is fine but EN is in a coma, needless to say Gma will not be pleased with the mother.


EN I'm as sick of her down trodden attitude as I am of JM psycho behavior. She had more backbone when she thought her mother was dead. How do you figure that being a door mat for every aggressive person you meet makes you a good guy....

I also suspected this to happen especially when the flame of the candle flickers and dies

I too wish EN shows more confidence in herself.

In fact, I am glad she decided to go through the surgery against her GMA wishes but I prefer her to be more assertive.

So JM is going to fess up ...that is quick? I thought she is in some dirty scheme with SI father

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Guest mflwrs66

This reminds me of "While you were sleeping".. Oh no, SI should keep his distance from JM - she has turned into quite a character.

I also suspected this to happen especially when the flame of the candle flickers and dies

I too wish EN shows more confidence in herself.

In fact, I am glad she decided to go through the surgery against her GMA wishes but I prefer her to be more assertive.

So JM is going to fess up ...that is quick? I thought she is in some dirty scheme with SI father

She is but SJ is right on their trail.

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EN I think did the surgery because she believed that her mother would then recognize her as her daughter, but when when woke up the mom would not go to see her. I'ts as if she has snapped, now the mom is walking around non responsive with tears running down her eyes but that's it. The dad went to talk to a doctor I'm not sure if it was about the mom's reaction or to find out if EN was her daughter.

SI mom I thinks knows about EN and she pushing SI to be with JM, because JM can bring the father down and expose his whole mess. IF JM is not ashamed of her self by now she never will be, but I think that whole family is a little strange. If someone offered to save your child/siblings life wouldn't you be all over them showering them with gratitude, but the members of this family barely told EN thank you.

Even though SI is being groomed for the take over of the company his father in his greed is going to ruin it for him, because if SI have to cover for his father he would not be fit to run the company. This is already episode 97 some of these issue should be coming to ahead so that they can be exposed and start to wrap this up.

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I watched a bit of 67 with the English subs, oh EN was even more pathetic in English subs. This is the episode when she cornered Jinsuk ( her aunt) to ask about her omoni ' who gave birth to her, gave her life', grrr.

Also watched the first 20 minutes of 96 that the others were discussing. JM's mother was saying something to JM and JM looked shocked and almost collapsed in the ladies. I wonder what that awful woman was saying. Then GM and GGM came only to be told ( I think) by SI that EN was in coma. I could'nt watch much, too busy.

Thank you everyone for the commentaries.

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Yoon Ah-jung (Jumi) played the same type of hateful character in Reversal of Fate. I haven't seen the actress playing Eunnim in any dramas before.

Right you are...Yoon Ah Jung has artfully transplanted that wickedness, extreme jealousy and I-hate-you-more-than-death from Reversal Of Fate into Jumi.

Trust me...she's capable of escalating Jumi into a maniacal demoness except that I dunno if this drama requires that sort of escalation. Yet.

My feeling is that week after week, Yoon Ah Jung merely has to wear the same expression and articulate the same persona as she did in her previous work. Definitely a walk in the park. And getting paid well for playing the evil almost mad woman.

I love her to bits in the way she always nearly wants to explode in total rage but still hangs back with lips quivering, nostrils flaring and eyes shooting laser beams - and the cameraman gleefully zooms in for that full-frame effect complete with dramatic background music.

Jeong Eun Chae (Eun Nim) on the other hand is a relative newbie with 2 movies and 1 KBS Drama SP, and I think she's masterful at playing the bullied-innocent-virginal-girl with mild puppydog expressions to turn on and off depending on how much sympathy she wants to evoke from her ahjumma (korean homemakers) audiences.

Never mind her learning curve is as flat as the Incheon airport runway or that she's driven by her own (actually the scriptwriter's) moral values and no matter how much you lie to her, cheat her, abuse her, insult her, plot against her, slap her, and slap her again, and lie to her yet again - she always smiles back at you (after crying of course) and tells you you're only being mean out of love for her and that deep down you're a good person.

Serial stalkers could learn a thing or two about persistence and perseverance from the rubber-stretching personality of Eun Nim -

you think she looks like easy meat but underneath her exterior is a layer of thick elastic rubber overlaying a film of protective Kevlar, 5 times stronger than steel and bulletproof.

Not only will this drama probably end with Eun Nim reaping whatever rewards the scriptwriter has planned for her but she'll do it with the exact same innocent and clueless expression she had the first time we saw her.

I'm not a fan of this morning drama and I only watch it on KBSW becos it has english subs and it airs when I'm munching on my dinner.

The over-used typical plot of every morning drama past and present is the sort you leave your brains switched off or else you're gonna be filled with unnecessary angst and more angst or worse, temporary chronic loss of sanity and inability to grasp the drama's daily slow-plodding story arcs.

How slow is slow? Well, you can tell by the same (and I do mean same) facial expressions everyone wears for every scene every day every week except for the odd few like Jumi who has to also wear the pretend-to-be-normal in between her moments of crazed anger.

A 3-legged brontosaurus can probably cover more distance in 40 minutes than a single episode of this drama. Yes, the fact it's an extinct species indicates where this drama will soon be heading.

Still I'm able to smile becos Yoon Ah Jung and her more famous co-star Kang Sora (who plays her feisty younger sister) are just what I need to wind down after my day shift. Brain-food for thought.

This is because the make-believe shenanigans in this drama is still nothing compared to the real world in which some of us face daily.

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